18 research outputs found


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    Diffusion methods for wind power ramp detection

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-38679-4_9Proceedings of 12th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2013, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, June 12-14, 2013, Part IThe prediction and management of wind power ramps is currently receiving large attention as it is a crucial issue for both system operators and wind farm managers. However, this is still an issue far from being solved and in this work we will address it as a classification problem working with delay vectors of the wind power time series and applying local Mahalanobis K-NN search with metrics derived from Anisotropic Diffusion methods. The resulting procedures clearly outperform a random baseline method and yield good sensitivity but more work is needed to improve on specificity and, hence, precision.With partial support from Spain's grant TIN2010-21575- C02-01 and the UAM-ADIC Chair for Machine Learning. The rst author is also supported by an FPI-UAM grant and kindly thanks the Applied Mathematics Department of Yale University for receiving her during her visits. The second author is supported by the FPU-MEC grant AP2008-00167

    Characterisation of large changes in wind power for the day-ahead market using a fuzzy logic approach

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    Wind power has become one of the renewable resources with a major growth in the electricity market. However, due to its inherent variability, forecasting techniques are necessary for the optimum scheduling of the electric grid, specially during ramp events. These large changes in wind power may not be captured by wind power point forecasts even with very high resolution Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. In this paper, a fuzzy approach for wind power ramp characterisation is presented. The main benefit of this technique is that it avoids the binary definition of ramp event, allowing to identify changes in power out- put that can potentially turn into ramp events when the total percentage of change to be considered a ramp event is not met. To study the application of this technique, wind power forecasts were obtained and their corresponding error estimated using Genetic Programming (GP) and Quantile Regression Forests. The error distributions were incorporated into the characterisation process, which according to the results, improve significantly the ramp capture. Results are presented using colour maps, which provide a useful way to interpret the characteristics of the ramp events

    P2Y(12) regulates platelet adhesion/activation, thrombus growth, and thrombus stability in injured arteries

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    The critical role for ADP in arterial thrombogenesis was established by the clinical success of P2Y(12) antagonists, currently used at doses that block 40–50% of the P2Y(12) on platelets. This study was designed to determine the role of P2Y(12) in platelet thrombosis and how its complete absence affects the thrombotic process. P2Y(12)-null mice were generated by a gene-targeting strategy. Using an in vivo mesenteric artery injury model and real-time continuous analysis of the thrombotic process, we observed that the time for appearance of first thrombus was delayed and that only small, unstable thrombi formed in P2Y(12)(–/–) mice without reaching occlusive size, in the absence of aspirin. Platelet adhesion to vWF was impaired in P2Y(12)(–/–) platelets. While adhesion to fibrinogen and collagen appeared normal, the platelets in thrombi from P2Y(12)(–/–) mice on collagen were less dense and less activated than their WT counterparts. P2Y(12)(–/–) platelet activation was also reduced in response to ADP or a PAR-4–activating peptide. Thus, P2Y(12) is involved in several key steps of thrombosis: platelet adhesion/activation, thrombus growth, and stability. The data suggest that more aggressive strategies of P2Y(12) antagonism will be antithrombotic without the requirement of aspirin cotherapy and may provide benefits even to the aspirin-nonresponder population