115 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la sensibilidad en distintas viníferas blancas: mildiu, oídio y botrytis

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    6 páginas, 6 figuras.--Trabajo publicado en revista de divulgación científica.Peer reviewe

    Una variedad blanca (Vitis vinifera L.) de alto interés comercial, y en vías de extinción. Sinonimias y homonimias

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    Comunicación presentada al X Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas, celebrado en Pontevedra en mayo de 2003.Peer reviewe

    Variability of the stomata among 'Albariño' (Vitis vinifera L.) clones and its relationship with susceptibility to downy mildew

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    In grapevines the stomata are located on the abaxial epidermis of the leaves, arranged in no specific order. As in other plants, they regulate the communication between the internal tissues and the external atmosphere, playing a critical role in both photosynthesis and transpiration processes. Moreover, stomata are the main entrance for pathogens such as Plasmopara viticola (Berk & Curt.)Berl. & de Toni, the causal agent of downy mildew, one of the most widespread fungal diseases of grapevines. Due to this and the fact that downy mildew causes large losses in yield and quality of grapes, there is a great interest to determine the causes of the different degree of susceptibility to this pathogen. Some authors have searched for anatomical features that might be related to the penetration and development of P. viticola in the mesophyll of grapevine leaves, such as the density of leaf hairs (KORTEKAMP and ZYPRIAN, 1999) or the ultrastructure of stomata (JÜRGES et al. 2009). Other authors have examined the differences concerning the number of stomata in different grapevine cultivars (DÜRING 1980, PALLIOTTI et al. 2000, BEN SALEM-FNAYOU et al. 2005), but none had evaluated the differences for this aspect between clones of the same cultivar. Recently some authors have found a strong correlation between the number and size of stomata and the susceptibility to downy mildew (LU et al. 2010). The aim of this work is to determine whether different clones of 'Albariño' differ in terms of their number and size of stomata and its possible relation with the different susceptibility to P. viticola of these same clones.Financial support from the Xunta de Galicia Research Projects (07MRU024403PR).Peer reviewe

    Histological Study of Leaf Galls Induced by Phylloxera in Vitis (Vitaceae) Leaves

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    [EN] The galls induced by hemipterans generally show hypertrophy of the phloem; these insects usually feed on the sap in the sieve tube elements, occasioning phloem bundle hypertrophy. However, there are some exceptions; for example, the phylloxerids feed on the gall wall parenchyma. It has remained unknown, however, whether Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (the vine phylloxera) also causes hypertrophy of the phloem bundles. The galls induced by D. vitifoliae in leaves of the rootstock variety Richter-110 (Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris) were examined microscopically. D. vitifoliae was found capable of inducing vascular bundle hypertrophy, as well as the nutritional enrichment of the gall wall parenchyma cells upon which the insect feeds. The hypertrophy of the phloem bundles commonly seen in hemipteran-induced leaf galls also occurs in those induced by D. vitifoliae, even though these do not feed on the phloem contents, but rather on the gall wall parenchyma. The appearance of phloem bundle hypertrophy in hemipteran-induced leaf galls requires the remobilization of photoassimilates that might affect the productivity of the affected plantS

    El herbario de variedades de vid de Simón de Rojas Clemente y otras aportaciones. Valor científico y utilidad sociocultural de su legado

