104 research outputs found

    Què entén l'alumnat d'educació secundària per participació? Anàlisi de les representacions socials sobre el concepte de participació de l'alumnat de 4ESO de l'Institut Joaquima Pla i Farreras

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    Aquesta recerca està organitzada en sis capítol. El primer capítol presenta els orígens que em van portar a indagar sobre el concepte de participació que han construït els alumnes de 4ESO de l'Institut Joaquima Pla i Farreras. I seguidament es presenta el disseny de la recerca amb els objectius, els supòsits i preguntes que han guiat el desenvolupament de la investigació. El segon capítol analitza la presència del concepte de participació en el currículum de la Generalitat de Catalunya i els àmbits d'ensenyament i aprenentatge que els centres educatius podrien considerar en el moment de dissenyar la inclusió de la participació en el seu projecte educatiu. El marc teòric es presenta en el tercer capítol, organitzat en dos apartats. El primer recull el concepte de participació proposat per diferents autors que s'ubiquen en l'àmbit educatiu. I el segon apartat sintetitza què s'entén per representacions socials, ja que és l'àmbit d'estudi d'aquesta recerca. El quart capítol descriu el marc metodològic, per la qual cosa, es descriu el context i la mostra de la recerca, així com els instruments de la recerca (qüestionari, entrevista grupal i notes de camp). El penúltim capítol presenta els resultats obtinguts i els analitza i interpreta tenint en compte el marc teòric construït prèviament. El sisè i darrer capítol estructura les conclusions tenint en compte els elements del disseny de la recerca, és a dir, preguntes, objectius, supòsits i metodologia. Finalment, s'acaba amb unes breus propostes per a futures recerques

    Skin infection by Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Streptococcus pyogenes: an unusual association

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    Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a noncapsulated, club-shaped facultative anaerobic Gram-positive bacilli. Opportunistic or cutaneous co-infection caused by this microorganism, especially non-toxigenic strains, has become important in travellers

    Crònica de l'estat d'alarma. El funcionament de les institucions i de la seguretat pública en temps de coronavirus (14 de març a 21 de juny de 2020)

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    La crisi del coronavirus, a més de les repercussions sanitàries, socials i econòmiques que ha provocat, ha afectat al Dret i al funcionament habitual de les institucions. La declaració de l'estat d'alarma ha limitat determinats drets i ha provocat polèmiques jurídiques i polítiques molt intenses. Aquest text pretén recollir els trets fonamentals d'aquest debat, en clau catalana i espanyola, i fins i tot en clau global: el marc jurídic que regula l'estat d'alarma, el seu desplegament, l'impacte sobre les competències en seguretat de les Comunitats Autònomes, i en concret de la Generalitat (assenyalant les diferències en relació a l'aplicació de l'article 155 CE) i les picabaralles polítiques que se'n han derivat, l'afectació sobre el normal funcionament dels Parlaments i els governs, la forma de gestionar la crisi des de les polítiques públiques de seguretat amb especial referència a l'activitat sancionadora, el debat permanent, ara accentuat, sobre els límits entre llibertat i seguretat... Finalment, s'intenta, malgrat l'excessiva proximitat als fets, apuntar alguns dels eixos que poden marcar el futur immediat

    Las competencias comunicativas en la formación democrática de los jóvenes : describir, explicar, justificar, interpretar y argumentar

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    En este artículo se presenta una investigación sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las habilidades cognitivas y lingüísticas o competencias comunicativas para aprender y comunicar ciencias sociales. En este trabajo se identifican y analizan las capacidades cognitivas y lingüísticas que son fundamentales para la formación democrática de los jóvenes: describir, explicar, justificar, interpretar y argumentar. Se trabaja sobre las estrategias más adecuadas para conseguir un buen aprendizaje del discurso social y se focaliza en el análisis de las características y en el valor educativo del diálogo en las clases de ciencias sociales, en el trabajo cooperativo y en los debates, como instrumento básico para aprender a argumentar. Se analizan las producciones escritas de los estudiantes. Finalmente se hacen unas valoraciones generales sobre los resultados obtenidosIn this article we present a research on teaching and learning cognitive and linguistic abilities or communicative competence to learn and communicate social science. We identify and analyse the cognitive and linguistic abilities essential to a democratic education of youths: description, explanation, justification, interpretation and argumentation. We work on the most appropriate strategies to achieve a good learning of the social discourse and focus on the analysis of the characteristics and educational value of dialogue in social science classes, both in cooperative work and in debates, as a basic tool to learn to argue. We analyse students' written production and finally make a general assessment of the results therein obtaine

    Prosthetic joint infection by Bordetella holmesii: Case report and a review of the literature

