153 research outputs found

    Analysis and Comparison of Equations-of-State with p-ρ-T Experimental Data for CO2 and CO2-Mixture Pipeline Transport

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    Abstract Transport is an important feature of the CCS process as the CO2 quality requested by pipelines may influence the choice of the capture technology and its limit performance requirements. So, the knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of CO2-mixtures has an important role, however a suitable equation of state under the appropriate conditions for pipeline transport has not been clearly defined yet. In this paper different equations of state for predicting densities of CO2 and CO2 mixtures have been analyzed and compared with experimental data found in literature or obtained by authors performing specific laboratory p-ρ-T measurements

    CO2-mixture properties for pipeline transportation in the CCS process

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    Transport is an essential feature of the CCS process as the CO2 quality required for transport may influence the choice of the capture technology and impose limits on the performance requirements. Therefore, to design CO2 transport networks, it is important to have an accurate knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of CO2-mixtures. In this paper the results of different EOS (both cubic equations as Peng-Robinson or Redlich-Kwong-Soave and non-analytical equations as Benedict-Webb-Rubin- Starling, Lee-Kesler or GERG model) have been compared with P-ρ-T experimental data obtained by the authors. The Lee-Kesler equation and the GERG model showed a good prediction of CO2-mixture density in the working conditions of the pipeline transport. Finally, simulations of pipelines that transport pure CO2 and CO2-mixtures have been performed and discussed

    Deoxygenation of non-edible vegetable oil to produce hydrocarbons over Mg-Al mixed oxides

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    none7noopenRomero, Max; Pizzi, Andrea; Toscano, Giuseppe; Casazza, Alessandro Alberto; Busca, Guido; Bosio, Barbara; Arato, ElisabettaRomero, Max; Pizzi, Andrea; Toscano, Giuseppe; Casazza, Alessandro Alberto; Busca, Guido; Bosio, Barbara; Arato, Elisabett

    Comparative Study for the Energy Valorisation of Rice Straw

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    The termal behaviour of rice straw when submitted to combustion and pyrolisis reactions was studied for the present work. Thermogravimetric analysis simulated these reactions and an accurate methodology evaluated its suitability and design parameters for its use in energy valorisation processes.Moliner, C.; Bosio, B.; Arato, E.; Ribes Greus, MD. (2014). Comparative Study for the Energy Valorisation of Rice Straw. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 37:241-246. doi:10.3303/CET1437041S2412463

    Caracterización fluidodinámica de un reactor Spouted Bed para su uso en procesos de gasificación alimentados con paja de arroz

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    El uso de biomasa como alimento en procesos de obtención de energía constituye una de las alternativas para contribuir al desarrollo de tecnologías energéticas de naturaleza renovable. Entre los diferentes tipos de biomasa, los residuos agrícolas emergen como una fuente de alimento apta para procesos termo-químicos. Estos residuos presentan en muchas ocasiones grandes dificultades en su gestión y acaban convirtiéndose en problemas ambientales y sociales. Este es el caso de la paja de arroz, para la que el método de eliminación más común (30%) sigue siendo su quema incontrolada, con el aumento en emisiones de CO2 que ello conlleva y el daño que representa. Los procesos de valorización energética, y en concreto las transformaciones termo-químicas, son comúnmente utilizadas en la actualidad para convertir biomasa en combustibles de características adecuadas. Entre ellas, la gasificación se presenta como una de las tecnologías con más proyección [1] y los reactores de tipo Spouted Bed (SB) se sitúan como una herramienta adecuada para llevar a cabo dichos procesos. La caracterización fluido dinámica del reactor es un elemento esencial para la obtención de los mejores rendimientos y eficiencias en los procesos de conversión termo-química. Por ello, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar los parámetros fluido dinámicos característicos (perfiles de velocidad y presión) de un reactor Spouted Bed de base cuadrada. Para ello, se han realizado pruebas a baja temperatura utilizando paja de arroz como material de alimento y sílice como material inerte. Estos resultados se han comparado con los obtenidos mediante un modelo fluido dinámico, desarrollado con el software comercial Fluent©, considerando una aproximación euleriana en la que tanto el gas como los sólidos son considerados como medios continuos y las interacciones entre partículas son definidas mediante relaciones de clausura.Los autores agradecen la colaboración del Prof. Giorgio Rovero y el Dr. Massimo Curti y por la disponibilidad que han mostrado para la realización de las pruebas en sus laboratorios en el Politecnico de Torino (Italia)

    Thermal and thermo-oxidative stability and kinetics of decomposition of PHBV/sisal composites

