119 research outputs found

    Implicações das prioridades de gasto do estado sobre a dinâmica econômica brasileira

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015A sociedade brasileira tem passado, nas últimas décadas, por transformações importantes em seu contexto político e econômico. Este artigo trata principalmente de dois fatos que ainda, atualmente, impactam na dinâmica do gasto público. O processo de redemocratização, em fi nais dos anos de 1980 e a globalização econômica com a consequente fi nanceirização dos mercados. Estas transformações infl uenciam a forma de atuação do Estado na economia, principalmente no que se refere à defi nição de alocação de recursos públicos. Assim, este artigo aprofunda o entendimento da evolução das despesas públicas na esfera federal, pela análise dos gastos sociais bem como da dívida pública, constatando os impactos econômicos destas despesas e levantando conclusões sobre a viabilidade de determinados gastos governamentais sob a dinâmica econômica e social do país. A realização deste estudo contribui para o debate sobre as estratégias de política fi scal que vêm sendo adotadas e o impacto de priorização de determinados gastos, sobre o crescimento econômico do paísBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Editorial for the Special Issue “Air Quality Research Using Remote Sensing”

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    Air pollution is a worldwide environmental hazard with serious consequences for health and climate as well as for agriculture, ecosystems, and cultural heritage, among others. According to the WHO, there are 8 million premature deaths every year resulting from exposure to ambient air pollution. In addition, more than 90% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality is poor, exceeding the recommended limits; most of these places are in low- or middle-income countries. Air pollution and climate influence each other through complex physicochemical interactions in the atmosphere, altering the Earth’s energy balance, with implications for climate change and air quality

    Comparison of cloud height and depth from atmospheric modelling and ceilometer measurements

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    In the current study, the cloud base height obtained from the ceilometer measurements, in Evora (south of Portugal), are compared with the results obtained from atmospheric modelling. The atmospheric model adopted is the nonhydrostatic MesoNH model, initiated and forced by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range weather Forecasts) analyses. Also the simulated cloud depth results are presented. The availability of mesoscale modelling for the region, as well as the cloud local vertical distributions obtained from the ceilometer, provide a good opportunity to compare cloud base height and estimate the errors associated. From the obtained results it is possible to observe that the simulated cloud base height values are in good agreement with the correspondent values obtained from the ceilometer measurements

    Desenvolvimento, estado e distribuição de renda no Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia, Florianópolis, 2016.Diante da retomada da discussão sobre a problemática da desigualdade na distribuição da renda, o presente trabalho traz para o debate as ideias de Thomas Piketty adaptadas ao contexto brasileiro. Nesta questão, a dinâmica da acumulação de capital é apontada como fator causador do problema, o que reflete em impactos significativos no desempenho econômico. Ainda, o nível de crescimento produtivo vivenciado pela sociedade capitalista recente não tem alterado a estrutura de acumulação de capital e a desigualdade por ela gerada. Considerando esta perspectiva de crítica geral da distribuição da renda, apresentada por Thomas Piketty, analisa-se a questão no contexto brasileiro, país emergente, com períodos de baixo crescimento econômico associado à alta remuneração do capital. O que se verifica é que as condições da economia interna reforçam a concentração de renda e os atores nacionais influenciam nesta dinâmica. Historicamente, o desenvolvimento nacional brasileiro foi direcionado por decisões estatais. Assim, a definição de alocação de recursos públicos permite compreender o impacto que os gastos do governo, como expressão formal da atuação estatal, têm sobre a dinâmica de distribuição de renda na economia brasileira. Este trabalho se guiou por sugerir pontos importantes para a estratégia de desenvolvimento brasileiro, sugestões que contribuam para a análise das possibilidades reais de redução da desigualdade de renda do país.Abstract : For the reason that there has been a the retake of the discussion on the problem of inequality in income distribution, this study brings to the debate the Thomas Piketty ideas adapted to the Brazilian context. In this matter, the dynamics of capital accumulation is seen as factor causing the problem, which reflects in a significant impact on economic performance. Still, the level of productivity growth experienced by the late capitalist society has not changed the structure of capital accumulation and inequality it generates. Considering this general critical perspective of income distribution, by Thomas Piketty, analyzes the issue in the Brazilian context, emerging country with periods of low economic growth associated with high return on capital. What is happening is that the conditions of the domestic economy reinforce the concentration of wealth and national actors influence this dynamic. Historically, the Brazilian national development was directed by state decisions. Thus, the public resource allocation definition allows us to understand the impact of government spending as a formal expression of the state action have on the dynamics of income distribution in the Brazilian economy. This work is guided by suggesting important points for the Brazilian development strategy suggestions to contribute to the analysis of the real possibilities of reducing the country's income inequality

    A POLÍTICA FISCAL BRASILEIRA: Limites e Possibilidades ao Desenvolvimento Econômico

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.A sociedade brasileira tem passado, nas últimas décadas, por transformações importantes em seu contexto político e econômico. Analisando o histórico da formação da economia brasileira verificam-se importantes períodos de crescimento. O Estado nacional é tido como ator estratégico neste processo, sendo impulsionador das dimensões política, social e econômica, dentro da sociedade. Desta forma, a atuação estatal não pode ser analisada de maneira isolada. Recentemente, as decisões do Estado sobre suas políticas públicas abrangem as transformações ocorridas na sociedade brasileira, como por exemplo, o processo de redemocratização, em finais dos anos de 1980, que garantiu maior influência governamental no atendimento de demandas sociais, e também, influências de mudanças internacionais, como a globalização econômica e a financeirização dos mercados, que tiveram seu auge durante a década de 1990 e que ainda, atualmente, impactam na dinâmica do gasto público. Assim, neste contexto, torna-se importante a análise da política fiscal brasileira no período compreendido entre os anos 1980 até os dias atuais, por se caracterizar como uma fase da história econômica nacional de baixo crescimento econômico. Buscam-se alternativas de priorização e direcionamento dos recursos públicos, como forma de promover o desenvolvimento econômico do país sem, em contrapartida, comprometer o equilíbrio fiscal do Estado. Para tanto, aprofunda-se o entendimento da evolução das despesas públicas na esfera federal, pela análise dos gastos sociais bem como da dívida pública, constatando os impactos econômicos destas despesas e levantando conclusões sobre a viabilidade de determinados gastos governamentais sob a dinâmica econômica e social do país. Assim, a realização deste estudo contribui para o debate sobre as estratégias de política fiscal e o impacto de priorização de determinados gastos, sobre o crescimento econômico do país e a percepção atual de desenvolvimento naciona

    Stratospheric nitrogen dioxide in the Antarctic

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    Several UV-visible spectrometers have been developed at the ISAC-CNR Institute. Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) methodology is applied to their measurements to monitor the amounts of stratospheric trace gases: mainly ozone (O-3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which is involved in the ozone cycle. Observations of the scattered zenith-sky light were performed with one of these instruments installed at the Terra Nova Bay station (TNB), Antarctica. GASCOD (Gas Analyzer Spectrometer Correlating Optical Differences) is described briefly and a method for data analysis and validation of the results introduced. Some aspects of the DOAS technique are presented: the algorithm allowing the best spectral alignment between spectra obtained with GASCOD and a high-resolution wavelength calibrated spectrum, is explained. Simple considerations allow for calculation of the NO2 concentration in the background spectrum used in DOAS analysis. For the period of activity of the GASCOD at TNB (1996-2003), the results of NO2 vertical column density (VCD) at twilight show a maximum in the summer and a minimum in the winter. Three years of measurements (2001-2003) are analysed in terms of stratospheric temperature and potential vorticity to obtain information about stratospheric warming that occurred in 2002 over Antarctica. The correlation between NO2 atmospheric content and stratospheric temperature is highlighted. The diurnal variations of NO2, which are controlled by photochemistry, show an unusual behaviour at high latitudes. Analysis of the a.m./p.m. ratios-the sunrise NO2 VC (a.m.) over the sunset VC (p.m.)-during different seasons and at various Solar Zenith Angles (SZA) is presented and discussed

    Active and passive remote sensing aerosol observations over the south of Portugal: the case study of the Cumbre Vieja plumes event occurred from 11-13 October 2021

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    Aerosols of natural or anthropogenic origin play an important role in the Earth’s climate system due to their interaction with radiation and clouds. The interaction depends on aerosol optical and microphysical properties such as aerosol optical depth and particle size distributions among others. For example, volcanos are natural sources of aerosols, and they could release large amounts of gases (e.g., sulphur dioxide) and ashes into the atmosphere, which may impact the temperature at the surface and consequently, over long-term, the climate. Therefore, an appropriate aerosol characterization is fundamental and the remote sensing using active and passive methods allow for that characterization. This work aims at characterizing the Cumbre Vieja volcanic plume aerosols detected over the south of Portugal between 11-13 October 2021 by using measurements from a multi-wavelength Raman lidar and from an AERONET Sun-photometer, both installed in the atmosphere observatory at the University of Évora. Lidar observations allowed to identify a volcanic aerosol layer extending between roughly 2.5 and 5 km above sea level, characterized by low and relatively constant particle depolarization ratios and high backscatter-related Angström exponents, indicating the presence of small spherical particles. The AERONET aerosol optical depth at 500 nm also shows the predominance of fine mode particles during the whole the event

    MOCRA: a Monte Carlo code for the simulation of radiative transfer in the atmosphere.

