37 research outputs found

    Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium Fungal Spores in Europe: Forecasting Possibilities and Relationships with Meteorological Parameters

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    Airborne fungal spores are prevalent components of bioaerosols with a large impact on ecology, economy and health. Their major socioeconomic effects could be reduced by accurate and timely prediction of airborne spore concentrations. The main aim of this study was to create and evaluate models of Alternaria and Cladosporium spore concentrations based on data on a continental scale. Additional goals included assessment of the level of generalization of the models in space and description of the main meteorological factors influencing fungal spore concentrations. Aerobiological monitoring was carried out at 18 sites in six countries across Europe over 3 to 21 years depending on site. Quantile random forest modelling was used to predict spore concentrations values. Generalization of the Alternaria and Cladosporium models was tested using (i) one model for all the sites, (ii) models for groups of sites, and (iii) models for individual sites. The study revealed the possibility of reliable prediction of fungal spore levels using gridded meteorological data. The classification models also showed the capacity for providing larger scale predictions of fungal spore concentrations. Regression models were distinctly less accurate than classification models due to several factors, including measurement errors and distinct day-to-day changes of concentrations. Temperature and vapour pressure proved to be the most important variables in the regression and classification models of Alternaria and Cladosporium spore concentrations. Accurate and operational daily-scale predictive models of bioaerosol abundances contribute to the assessment and evaluation of relevant exposure and consequently more timely and efficient management of phytopathogenic and of human allergic diseases

    Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium Fungal Spores in Europe: Forecasting Possibilities and Relationships with Meteorological Parameters

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    Airborne fungal spores are prevalent components of bioaerosols with a large impact on ecology, economy and health. Their major socioeconomic effects could be reduced by accurate and timely prediction of airborne spore concentrations. The main aim of this study was to create and evaluate models of Alternaria and Cladosporium spore concentrations based on data on a continental scale. Additional goals included assessment of the level of generalization of the models in space and description of the main meteorological factors influencing fungal spore concentrations. Aerobiological monitoring was carried out at 18 sites in six countries across Europe over 3 to 21 years depending on site. Quantile random forest modelling was used to predict spore concentrations values. Generalization of the Alternaria and Cladosporium models was tested using (i) one model for all the sites, (ii) models for groups of sites, and (iii) models for individual sites. The study revealed the possibility of reliable prediction of fungal spore levels using gridded meteorological data. The classification models also showed the capacity for providing larger scale predictions of fungal spore concentrations. Regression models were distinctly less accurate than classification models due to several factors, including measurement errors and distinct day-to-day changes of concentrations. Temperature and vapour pressure proved to be the most important variables in the regression and classification models of Alternaria and Cladosporium spore concentrations. Accurate and operational daily-scale predictive models of bioaerosol abundances contribute to the assessment and evaluation of relevant exposure and consequently more timely and efficient management of phytopathogenic and of human allergic diseases

    Fluoride concentrations in the pineal gland, brain and bone of goosander (Mergus merganser) and its prey in Odra River estuary in Poland

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    Analysis of pond transformations and evaluation of the natural values of midfield water bodies in central part of the Nowaogard Plain

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    Badaniami obj臋to centraln膮 cz臋艣膰 R贸wniny Nowogardzkiej, o powierzchni 440 km虏. Do analizy przekszta艂ce艅 oczek wodnych oraz oceny stanu ich zachowania pos艂u偶y艂y mapy topograficzne z ko艅ca XIX i XX w. (1: 25 000) oraz badania terenowe, przeprowadzone w lipcu i sierpniu 2003 r. Ze wzgl臋du na du偶膮 dynamik臋 przekszta艂ce艅 ma艂ych zbiornik贸w wodnych na badanym terenie celem pracy sta艂o si臋 okre艣lenie przemian oczek w zale偶no艣ci od sposobu u偶ytkowania terenu w czasie ostatnich stu lat oraz ocena warto艣ci przyrodniczych 艣r贸dpolnych zbiornik贸w na postawie charakterystyki zwi膮zanej z nimi flory i ro艣linno艣ci wodno-bagiennej. Na podstawie analizy materia艂贸w kartograficznych stwierdzono zr贸偶nicowanie zanikania oczek wodnych w zale偶no艣ci od u偶ytkowania terenu. Spo艣r贸d 543 oczek wodnych, wyst臋puj膮cych pod koniec XIX w., do drugiej po艂owy XX w. przetrwa艂y zaledwie 182 zbiorniki. Z grupy zbiornik贸w wyst臋puj膮cych na obszarach o niezmienionym sposobie u偶ytkowania najwi臋cej zanik艂o na polach, gdzie z 266 oczek (koniec XIX w.) pozosta艂o 70 akwen贸w. W艣r贸d obecnie istniej膮cych oczek 艣r贸dpolnych, obok przetrwa艂ych obiekt贸w, zanotowano tak偶e 17 oczek nowo powsta艂ych. Ro艣linno艣膰 wyst臋puj膮c膮 w obr臋bie odnalezionych w terenie 53 oczek scharakteryzowano na podstawie 239 zdj臋膰 fitosocjologicznych. Wyr贸偶niono 35 zbiorowisk ro艣linnych, w tym 12 regionalnie rzadkich i zagro偶onych. We wszystkich oczkach 艂膮cznie zanotowano 187 gatunk贸w ro艣lin naczyniowych i mszak贸w, w tym wiele cennych przyrodniczo - chronionych, zagro偶onych i regionalnie rzadkich.Studies were conducted within central part of the Nowogard Plain of the total area of 440 km虏. Topographic maps from the end of the 19 th and 20 th century (1:25 000) and field studies carried out in 2003 provided data for analysis of pond transformation and for evaluation of pond preservation. Considering a high dynamics of transformation of small ponds within the studied area, determination of ponds transformation in relation to land use over previous hundred years and evaluation of natural values of midfield ponds based on characteristics of their flora and wetland vegetation were the aim of the studies. Analysis of the cartographic materials revealed differentiation of pond disappearance related to the land utilization systems. Only 182 out of 543 ponds present at the end of the 19 th century remained till the second half of the 20 th century. Within the group of ponds that occurred in areas of unchanged land use, the highest level of their decline was observed in fields (70 ponds remaining out of 266 ponds recorded at the end of the 19 th of century). Among the presently observed midfield ponds, apart from preserved objects, 17 newly formed water bodies were noted. Vegetation of 53 midfield ponds was characterized based on 239 phytosociological releves. Thirty five plant communities were determined including 12 regionally rare and endangered. A total of 187 species of vascular plants and bryophytes, including many valuable - protected, endangered and regionally rare, were found in all analyzed water bodies