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    The decomposition behaviours of composites made of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and sisal were assessed in terms of thermal stability and decomposition kinetics, under inert and oxidative conditions, by means of multi-rate linear non-isothermal thermogravimetric experiments. A statistical design of experiments was applied to study the influence of the addition of sisal (0-10-20-30%wt), the presence coupling agent (Yes/No) and the applied conditions of work (inert or oxidative). An improvement of the thermal and thermo-oxidative stability of PHBV with the addition of sisal was observed for all cases. An accurate methodology based on iso-conversional methods was applied to simulate the potential of thermal recovery technologies, such as pyrolysis and controlled combustion, to use these biocomposites after the end of their service life. The mathematical descriptions of both thermo-chemical reactions were helpful in the evaluation of the eventual optimal operational conditions to carry out a suitable energetic valorisation. A minimum of 240°C and 137 kJ/mol of activation energy in inert conditions and 236°C and 118 kJ/mol in oxidative conditions ensured the feasibility of the reactions regardless the composition of the PHBV/sisal biocomposites, which may ease the operability of further energy valorisation with the aim to turn biowaste into new fuels

    CFD simulation of a Spouted Bed : comparison between the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and the Two Fluid Method (TFM)

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    This work was funded through the LIFE LIBERNITRATE project (LIFE16 ENV/ES/000419) in the framework of the LIFE+ funding programme. EA and AMF acknowledge the traineeship Erasmus+ grant (2017-1-UK01-KA103-035896) for Nayia Spanachi.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Real-Life Experience of Molnupiravir in Hospitalized Patients Who Developed SARS-CoV2-Infection: Preliminary Results from CORACLE Registry

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    Real-life experience of molnupiravir treatment is lacking, especially in people hospitalized for underlying diseases not related to COVID-19. We conducted a retrospective analysis regarding molnupiravir therapy in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection admitted for underlying diseases not associated with COVID-19. Forty-four patients were included. The median age was 79 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 51-93 years), and most males were 57,4%. The median Charlson Comorbidity Index and 4C score were, respectively, 5 (IQR: 3-10) and 9.9 (IQR: 4-12). Moreover, 77.5% of the patients had at least two doses of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, although 10.6% had not received any SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Frequent comorbidities were cardiovascular diseases (68.1%), and diabetes (31.9%), and most admissions were for the acute chronic heart (20.4%) or liver (8.5%) failure. After molnupiravir started, 8 (18.1%) patients developed acute respiratory failure, and five (11.4%) patients died during hospitalisation. Moreover, molnupiravir treatment does not result in a statistically significant change in laboratory markers except for an increase in the monocyte count (p = 0.048, Z = 1.978). Molnupiravir treatment in our analysis was safe and well tolerated. In addition, no patients' characteristics were found significantly related to hospital mortality or an increase in oxygen support. The efficacy of the molecule remains controversial in large clinical studies, and further studies, including larger populations, are required to fill the gap in this issue

    Case Report: Two cases of apparent discordance between non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and amniocentesis resulting in feto-placental mosaicism of trisomy 21. Issues in diagnosis, investigation and counselling

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    The sequencing of cell-free fetal DNA in the maternal plasma through non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is an accurate genetic screening test to detect the most common fetal aneuploidies during pregnancy. The extensive use of NIPT, as a screening method, has highlighted the limits of the technique, including false positive and negative results. Feto-placental mosaicism is a challenging biological issue and is the most frequent cause of false positive and negative results in NIPT screening, and of discrepancy between NIPT and invasive test results. We are reporting on two cases of feto-placental mosaicism of trisomy 21, both with a low-risk NIPT result, identified by ultrasound signs and a subsequent amniocentesis consistent with a trisomy 21. In both cases, after the pregnancy termination, cytogenetic and/or cytogenomic analyses were performed on the placenta and fetal tissues, showing in the first case a mosaicism of trisomy 21 in both the placenta and the fetus, but a mosaicism in the placenta and a complete trisomy 21 in the fetus in the second case. These cases emphasize the need for accurate and complete pre-test NIPT counselling, as well as to identify situations at risk for a possible false negative NIPT result, which may underestimate a potential pathological condition, such as feto-placental mosaicism or fetal trisomy. Post-mortem molecular autopsy may discriminate between placental, fetal and feto-placental mosaicism, and between complete or mosaic fetal chromosomal anomalies. A multidisciplinary approach in counselling, as well as in the interpretation of biological events, is essential for the clarification of complex cases, such as feto-placental mosaicisms