19 research outputs found

    Toxic Systemic Reaction after Bee Stings in a Bitch

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    Background: Bee sting poisonings are common in dogs, and toxic systemic presentation may represent a life-threatening condition. Apis mellifera venom is a complex mixture of melitin, apamine, phospholipase, hyaluronidase and degranulating peptides, that causes local injury at the site of inoculation and multiple organ complications, including hemolysis, kidney injury, muscular damage, cardiovascular and respiratory complications. The present work reports a complete and detailed description of a dog’s systemic toxic reaction to bee stings, including history, clinical signs, laboratory findings, emergency care and development, as well as possible association with later immunomediated arthritis. Case: A 6-year-old female German Shepperd suffered multiple bee stings. First care was conducted by a veterinary at the site, where he only received promethazine, meloxicam and dexamethasone. After 24 h and significant progression of symptoms, the animal was forwarded to a specialized veterinary hospital. The patient was evaluated throughout 9 days, and presented intense edema, respiratory distress, tongue necrosis and grade II of acute kidney injury. Extensive laboratory exams were conducted throughout the hospitalization. Main laboratory findings included polycythemia, leukocytosis by neutrophilia and monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and azotemia. Urinalysis evidenced turbid aspect, dark yellow color and intense proteinuria, reinforcing kidney damage. Abdominal ultrasound examination identified blood clots in the bladder, and liver with reduced echogenicity and echotexture, suggesting acute inflammation. Therapy aimed to stabilize the patient, control kidney damage and avoid anaphylaxis. Treatment included intensive care support, promethazine, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, dipyrone, methadone, metronidazole, ampicillin, clindamycin and tramadol. Following successful treatment, the animal presented immunomediated polyarthritis, possibly associated to both the poisoning and later diagnosed hemoparasitosis (both Erlichia and Babesia). Discussion: Massive bee attacks can cause severe complications, however, data regarding emergency care records are scarce. Based on clinical signs and laboratory findings, the patient presented toxic systemic reaction, including grade II of acute kidney injury and significant cardiorespiratory distress. Another important complication was tongue necrosis, that demanded attention and special supportive care, including feeding tube and specific feed. Treatment also focused in reducing edema and control possible anaphylaxis, providing analgesia and antibiotic therapy. Laboratory findings have been previously described, with evidence of immune-mediated reaction. Follow-up consultations revealed normal parameters, and an unusual presentation of claudication. Investigation concluded that polyarthritis could be responsible for such finding and may be a result of the deposition of immunomediated complexes in the joints, due in this case to the bee poisoning and later positive diagnosis for both Erlichia and Babesia. Systemic reactions to bee stings are complex, and full clinical and laboratory profile aid in both the prognosis and treatment options. Special attention must be given to tongue damage and supportive care is essential for maintaining feeding conditions. Arthritis should be considered as possible complication, reinforcing the importance of follow-up consultations. Keywords: bee attack, dog, envenomation, melittin; poisoning, phospholipase A2

    In vitro toxicity of Niedenzuella (Tetrapterys) multiglandulosa on bovine embryos

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    Niedenzuella (Tetrapterys) multiglandulosa, a vine plant found in Brazil, has been correlated to outbreaks of poisoning in cattle and buffaloes, generating economic losses related to the death due to heart failure, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality. The aim of this study was to examine the embryotoxic potential of the aqueous plant extract on in vitro bovine embryos. In vitro study was performed in five replicates of bovine embryo culture assigned in two groups: control, in vitro embryo culture medium without the aqueous plant extract; treated group, with addition of 2.7mg/mL of aqueous plant extract (10%) to the embryo culture on the sixth day of culture. Cleavage rate was evaluated at day 2 of the cell culture. Viability, hatchability and underdevelopment of blastocysts on the seventh, eighth, and ninth days (D7, D8, and D9, respectively) of culture were assessed under stereoscopic microscope. On day 7, blastocysts were submitted to TUNEL assay to determine apoptotic index. In vitro exposure of bovine embryos to of N. multiglandulosa resulted in reduced embryo development and survival, evaluated by dark cytoplasm indicating poor morphology and poor quality with marked reduction of hatchability. We observed a significant reduction of blastocyst production/number of cleaved embryos (60.6% vs 41.5%); reduction of blastocysts production/total number of matured bovine oocytes (35.1% vs 21.3%); and embryonic hatching rates (38.0% vs 10.0%). However, no effects were observed on the apoptotic rate. In conclusion, aqueous extract of N. multiglandulosa leaves reduces bovine embryo viability in vitro, suggesting possible detrimental effects on embryo development. Key words: apoptosis; blastocyst; toxic plant

