10,484 research outputs found

    Eviction of a 125 GeV "heavy"-Higgs from the MSSM

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    We prove that the present experimental constraints are already enough to rule out the possibility of the ~125 GeV Higgs found at LHC being the second lightest Higgs in a general MSSM context, even with explicit CP violation in the Higgs potential. Contrary to previous studies, we are able to eliminate this possibility analytically, using simple expressions for a relatively small number of observables. We show that the present LHC constraints on the diphoton signal strength, tau-tau production through Higgs and BR(B -> X_s gamma) are enough to preclude the possibility of H_2 being the observed Higgs with m_H~125 GeV within an MSSM context, without leaving room for finely tuned cancellations. As a by-product, we also comment on the difficulties of an MSSM interpretation of the excess in the gamma-gamma production cross section recently found at CMS that could correspond to a second Higgs resonance at m_H~136 GeV.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures. Final version accepted at JHEP. Sections 2, 3 and appendices simplified. Experimental results updated, several references added. Small typos corrected and a new comparison of approximate formulas with full expressions include

    Speech register influences listenersā€™ word expectations

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    We utilized the N400 effect to investigate the influence of speech register on predictive language processing. Participants listened to long stretches (4 ā€“ 15 min) of naturalistic speech from different registers (dialogues, news broadcasts, and read-aloud books), totalling approximately 50,000 words, while the EEG signal was recorded. We estimated the surprisal of words in the speech materials with the aid of a statistical language model in such a manner that it reflected different predictive processing strategies; generic, register-specific, or recency-based. The N400 amplitude was best predicted with register-specific word surprisal, indicating that the statistics of the wider context (i.e., register) influences predictive language processing. Furthermore, adaptation to speech register cannot merely be explained by recency effects; instead, listeners adapt their word anticipations to the presented speech register

    Schwa reduction in low-proficiency L2 speakers: Learning and generalization

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    This paper investigated the learnability and generalizability of French schwa alternation by Dutch low-proficiency second language learners. We trained 40 participants on 24 new schwa words by exposing them equally often to the reduced and full forms of these words. We then assessed participants' accuracy and reaction times to these newly learnt words as well as 24 previously encountered schwa words with an auditory lexical decision task. Our results show learning of the new words in both forms. This suggests that lack of exposure is probably the main cause of learners' difficulties with reduced forms. Nevertheless, the full forms were slightly better recognized than the reduced ones, possibly due to phonetic and phonological properties of the reduced forms. We also observed no generalization to previously encountered words, suggesting that our participants stored both of the learnt word forms and did not create a rule that applies to all schwa words

    Broad expertise retrieval in sparse data environments

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    Expertise retrieval has been largely unexplored on data other than the W3C collection. At the same time, many intranets of universities and other knowledge-intensive organisations offer examples of relatively small but clean multilingual expertise data, covering broad ranges of expertise areas. We first present two main expertise retrieval tasks, along with a set of baseline approaches based on generative language modeling, aimed at finding expertise relations between topics and people. For our experimental evaluation, we introduce (and release) a new test set based on a crawl of a university site. Using this test set, we conduct two series of experiments. The first is aimed at determining the effectiveness of baseline expertise retrieval methods applied to the new test set. The second is aimed at assessing refined models that exploit characteristic features of the new test set, such as the organizational structure of the university, and the hierarchical structure of the topics in the test set. Expertise retrieval models are shown to be robust with respect to environments smaller than the W3C collection, and current techniques appear to be generalizable to other settings

    Dealing with uncertain input in word learning

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    In this paper we investigate a computational model of word learning, that is embedded in a cognitively and ecologically plausible framework. Multi-modal stimuli from four different speakers form a varied source of experience. The model incorporates active learning, attention to a communicative setting and clarity of the visual scene. The model's ability to learn associations between speech utterances and visual concepts is evaluated during training to investigate the influence of active learning under conditions of uncertain input. The results show the importance of shared attention in word learning and the model's robustness against noise

