192 research outputs found

    Infrasound Detection of Approaching Lahars

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    Infrasound may be used to detect the approach of hazardous volcanic mudflows, known as lahars, tens of minutes before their flow fronts arrive. We have analyzed signals from more than 20 secondary lahars caused by precipitation events at Fuego Volcano during Guatemala’s rainy season in May through October of 2022. We are able to quantify the capabilities of infrasound monitoring through comparison with seismic data, time lapse camera imagery, and high-resolution video of a well-recorded event on August 17. We determine that infrasound sensors, deployed adjacent to the lahar path and in small-aperture (10 s of meters) arrays, are particularly sensitive to remote detection of lahars, including small-sized events, at distances of at least 5 km. At Fuego Volcano these detections could be used to provide timely alerts of up to 30 min before lahars arrive at a downstream monitoring site, such as in the frequently impacted Ceniza drainage. We propose that continuous infrasound monitoring, from locations adjacent to a drainage, may complement seismic monitoring and serve as a valuable tool to help identify approaching hazards. On the other hand, infrasound arrays located a kilometer or more from the lahar path can be effectively used to track a lahar’s progression

    Extração de DNA genômico de nematóides entomopatogênicos na Embrapa Trigo.

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    Translation, cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity evidence of the Feeding/Swallowing Impact Survey (FS–IS) to Brazilian Portuguese

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    The purpose of this study was to translate and adapt the Feeding/Swallowing Impact Survey (FS–IS) into Brazilian Portuguese and provide a validated instrument for caregivers of children with feeding/swallowing disorders. This cross-cultural study involved initial translation, synthesis of translations, back-translation, Committee of Experts, and pre-test. The sample consisted of 95 primary caregivers of children with feeding/swallowing disorders classifed by Pediatric Dysphagia Evaluation Protocol (PDEP) in mild (n=9), moderate–severe (n=40), or profound (n=46) dysphagia. Reliability and evidence of validity based on test content, response processes, internal structure and the relations to other variables were investigated. Internal consistency, test–retest, exploratory and confrmatory factor analysis were performed, in addition to the correlation with PedsQL™ Family Impact Module (PedsQLTMFIM). The pre-test participants did not report any difculties in understanding the translated version. The Brazilian Portuguese version of FS–IS (Pt–Br–FS–IS) presented Cronbach's Alpha of 0.83, Exploratory Factor Analysis verifed that the instrument would not be unifactorial (KMO=0.74 and Bartlett’s sphericity test p<0.001) and Confrmatory Factor Analysis confrmed the original model in three subscales with χ2 /df=1.23, CFI=0.92, TLI=0.90, RMSEA (90% CI) 0.049 (0.011–0.073) adjustment indexes and the ICC was excellent in all subscales and total score. The correlation with PedsQL™FIM was signifcant in the total score and subscales. This study successfully translated and cross-culturally adapted the FS–IS instrument to the Brazilian Portuguese language and the investigation of its reliability and validity evidence suggests that the Pt–Br–FS–IS is a reliable and valid tool to measure the impact of feeding/swallowing disorders on the quality of life of caregivers of afected children

    Implementation of virtual reality in foreign language teaching

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    The article highlights the main features of the virtual educational environment, the advantages and formats of using virtual reality in learning a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to study the role and possibilities of virtual reality as a necessary component in learning a foreign language. The methodological concept is aimed at shaping the role and capabilities of virtual reality as a necessary component in foreign language learning. The results of the study show the importance of the main modules of the multimedia virtual environment for learning cultures and languages in institutions of higher education; the technology of writing a pedagogical script for a computerized course is proposed for the design of distance courses for learning a foreign language, the construction of a high-quality virtual language environment, and the methods of using virtual reality tools are presented. The experimental work was devoted to the study of the role and possibilities of virtual reality as a necessary component in learning a foreign language; the degree of change in the memory of students of higher education, operational characteristics of thinking, perception in the process of using virtual reality educational programs. The change of attention, which is closely related to the functioning of cognitive processes, was also studie

    Infrasound detection of approaching lahars

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    Infrasound may be used to detect the approach of hazardous volcanic mudflows, known as lahars, tens of minutes before their flow fronts arrive. We have analyzed signals from more than 20 secondary lahars caused by precipitation events at Fuego Volcano during Guatemala\u27s rainy season in May through October of 2022. We are able to quantify the capabilities of infrasound monitoring through comparison with seismic data, time lapse camera imagery, and high-resolution video of a well-recorded event on August 17. We determine that infrasound sensors, deployed adjacent to the lahar path and in small-aperture (10 s of meters) arrays, are particularly sensitive to remote detection of lahars, including small-sized events, at distances of at least 5 km. At Fuego Volcano these detections could be used to provide timely alerts of up to 30 min before lahars arrive at a downstream monitoring site, such as in the frequently impacted Ceniza drainage. We propose that continuous infrasound monitoring, from locations adjacent to a drainage, may complement seismic monitoring and serve as a valuable tool to help identify approaching hazards. On the other hand, infrasound arrays located a kilometer or more from the lahar path can be effectively used to track a lahar\u27s progression

    The teacher-baby responsiveness in a nursery school

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar indicadores de responsividade interpessoal educadora-bebê em uma turma de berçário, com base no conceito de responsividade materna, oriundo da teoria do apego. Este conceito foi ampliado e integrado às noções da área sociocognitiva, tais como práticas educativas e habilidades comunicativas. O estudo foi realizado em um berçário, constituído por 4 bebês, com idades entre 5 e 14 meses, e a educadora responsável pela turma. As crianças e a educadora foram filmadas em interação grupal. As descrições das filmagens foram classificadas de acordo com o Protocolo de observação da interação educadora-bebê. A análise das descrições gerou três principais categorias de comportamento das crianças (choro, exploração/jogo social e conflito/disputa por atenção) analisadas em termos da sua relação com o comportamento da educadora (responsividade interpessoal). Foram identificados comportamentos verbais distribuídos em quatro categorias: Perguntas, Comentários, Comandos e Outros Comportamentos verbais. Os comportamentos não verbais foram classificados em três tipos gerais: Contato Físico, Relação com Objetos e Ausência de Interação. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que a educadora mostrou indicadores de responsividade que parece ser facilitada, entre outros fatores, pela razão adulto-criança, ainda que os bebês fossem de diferentes faixas etárias.This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of teacher-baby communication in a nursery school. By doing this, our goal was to identify whether the teacher's interactional style shows indicators of responsiveness that, according to the literature on communication, are related to both social and language development. Four babies between 5 and 14 months old and their teacher participated in the study. An observational study was conducted with both the children and the teacher being filmed in a situation of group interaction. The videos were coded by two independent coders based on the child's and teacher's behaviours. Three main child's categories were generated: crying, exploration/play and conflict/struggle for attention. The teacher's verbal categories were: questions, commentaries, commands and other verbal behaviours. The nonverbal behaviours were: physical contact, relations with objects and absence of interaction. The results showed indicators of teacher's responsiveness to the child's bids for attention and suggest that the quality of social interaction seems to be dependent on the adult/baby ratio in the classroom

    Point-of-care testing allows successful simultaneous screening of sickle cell disease, HIV, and tuberculosis for households in rural Guinea-Bissau, West Africa

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    Diagnosis of noncommunicable genetic diseases like sickle cell disease (SCD) and com municable diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or tuberculosis (TB) is often difficult in rural areas of Africa due to the lack of infrastructures, trained staff, or capacity to involve families living in remote areas. The availability of point-of-care (POC) tests for the above diseases offers the opportunity to build joint programs to tackle all conditions. We report successful simultaneous screening of SCD, HIV, and TB utilizing POC tests in 898 subjects in Fanhe, in rural Guinea-Bissau. Adherence was 100% and all diagnosed subjects were enrolled in care program

    Cd19 cell count at baseline predicts b cell repopulation at 6 and 12 months in multiple sclerosis patients treated with ocrelizumab

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    Background: The kinetics of B cell repopulation in MS patients treated with Ocrelizumab is highly variable, suggesting that a fixed dosage and time scheduling might be not optimal. We aimed to investigate whether B cell repopulation kinetics influences clinical and radiological outcomes and whether circulating immune asset at baseline affects B cell repopulation kinetics. Methods: 218 MS patients treated with Ocrelizumab were included. Every six months we collected data on clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) activity and lymphocyte subsets at baseline. According to B cell counts at six and twelve months, we identified two groups of patients, those with fast repopulation rate (FR) and those with slow repopulation rate (SR). Results: A significant reduction in clinical and radiological activity was found. One hundred fifty-five patients had complete data and received at least three treatment cycles (twelve-month follow-up). After six months, the FR patients were 41/155 (26.45%) and 10/41 (29.27%) remained non-depleted after twelve months. FR patients showed a significantly higher percentage of active MRI scan at twelve months (17.39% vs. 2.53%; p = 0,008). Furthermore, FR patients had a higher baseline B cell count compared to patients with an SR (p = 0.02 and p = 0.002, at the six-and twelve-month follow-ups, respectively). Conclusion: A considerable proportion of MS patients did not achieve a complete CD19 cell depletion and these patients had a higher baseline CD19 cell count. These findings, together with the higher MRI activity found in FR patients, suggest that the Ocrelizumab dosage could be tailored depending on CD19 cell counts at baseline in order to achieve complete disease control in all patients