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    Spain has a long history of contributing towards the characterization of vine varieties. Of particular note, however, is the work of Simón de Rojas Clemente y Rubio, who in the 19th century entered the world of vines and viticulture unexpectedly, in a manner reminiscent of what might be read in an adventure novel. This author is deemed to be the father of ampelography, the discipline that focuses on the characterization of Vitis vinifera L. He developed the first scientific method for describing vines, indicating which organs of the plant should be measured and analysed, how and when in the life cycle this should be done, and the details that needed to be taken into account. He developed new terminology to refer to different parts of the leaf, flowers clusters, berries, seeds and canes, and described variations in morphology, size, colour, and the possession of hairs by the different organs, developing his methods through the examination of material he himself collected in Andalusia in 1803-1804. The results of this work were published in 1807 in his Ensayo sobre las variedades de vid que vegetan en Andalucía. The Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid conserves the material he herborised (leaves and shoots) for each of the varieties he studied. Now 214 years old, the 186 entries of this work constitute the oldest of all vine variety herbaria and provided the basis for the creation of ampelography as a scientific discipline. Today, this herbarium offers unparalleled insight into vine cultivation in early 19th century in Andalusia. It is without doubt an important museum piece of great scientific and sociocultural value.Desde la antigüedad han destacado las aportaciones españolas al ámbito de la caracterización de las variedades de vid, sobresaliendo entre todas ellas, las realizadas por Simón de Rojas Clemente y Rubio en los inicios del siglo XIX, quien llegó al ámbito de la vid de una manera casual y gracias a una historia rocambolesca, digna de una novela de aventuras. Este autor está considerado como el creador de una disciplina científica, la ampelografía, que se ocupa de la caracterización de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.). Desarrolló el primer método científico de descripción de las vides, determinando los órganos de la planta que debían ser medidos y analizados, el momento del ciclo vegetativo en que debía tomarse cada dato en cada órgano, el modo de hacerlo o los detalles que debían ser estudiados en cada uno. Propuso incluso una terminología, hasta entonces inexistente, para referirse a cada una de las partes de las hojas de vid, las flores, los racimos, las bayas, las semillas o los sarmientos. Describió con precisión las variantes morfológicas, de tamaño, de color, de presencia o ausencia y tipo de pelos, etc., que pueden encontrarse en cada uno de los órganos de esta planta. El desarrollo de este método científico está basado en las variedades de vid recogidas y estudiadas por Clemente en Andalucía entre 1803 y 1804, cuyos resultados se publicaron en 1807 en su obra Ensayo sobre las variedades de vid que vegetan en Andalucía. En el Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid se conserva el material vegetal herborizado (hojas y pámpanos) de cada una de estas variedades estudiadas y cuyos resultados se incluyen en el citado libro. Este herbario, con 186 pliegos, puede ser considerado el más antiguo del mundo de variedades de vid cultivadas, con 214 años de antigüedad. Además de ser la base para la creación de la citada disciplina científica es reflejo de la diversidad existente a principios del siglo XIX en Andalucía en este cultivo. Es por todo ello un material de alto valor científico, museístico y sociocultural

    About the epidermic cells in ‘Rosa Narcea’

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    [EN] Epidermic cells of 'Rosa Narcea' are studied at three different moments along the blooming. Qualitative and quantitative studies are carried out. Qualitative research was done by histochemical techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The quantitative one was done by using images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both adaxial and abaxial epidermic cells in the 'Rosa Narcea' present cuticular striation. The volatile essential oils which determine the 'Rosa Narcea' scent have to cross through the cuticle in order to go out. Under transmission electron microscopy (TEM), some microchannels through which the smell molecules are probably released, are observed. These canaliculi are concentrated in the cuticular striation area. The quantitative analysis indicates that there is a higher number of cells and with thicker striation in the epidermis of those roses blooming at the end of the blossom season. This allows the team to hypothesize that the smell emission will be higher at the beginning of July than at the beginning of May, although nothing may be inferred about the aroma qualityS

    Estudio para la mejora de la calidad del vino albariño

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    Premio de Investigación, Real Academia Galega de Ciencias, convocatoria 2009.[EN]Twenty-two clones from Albariño variety (Vitis vinifera L.), from an initial collection of 115 clones, were selected on the basis of their ampelographic, molecular and sanitary characteristics. These selected clones were studied from the agronomic and oenological point of view, and were also quantified for their levels of susceptibility to Powdery Mildew, Oidium and Botrytis. An ecotypic yeast was selected, its use has been patented and it is being exploited. Musts obtained from the previously selected Albariño clones were fermented with this yeast, essentially by increasing the content in volatile substances of interest (terpens: linalool and geraniol; norisoprenoids: α-ionone and β- damascenone), leading to wines with improved fermentative dynamic and sensorial attributes.[ES]En base a características ampelográficas, moleculares y sanitarias, se seleccionaron 22 clones de la variedad Albariño (Vitis vinifera L.), partiendo de 115 iniciales. Sobre los clones seleccionados se ha llevado a cabo un estudio agronómico y enológico, así como la cuantificación de los niveles de susceptibilidad a Mildiu, Oídio y Botrytis. Se ha seleccionado una levadura ecotípica, cuyo uso ha sido patentado y se encuentra en explotación. Con ella se fermentaron los mostos obtenidos a partir de los clones de Albariño previamente seleccionados, dando lugar a vinos con una dinámica fermentativa xPremio de Investigación, Real Academia Galega de Ciencias, convocatoria 2009 y unos atributos sensoriales mejorados, fundamentalmente en base al aumento del contenido en sustancias volátiles de interés (terpenos: linalool y geraniol; norisoprenoides: α-ionona y β- damascenona).La actividad realizada ha sido financiada, además de por la Bodega Terras Gauda S.A., por la Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT04TAL035E), y por el propio CSIC (PIE 2004 7 0E 214).Peer reviewe

