127 research outputs found

    Inclusive Special School Teachers’ Self-Assessment of their Diagnostic and Therapeutic Knowledge and Skills

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    Anna Borzęcka, Inclusive Special School Teachers’ Self-Assessment of their Diagnostic and Therapeutic Knowledge and Skills. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 27, Poznań 2019. Pp. 181–195. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.27.09Diagnostic and therapeutic competences are necessary for the effectiveness of didactic and educational interventions undertaken by a professional specialist school teacher. In order for the teacher to be able to cope with the tasks assigned by special pedagogy, he must have theoretical and practical preparation in the field of diagnosis and therapy. The future of a special school pupil will depend on his knowledge and skills. The article presents research on declarative sources of teaching knowledge and skills in the field of diagnosis and therapy as well as their selfassessment, taking into account nominal variables (age and job seniority).Anna Borzęcka, Inclusive Special School Teachers’ Self-Assessment of their Diagnostic and Therapeutic Knowledge and Skills. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 27, Poznań 2019. Pp. 181–195. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.27.09Diagnostic and therapeutic competences are necessary for the effectiveness of didactic and educational interventions undertaken by a professional specialist school teacher. In order for the teacher to be able to cope with the tasks assigned by special pedagogy, he must have theoretical and practical preparation in the field of diagnosis and therapy. The future of a special school pupil will depend on his knowledge and skills. The article presents research on declarative sources of teaching knowledge and skills in the field of diagnosis and therapy as well as their selfassessment, taking into account nominal variables (age and job seniority)

    Funkcjonowanie i komunikacja międzyludzka człowieka po zatruciu tlenkiem węgla – studium przypadku

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    Carbon monoxide poisoning leads to the destruction of nerve cells and results in late neurological symptoms. The article presents the clinical symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and related consciousness disorders. A case study is analyzed which shows the characteristics of a person who, after carbon monoxide poisoning, was initially in a coma, then in a state of minimal consciousness, and is now in full consciousness. Rehabilitation and therapeutic activities are described, with particular emphasis placed on communication activities. The therapies undertaken have contributed to the better functioning of the examined person.Zatrucie tlenkiem węgla prowadzi do niszczenia komórek nerwowych i skutkuje późnymi objawami neurologicznymi. W artykule przedstawiono objawy kliniczne zatrucia tlenkiem węgla oraz zespół zaburzeń świadomości. Przedstawiono równieżstudium przypadku ukazujące charakterystykę osoby po zatruciu tlenkiem węgla, będącej początkowo w śpiączce, następnie w minimalnej świadomości, a obecnie w pełnej świadomości. Opisano działania rehabilitacyjne i terapeutyczne ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem działań komunikacyjnych. Podjęte terapie przyczyniły się do lepszego funkcjonowania badanej osoby

    Problemy zdrowotne dziecka z autyzmem

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    This article presents health problems in children with autism. It de-scribes the genetic and environmental causes as well as the most common health problems in children with autism. Attention is drawn to gastrointestinal disor-ders, sleep disorders, Candida fungal infections, reduced immune ability and allergies as well as heavy metal poisoning. According to the author, proper diet has a major impact on the physical and mental well-being of a child. The author recognizes the seriousness of the problems posed by somatic disorders.Artykuł przedstawia problemy zdrowotne dziecka z autyzmem. Opisano przyczyny genetyczno-środowiskowe, a następnie przedstawiono naj-częściej występujące problemy zdrowotne u dzieci z autyzmem. Zwrócono uwagę na zaburzenia przewodu pokarmowego, zaburzenia snu, na obecność grzybów Candida, osłabioną zdolność immunologiczną i alergie, a także na zatrucia me-talami ciężkimi. Zdaniem autorki stosowanie diety ma duży wpływ na stan fi-zyczny i psychiczny dziecka. Autorka dostrzega wagę problemów, jakie stwarzają zaburzenia somatyczne

    Komunikacja alternatywna i wspomagająca w pracy z dzieckiem ze spektrum autyzmu

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    The paper presents the problem of communicating with a child with autism spectrum disorders. It describes the skills and dysfunctions of commu­nication and indicates the need for communication which is augmentative and alternative for working with an autistic child. Amongst the many methods, AAC PECS method was chosen. In case of children with autism spectrum this system develops communication skills and it enables to achieve great successes.W pracy przedstawiono problem porozumiewania się z dzieckiem ze spektrum autyzmu. Opisano kompetencje i dysfunkcje komunikacyjne oraz wskazano na potrzebę zastosowania komunikacji wspomagającej i alternatywnej w pracy z takim dzieckiem. Spośród wielu metod AAC wybrano metodę PECS, która rozwija u dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu umiejętność komunikacj

    Environmental impact assessments of integrated food and non-food production systems in Italy and Denmark