    Eficiência de Malhas Amostrais na Caracterização da Variabilidade Espacial de Atributos Físicos do Solo

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    O avanço do conhecimento da variabilidade espacial dos atributos do solo, por meio do uso de ferramentas da agricultura de precisão e geoestatística, tem sido considerado como uma estratégia de manejo que visa maximizar a produtividade agrícola. Objetivo foi avaliar a eficiência de malhas amostrais na caracterização da variabilidade espacial dos atributos físicos do solo na cultura do fumo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Capivari, no município de Governador Mangabeira, Bahia. Avaliou-se: resistência do solo à penetração de raízes e condutividade hidráulica em duas malhas regulares, de 15x15 e 25x25 m, georreferenciadas. A resistência à penetração foi avaliada mediante o uso de penetrômetro de impacto. A determinação da condutividade hidráulica foi realizada por meio de ensaios em permeâmetro de carga constante. Os valores de resistência à penetração da malha 1 (15x15m) concentraram-se na faixa de pouca limitação a penetração de raízes, enquanto que na malha 2 (25x25m) no perfil abaixo dos 0,40 m valores superiores a 2,6 MPa, o que já implica em algumas limitações à penetração de raízes. Os dados demonstram que a malha amostral de maior dimensão apresenta grande potencial em detectar diferentes escalas de variabilidade espacial dos atributos físicos avaliados em Latossolos sob cultivo de fumo

    Evaluation of mesenchymal cells and dapsone for the treatment of dermonecrotic wounds caused by Loxosceles laeta venom in rabbits

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    This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), alone or associated with dapsone (DAP), in treating dermonecrotic wounds caused by Loxosceles laeta venom. Twenty-five male rabbits were distributed into five groups. Negative control received ultrapure water (C-), whilst all other groups were injected with 20 μg of L. laeta venom. After 4 hours, each group received one of the following treatments: PBS (C+), DAP, MSC, and DAP+MSC. Animals were evaluated daily and photographic records made for analysis of wound area. Twelve days after, animals were euthanized and skin samples removed for histological analysis. We observed that DAP showed the best percentage of wound contraction at day 3. In the treatments using MSCs, a negative value of wound contraction was observed for the isolated MSCs, as well as a lower contraction value for the association of the MSC + DAP when compared to PBS, probably, by the increase in initial inflammation after the application of stem cells, due to the fact that MSCs secrete a broad spectrum of bioactive molecules such as cytokines and growth factors that favor regeneration. Histologically, it was observed that animals of C+ showed extensive areas of necrosis, ulcers, neutrophilic infiltrate, and mineralization. Collagen deposition showed increase in MSC+DAP treatment, however vascularization remained unchanged. This is the first report using MSC and MSC+DAP as a treatment for cutaneous loxoscelism and more studies are needed to determine its use as an alternative therapy for dermonecrotic lesions caused by Loxosceles spider. Key words: loxoscelism; MSC; stem cells; spider venom; wound repair

    Expedição ao Sítio Histórico e Patrimônio Cultural Kalunga: um Relato de Experiência

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    The Kalunga Historical and Cultural Heritage Site (SHPCK) is located in the northeast of Goiás and is considered one of the best-preserved areas of native Cerrado in all of Brazil. This is due to local geographic characteristics and mainly to the sustainable character of agricultural production by the traditional peoples who inhabit the region. In addition to having a vast preserved territory, the Kalungas have unique traditional knowledge about local plants. Due to biodiversity, they have access to herbal plants that can be used in human and animal food. However, the number of species of toxic plants may also considered high. With this report we aim to describe the unique experience that was the Expedition to the Kalunga Historical and Cultural Site and Heritage, as well as to emphasize the importance of the toxic plants of the Cerrado and the appreciation of traditional knowledge.A Comunidade Quilombola Kalunga fixou-se no Sítio Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga (SHPCK), localizado no nordeste do estado de Goiás, e é considerada uma das áreas mais bem preservadas de Cerrado nativo em todo o Brasil. Isso se deve à dificuldade de acesso, às características geográficas locais e também ao caráter sustentável da produção agropecuária do povo quilombola que habita a região. Além de possuírem vasto território preservado, os Kalungas detêm conhecimento tradicional singular sobre as plantas locais e, graças à biodiversidade do Cerrado, eles têm acesso a plantas fitoterápicas e que podem ser utilizadas na alimentação humana e animal. No entanto, o número de espécies de plantas tóxicas também pode ser considerado elevado. Com este relato, objetivamos descrever a experiência única que foi a Expedição ao Sítio e Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga, assim como ressaltar a importância das plantas tóxicas do Cerrado e da valorização do conhecimento tradicional.A Comunidade Quilombola Kalunga fixou-se no Sítio Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga (SHPCK), localizado no nordeste do estado de Goiás, e é considerada uma das áreas mais bem preservadas de Cerrado nativo em todo o Brasil. Isso se deve à dificuldade de acesso, às características geográficas locais e também ao caráter sustentável da produção agropecuária do povo quilombola que habita a região. Além de possuírem vasto território preservado, os Kalungas detêm conhecimento tradicional singular sobre as plantas locais e, graças à biodiversidade do Cerrado, eles têm acesso a plantas fitoterápicas e que podem ser utilizadas na alimentação humana e animal. No entanto, o número de espécies de plantas tóxicas também pode ser considerado elevado. Com este relato, objetivamos descrever a experiência única que foi a Expedição ao Sítio e Patrimônio Histórico e Cultural Kalunga, assim como ressaltar a importância das plantas tóxicas do Cerrado e da valorização do conhecimento tradicional