    Variation in Susceptibility to Downy Mildew Infection in Spanish Minority Vine Varieties

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    Downy mildew is one of the most destructive diseases affecting grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola (Berk. and Curt.) Berl. and de Toni, it can appear anywhere where vines are cultivated. It is habitually controlled by the application of phytosanitary agents (copper-based or systemic) at different stages of the vine growth cycle. This, however, is costly, can lead to reduced yields, has a considerable environmental impact, and its overuse close to harvest can cause fermentation problems. All grapevines are susceptible to this disease, although the degree of susceptibility differs between varieties. Market demands and European legislation on viticulture and the use of phytosanitary agents (art. 14 of Directive 128/2009/EC) now make it important to know the sensitivity of all available varieties, including minority varieties. Such knowledge allows for a more appropriate use of phytosanitary agents, fosters the commercial use of these varieties and thus increases the offer of wines associated with different terroirs, and helps identify material for use in crop improvement programmes via crossing or genetic transformation, etc. Over 2020–2021, the susceptibility to P. viticola of 63 minority vine varieties from different regions of Spain was examined in the laboratory using the leaf disc technique. Some 87% of these varieties were highly susceptible and 11% moderately susceptible; just 2% showed low susceptibility. The least susceptible of all was the variety Morate (Madrid, IMIDRA). Those showing intermediate susceptibility included the varieties Sanguina (Castilla la Mancha, IVICAM), Planta Mula (Comunidad Valenciana, ITVE), Rayada Melonera (Madrid, IMIDRA), Zamarrica (Galicia, EVEGA), Cariñena Roja (Cataluña, INCAVI), Mandrègue (Aragón, DGA) and Bastardo Blanco (Extremadura, CICYTEX). The highly susceptible varieties could be differentiated into three subgroups depending on sporulation severity and density

    Variation in Susceptibility to Downy Mildew Infection in Spanish Minority Vine Varieties

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    Downy mildew is one of the most destructive diseases affecting grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola (Berk. and Curt.) Berl. and de Toni, it can appear anywhere where vines are cultivated. It is habitually controlled by the application of phytosanitary agents (copper-based or systemic) at different stages of the vine growth cycle. This, however, is costly, can lead to reduced yields, has a considerable environmental impact, and its overuse close to harvest can cause fermentation problems. All grapevines are susceptible to this disease, although the degree of susceptibility differs between varieties. Market demands and European legislation on viticulture and the use of phytosanitary agents (art. 14 of Directive 128/2009/EC) now make it important to know the sensitivity of all available varieties, including minority varieties. Such knowledge allows for a more appropriate use of phytosanitary agents, fosters the commercial use of these varieties and thus increases the offer of wines associated with different terroirs, and helps identify material for use in crop improvement programmes via crossing or genetic transformation, etc. Over 2020–2021, the susceptibility to P. viticola of 63 minority vine varieties from different regions of Spain was examined in the laboratory using the leaf disc technique. Some 87% of these varieties were highly susceptible and 11% moderately susceptible; just 2% showed low susceptibility. The least susceptible of all was the variety Morate (Madrid, IMIDRA). Those showing intermediate susceptibility included the varieties Sanguina (Castilla la Mancha, IVICAM), Planta Mula (Comunidad Valenciana, ITVE), Rayada Melonera (Madrid, IMIDRA), Zamarrica (Galicia, EVEGA), Cariñena Roja (Cataluña, INCAVI), Mandrègue (Aragón, DGA) and Bastardo Blanco (Extremadura, CICYTEX). The highly susceptible varieties could be differentiated into three subgroups depending on sporulation severity and density.This work, performed by the VIOR (Viticultura, Olivo y Rosa) group of the Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC), forms part of the project “Valorización de variedades minoritarias de vid por su potencial para la diversificación vitivinícola. Resiliencia a enfermedades fúngicas influenciadas por el cambio climático” (MINORVIN) (RTI 2018-101085-RC32), funded by MCIN/AEI/, 10.13039/501100011033 and the European Regional Development Fund.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio