354 research outputs found

    Serbia's Action against Transnational Organised Crime

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    This article examines the extent to which Serbia has implemented relevant international standards on action against transnational organised crime contained in the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime 2000. The first part explores key obligations with particular reference to prohibition of substantive offences, intelligence-led law enforcement (special investigative techniques), confiscation of criminal proceeds, as well as international law enforcement cooperation. The second part of the article analyses how these obligations are implemented by Serbia in reality by examining legislative frameworks as well as law enforcement practices. The main conclusion is that, while Serbia has taken some steps to implement international standards with a view to enhancing individual and collective actions against transnational organised crime, effective law enforcement is hampered by issues such as corruption and a lack of expertise, experience and resources

    Vitamin, mineral and iron supplementation in pregnancy: cross-sectional study

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    Aim. To assess the use of vitamin, mineral and iron supplements during pregnancy in Zagreb and Novi Sad. Methods. The study was conducted by use of a structured standardized questionnaire consisting of two parts, i. e. data obtained by maternal interview and hospital records. It is designed as a cross-sectional study in two countries (Croatia and Serbia). The study included 893 pregnant women from Zagreb and 6099 pregnant women from Novi Sad. Results. In Zagreb, pregnant women reported highest utilization of vitamin-mineral supplements (n = 508; 56.9 %), whereas in Novi Sad these supplements ranked third (n = 408; 20.3 %), following tocolytics and iron supplements. There was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of congenital malformations between neonates at in utero exposure to vitamins, minerals and iron supplements and those without such exposure in either Zagreb or Novi Sad arm, with the exception of iron and calcium supplementation in the Zagreb arm. Conclusions. In spite of certain study limitations, the results obtained pointed to the unreasonable and potentially harmful use of these supplements in pregnant women from Zagreb

    Quantum tunneling in a three dimensional network of exchange coupled single-molecule magnets

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    A Mn4 single-molecule magnet (SMM) is used to show that quantum tunneling of magnetization (QTM) is not suppressed by moderate three dimensional exchange coupling between molecules. Instead, it leads to an exchange bias of the quantum resonances which allows precise measurements of the effective exchange coupling that is mainly due to weak intermolecular hydrogen bounds. The magnetization versus applied field was recorded on single crystals of [Mn4]2 using an array of micro-SQUIDs. The step fine structure was studied via minor hysteresis loops.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Valence tautomerism versus spin crossover in pyridinophane-cobalt-dioxolene complexes: an experimental and computational study

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    Compounds [Co(L-N4R2)(dbdiox)](BPh4) (L-N4R2 = N,N′-di-alkyl-2,11-diaza[3.3]-(2,6)pyridinophane, R = iPr (1a), Et (2a); dbdiox = 3,5-di-tert-butyldioxolene) and [M(L-N4iPr2)(dbdiox)](BPh4) (M = Mn (3a), Fe (4a)) have been synthesized and investigated with a view to possible valence tautomeric (VT) or spin crossover (SCO) interconversions. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data for all compounds at 100 or 130 K indicate trivalent metal cations and di-tert-butylcatecholate (dbcat2−) dioxolene ligands. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility data for all species between 2 and 340 K are consistent with these redox states, with low spin configurations for the cobalt(III) ions and high spin for the manganese(III) and iron(III) ions. Above 340 K, compound 1a exhibits an increase in magnetic susceptibility, suggesting the onset of a VT interconversion from low spin Co(III)-dbcat to high spin Co(II)-dbsq (dbsq− = di-tert-butylsemiquinonate) that is incomplete up to 400 K. In solution, variable temperature electronic absorption spectra and Evans NMR method magnetic susceptibility data indicate reversible VT interconversions for 1a in several solvents, with the transition temperature varying with solvent. Variable temperature electronic absorption spectra are temperature-invariant for 3a and 4a, while spectra for 2a in 1,2-dichloroethane suggest the onset of a VT transition at the highest temperatures measured. Density functional theory calculations on all four compounds and literature analogues provide key insights into the relative energies of the different electromeric forms and the possibilities for VT versus SCO interconversions in this family of compounds