    Retrospective study of pre-anesthetic electrocardiogram examination of 700 dogs conducted at the Veterinary Hospital of UFMG (2013-2014)

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    Abstract: Pre-operative electrocardiograms performed in 700 dogs were analyzed in order to establish correlation between sex, age, indication for surgery, body condition score, breed and weight. Initially a clinical questionnaire was filled out from each owner, including age, breed, sex, weight, clinical history and surgical indication. Dogs above 6 years of age or those showing any kind of cardiac auscultation disturbances were referred to electrocardiogram (ECG) evaluation. All ECG were performed and analyzed by the same veterinary specialist. Abnormalities at ECG were founnd in 364 of 700 (52%) evaluated dogs, and the most frequent variation was sinus arrhythmia, observed in 293 dogs (25.4%). No significant correlation was found between the electrocardiographic alterations with weight, sex and age of the animals. Therefore ECG should be conducted routinely regardless of age, sex, breed or surgical indication, highlighting its value for determining a safe anesthetic protocol that promotes minimal cardiopulmonary depression and allows rapid post-surgical recovery

    Proteinogram of Immunized Sheep with Detoxified Tiyus serrulatus Scorpion Venom

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    Background: Scorpionism is a worldwide medical issue, especially relevant in the tropical and subtropical countries. Tityus serrulatus is the species responsible for most cases in Brazil. Antivenom administration to victims is the sole specific therapy obtained from donor animals. Most of these donors suffer with symptoms of the poisoning, debilitating their health and reducing their life expectancy. The aim of the present research was to evaluate whether the immunogens prepared from the crude and detoxified venom of T. serrulatus promoted different changes in fractionated sheep plasma proteins, during a scorpion antivenom serum production.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve sheep, healthy, mean weight of 30 kg, were distributed into 3 groups (n = 4): G1 (control), G2 (crude venom) and G3 (detoxified venom). The adopted immunization protocol (first cycle) had 6 doses, 3 using Freund's adjuvant, with a 21-day interval between each one (day 0, 22 and 43), and 3 doses with no adjuvant (booster) and 0.2 mg of antigen (reinforcement), spaced 3 days between each other (day 50, 53 and 56). Group control (G1) received 6 immunizations with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) associated with Freund's adjuvant (1:1), while the other 2 groups received 0.5 mg of venom (G2) and detoxified venom (G3), respectively, diluted in PBS, associated with the Freund adjuvant. The boosters were 1/3 of the initial dose, diluted only PBS. At baseline (T0) and at 24 and 48 h after immunization, all animals underwent clinical examinations. Blood samples were collected at day 0, 22, 43, 53 and 56 for proteinogram analysis. Total protein, albumin and globulins fractions were measured. Plasma albumin concentration at T0 ranged from 3.41-4.86 g/dL, with a mean value of 4.12 g/dL. There was no statistical difference between the 3 experimental groups. The normal values determined for α-globulin range from 0.14 to 0.54 g/dL, with a mean of 0.31 g/dL (T0). There was a significant increase in the 3rd immunization and its respective interval (24-48 h), with values above normal in all groups: G1 (0.66 g/dL), G2 (0.62 g/dL) and G3 (0.65g/dL). The β-globulin was subdivided into β1 and β2 globulin. At T0, the normal values of β1 ranged from 0.45 to 1.05 g/dL, with a mean of 0.664 g/dL, and no significant change was observed in this classification. On the other hand, there was an abrupt increase in β2 in all groups after the first immunization, compared to the baseline value in T0 (0.37 g/dL mean value). From the third to the 6th immunization, there was an important reduction in β2 fraction when compared with baseline value. The γ-globulins fraction ranged from 0.80 g/dL to 76 g/dL. In the 6th immunization, there was a significant difference between G1 and the groups that received venom (G2 and G3). Therefore, all animals presented an acute inflammatory response, evidenced by the significant reduction of plasma albumin and an increase in α-globulin and β2-globulin. It is important to point out that T. serrulatus detoxified venom did not cause alterations in ovine proteinogram during the first cycle of immunization.Discussion: The fact that both groups (G2 and G3) presented acute inflammatory response, indicates that this alteration is caused by the adjuvant present in the immunization protocol. Tityus serrulatus venom detoxified with glutaraldehyde did not ~cause significant alterations in ovine proteinogram in the early stages, suggesting that itmay be used as an alternative antigen for the production of antivenom, improving clinical conditions of donor animals.Keywords: scorpion, clinical pathology, ruminants, inflammation, antiserum.Título: Proteinograma de ovelhas imunizadas com veneno detoxificado do escorpião Tityus serrulatusDescritores: escorpião, patologia clínica, ruminantes, inflamação, antisoro