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    This paper describes the radiative transfer model (RTM) MOCRA (MOnte Carlo Radiance Analysis), developed in the frame of DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) to correctly interpret remote sensing measurements of trace gas amounts in the atmosphere through the calculation of the Air Mass Factor. Besides the DOAS-related quantities, the MOCRA code yields: 1- the atmospheric transmittance in the vertical and sun directions, 2- the direct and global irradiance, 3- the single- and multiple- scattered radiance for a detector with assigned position, line of sight and field of view. Sample calculations of the main radiometric quantities calculated with MOCRA are presented and compared with the output of another RTM (MODTRAN4). A further comparison is presented between the NO2 slant column densities (SCDs) measured with DOAS at Evora (Portugal) and the ones simulated with MOCRA. Both comparisons (MOCRA-MODTRAN4 and MOCRA-observations) gave more than satisfactory results, and overall make MOCRA a versatile tool for atmospheric radiative transfer simulations and interpretation of remote sensing measurements

    Analysis of NO2 and O3 Total Columns from DOAS Zenith-Sky Measurements in South Italy

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    The Gas Absorption Spectrometer Correlating Optical Difference—New Generation 4 (GASCOD/NG4) is a multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) instrument which measures diffuse solar spectra at the Environmental-Climate Observatory (ECO) of the Italian research institute CNR-ISAC, near Lecce. The high-resolution spectra measured in zenith-sky configuration were used to retrieve the NO2 and O3 vertical column densities (VCDs) from March 2017 to November 2019. These good-quality data, proven by the comparison with the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) satellite measurements, were used to characterize the ECO site by exploiting the sinergy with in situ NO2 and O3 concentrations and meteorological data. Although stratospheric processes seem to be the main forces behind the NO2 and O3 VCDs seasonal trends, diurnal variabilities revealed the presence of a tropospheric signal in the NO2 VCDs, which had significant lower values during Sundays. Comparison with wind data acquired at the ECO observatory, at 20 m above the ground, revealed how NO2 VCDs are influenced by both tropospheric local production and transport from the nearby city of Lecce. On the other hand, no significant tropospheric signal was contained in the O3 VCDs

    Monitoring of atmospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide over the south of Portugal by ground-based and satellite observations

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    The SPATRAM (Spectrometer for Atmospheric TRAcers Monitoring) instrument has been developed as a result of the collaboration between CGE-UE, ISAC-CNR and Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (ENEA). SPATRAM is a multi-purpose UV-Vis-scanning spectrometer (250-950 nm) and it is installed at the Observatory of the CGE, in Evora, since April 2004. A brief description of the instrument is given, highlighting the technological innovations with respect to the previous version of similar equipment. The need for such measurements automatically taken on a routine basis in south-western European regions, specifically in Portugal, has encouraged the development and installation of the equipment and constitutes a major driving force for the present work. The main features and some improvements introduced in the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) algorithms are discussed. The results obtained applying DOAS methodology to the SPATRAM spectrometer measurements of diffused spectral sky radiation are presented in terms of diurnal and seasonal variations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)and ozone (O-3). NO2 confirms the typical seasonal cycle reaching the maximum of (6.5 +/- 0.3) x 10(+15) molecules cm(-2) for the sunset values (PM), during the summer season, and the minimum of (1.55 +/- 0.07) x 10(+15) molecules cm(-2) for the sunrise values (AM) in winter. O-3 presents the maximum total column of (433 +/- 5) Dobson Unit (DU) in the spring season and the minimum of (284 +/- 3) DU during the fall period. The huge daily variations of the O-3 total column during the spring season are analyzed and discussed. The ground-based results obtained for NO2 and O-3 column contents are compared with data from satellite-borne equipment (GOME - Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment; SCIAMACHY - Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric CHartographY; TOMS - Total Ozone Monitoring Spectrometer) and it is shown that the two data sets are in good agreement. The correlation coefficient for the comparison of the ground-based/satellite data for O-3 is of 0.97