38 research outputs found

    Long-Term Serial Follow-Up of Pulmonary Artery Size and Wall Shear Stress in Fontan Patients

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    Pulmonary arterial (PA) flow is abnormal after the Fontan operation and is marked by a lack of pulsatility. We assessed the effects of this abnormal flow on the size and function of the PA’s in Fontan patients in long-term serial follow-up. Twenty-three Fontan patients with serial follow-up were included. Median age was 11.1 (9.5–16.0) years at baseline and 15.5 (12.5–22.7) years at follow-up. Median follow-up duration was 4.4 (4.0–5.8) years. Flow and size of the left pulmonary artery were determined using phase-contrast MRI. From this wall shear stress (WSS), distensibility and pulsatility were determined. A group of healthy peers was included for reference. Flow and pulsatility were significantly lower in patients than in controls (p < 0.001). Mean area was comparable in patients and controls, but distensibility was significantly higher in controls (p < 0.001). Mean and peak WSS were significantly lowe

    Lifelines NEXT:a prospective birth cohort adding the next generation to the three-generation Lifelines cohort study

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    Epidemiological research has shown there to be a strong relationship between preconceptional, prenatal, birth and early-life factors and lifelong health. The Lifelines NEXT is a birth cohort designed to study the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic determinants on health and disease in a four-generation design. It is embedded within the Lifelines cohort study, a prospective three-generation population-based cohort study recording the health and health-related aspects of 167,729 individuals living in Northern Netherlands. In Lifelines NEXT we aim to include 1500 pregnant Lifelines participants and intensively follow them, their partners and their children until at least 1 year after birth. Longer-term follow-up of physical and psychological health will then be embedded following Lifelines procedures. During the Lifelines NEXT study period biomaterials-including maternal and neonatal (cord) blood, placental tissue, feces, breast milk, nasal swabs and urine-will be collected from the mother and child at 10 time points. We will also collect data on medical, social, lifestyle and environmental factors via questionnaires at 14 different time points and continuous data via connected devices. The extensive collection of different (bio)materials from mother and child during pregnancy and afterwards will provide the means to relate environmental factors including maternal and neonatal microbiome composition) to (epi)genetics, health and developmental outcomes. The nesting of the study within Lifelines enables us to include preconceptional transgenerational data and can be used to identify other extended families within the cohort

    Atrial function in Fontan patients assessed by CMR: Relation with exercise capacity and long-term outcomes

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    Objective: To assess the role of atrial function on exercise capacity and clinical events in Fontan patients. Design: We included 96 Fontan patients from 6 tertiary centers, aged 12.8 (IQR 10.1–15.6) years, who underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and cardiopulmonary exercise testing within 12 months of each other from 2004 to 2017. Intra-atrial lateral tunnel (ILT) and extracardiac conduit (ECC) patients were matched 1:1 with regard to age, gender and dominant ventricle. The pulmonary venous atrium was manually segmented in all phases and slices. Atrial function was assessed by volume-time curves. Furthermore, atrial longitudinal and circumferential feature tracking strain was assessed. We determined the relation between atrial function and exercise capacity, assessed by peak oxygen uptake and VE/VCO2 slope, and events (mortality, listing for transplant, re-intervention, arrhythmia) during follow-up. Results: Atrial maximal and minimal volumes did not differ between ILT and ECC patients. ECC patients had higher reservoir function (21.1 [16.4–28.0]% vs 18.2 [10.9–22.2]%, p = .03), lower conduit function and lower total circumferential strain (13.8 ± 5.1% vs 18.0 ± 8.7%, p = .01), compared to ILT patients. Only for ECC patients, a better late peak circumferential strain rate predicted better VE/VCO2 slope. No other parameter of atrial function predicted peak oxygen uptake or VE/VCO2 slope. During a median follow-up of 6.2 years,

    Implementing Individually Tailored Prescription of Physical Activity in Routine Clinical Care:Protocol of the Physicians Implement Exercise = Medicine (PIE=M) Development and Implementation Project

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    BACKGROUND: The prescription of physical activity (PA) in clinical care has been advocated worldwide. This "exercise is medicine" (E=M) concept can be used to prevent, manage, and cure various lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Due to several challenges, E=M is not yet routinely implemented in clinical care. OBJECTIVE: This paper describes the rationale and design of the Physicians Implement Exercise = Medicine (PIE=M) study, which aims to facilitate the implementation of E=M in hospital care. METHODS: PIE=M consists of 3 interrelated work packages. First, levels and determinants of PA in different patient and healthy populations will be investigated using existing cohort data. The current implementation status, facilitators, and barriers of E=M will also be investigated using a mixed-methods approach among clinicians of participating departments from 2 diverse university medical centers (both located in a city, but one serving an urban population and one serving a more rural population). Implementation strategies will be connected to these barriers and facilitators using a systematic implementation mapping approach. Second, a generic E=M tool will be developed that will provide tailored PA prescription and referral. Requirements for this tool will be investigated among clinicians and department managers. The tool will be developed using an iterative design process in which all stakeholders reflect on the design of the E=M tool. Third, we will pilot-implement the set of implementation strategies, including the E=M tool, to test its feasibility in routine care of clinicians in these 2 university medical centers. An extensive learning process evaluation will be performed among clinicians, department managers, lifestyle coaches, and patients using a mixed-methods design based on the RE-AIM framework. RESULTS: This project was approved and funded by the Dutch grant provider ZonMW in April 2018. The project started in September 2018 and continues until December 2020 (depending on the course of the COVID-19 crisis). All data from the first work package have been collected and analyzed and are expected to be published in 2021. Results of the second work package are described. The manuscript is expected to be published in 2021. The third work package is currently being conducted in clinical practice in 4 departments of 2 university medical hospitals among clinicians, lifestyle coaches, hospital managers, and patients. Results are expected to be published in 2021. CONCLUSIONS: The PIE=M project addresses the potential of providing patients with PA advice to prevent and manage chronic disease, improve recovery, and enable healthy ageing by developing E=M implementation strategies, including an E=M tool, in routine clinical care. The PIE=M project will result in a blueprint of implementation strategies, including an E=M screening and referral tool, which aims to improve E=M referral by clinicians to improve patients' health, while minimizing the burden on clinicians