    Proteinogram of Immunized Sheep with Detoxified Tiyus serrulatus Scorpion Venom

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    Background: Scorpionism is a worldwide medical issue, especially relevant in the tropical and subtropical countries. Tityus serrulatus is the species responsible for most cases in Brazil. Antivenom administration to victims is the sole specific therapy obtained from donor animals. Most of these donors suffer with symptoms of the poisoning, debilitating their health and reducing their life expectancy. The aim of the present research was to evaluate whether the immunogens prepared from the crude and detoxified venom of T. serrulatus promoted different changes in fractionated sheep plasma proteins, during a scorpion antivenom serum production.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve sheep, healthy, mean weight of 30 kg, were distributed into 3 groups (n = 4): G1 (control), G2 (crude venom) and G3 (detoxified venom). The adopted immunization protocol (first cycle) had 6 doses, 3 using Freund's adjuvant, with a 21-day interval between each one (day 0, 22 and 43), and 3 doses with no adjuvant (booster) and 0.2 mg of antigen (reinforcement), spaced 3 days between each other (day 50, 53 and 56). Group control (G1) received 6 immunizations with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) associated with Freund's adjuvant (1:1), while the other 2 groups received 0.5 mg of venom (G2) and detoxified venom (G3), respectively, diluted in PBS, associated with the Freund adjuvant. The boosters were 1/3 of the initial dose, diluted only PBS. At baseline (T0) and at 24 and 48 h after immunization, all animals underwent clinical examinations. Blood samples were collected at day 0, 22, 43, 53 and 56 for proteinogram analysis. Total protein, albumin and globulins fractions were measured. Plasma albumin concentration at T0 ranged from 3.41-4.86 g/dL, with a mean value of 4.12 g/dL. There was no statistical difference between the 3 experimental groups. The normal values determined for α-globulin range from 0.14 to 0.54 g/dL, with a mean of 0.31 g/dL (T0). There was a significant increase in the 3rd immunization and its respective interval (24-48 h), with values above normal in all groups: G1 (0.66 g/dL), G2 (0.62 g/dL) and G3 (0.65g/dL). The β-globulin was subdivided into β1 and β2 globulin. At T0, the normal values of β1 ranged from 0.45 to 1.05 g/dL, with a mean of 0.664 g/dL, and no significant change was observed in this classification. On the other hand, there was an abrupt increase in β2 in all groups after the first immunization, compared to the baseline value in T0 (0.37 g/dL mean value). From the third to the 6th immunization, there was an important reduction in β2 fraction when compared with baseline value. The γ-globulins fraction ranged from 0.80 g/dL to 76 g/dL. In the 6th immunization, there was a significant difference between G1 and the groups that received venom (G2 and G3). Therefore, all animals presented an acute inflammatory response, evidenced by the significant reduction of plasma albumin and an increase in α-globulin and β2-globulin. It is important to point out that T. serrulatus detoxified venom did not cause alterations in ovine proteinogram during the first cycle of immunization.Discussion: The fact that both groups (G2 and G3) presented acute inflammatory response, indicates that this alteration is caused by the adjuvant present in the immunization protocol. Tityus serrulatus venom detoxified with glutaraldehyde did not ~cause significant alterations in ovine proteinogram in the early stages, suggesting that itmay be used as an alternative antigen for the production of antivenom, improving clinical conditions of donor animals.Keywords: scorpion, clinical pathology, ruminants, inflammation, antiserum.Título: Proteinograma de ovelhas imunizadas com veneno detoxificado do escorpião Tityus serrulatusDescritores: escorpião, patologia clínica, ruminantes, inflamação, antisoro