10 research outputs found

    Simultaneous quantum estimation of phase and indistinguishability in a two photon interferometer

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    With the rapid development of quantum technologies in recent years, the need for high sensitivity measuring techniques has become a key issue. In particular, optical sensors based on quantum states of light have proven to be optimal resources for high precision interferometry. Nevertheless, their performance may be severely affected by the presence of noise or imperfections. In this work we derive the quantum Fisher information matrix associated to the simultaneous estimation of an interferometric phase and the indistinguishability characterizing the probe state consisting of an even number of photons. We find the optimal measurement attaining the ultimate precision for both parameters in a single setup and perform an experiment based on a pair of photons with an unknown degree of indistinguishability entering a two-port interferometer.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    LOCC convertibility of entangled states in infinite-dimensional systems

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    We advance on the conversion of bipartite quantum states via local operations and classical communication for infinite-dimensional systems. We introduce δ-LOCC convertibility based on the observation that any pure state can be approximated by a state with finite-support Schmidt coefficients. We show that δ-LOCC convertibility of bipartite states is fully characterized by a majorization relation between the sequences of squared Schmidt coefficients, providing a novel extension of Nielsen’s theorem for infinite-dimensional systems. Hence, our definition is equivalent to the one of ε-LOCC convertibility [Quantum Inf. Comput. 8, 0030 (2008)], but deals with states having finitely supported sequences of Schmidt coefficients. Additionally, we discuss the notions of optimal common resource and optimal common product in this scenario. The optimal common product always exists, whereas the optimal common resource depends on the existence of a common resource. This highlights a distinction between the resource-theoretic aspects of finite versus infinite-dimensional systems. Our results rely on the order-theoretic properties of majorization for infinite sequences, applicable beyond the LOCC convertibility problem

    Optimal quantum teleportation protocols for fixed average fidelity

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    We demonstrate that among all quantum teleportation protocols giving rise to the same average fidelity, those with aligned Bloch vectors between input and output states exhibit the minimum average trace distance. This defines optimal protocols. Furthermore, we show that optimal protocols can be interpreted as the perfect quantum teleportation protocol under the action of correlated one-qubit channels. In particular, we focus on the deterministic case, for which the final Bloch vector length is equal for all measurement outcomes. Within these protocols, there exists one type that corresponds to the action of uncorrelated channels: these are depolarizing channels. Thus, we established the optimal quantum teleportation protocol under a very common experimental noise.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Coherence resource power of isocoherent states

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    We address the problem of comparing quantum states with the same amount of coherence in terms of their coherence resource power given by the preorder of incoherent operations. For any coherence measure, two states with null or maximum value of coherence are equivalent with respect to that preorder. This is no longer true for intermediate values of coherence when pure states of quantum systems with dimension greater than two are considered. In particular, we show that, for any value of coherence (except the extreme values, zero and the maximum), there are infinite incomparable pure states with that value of coherence. These results are not peculiarities of a given coherence measure, but common properties of every well-behaved coherence measure. Furthermore, we show that for qubit mixed states there exist coherence measures, such as the relative entropy of coherence, that admit incomparable isocoherent states

    Lossless quantum data compression with exponential penalization: an operational interpretation of the quantum Rényi entropy

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    Abstract Based on the problem of quantum data compression in a lossless way, we present here an operational interpretation for the family of quantum Rényi entropies. In order to do this, we appeal to a very general quantum encoding scheme that satisfies a quantum version of the Kraft-McMillan inequality. Then, in the standard situation, where one is intended to minimize the usual average length of the quantum codewords, we recover the known results, namely that the von Neumann entropy of the source bounds the average length of the optimal codes. Otherwise, we show that by invoking an exponential average length, related to an exponential penalization over large codewords, the quantum Rényi entropies arise as the natural quantities relating the optimal encoding schemes with the source description, playing an analogous role to that of von Neumann entropy

    The lattice of trumping majorization for 4D probability vectors and 2D catalysts

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    Abstract The transformation of an initial bipartite pure state into a target one by means of local operations and classical communication and entangled-assisted by a catalyst defines a partial order between probability vectors. This partial order, so-called trumping majorization, is based on tensor products and the majorization relation. Here, we aim to study order properties of trumping majorization. We show that the trumping majorization partial order is indeed a lattice for four dimensional probability vectors and two dimensional catalysts. In addition, we show that the subadditivity and supermodularity of the Shannon entropy on the majorization lattice are inherited by the trumping majorization lattice. Finally, we provide a suitable definition of distance for four dimensional probability vectors

    Quantum Foundations. 90 Years of Uncertainty

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    The name of Joseph Fourier is also inseparable from the study of the mathematics of heat. Modern research on heat equations explores the extension of the classical diffusion equation on Riemannian, sub-Riemannian manifolds, and Lie groups. In parallel, in geometric mechanics, Jean-Marie Souriau interpreted the temperature vector of Planck as a space-time vector, obtaining, in this way, a phenomenological model of continuous media, which presents some interesting properties

    Special Issue “Quantum Foundations: 90 Years of Uncertainty”

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    The VII Conference on Quantum Foundations: 90 years of uncertainty (https://sites [...