398 research outputs found

    Investigation of ion induced bending mechanism for nanostructures

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    Ion induced bending is a promising controlled technique for manipulating nanoscale structures. However, the underlying mechanism of the process is not well understood. In this letter, we report a detailed study of the bending mechanism of Si nanowires (NWs) under Ga+ irradiation. The microstructural changes in the NW due to ion beam irradiation are studied and molecular dynamics simulations are used to explore the ion–NW interaction processes. The simulation results are compared with the microstructural studies of the NW. The investigations inform a generic understanding of the bending process in crystalline materials, which we suggest to be feasible as a versatile manipulation and integration technique in nanotechnology

    Ion-Solid Interaction in Semiconductor Nanowires

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    Ionenstrahlimplantation ist eine nĂŒtzliche und weit verbreitete Methode um Materialien zu dotieren. Nanostrukturen verhalten sich unter Ionenbestrahlung oft deutlich anders als das entsprechende Volumenmaterial; zum Beispiel unterscheiden sich die erzeugten Dotierprofile sowie die Erzeugung und das Ausheilen von Defekten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieses Unterschiedliche Verhalten unter Ionenbestrahlung von drei Gesichtspunkten aus untersucht: Im ersten Teil wird ein neu entwickeltes Computerprogramm zur Simulation der Ionenbestrahlung von Nanostrukturen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Ähnlich wie bei vergleichbaren Programmen wird dabei ein Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus in Kombination mit der Zweierstoß-NĂ€herung verwendet. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Programmen wird das Target aber durch kleine Zellen und nicht durch Schichten reprĂ€sentiert, so dass sich beliebige Nanostrukturen dreidimensional abbilden lassen. Die erzielten Simulationsergebnisse stimmen gut mit experimentellen Befunden ĂŒberein. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird die ionenstrahlinduzierte Verbiegung von NanodrĂ€hten untersucht. Je nach Energie der Ionen lassen sich die NanodrĂ€hte in verschiedene Richtungen verbiegen und ausrichten. Als zugrundeliegender Mechanismus wird die inhomogene Verteilung verschiedener ionenstrahlinduzierter Defekte identifiziert. Der dritte Teil beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Dotierung von GaAs-NanodrĂ€hten mittels Mangan. Wegen der geringen Löslichkeit der Übergangsmetalle in III-V-Halbleitern kann das Mangan nicht beim Wachstum der NanodrĂ€hte eingebracht werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Mangan-Dotierung von GaAs mittels Ionenstrahlimplantation möglich ist. Dabei ist eine erhöhte Implantationstemperatur erforderlich, um das in NanodrĂ€hten ohnehin verstĂ€rkte dynamische Ausheilen noch weiter zu unterstĂŒtzen und die KristallinitĂ€t der NanodrĂ€hte zu erhalten. Alle drei Teile zeigen deutliche Unterschiede bei der Ionenbestrahlung von NanodrĂ€hten im Vergleich zum Volumenmaterial

    In Vivo Conditioning of Tissue-engineered Heart Muscle Improves Contractile Performance

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    The ability to engineer cardiac tissue in vitro is limited by the absence of a vasculature. In this study we describe an in vivo model which allows neovascularization of engineered cardiac tissue. Three-dimensional cardiac tissue, termed “cardioids,” was engineered in vitro from the spontaneous delamination of a confluent monolayer of cardiac cells. Cardioids were sutured onto a support framework and then implanted in a subcutaneous pocket in syngeneic recipient rats. Three weeks after implantation, cardioids were recovered for in vitro force testing and histological evaluation. Staining for hematoxylin and eosin demonstrated the presence of viable cells within explanted cardioids. Immunostaining with von Willebrand factor showed the presence of vascularization. Electron micrographs revealed the presence of large amounts of aligned contractile proteins and a high degree of intercellular connectivity. The peak active force increased from an average value of 57 ”N for control cardioids to 447 ”N for explanted cardioids. There was also a significant increase in the specific force. There was a significant decrease in the time to peak tension and half relaxation time. Explanted cardioids could be electrically paced at frequencies of 1–5 Hz. Explanted cardioids exhibited a sigmoidal response to calcium and positive chronotropy in response to epinephrine. As the field of cardiac tissue engineering progresses, it becomes desirable to engineer larger diameter tissue equivalents and to induce angiogenesis within tissue constructs. This study describes a relatively simple in vivo model, which promotes the neovascularization of tissue-engineered heart muscle and subsequent improvement in contractile performance.  Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/74650/1/j.1525-1594.2005.00148.x.pd

