104 research outputs found

    Fake news and information professionals' codes of ethics

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    The goal of this paper is to discuss concepts related to Fake News. The study includes the different meanings of Fake News, along with related information disorders. It also includes an analysis of information professionals' ethical codes in relation to information disorders and ethical behaviours regarding information management. The speed and ease with which Fake News can be disseminated has implications for these information professionals. The literature review explore some of the different taxonomies and typologies of Fake News published by the following authors: Aznar (2019), Froehlich (2017), Verstraete, Bambauer and Bambauer (2017) and Wardle and Derakshan (2017). Methodologically, this paper analyzes the information professionals' codes of conduct for the main organizations and associations, in a thoughtful manner. These codes of conduct include those published by the International Federation of Libraries (IFLA, 2017), the American Library Association (ALA, 2017), the Association for Information Sciences and Technology (ASIS&T, 1992), and the Society of Professional Journalists (Society of Professional Journalists, 2014). We also discuss guidelines to avoid unethical behaviours relating to information. The conclusions inferred from this study are that Fake News impacts many different disciplines, such as economics and science. However, information professionals, through their codes of conduct and aided by technology, can help society prevent the spread of Fake News

    The Digital Identity of Graduate Students

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    Graduate students need a digital identity in order to be found by an academic colleague or a future employer. However, the lack of technical skills and familiarity with the necessary digital tools is a handicap even when graduate students use their personal social network accounts. The construction of their own professional brand starts with the choice of the right strategy and tools. Not all graduate students have the same goals, needs, requirements, and skills. Those who are doing a PhD do not need the same digital identity as those who are getting a master’s degree. In fact, their online visibility and their personal and professional goals are different. So the structure of their digital identity and the tools necessary for this identity must also be somewhat different. Furthermore, the use of the right online tools is not always easy to manage. The proper use of a tool and the right content for publication on social media are of prime importance. The use of different platforms such as scholarly social networks or professional social networks must be clearly distinguished. It is true that gaining online visibility helps the graduate student, and not only in his or her personal or professional lives. In the long term, online visibility also helps the institution where the graduate student is enrolled. Therefore, online reputation must be treated carefully

    Teaching in Library and Information Studies: Creating videos to provide educational content

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    Der Beitrag berichtet über die Erfahrungen mit der Veröffentlichung von Videos als Bildungsinhalte an der Universität von Barcelona. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat mehrere Änderungen in der Lehre der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften erzwungen. Fernunterricht hat gezeigt, dass die Studierenden unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse in Bezug auf die Bereitstellung von Unterrichtsmaterialien haben. Ebenso müssen Professor*innen den Studierenden die bestmögliche Erfahrung im Fernunterricht bieten, wenn Unterrichtskurse an der Universität nicht möglich sind. Dies führt zu der Frage, ob Informationskompetenz und digitale Kompetenz eine wichtige Rolle spielen, insbesondere für Professor*innen bei der Betreuung von Studierenden.COVID-19 has forced several changes in the teaching of Library and Information Studies. In this article we explain our experience in creating and publishing videos as educational content at the University of Barcelona. Students having to learn by distance teaching have different needs in regard to the provision of educational materials. Similarly, professors need to give the best possible experience to distance students when face-to-face courses are not possible. This leads to the question of the roles that information literacy and digital literacy play, especially for professors

    Fake News y los códigos éticos de los profesionales de la información

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    The goal of this paper is to discuss concepts related to Fake News. The study includes the different meanings of Fake News, along with related information disorders. It also includes an analysis of information professionals’ ethical codes in relation to information disorders and ethical behaviours regarding information management. The speed and ease with which Fake News can be disseminated has implications for these information professionals. The literature review explore some of the different taxonomies and typologies of Fake News published by the following authors: Aznar (2019), Froehlich (2017), Verstraete, Bambauer and Bambauer (2017) and Wardle and Derakshan (2017). Methodologically, this paper analyzes the information professionals’ codes of conduct for the main organizations and associations, in a thoughtful manner. These codes of conduct include those published by the International Federation of Libraries (IFLA, 2017), the American Library Association (ALA, 2017), the Association for Information Sciences and Technology (ASIS&T, 1992), and the Society of Professional Journalists (Society of Professional Journalists, 2014). We also discuss guidelines to avoid unethical behaviours relating to information. The conclusions inferred from this study are that Fake News impacts many different disciplines, such as economics and science. However, information professionals, through their codes of conduct and aided by technology, can help society prevent the spread of Fake News. This work is part of the project "Narración  interactiva y visibilidad digital en el documental interactivo y el periodismo estructurado” RTI2018-095714-B-C21 (MICINN/FEDER), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España) and has had the support from the consolidated research group “Cultura i Continguts Digitals” (SGR 2017-422), funded by the Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) of the Generalitat de Catalunya (España).El objetivo de este artículo es debatir los conceptos relacionados con las Fake News. Estos conceptos están relacionados con los diferentes significados de las noticias falsas, el trastorno informativo, así como analizar códigos éticos de los profesionales de la información frente a los desórdenes informativos y al comportamiento ético con respecto a la gestión de la información. La rapidez y facilidad con las que se pueden difundir las noticias falsas tiene implicaciones en estos profesionales. En la revisión de la literatura se exploran las diferentes taxonomías y tipologías de Fake News publicadas por los siguientes autores: Aznar (2019), Froehlich (2017), Verstraete, Bambauer y Bambauer (2017) y Wardle y Derakshan (2017). Así, se debate de forma reflexiva los códigos de conducta de las principales organizaciones y asociaciones de estos colectivos. Metodológicamente se analiza de manera reflexiva la información de los códigos profesionales de conducta de los profesionales de la información para las principales organizaciones y asociaciones. Se analizan los códigos publicados por la Federación Internacional de Bibliotecas (IFLA, 2017) y otras entidades también relevantes como la Asociación Americana de Bibliotecas (ALA, 2017), la Asociación de Ciencias de la Información y Tecnología (ASIS&T, 1992) y Sociedad de periodistas profesionales (Society of Professionals Journalists, 2014). Se muestra también unas pautas para evitar comportamientos no éticos con la información. Las conclusiones que se derivan de este estudio es que las Fake News impactan en muy diversos ámbitos como la economía o la ciencia. No obstante, los profesionales de la información mediante sus códigos de conducta pueden ayudar a la sociedad a evitar la diseminación de noticias falsas, pero también ayudados por la tecnología. Este trabajo es parte del proyecto "Narración  interactiva y visibilidad  digital en  el documental interactivo y el periodismo   estructurado” RTI2018-095714-B-C21 (MICINN/FEDER), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España) y tiene el soporte del grupo consolidado de investigación “Cultura i Continguts Digitals” (SGR 2017-422), financiado por la Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) de la Generalitat de Catalunya (España)

