982 research outputs found

    Validating the ontolex-lemon lexicography module with K dictionaries'' multilingual data

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    The OntoLex-lemon model has gradually acquired the status of de-facto standard for the representation of lexical information according to the principles of Linked Data (LD). Exposing the content of lexicographic resources as LD brings both benefits for their easier sharing, discovery, reusability and enrichment at a Web scale, as well as for their internal linking and better reuse of their components. However, with lemon being originally devised for the lexicalization of ontologies, a 1:1 mapping between its elements and those of a lexicographic resource is not always attainable. In this paper we report our experience of validating the new lexicog module of OntoLex-lemon, which aims at paving the way to bridge those gaps. To that end, we have applied the module to represent lexicographic data coming from the Global multilingual series of K Dictionaries (KD) as a real use case scenario of this module. Attention is drawn to the structures and annotations that lead to modelling challenges, the ways the lexicog module tackles them, and where this modelling phase stands as regards the conversion process and design decisions for KD's Global series

    Communicative Grounding of Analogical Explanations in Dialogue: A Corpus Study of Conversational Management Acts and Statistical Sequence Models for Tutoring through Analogy

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    We present a conversational management act (CMA) annotation schema for one-to-one tutorial dialogue sessions where a tutor uses an analogy to teach a student a concept. CMAs are more fine-grained sub-utterance acts compared to traditional dialogue act mark-up. The schema achieves an inter-annotator agreement (IAA) Cohen Kappa score of at least 0.66 across all 10 classes. We annotate a corpus of analogical episodes with the schema and develop statistical sequence models from the corpus which predict tutor content related decisions, in terms of the selection of the analogical component (AC) and tutor conversational management act (TCMA) to deploy at the current utterance, given the student’s behaviour. CRF sequence classifiers perform well on AC selection and robustly on TCMA selection, achieving respective accuracies of 61.9% and 56.3% on a cross-validation experiment over the corpus

    La gramática en la Enseñanza Media : competencias oficiales y competencias necesarias

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    Este trabajo ofrece una revisión crítica de las llamadas competencias, presentes en diferentes textos oficiales, cuya función es la de determinar qué aspectos de una materia deben ser asimilados, desarrollados y aplicados por los estudiantes. Se destacan aquí la redundancia y la vaguedad de algunas formulaciones oficiales de la llamada "competencia en comunicación lingüística", así como la concepción (errónea, a nuestro entender) de que los enfoques comunicativo y formalista son incompatibles. El artículo plantea también una comparación entre las competencias asociadas a las materias de ciencias y aquellas que se vinculan a las de letras, con el objetivo de señalar las asimetrías que se establecen entre ellas y que contribuyen a que se afiance (injusta e injustificadamente) una visión no científica del estudio de la lengua. Finalmente, se propone una serie de competencias que, creemos, deberían favorecerse en las clases de lengua de Secundaria y Bachillerato.This study reviews the so-called competences listed in various official documents. The ostensible role of such competences is to determine which aspects of a school subject must be assimilated, carried out and applied by the students. This paper underlines the redundancy and vagueness that can be seen in some official descriptions of the so-called "competence in linguistic communication", such as the conception (erroneous, we think) that communication and formalist perspectives are incompatible. We will compare competences linked to science subjects with those associated to non-science subjects in order to point out the asymmetries between them, which contribute to reinforcing (unfairly and unjustifiably) the perception of language study as unscientific. Finally, we propose a series of competences that we think should be promoted in secondary and baccalaureate language classrooms