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    Introduction: Bordetella holmesii is a Gram-negative coccobacillus involved in different infections mostly described in case reports. Prosthetic joint infections in relation to this pathogen are rare. Here, we present the third case of B. holmesii in a patient without anatomical or functional spleen dysfunction. Case report: The patient was a 62-year-old female with a total knee prosthesis implanted in 1997 that required multiple replacements of the femoral component due to aseptic loosening in the past years. The patient was admitted to our hospital for an elective replacement surgery due to new radiological signs of loosening. B. holmesii was isolated from synovial fluid obtained during surgery. The identification was performed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and confirmed by 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing. Antibiotic treatment was started but 14 days after surgery the patient presented pain and joint effusion. An arthrocentesis was performed and synovial fluid culture was positive again for B. holmesii. Surgical debridement including polyethylene replacement was performed and antibiotic treatment was continued for 3 months. After a 2-year follow-up period, the patient remained asymptomatic and physical examination showed normal function of the prosthesis. Conclusion: B. holmesii is an uncommon cause of bone and joint infections. This case indicates that this microorganism is a potential pathogen of prosthetic or native arthritis, and it should be considered when cultures are negative and in cases presenting torpid evolution

    Characterization of CTX-M-14 and CTX-M-15 producing Escherichia coli strains causing neonatal sepsis

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    Neonatal sepsis is a disease affecting newborns ≤1 month of age with clinical symptoms and positive blood cultures. The number of Escherichia coli strains causing neonatal sepsis resistant to the antibiotics used in the treatment is increasing. In this study, two E. coli strains causing sepsis in neonates of mothers infected with an E. coli strain harboring extended spectrum beta-lactamases were characterized. The blaCTX-M-15 and the blaCTX-M-14 genes were found in an IncFIA and nontypeable transferable plasmids, respectively. In addition, these highly virulent strains belonged to ST705 and ST156 clonal groups, respectively. The presence of strains, which are highly virulent and resistant to ampicillin, gentamicin, and cephalosporins, makes a change in empirical treatment necessary as well as an increase in the surveillance of these infections

    Antimicrobial resistance and virulence characterisation among Escherichia coli clinical isolates causing severe obstetric infections in pregnant women

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    The virulence markers and the antimicrobial resistance profile of 78 Escherichia coli isolates causing obstetric infections accompanied or not by sepsis were studied. Adhesion-related virulence factors were the most prevalent. Low rates of resistance to the antimicrobial agents used as first line therapy suggest their correct implementation in stewardship guidelines

    Relationship Between Biofilm Formation and Antimicrobial Resistance in Gram-Negative Bacteria

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    Gram-negative microorganisms are a significant cause of infection in both community and nosocomial settings. The increase, emergence, and spread of antimicrobial resistance among bacteria are the most important health problems worldwide. One of the mechanisms of resistance used by bacteria is biofilm formation, which is also a mechanism of virulence. This study analyzed the possible relationship between antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation among isolates of three Gram-negative bacteria species. Several relationships were found between the ability to form biofilm and antimicrobial resistance, being different for each species. Indeed, gentamicin and ceftazidime resistance was related to biofilm formation in Escherichia coli, piperacillin/tazobactam, and colistin in Klebsiella pneumoniae, and ciprofloxacin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, no relationship was observed between global resistance or multidrug-resistance and biofilm formation. In addition, compared with other reported data, the isolates in the present study showed higher rates of antimicrobial resistance. In conclusion, the acquisition of specific antimicrobial resistance can compromise or enhance biofilm formation in several species of Gram-negative bacteria. However, multidrug-resistant isolates do not show a trend to being greater biofilm producers than non-multiresistant isolates

    A multicentre study investigating parameters which influence direct bacterial identification from urine

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    Rapid diagnosis is one of the best ways to improve patient management and prognosis as well as to combat the development of bacterial resistance. The aim of this study was to study parameters that impact the achievement of reliable identification using a combination of flow cytometry and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS).The study was carried out in nine hospitals in Spain and included 1,050 urine samples with bacterial counts of 5x106 bacteria/ml. MALDI-ToF-MS-based identification was performed according to a previously described protocol. Valid identification by direct MALDI-ToF-MS was obtained in 72.8% of samples, in 80.3% of samples found to be positive by culture, 32.2% of contaminated samples, and 19.7% of negative samples. Among the positives samples with a valid identification the concordance at the species level was 97.2%. The parameters related to success of direct identification were: high bacterial count, the presence of Escherichia coli as a pathogen and rod-bacteria morphology provided by flow cytometry. The parameters related to failure were a high epithelial cell (EC) count, a high white blood cell (WBC) count and urine samples obtained from in-patients. In summary, this multicentre study confirms previously published data on the usefulness and accuracy of direct MALDI-ToF-MS-based identification of bacteria from urine samples. It seems important to evaluate not only the bacterial count, but also other parameters, such as EC and WBC counts, bacterial species and morphology, and the health care setting, to decide whether the sample is suitable for direct identification