396 research outputs found

    Real time plasma equilibrium reconstruction in a Tokamak

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    The problem of equilibrium of a plasma in a Tokamak is a free boundary problemdescribed by the Grad-Shafranov equation in axisymmetric configurations. The right hand side of this equation is a non linear source, which represents the toroidal component of the plasma current density. This paper deals with the real time identification of this non linear source from experimental measurements. The proposed method is based on a fixed point algorithm, a finite element resolution, a reduced basis method and a least-square optimization formulation

    Multiscale modelling and simulation, 13th international workshop

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    Multiscale Modelling and Simulation (MMS) is a cornerstone in the today's research in computational science. Simulations containing multiple models, with each model operating at a different temporal or spatial scale, are a challenging setting that frequently require innovative approaches in areas such as scale bridging, code deployment, error quantification, and scientific analysis. The aim of the MMS workshop is to encourage and consolidate the progress in this multidisciplinary research field, both in the areas of the scientific applications and the underlying infrastructures that enable these applications. Here we briefly introduce the scope of the workshop and highlight some of the key aspects of this year's submissions

    In-between Bragg reflections: Thermal diffuse scattering and vibrational spectroscopy with x-rays

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    In the last decade diffuse scattering studies re-gained their place in the domain of lattice dynamics studies. The use of thermal diffuse scattering becomes particularly efficient when coupled with vibrational spectroscopy, where inelastic x-ray scattering can be advantageous compared to inelastic neutron scattering, and state-of-the-art ab initio calculations. We present a brief summary of the experimental and theoretical background, give an overview of the principal experimental implementations, and discuss a representative set of examples of such a combined approach

    Contribution of Benthic Processes to the Growth of Ooids on a Low-Energy Shore in Cat Island, The Bahamas

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    Ooids are typically found in frequently reworked coastal sediments, and are thought to accrete by inorganic chemical precipitation around moving grains. The high organic content and the presence of biosignatures, however, suggest that ooids interact with benthic microbial communities. Here, we investigate the role of benthic processes on ooid growth on a leeward shore of Cat Island, The Bahamas. Polished ooids are present in the surf zone, whereas dull ooids and grapestones are present in microbially colonized sediments seaward of the surf zone. Wave hydrodynamics and sediment transport modeling suggest that microbially colonized sediments are mobilized at monthly time scales. We propose a new conceptual model for both ooids and grapestone. Ooids rest and accrete in the area covered by microbial mats, but are periodically transported to the surf zone where wave abrasion polishes them within days. Ooids are then transported back to microbially colonized areas where the accretion cycle resumes. Ooids too large to be transported become trapped outside the surf zone, exit the “conveyor belt” and become grapestones. The benthic growth mechanism predicts petrographic characteristics that match observations: successive ooid laminae do not thin outward, laminae exhibit irregularities, and some ooids include multiple nuclei

    Contribution of Benthic Processes to the Growth of Ooids on a Low-Energy Shore in Cat Island, The Bahamas

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    Ooids are typically found in frequently reworked coastal sediments, and are thought to accrete by inorganic chemical precipitation around moving grains. The high organic content and the presence of biosignatures, however, suggest that ooids interact with benthic microbial communities. Here, we investigate the role of benthic processes on ooid growth on a leeward shore of Cat Island, The Bahamas. Polished ooids are present in the surf zone, whereas dull ooids and grapestones are present in microbially colonized sediments seaward of the surf zone. Wave hydrodynamics and sediment transport modeling suggest that microbially colonized sediments are mobilized at monthly time scales. We propose a new conceptual model for both ooids and grapestone. Ooids rest and accrete in the area covered by microbial mats, but are periodically transported to the surf zone where wave abrasion polishes them within days. Ooids are then transported back to microbially colonized areas where the accretion cycle resumes. Ooids too large to be transported become trapped outside the surf zone, exit the “conveyor belt” and become grapestones. The benthic growth mechanism predicts petrographic characteristics that match observations: successive ooid laminae do not thin outward, laminae exhibit irregularities, and some ooids include multiple nuclei