    Vitamin, mineral and iron supplementation in pregnancy: cross-sectional study

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    Aim. To assess the use of vitamin, mineral and iron supplements during pregnancy in Zagreb and Novi Sad. Methods. The study was conducted by use of a structured standardized questionnaire consisting of two parts, i. e. data obtained by maternal interview and hospital records. It is designed as a cross-sectional study in two countries (Croatia and Serbia). The study included 893 pregnant women from Zagreb and 6099 pregnant women from Novi Sad. Results. In Zagreb, pregnant women reported highest utilization of vitamin-mineral supplements (n = 508; 56.9 %), whereas in Novi Sad these supplements ranked third (n = 408; 20.3 %), following tocolytics and iron supplements. There was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of congenital malformations between neonates at in utero exposure to vitamins, minerals and iron supplements and those without such exposure in either Zagreb or Novi Sad arm, with the exception of iron and calcium supplementation in the Zagreb arm. Conclusions. In spite of certain study limitations, the results obtained pointed to the unreasonable and potentially harmful use of these supplements in pregnant women from Zagreb.Мета. Oцінити вживання вітаминів, а також харчових добавок, які містять мінерали і залізо, протягом вагітності жінок із Загреба та Нові-Сада. Mетоди. Дослідження проводили із використанням стандартного структурованого опитування, яке складається з двох частин: даних, одержаних під час інтерв’ю, та лікарняних записів. Воно побудовано як кроссекційне дослідження у двох країнах (Хорватії і Сербії). Досліджували 893 вагітні жінки із Загреба та 6099 вагітних жінок з Нові-Сада. Результати. У вагітних жінок із Загреба відмічено найвище вживання вітамінно-мінеральних добавок (n = 508; 56.9 %), у той час як у Нові-Саді воно виявилося в три рази нижчим (n = 408; 20.3 %), включаючи токолітики – препарати, які попереджують передчасні пологи, і добавки заліза. Не виявлено статистичено достовірних розбіжностей у частоті появи вроджених дефектів розвитку у новонароджених, які в пренатальному періоді отримували або не отримували добавки, які містять вітаміни, мінерали і залізо, в обох регіонах, за винятком добавок із залізом та кальцієм у загребській виборці. Выводы. Незважаючи на певні обмеження у дослідженні, результати свідчать про необгрунтоване та потенційно шкідливе застосування таких добавок серед вагітних жінок у Загребі.Цель. Oценить применение витаминов, а также пищевых добавок, содержащих минералы и железо, во время беременности у женщин, проживающих в Загребе и Нови-Саде. Mетоды. Исследование проводили с использованием стандартного структурированного опроса, состоящего из двух частей: данных, полученных в ходе интервью, и записей в больницах. Оно построено как кросс-секционное исследование в двух странах (Хорватии и Сербии). Исследовано 893 беременные женщины из Загреба и 6099 – из Нови-Сада. Результаты. У беременных женщин из Загреба отмечено наиболее высокое употребление витаминно-минеральных добавок (n = 508; 56.9 %), в то время как в Нови-Саде оно оказалось в три раза ниже (n = 408; 20.3 %), включая токолиты – препараты, предотвращающие преждевременные роды, и добавки железа. Не выявлено статистически достоверных различий в частоте появления врожденных дефектов развития у новорожденных, которые в пренатальном периоде получали или не получали добавок, содержащих витамины, минералы и железо, в обоих регионах, за исключением добавок с железом и кальцием в загребской выборке. Выводы. Несмотря на определенные ограничения в исследовании, результаты свидетельствуют о необоснованном и потенциально вредном применении этих добавок среди беременных женщин в Загребе

    A systematic review and meta-analyses of pregnancy and fetal outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis: a contribution from the IMI2 ConcePTION project.

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    Neurologists managing women with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) need information about the safety of disease modifying drugs (DMDs) during pregnancy. However, this knowledge is limited. The present study aims to summarize previous studies by performing a systematic review and meta-analyses. The terms "multiple sclerosis" combined with DMDs of interest and a broad profile for pregnancy terms were used to search Embase and Medline databases to identify relevant studies published from January 2000 to July 2019.1260 studies were identified and ten studies met our inclusion criteria. Pooled risk ratios (RR) of pregnancy and birth outcomes in pregnancies exposed to DMDs compared to those not exposed were calculated using a random effects model. For spontaneous abortion RR = 1.14, 95% CI 0.99-1.32, for preterm births RR = 0.93, 95% CI 0.72-1.21 and for major congenital malformations RR = 0.86, 95% CI 0.47-1.56. The most common major congenital malformations reported in MS patients exposed to MS drugs were atrial septal defect (ASD) (N = 4), polydactyly (N = 4) and club foot (N = 3), which are among the most prevalent birth defects observed in the general population. In conclusion, interferons, glatiramer acetate or natalizumab, do not appear to increase the risk for spontaneous abortions, pre-term birth or major congenital malformations. There were very few patients included that were exposed to fingolimod, azathioprine and rituximab; therefore, these results cannot be generalized across drugs. Future studies including internal comparators are needed to enable treating physicians and their patients to decide on the best treatment options