    Vergleichende QualitĂ€tsuntersuchungen von alten und neuen GemĂŒsesorten zur Entwicklung von Zuchtzielen fĂŒr den ökologischen GemĂŒsebau

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    Am Beispiel der GemĂŒsearten Möhren und Kohl wurden alte und neue Sorten sowie Sorten aus biologisch-dynamischer Selektion auf ihre QualitĂ€tsmerkmale hin verglichen. Der Anbau erfolgte nach biologisch-dynamischen Landbaumethoden auf dem Dottenfelderhof in Bad Vilbel. Im Projekt kam ein breites Methodenspektrum zum Einsatz, das Geschmacksuntersuchungen mittels Humansensorik und instrumenteller Analytik umfasste. Diese Untersuchungen geben Aufschluss ĂŒber die ZusammenhĂ€nge verschiedener Ă€ußerer und innerer QualitĂ€tsmerkmale von insgesamt 39 Möhren- und 30 Kohlsorten. Bei Möhren wurden durch die Humansensorik in beiden Jahren Hybridsorten (Espredo, Bolero) aufgrund ihrer hohen SĂŒĂŸe als die jeweils beliebteste Sorte ermittelt. Diese Feststellung ist in Übereinstimmung mit Ergebnissen der ErnĂ€hrungswissenschaft, dass allgemein eine PrefĂ€renz zu sehr sĂŒĂŸen Nahrungsmitteln zu verzeichnen ist. Aus der Sicht des ökologischen Landbaus werden allerdings samenfeste Sorten bevorzugt, die neben dem sĂŒĂŸen Geschmack auch ein typisches Aroma charakterisiert aufweisen. Die am Dottenfelderhof angewendete Selektion auf Geschmack zeigt hierbei insbesondere bei den Rodelika-Typen einen deutlichen ZĂŒchtungsfortschritt in Richtung auf eine höhere sensorische QualitĂ€t. Durch die Aromaanalytik mittels Festphasen-Mikroextraktion konnten die Terpene Myrcen und Caryophyllen als Negativkomponenten (Off-flavour) ermittelt werden. Hier sollte geprĂŒft werden, inwieweit sich diese Inhaltsstoffe als Markersubstanzen fĂŒr eine Geschmacksselektion eignen. Bei Kohl zeichnet sich die Sorte Holsteiner Platter durch die höchste Beliebtheit aus. Zwischen dem Gehalt an Glusosinolaten (gesundheitlich positiv und negativ wirksame Inhaltsstoffe) und den anderen QualitĂ€tsparametern, insbesondere dem Geschmack, besteht kein strenger Zusammenhang. Im Ertrag stehen die samenfesten Sorten gleichrangig neben den Hybridsorten. Eine weitere Bearbeitung bezĂŒglich der UniformitĂ€t der samenfesten Sorten wĂ€re aber wĂŒnschenswert. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse können Ziele fĂŒr eine qualitĂ€tsorientierte ZĂŒchtung im ökologischen GemĂŒsebau erarbeitet werden

    Secondary anionic phospholipid binding site and gating mechanism in Kir2.1 inward rectifier channels

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    Inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channels regulate multiple tissues. All Kir channels require interaction of phosphatidyl-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) at a crystallographically identified binding site, but an additional nonspecific secondary anionic phospholipid (PL(−)) is required to generate high PIP(2) sensitivity of Kir2 channel gating. The PL(−)-binding site and mechanism are yet to be elucidated. Here we report docking simulations that identify a putative PL(−)-binding site, adjacent to the PIP(2)-binding site, generated by two lysine residues from neighbouring subunits. When either lysine is mutated to cysteine (K64C and K219C), channel activity is significantly decreased in cells and in reconstituted liposomes. Directly tethering K64C to the membrane by modification with decyl-MTS generates high PIP(2) sensitivity in liposomes, even in the complete absence of PL(−)s. The results provide a coherent molecular mechanism whereby PL(−) interaction with a discrete binding site results in a conformational change that stabilizes the high-affinity PIP(2) activatory site

