263 research outputs found

    Repeated aeolian deflation during the Allerød/GI-1a-c in the coversand lowland of NW Belgium

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    The results of multi-disciplinary research carried out on the deposits of the Moerbeke "Driehoek" site, located along the northern bank of the extensive Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium), are presented. The multi-proxy study, including sedimentological (organic matter, calcium carbonate and grain-size) and botanical (pollen, macrofossils, NPP) analyses, provided evidence of repeated aeolian deflation during the Allerod. Our results demonstrate, in combination with evidence from other soil archives within the Moervaart area, that the Allerod period in NW Europe was sedimentologically much less stable than hitherto assumed, especially during the GI-1c2 event and middle Allerod. Some of the Allerod deflation events were caused by centennial abrupt climatic oscillations, such as the short but pronounced cold GI-1c2 event, while others were likely the result of intense forest fires or a combination of both. These observations call for a revision of the existing Lateglacial litho- and chronostratigraphic schemes for the sand-belt of northern Europe

    Kooperation und Reflexion als Strategien der Professionalisierung in schulischen Netzwerken

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    Der folgende Beitrag möchte sich mit einer spezifischen und im deutschen Schulsystem noch relativ jungen Strategie zur Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften beschäftigen: der Professionalisierung durch Kooperation in schulischen Netzwerken. Um sich dem Untersuchungsgegenstand thematisch anzunähern, erfolgt zunächst eine kurze theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Professionalisierungsansätzen, um vor diesem Hintergrund das Potenzial einer netzwerkbasierten, auf Reflexion und Kooperation aufbauenden Professionalisierung zu skizzieren und anhand von Daten aus dem Projekt Schulen im Team empirisch zu explorieren. Der Beitrag endet mit einer Diskussion der Chancen und Grenzen netzwerkbasierter Professionalisierung und einem Ausblick für sich ergebende weitere Untersuchungsfragen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Development and evaluation of the Measure of the International Learning Environment Status (MILES) in international higher education

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    The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate an instrument to assess international students' perceptions of the international learning environment called 'Measure of the International Learning Environment Status' (MILES). We based the development of the MILES on a solid theoretical framework from Moos by addressing three domains to measure the quality of the international learning environment, namely goal direction, relationships, and system change and system maintenance. We have designed and constructed the instrument in three steps. Firstly, we have collected items from relevant existing instruments and grouped them into the three domains via content analysis. Secondly, we applied a Delphi procedure involving international higher education experts from different stakeholder groups and from different cultural backgrounds to identify and reach consensus on the items comprehensively covering important elements of the international learning environment. Thirdly, we carried out an initial questionnaire evaluation. The final MILES consisted of 47 items with 13 in the first domain, 17 in the second and 17 in the third domain. The content of the domains was clearly in line with Moos theoretical framework and we interpreted the sets of items as goal direction, relationships, and supporting services, respectively. This study provides a comprehensive and systematically developed instrument for future research to better understand international students' perspectives towards the international learning environment that are supported by stakeholders from a range of cultures.</p
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