    Improve OR-schedule to reduce number of required beds

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    After surgery most of the surgical patients have to be admitted in a ward in the hospital. Due to financial reasons and an decreasing number of available nurses in the Netherlands over the years, it is important to reduce the bed usage as much as possible. One possible way to achieve this is to create an operating room (OR) schedule that spreads the usage of beds nicely over time, and thereby minimizes the number of required beds. An OR-schedule is given by an assignment of OR-blocks to specific days in the planning horizon and has to fulfill several resource constraints. Due to the stochastic nature of the length of stay of patients, the analytic calculation of the number of required beds for a given OR-schedule is a complex task involving the convolution of discrete distributions. In this paper, two approaches to deal with this complexity are presented. First, a heuristic approach based on local search is given, which takes into account the detailed formulation of the objective. A second approach reduces the complexity by simplifying the objective function. This allows modeling and solving the resulting problem as an ILP. Both approaches are tested on data provided by Hagaziekenhuis in the Netherlands. Furthermore, several what-if scenarios are evaluated. The computational results show that the approach that uses the simplified objective function provides better solutions to the original problem. By using this approach, the number of required beds for the considered instance of HagaZiekenhuis can be reduced by almost 20%

    On speech variation and word type differentiation by articulatory feature representations

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    This paper describes ongoing research aiming at the description of variation in speech as represented by asynchronous articulatory features. We will first illustrate how distances in the articulatory feature space can be used for event detection along speech trajectories in this space. The temporal structure imposed by the cosine distance in articulatory feature space coincides to a large extent with the manual segmentation on phone level. The analysis also indicates that the articulatory feature representation provides better such alignments than the MFCC representation does. Secondly, we will present first results that indicate that articulatory features can be used to probe for acoustic differences in the onsets of Dutch singulars and plurals

    Observational Evidence for an Age Dependence of Halo Bias

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    We study the dependence of the cross-correlation between galaxies and galaxy groups on group properties. Confirming previous results, we find that the correlation strength is stronger for more massive groups, in good agreement with the expected mass dependence of halo bias. We also find, however, that for groups of the same mass, the correlation strength depends on the star formation rate (SFR) of the central galaxy: at fixed mass, the bias of galaxy groups decreases as the SFR of the central galaxy increases. We discuss these findings in light of the recent findings by Gao et al (2005) that halo bias depends on halo formation time, in that halos that assemble earlier are more strongly biased. We also discuss the implication for galaxy formation, and address a possible link to galaxy conformity, the observed correlation between the properties of satellite galaxies and those of their central galaxy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Figures 3 and 4 replaced. The bias dependence on the central galaxy luminosity is omitted due to its sensitivity to the mass mode

    Corneal Melting Two Weeks after Pterygium Excision with Topical Mitomycin C: Successfully Treated with Lamellar Keratoplasty and Amnion Membrane Transplantation

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    PURPOSE: To report the management of a case of corneal melting two weeks after pterygium excision with intraoperative topical mitomycin C (MMC). METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: A 57-year-old male was referred to our Department for therapy of rapidly progressive corneal melting two weeks after primary pterygium surgery with MMC (0.2 mg/ml) in September 2009. Initial treatment consisted of topical and systemic immunosuppression along with topical antibiotics. Eight days after presentation, the patient underwent successful lamellar keratoplasty and amnion membrane transplantation. Subconjunctival injection of triamcinolone (40 mg/ml) and topical bevacizumab were used to manage the increased fibrovascular activity around the site of the former pterygium. CONCLUSION: Topical use of MMC during pterygium surgery may be related to serious postoperative complications such as progressive inflammatory corneal melting. The etiology may be multifactorial, which is related to MMC-induced inflammation and/or induced apoptosis. A therapeutic option is the described combination of systemic and local anti-inflammatory treatment along with lamellar keratoplasty and amniotic membrane transplantation. Adjunctive therapy may be needed if recurrence occurs
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