    Using Big Data to Assess Legitimacy of Plastic Surgery Information on Social Media

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    Background The proliferation of social media in plastic surgery poses significant difficulties for the public in determining legitimacy of information. This work proposes a system based on social network analysis (SNA) to assess the legitimacy of information contributors within a plastic surgery community. Objectives The aim of this study was to quantify the centrality of individual or group accounts on plastic surgery social media by means of a model based on academic plastic surgery and a single social media outlet. Methods To develop the model, a high-fidelity, active, and legitimate source account in academic plastic surgery (@psrc1955, Plastic Surgery Research Council) appearing only on Instagram (Facebook, Menlo Park, CA) was chosen. All follower-followed relationships were then recorded, and Gephi (https://gephi.org/) was used to compute 5 different centrality metrics for each contributor within the network. Results In total, 64,737 unique users and 116,439 unique follower-followed relationships were identified within the academic plastic surgery community. Among the metrics assessed, the in-degree centrality metric is the gold standard for SNA, hence this metric was designated as the centrality factor. Stratification of 1000 accounts by centrality factor demonstrated that all of the top 40 accounts were affiliated with a plastic surgery residency program, a board-certified academic plastic surgeon, a professional society, or a peer-reviewed journal. None of the accounts in the top decile belonged to a non–plastic surgeon or non-physician; however, this increased significantly beyond the 50th percentile. Conclusions A data-driven approach was able to identify and successfully vet a core group of interconnected accounts within a single plastic surgery subcommunity for the purposes of determining legitimate sources of information

    QS2: Outcomes Of Pediatric Dynamic Facial Reanimation After Two Decades

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    Purpose: Pediatric facial paralysis has substantial functional consequences in a growing child including impaired quality of life. Microneurovascular facial reanimation is the gold standard for smile reconstruction; however, quantitative data are lacking regarding long-term outcomes, particularly beyond 10 years. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term surgical and patient-reported outcomes after dynamic reconstruction of unilateral facial paralysis in childhood. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed of patients in our institutional facial paralysis database (1978-2008) who underwent dynamic reconstruction of unilateral facial paralysis 20 or more years ago. All patients were treated as children with a staged cross face nerve graft and free functioning muscle transfer. Frontal facial photographs in repose and maximal smile prior to surgery, within 2 years post-surgery, and at long term follow-up were analyzed using the MEEI Face-Gram software for commissure excursion. Patient-reported outcomes were obtained using the FaCE Scale for subjective facial impairment and disability, as well as the FACE-Q Satisfaction with Outcome and FACE-Q Social Function scales. Results are reported as median [IQR] and non-parametric statistical analysis was performed with alpha of 0.05. Results: Eleven patients were included with long term follow-up of 23.7 [5.6] years (6 females, 5 males; 5 congenital, 6 acquired; age at surgery 7.3 [6.3] years). For surgical quantitative measures, commissure excursion significantly improved from prior to surgery (-1.3 [7.4] mm) compared to follow up within 2 years post-surgery (7.0 [1.7] mm) (p0.05). For patient-reported outcomes, median FaCE Scale scores showed good function for social function (81/100), oral function (88/100), facial comfort (92/100), and overall score (75/100). On the FACE-Q Satisfaction with Outcome scale, 10/11 respondents somewhat agreed or definitely agreed with the statement, “I am pleased with the result.” On the FACE-Q Social Function scale, 10/11 respondents somewhat agreed or definitely agreed with the statements, “I make a good first impression” and “I feel confident when I participate in group situations.” Conclusion: Dynamic reconstruction of unilateral facial paralysis in young children improves commissure excursion that is maintained at long-term follow up. As adults, these patients report a high level of satisfaction and social functioning with their smile reconstruction