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    Given the environmental footprints of the conventional agriculture, it is imperative to test and validate alternative production systems, with lower environmental impacts to mitigate and adapt our production systems. In this study, we identified six production systems, four in Italy and two in Denmark, to assess the environmental footprint for comparison among the production systems and additionally with conventional production systems. SimaPro 8.4 software was used to carry out the life cycle impact assessment. Among other indicators, three significantly important indicators, namely global warming potential, acidification, and eutrophication, were used as the proxy for life cycle impact assessment. In Italy, the production systems compared were silvopastoral, organic, traditional, and conventional olive production systems, whereas in Denmark, combined food and energy production system was compared with the conventional wheat production system. Among the six production systems, conventional wheat production system in Denmark accounted for highest global warming potential, acidification, and eutrophication. In Italy, global warming potential was highest in traditional agroforestry and lowest in the silvopastoral system whereas acidification and eutrophication were lowest in the traditional production system with high acidification effects from the silvopastoral system. In Italy, machinery use contributed the highest greenhouse gas emissions in silvopastoral and organic production systems, while the large contribution to greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer was recorded in the traditional and conventional production systems. In Denmark, the combined food and energy system had lower environmental impacts compared to the conventional wheat production system according to the three indicators. For both systems in Denmark, the main contribution to greenhouse gas emission was due to fertilizer and manure application. The study showed that integrated food and non-food systems are more environmentally friendly and less polluting compared to the conventional wheat production system in Denmark with use of chemical fertilizers and irrigation. The study can contribute to informed decision making by the land managers and policy makers for promotion of environmentally friendly food and non-food production practices, to meet the European Union targets of providing biomass-based materials and energy to contribute to the bio-based economy in Europe and beyond

    Expectations of patients of selected rehabilitation centres in Lublin

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    Wstęp. Odpowiednio dobrany program rehabilitacji zapewnia prawidłowe funkcjonowanie osoby niepełnosprawnej w społeczeństwie. Zdefiniowanie oczekiwań pacjentów zgłaszających się na zabiegi z zakresu fizjoterapii może być pomocne dla opracowania działań mających na celu usprawnienie funkcjonowania placówek medycznych. Cel pracy. Analiza deklaratywnych oczekiwań pacjentów korzystających z leczenia fizjoterapeutycznego. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 50 pacjentów z różnymi schorzeniami narządu ruchu korzystających z zabiegów z zakresu fizjoterapii w wy­branych ośrodkach rehabilitacji w Lublinie. Metodą badawczą była ankieta. Wyniki. Podstawowe oczekiwania respondentów to: skuteczność, profesjonalizm wykonania zabiegów z zakresu fizjoterapii, przestrzeganie zasady zachowania intymności i poszanowania godności osobistej pacjenta. Wnioski. Konieczne jest opracowanie programu mającego na celu zmodyfikowanie zasad funkcjonowania zakładów opieki zdrowotnej oferujących usługi z zakresu fizjoterapii, tak aby w pełni spełniły oczekiwania pacjentów.Introduction. A properly selected rehabilitation program ensures the proper functioning of a disabled person in society. Defining expectations of clients seeking physiotherapy treatments may be helpful for the development of measures to improve the functioning of medical facilities Aim of the study. Analysis of declarative expectations of patients benefiting from physiotherapy treatment. Material and methods. The study included 50 patients with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system using physiotherapy treatments in selected rehabilitation centers in Lublin. A survey was a research method. Results. Basic expectations of respondents are: efficiency, professionalism in performing physiotherapy treatments, adherence to the principle of intimacy and respect for the dignity of the patient. Conclusions. It is necessary to develop a program to modify the rules for the functioning of health care facilities offering services in the field of physiotherapy, in order to fully meet the expectations of patients

    Spherical and rod shaped mesoporous nanosilicas for cancer- targeted and photosensitizers delivery in photodynamic therapy

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    Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNPs) have attracted much attention in many biomedical applications. One of the fields in which smart functional nanosystems have found wide application is cancer treatment. Here, we present new silica nanoparticle-based systems which have been explored as efficient vehicles to transport and deliver photosensitizers (PSs) into tumor tissues during photodynamic therapy (PDT). In this work, we report the preparation, characterization, and in vitro studies of distinct shaped MSNPs grafted with S-glycoside porphyrins (Pors). The ensuing nanomaterials were fully characterized, and their properties as third-generation PSs for PDT against two bladder cancer cell lines, HT-1376 and UM-UC-3, were examined. The best uptake results were obtained for MSNP-PS2, while MSNP-PS1 showed the lowest cellular uptake among the nanocarriers tested, but revealed the best phototoxicity in both cancer cells. Overall, the phototoxicity was higher with MSNPs than with mesoporous silica nanorods (MSNRs) and higher uptake and phototoxicity were consistently observed in UM-UC-3 rather than in HT-1376 cancer cellpublishe

    An artificial protein cage made from a 12-membered ring

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    Artificial protein cages have great potential in diverse fields including as vaccines and drug delivery vehicles. TRAP-cage is an artificial protein cage notable for the way in which the interface between its ring-shaped building blocks can be modified such that the conditions under which cages disassemble can be controlled. To date, TRAP-cages have been constructed from homo-11mer rings, i.e., hendecamers. This is interesting as convex polyhedra with identical regular faces cannot be formed from hendecamers. TRAP-cage overcomes this limitation due to intrinsic flexibility, allowing slight deformation to absorb any error. The resulting TRAP-cage made from 24 TRAP 11mer rings is very close to regular with only very small errors necessary to allow the cage to form. The question arises as to the limits of the error that can be absorbed by a protein structure in this way before the formation of an apparently regular convex polyhedral becomes impossible. Here we use a naturally occurring TRAP variant consisting of twelve identical monomers (i.e., a dodecamer) to probe these limits. We show that it is able to form an apparently regular protein cage consisting of twelve TRAP rings. Comparison of the cryo-EM structure of the new cage with theoretical models and related cages gives insight into the rules of cage formation and allows us to predict other cages that may be formed given TRAP-rings consisting of different numbers of monomers