    Feasibility of a combined aerobic and strength training program and its effects on cognitive and physical function in institutionalized dementia patients. A pilot study

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    OBJECTIVES: We examined the feasibility of a combined aerobic and strength training program in institutionalized dementia patients and studied the effects on cognitive and physical function. METHODS: Thirty-three patients with dementia, recruited from one nursing home, participated in this non-randomized pilot study (25 women; age = 85.2±4.9 years; Mini Mental State Examination = 16.8±4.0). In phase 1 of the study, seventeen patients in the Exercise group (EG) received a combined aerobic and strength training program for six weeks, five times per week, 30 minutes per session, in an individually supervised format and successfully concluded the pre and posttests. In phase 2 of the study, sixteen patients in the Social group (SG) received social visits at the same frequency, duration, and format and successfully concluded the pre and posttests. RESULTS: Indices of feasibility showed that the recruitment and adherence rate, respectively were 46.2% and 86.3%. All EG patients completed the exercise program according to protocol without adverse events. After the six-week program, no significant differences on cognitive function tests were found between the EG and SG. There was a moderate effect size in favor for the EG for the Visual Memory Span Forward; a visual attention test. There were significant differences between groups in favor for the EG with moderate to large effects for the physical tests Walking Speed (p = .003), Six-Minute Walk Test (p = .031), and isometric quadriceps strength (p = .012). CONCLUSIONS: The present pilot study showed that it is feasible to conduct a combined aerobic and strength training program in institutionalized patients with dementia. The selective cognitive visual attention improvements and more robust changes in motor function in favor of EG vs. SG could serve as a basis for large randomized clinical trials. TRIAL REGISTRATION: trialregister.nl 1230

    Physical exercise and dementia: Delaying cognitive and motor decline via exercise

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    Dementie leidt tot een achteruitgang in zogenaamde cognitieve functies (denkvermogen) én fysieke functies (verlies aan spierkracht, balans en uithoudingsvermogen). Hierdoor ontstaan problemen bij activiteiten in het dagelijkse leven (ADL). Men wordt afhankelijk van zorg en de kwaliteit van leven gaat achteruit. De belasting voor mantelzorgers en gezondheidszorg neemt hierdoor toe. Farmacologische behandelingen bieden tot op heden geen uitkomst. ‘Bewegen als medicijn’ zou een alternatief kunnen zijn bij het beperken van de cognitieve en fysieke achteruitgang. Dit proefschrift presenteert de ontwikkeling en de cognitieve, fysieke en ADL effecten van een negenweeks beweegprogramma voor ouderen met dementie. Twee verschillende beweegprogramma’s zijn vergeleken: (1) twee keer per week 30 minuten wandelen en twee keer per week 30 minuten trainen van beenkracht en (2) vier keer per week 30 minuten wandelen. In vergelijking met het wandelprogramma blijkt dat een gecombineerd wandel- en krachttrainingsprogramma leidt tot betere cognitieve en fysieke functies. Dit vertaalt zich vervolgens naar verbeterde ADL. Echter, negen weken na beëindiging van het beweegprogramma verdampen de effecten grotendeels. Samenvattend, bewegen speelt een belangrijke rol bij het beperken van cognitieve en fysieke achteruitgang bij ouderen met dementie. De grootste cognitieve en fysieke effecten worden behaald met een gecombineerde wandel-krachttraining en de ADL verbeteringen kunnen bijdragen aan een betere kwaliteit van leven. Toekomstig onderzoek bij ouderen met een verhoogd risico op dementie of met beginnende dementie gaat zich richten op de dosis-respons relatie en onderliggende mechanismen van (in)activiteit op cognitieve functies (titel: ‘laat het brein niet indutten: beweeg slim en verminder de kans op dementie’)

    Recommended Measures for the Assessment of Cognitive and Physical Performance in Older Patients with Dementia: A Systematic Review

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    Aim/Goal: To recommend a set of neuropsychological and physical exercise tests for researchers to assess cognition and physical fitness in clinical trials with older patients with dementia; to create consensus, decrease heterogeneity, and improve research quality. Methods: A literature search (2005–2011) yielded 89 randomized controlled trials. To provide information on test recommendations the frequency of test use, effect size of the test outcome, study quality, and psychometric properties of tests were analyzed. Results: Fifty-nine neuropsychological tests (cognitive domains: global cognition, executive functioning, memory, and attention) and 10 exercise tests (physical domains: endurance capacity, muscle strength, balance, and mobility) were found. Conclusion: The Severe Impairment Battery, Mini Mental State Examination, and Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale – cognitive subscale were recommended to measure global cognition. The Verbal Fluency Test Category/Letters, Clock Drawing Test, and Trail Making Test-B were recommended to measure executive functioning. No specific memory test could be recommended. The Digit Span Forward, Digit Span Backward, and Trail Making Test-A were recommended to measure attention. As physical exercise tests, the Timed Up and Go and Six Meter Walk for mobility, the Six Minute Walk Distance for endurance capacity, and the Tinetti Balance Scale were recommended