552 research outputs found

    The peak luminosity - peak energy correlation in GRBs

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    We derive the peak luminosity - peak energy (L_iso - E_peak) correlation using 22 long Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) with firm redshift measurements. We find that its slope is similar to the correlation between the time integrated isotropic emitted energy E_iso and E_peak (Amati et al. 2002). For the 15 GRBs in our sample with estimated jet opening angle we compute the collimation corrected peak luminosity L_gamma, and find that it correlates with E_peak. This has, however, a scatter larger than the correlation between E_peak and E_gamma (the time integrated emitted energy, corrected for collimation; Ghirlanda et al. 2004), which we ascribe to the fact that the opening angle is estimated through the global energetics. We have then selected a large sample of 442 GRBs with pseudo--redshifts, derived through the lag-luminosity relation, to test the existence of the L_iso-E_peak correlation. With this sample we also explore the possibility of a correlation between time resolved quantities, namely L_iso,p and the peak energy at the peak of emission E_peak,p.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables - MNRAS Letters submitte

    GRB 990413: Insight into the thermal phase evolution

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    GRB 990413 shows a very hard spectrum (with a low energy spectral component F(E) \propto E^{2.49}) which is well represented by a black body model with characteristic temperature ~70 keV. It thus belongs to the subset of GRBs which might be revealing a thermal phase. We find that the temperature/luminosity evolution is consistent with that found in the other ``thermal'' GRBs. The time resolved spectral analysis indicates the presence of a second non--thermal component contributing (for about 1 s) up to 30 per cent of the total flux. Differently from the other thermal GRBs, GRB 990413 shows significantly high level of variability and the evolution of the thermal/non--thermal spectral components is strongly correlated with the flux variations. This GRB thus offers the unique opportunity to test the standard fireball photospheric and internal shock phases and their reciprocal influence. GRB 990413 was not selected on the basis of its spectrum and thus hints to the possibility that this early behavior might be more common than currently known.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Lette

    Behind the dust curtain: the spectacular case of GRB 160623A

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    We report on the X-ray dust-scattering features observed around the afterglow of the gamma ray burst GRB 160623A. With an XMM-Newton observation carried out ~2 days after the burst, we found evidence of at least six rings, with angular size expanding between ~2 and 9 arcmin, as expected for X-ray scattering of the prompt GRB emission by dust clouds in our Galaxy. From the expansion rate of the rings, we measured the distances of the dust layers with extraordinary precision: 528.1 +\- 1.2 pc, 679.2 +\- 1.9 pc, 789.0 +\- 2.8 pc, 952 +\- 5 pc, 1539 +\- 20 pc and 5079 +\- 64 pc. A spectral analysis of the ring spectra, based on an appropriate dust-scattering model (BARE-GR-B from Zubko et al. 2004}) and the estimated burst fluence, allowed us to derive the column density of the individual dust layers, which are in the range 7x10^20-1.5x10^22 cm^-2. The farthest dust-layer (i.e. the one responsible for the smallest ring) is also the one with the lowest column density and it is possibly very extended, indicating a diffuse dust region. The properties derived for the six dust-layers (distance, thickness, and optical depth) are generally in good agreement with independent information on the reddening along this line of sight and on the distribution of molecular and atomic gas.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cosmological implications of Compton tails in long duration GRB

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    The recent suggestion of the possible presence of a significant amount of material (Thomson optical depth ∼ 1) at rest and at a typical distance of ∼ 1015 cm with respect to the GRB is presented. The relevance of such interpretation for GRB energetics and its cosmological implications is outlined

    Long Gamma-Ray Bursts and Their Host Galaxies at High Redshift

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    Motivated by the recent observational and theoretical evidence that long Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are likely associated with low metallicity, rapidly rotating massive stars, we examine the cosmological star formation rate (SFR) below a critical metallicity Z_crit Z_sun/10 - Z_sun/5, to estimate the event rate of high-redshift long GRB progenitors. To this purpose, we exploit a galaxy formation scenario already successfully tested on a wealth of observational data on (proto)spheroids, Lyman break galaxies, Lyman alpha emitters, submm galaxies, quasars, and local early-type galaxies. We find that the predicted rate of long GRBs amounts to about 300 events/yr/sr, of which about 30 per cent occur at z>~6. Correspondingly, the GRB number counts well agree with the bright SWIFT data, without the need for an intrinsic luminosity evolution. Moreover, the above framework enables us to predict properties of the GRB host galaxies. Most GRBs are associated with low mass galaxy halos M_H<~10^11 M_sun, and effectively trace the formation of small galaxies in such halos. The hosts are young, with age smaller than 5*10^7 yr, gas rich, but poorly extincted (A_V<~0.1) because of their chemical immaturity; this also implies high specific SFR and quite extreme alpha-enhancement. Only the minority of hosts residing in large halos with M_H>~10^12 M_sun have larger extinction (A_V~0.7-1), SFRs exceeding 100 M_sun/yr and can be detected at submm wavelengths. Most of the hosts have UV magnitudes in the range -20 <~M_1350<~ -16, and Lyman alpha luminosity in the range 2*10^40 <~L_Lya<~2*10^42 erg/s. GRB hosts are thus tracing the faint end of the luminosity function of Lyman break galaxies and Lyman alpha emitters.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, uses mn2e.cls. Minor changes. In press on MNRA

    A Strong Lexical Matching Method for the Machine Comprehension Test

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    Machine comprehension of text is theoverarching goal of a great deal of re-search in natural language processing. TheMachine Comprehension Test (Richard-son et al., 2013) was recently proposed toassess methods on an open-domain, exten-sible, and easy-to-evaluate task consistingof two datasets. In this paper we developa lexical matching method that takes intoaccount multiple context windows, ques-tion types and coreference resolution. Weshow that the proposed method outper-forms the baseline of Richardson et al.(2013), and despite its relative simplicity,is comparable to recent work using ma-chine learning. We hope that our approachwill inform future work on this task. Fur-thermore, we argue that MC500 is harderthan MC160 due to the way question an-swer pairs were created