    Thermoelectric properties in Ca3Co4-xMnxOy ceramics

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    Ca3Co4-xMnxOy polycrystalline thermoelectric ceramics with small amounts of Mn have been prepared by the classical solid state method. X-ray diffraction data have shown that Ca3Co4O9 is the major phase, with small amounts of the Ca3Co2O6 one. Moreover, they show that the Mn has been incorporated into these two phases. Electrical resistivity decreases, compared with the values for undoped samples, with Mn content until a minimum for the 0·03 doped ones, increasing for higher Mn substitution. Seebeck coefficient does not change in all the measured temperature range, independently of Mn content. The improvement in electrical resistivity leads ∼30% higher power factor values for the 0·03 Mn doped samples than that obtained in the undoped ones. The maximum power factor at 800°C, ∼0·28 mW K-2 m-1, is close to that obtained in much higher density samples, clearly indicating the good thermoelectric properties of these samples.The authors wish to thank the Gobierno de Aragón (Research Groups T12 and T87) and the MINECO-FEDER (MAT2013-46505-C3-1-R) for financial support. Authors would also like to acknowledge the use of Servicio General de Apoyo a la Investigación-SAI, Universidad de Zaragoza. The technical contributions of C. Estepa and C. Gallego are also acknowledged. Sh. Rasekh acknowledges a JAE-PreDoc 2010 grant from CSIC.Peer Reviewe

    Nesting in the lizard Phyllopezus pollicaris (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) and a phylogenetic perspective on communal nesting in the family

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    Ninhadas comunais são encontradas em várias espécies de répteis. As hipóteses que explicam a evolução desse comportamento ainda são controversas, mas serão melhor compreendidas à medida que mais registros de ninhadas comunais forem descritos na literatura. Neste estudo, registramos duas ninhadas comunais de Phyllopezus pollicaris, incluindo a maior ninhada conhecida para a espécie. Este é o primeiro estudo a registrar ninhadas comunais para uma espécie de Squamata em uma região central do Cerrado. Além disso, também apresentamos fotografias das ninhadas, assim como medidas detalhadas e peso dos neonatos. As ninhadas foram encontradas durante a estação seca, em contraste com o padrão reprodutivo previamente descrito para a espécie na periferia do Cerrado. Nós também realizamos uma extensa revisão bibliográfica a respeito de ninhadas comunais na família Phyllodactylidae e apresentamos os resultados no contexto de uma árvore filogenética dos gêneros da família. Finalmente, sugerimos que estudar a correlação entre a evolução de ninhadas comunais e o investimento reprodutivo se tornará um campo de estudo fértil à medida que mais informações sobre ninhadas comunais estiverem disponíveis na literatura científica.Communal nesting occurs in many reptile species. The hypotheses that explain the evolution of such behaviours are still controversial, but will be better understood as more communal nesting records are described in the literature. We report the findings of two communal nests of Phyllopezus pollicaris, including the largest known nest for the species. Our study is the first to provide a communal nesting record for squamate species in a Cerrado core area. We provide nest photographs and detailed neonate measurements and weight. Nests were found during the dry season, in contrast with the reproduction pattern previously described for the species in the Cerrado periphery. We also conducted an extensive literature review seeking all available information on communal nesting information in Phyllodactylidae, and present this information in the context of a phylogenetic tree of phyllodactylid genera. We suggest that studying the correlation between communal nesting evolution and reproductive investment will become a fertile field as more information on lizard nesting becomes available in the literature

    Thermoelectric properties of directionally grown Bi2Ba2Co2Oδ/Ag composites: effect of annealing

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    Bi2Ba2Co2Oδ thermoelectric ceramics with Ag additions (0, 1, 3, and 5 wt%) have been successfully textured using the laser floating zone method. Microstructure has shown that samples are composed by thermoelectric grains, together with a high amount of secondary phases, and that 3 wt% Ag addition leads to the best grain orientation. These microstructural benefits have been reflected in the highest thermoelectric performances determined in these samples. It has also been found that annealing procedure leads to a drastic decrease of secondary phases amount and raises the oxygen content in the thermoelectric phase. These modifications are reflected in an important decrease of electrical resistivity, ρ (compared to the as-grown samples) without drastic modification of Seebeck coefficient, S. As a consequence, the highest thermoelectric performances, determined through the power factor, have been reached in the 3 wt% Ag textured and annealed samples in the whole measured temperature range. The maximum PF (=S/ρ) values at 650 °C determined in these samples are very close to the highest reported in single crystals or very low rate LFZ grown Bi2Ba2Co2Oδ compounds, making them very attractive for practical applications.This research has been supported by the Spanish MINECO-FEDER (MAT2013-46505-C3-1-R). The authors wish to thank the Gobierno de Aragón and Fondo Social Europeo (Consolidated Research Groups T87 and T12) for financial support.Peer Reviewe