    Datasets Management inclusion into collections and digital preservation aspects

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    Datasets are being included into libraries collections and later disseminated through the collections to the end-user. However, there are questions that need to be solved regarding dataset digital curation, legal aspects and its further dissemination. Datasets are created and distributed among several types of licenses. This suppose questions to be solved by libraries to include datasets into their collections, specially to further reuse. An ideal dataset is one that would be under Open Access license, but this is not always the case. A dataset can be found in many places and sometimes is difficult not only to found them but also to process and reuse them. Therefore, it is necessary the role of the dataset curator to validate the integrity and selecting the appropriate dataset for their inclusion into a collection

    Challenges for the educational system during lockdowns: A possible new framework for teaching and learning for the near future

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has heightened several challenges in higher education. In this paper, we focus on the use of technology, teaching methodologies and literacy skills. The challenges relating to the use of technology in higher education include the digital divide created by unequal access to the internet in many countries. In terms of teaching methodologies, distance learning may be faced with additional challenges in student evaluation or in the learning process itself, as in some educational disciplines face-to-face teaching is essential. Literacy skills with an emphasis on digital skills will be a part of the solution going forward if lock-downs persist. Finally, librarians are in an excellent position to engage with their communities by teaching literacy skills and digital skills in effectively using technology, which will be a much-needed part of the educational system as new teaching methodologies emerge

    Lack of standards in evaluating YouTube health videos

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    This paper is a systematised literature review of YouTube research in health with the aim of identify the different keyword search strategies, retrieval strategies and scoring systems to assess video content. A total of 176 peer-reviewed papers about video content analysis and video evaluation were extracted from the PubMed database. Concerning keyword search strategy, 16 papers (9.09 %) reported that search terms were obtained from tools like Google Trends or other sources. In just one paper, a librarian was included in the research team. Manual retrieval is a common technique, and just four studies (2.27 %) reported using a different methodology. Manual retrieval also produces YouTube algorithm dependencies and consequently obtains biased results. Most other methodologies to analyse video content are based on written medical guidelines instead of video because a standard methodology is lacking. For several reasons, reliability cannot be verified. In addition, because studies cannot be repeated, the results cannot be verified and compared. This paper reports some guidelines to improve research on YouTube, including guidelines to avoid YouTube dependencies and scoring system issues

    Datasets Management as a Special Collection

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    There are several dataset management challenges to be faced in the coming years. The incorporation of the datasets into special collections will be a challenge. As well as formats management, libraries with datasets will have to deal with issues such as right management, interoperability or the election adequacy to the end-user and findability. However, it must be recognized that incompatibilities could be solved through data auditing. The appropriate type of digital preservation strategy will have to be considered in order to maintain accessibility.This paper presents a review of the literature that discusses datasets in special collections

    Perceived barriers for distance teaching in higher education during the COVID-19 crisis: 'I never did a video before'

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse barriers that a selected group of professors at the University of Barcelona faced due to the COVID-19 restrictions, their perceptions of the current situation, and the potential for long-term adoption of new teaching methods that emerged from this situation. It remains unclear whether these professors will return to traditional teaching methods as soon as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, or whether they will adopt digital teaching elements in the future. The group of professors sought technical help during the first weeks of online teaching. This research uses a qualitative approach through a self-administered qualitative survey. We analyse data using open-ended questions about barriers they faced in creating educational content via video. Answers were coded and analysed using thematic analysis with an inductive approach. We identified two overarching themes: educational material delivery and professors and distance teaching. Findings indicate that professors lacked digital skills as well as a lack of knowledge of emergency remote teaching. There were differences in their perceptions of teaching methodologies. The results are discussed in relation to research from other countries about the use of videos for teaching before and during the COVID-19 crisis

    Cultivating Information Literacy Through SDGs: a Comprehensive Spotify Song Analysis

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    Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals . Presentació de l’alumnat de GIDD i INFOCOM al Congrés BOBCATSSS 2024, Curs: 2023-2024, Director: Boté-Vericad, Juan-JoséPresentació de l’alumnat de GIDD i INFOCOM al Congrés BOBCATSSS 2024, el congrés internacional adreçat a alumnat i professorat de Gestió d'Informació i Documentació Digital d'arreu, celebrat a Coimbra (Portugal), del 23 al 25 de gener del 2024