    Enhanced electrical and thermoelectric properties from textured Bi1.6Pb0.4Ba2Co2Oy/Ag composites

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    Bi1.6Pb0.4Ba2Co2Oy/3 wt% Ag composites have been textured using the laser floating zone technique. Microstructural observations have shown the formation of relatively high amounts of secondary phases and cracks along the plate-like grains in the as-grown materials. In spite of these microstructural features, electrical properties have not been drastically decreased. Annealing of these as-grown rods has enhanced the grains connectivity, decreased the contents of the secondary phases, and healed the cracks, thereby increasing their electrical performances. It has been deduced that oxygen content in the thermoelectric phase has not been significantly modified through annealing, as demonstrated by the very similar Seebeck values at room temperature in the as-grown and annealed samples. As a consequence of the low electrical resistivity values in the annealed materials, they reached higher power factor values than the as-grown ones. The highest power factor at room temperature is in the range of those reported for single crystals, while at 650 °C, it is the highest reported in Bi–Ba–Co–O polycrystalline family so far

    Improved thermoelectric performances in textured Bi1.6Pb0.4Ba2Co2Oy/Ag composites

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    Bi1.6Pb0.4Ba2Co2Oy thermoelectric ceramics with small Ag additions (0, 1, 3, and 5 wt%) have been textured using the laser floating zone method. Microstructure has shown a slight decrease on the secondary phases content and a better grain alignment in Ag added samples. These microstructural features are reflected in the thermoelectric properties, which have shown a significant decrease of electrical resistivity, when the Ag content is raised. In spite of a corresponding decrease of Seebeck coefficient, all the Ag-containing samples possess higher Power Factor values than the Bi1.6Pb0.4Ba2Co2Oy ones. Moreover, the maximum Power Factor values (about 0.36 mW/K2.m at 650 °C) have been measured in Bi1.6Pb0.4Ba2Co2Oy+3 wt% Ag samples, which are the best results reported in this family of materials

    Influencia de diversos patrones ciruelo sobre las características agronómicas y la calidad del fruto de las variedades de ciruela ‘R.C. Bavay’ y ‘R.C. Tardía de Chambourcy’

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    4 Pags.- 1 Tabl.- 1 Fig. Contribución de los autores originalmente presentada, como comunicación, en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas (SECH 2015): Retos de la Nueva Agricultura Mediterránea (Orihuela, 3-5 junio 2015).En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de cinco patrones ciruelo (Adara, Ademir, Mirobolán 713 AD, Miral 3278 AD y Mirobolán B), sobre el comportamiento agronómico y la calidad del fruto de dos variedades de ciruela Reina Claudia (‘R.C. de Bavay’ y ‘R.C. Tardía de Chambourcy’). El ensayo se plantó en el invierno de 1994-95 en la finca de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei-CSIC (Zaragoza), en un suelo pesado y calizo, característico del área mediterránea. Se ha evaluado la influencia del patrón sobre el vigor y supervivencia de los árboles, síntomas de clorosis, producción anual, acumulada y productividad de las distintas combinaciones. Entre los parámetros de calidad del fruto se determinaron: tamaño y firmeza, sólidos solubles (ºBrix), acidez valorable e índice de madurez. A los 18 años de la plantación, se han observado diferencias significativas entre patrones, tanto en los parámetros agronómicos como de calidad del fruto de la variedad injertada.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) AGL-2005-05533 y AGL-2008-00283, cofinanciados por FEDER, así como por el Gobierno de Aragón (A44). C. Font es beneficiaria de una beca JAE-Pre del CSIC.Peer reviewe