36 research outputs found

    PLATO EM first cryogenic vacuum test campaign PSF results

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    PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) is a European Space Agency medium class mission, whose launch is foreseen for 2026. Its primary goal is to discover and characterise terrestrial exoplanets orbiting the habitable zone of their host stars. This goal will be reached with a set of 26 wide field-of-view cameras mounted on a common optical bench. Here we show some results of the first cryogenic vacuum test campaign made on the Engineering Model (EM) of one PLATO camera, performed at the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON). In particular we present the search for the best focus temperature, which was done first by using a Hartmann mask, and then by maximizing the ensquared energy fractions of the point spread functions (PSFs) on the entire field of view taken at different temperature plateaus. Furthermore we present the PSF properties of the EM at the nominal focus temperature over all the field of view, focusing on the ensquared energy fractions. The Engineering Model camera was successfully integrated and validated under cryo-vacuum tests, allowing the mission to pass ESA’s Critical Milestone, and confirming the mission is on track for launch in 2026

    Ground-breaking Exoplanet Science with the ANDES spectrograph at the ELT

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    In the past decade the study of exoplanet atmospheres at high-spectral resolution, via transmission/emission spectroscopy and cross-correlation techniques for atomic/molecular mapping, has become a powerful and consolidated methodology. The current limitation is the signal-to-noise ratio during a planetary transit. This limitation will be overcome by ANDES, an optical and near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph for the ELT. ANDES will be a powerful transformational instrument for exoplanet science. It will enable the study of giant planet atmospheres, allowing not only an exquisite determination of atmospheric composition, but also the study of isotopic compositions, dynamics and weather patterns, mapping the planetary atmospheres and probing atmospheric formation and evolution models. The unprecedented angular resolution of ANDES, will also allow us to explore the initial conditions in which planets form in proto-planetary disks. The main science case of ANDES, however, is the study of small, rocky exoplanet atmospheres, including the potential for biomarker detections, and the ability to reach this science case is driving its instrumental design. Here we discuss our simulations and the observing strategies to achieve this specific science goal. Since ANDES will be operational at the same time as NASA's JWST and ESA's ARIEL missions, it will provide enormous synergies in the characterization of planetary atmospheres at high and low spectral resolution. Moreover, ANDES will be able to probe for the first time the atmospheres of several giant and small planets in reflected light. In particular, we show how ANDES will be able to unlock the reflected light atmospheric signal of a golden sample of nearby non-transiting habitable zone earth-sized planets within a few tenths of nights, a scientific objective that no other currently approved astronomical facility will be able to reach.Comment: 66 pages (103 with references) 20 figures. Submitted to Experimental Astronom

    Nightside condensation of iron in an ultra-hot giant exoplanet

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    Ultra-hot giant exoplanets receive thousands of times Earth's insolation. Their high-temperature atmospheres (>2,000 K) are ideal laboratories for studying extreme planetary climates and chemistry. Daysides are predicted to be cloud-free, dominated by atomic species and substantially hotter than nightsides. Atoms are expected to recombine into molecules over the nightside, resulting in different day-night chemistry. While metallic elements and a large temperature contrast have been observed, no chemical gradient has been measured across the surface of such an exoplanet. Different atmospheric chemistry between the day-to-night ("evening") and night-to-day ("morning") terminators could, however, be revealed as an asymmetric absorption signature during transit. Here, we report the detection of an asymmetric atmospheric signature in the ultra-hot exoplanet WASP-76b. We spectrally and temporally resolve this signature thanks to the combination of high-dispersion spectroscopy with a large photon-collecting area. The absorption signal, attributed to neutral iron, is blueshifted by -11+/-0.7 km s-1 on the trailing limb, which can be explained by a combination of planetary rotation and wind blowing from the hot dayside. In contrast, no signal arises from the nightside close to the morning terminator, showing that atomic iron is not absorbing starlight there. Iron must thus condense during its journey across the nightside.Comment: Published in Nature (Accepted on 24 January 2020.) 33 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Epistolari dal Due al Seicento. Modelli, questioni ecdotiche, edizioni, cantieri aperti (Gargnano del Garda, 29 settembre - 1° ottobre 2014)

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    Nei secoli passati, la lettera era l'unico mezzo di comunicazione: familiare, amichevole, d'ufficio o di servizio, ma anche strumento di dibattito politico e culturale. Lo studio degli epistolari dei singoli ma anche delle reti di comunicazione e di scambio è uno dei grandi temi della ricerca europea contemporanea. Vi si inserisce questo secondo volume dei "Quaderni di Gargnano", che - volgendosi sia alla produzione latina sia a quella volgare dal Due al Seicento - si sofferma su problemi metodologici e casi significativi, con impostazioni e tagli diversi: dall'ecdotica alla filologia, dall'archivistica, alla storia, alla storia delle discipline

    The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XII. Characterization of the planetary system around HD 108874

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    In order to understand the observed physical and orbital diversity of extrasolar planetary systems, a full investigation of these objects and of their host stars is necessary. Within this field, one of the main purposes of the GAPS observing project with HARPS-N at TNG is to provide a more detailed characterization of already known systems. In this framework we monitored the star, hosting two giant planets, HD 108874, with HARPS-N for three years in order to refine the orbits, to improve the dynamical study and to search for additional low-mass planets in close orbits. We subtracted the radial velocity (RV) signal due to the known outer planets, finding a clear modulation of 40.2 d period. We analysed the correlation between RV residuals and the activity indicators and modelled the magnetic activity with a dedicated code. Our analysis suggests that the 40.2 d periodicity is a signature of the rotation period of the star. A refined orbital solution is provided, revealing that the system is close to a mean motion resonance of about 9:2, in a stable configuration over 1 Gyr. Stable orbits for low-mass planets are limited to regions very close to the star or far from it. Our data exclude super-Earths with Msini ≳ 5M⊕ within 0.4 AU and objects with Msini ≳ 2M⊕ with orbital periods of a few days. Finally we put constraints on the habitable zone of the system, assuming the presence of an exomoon orbiting the inner giant planet. Based on observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island of La Palma by the Fundación Galileo Galilei of the INAF at the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the IAC in the frame of the programme Global Architecture of Planetary Systems (GAPS).Table A.1 is also available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/599/A90</A

    ESPRESSO at VLT. On-sky performance and first results

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    Context. ESPRESSO is the new high-resolution spectrograph of ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT). It was designed for ultra-high radial-velocity (RV) precision and extreme spectral fidelity with the aim of performing exoplanet research and fundamental astrophysical experiments with unprecedented precision and accuracy. It is able to observe with any of the four Unit Telescopes (UTs) of the VLT at a spectral resolving power of 140 000 or 190 000 over the 378.2 to 788.7 nm wavelength range; it can also observe with all four UTs together, turning the VLT into a 16 m diameter equivalent telescope in terms of collecting area while still providing a resolving power of 70 000. Aims: We provide a general description of the ESPRESSO instrument, report on its on-sky performance, and present our Guaranteed Time Observation (GTO) program along with its first results. Methods: ESPRESSO was installed on the Paranal Observatory in fall 2017. Commissioning (on-sky testing) was conducted between December 2017 and September 2018. The instrument saw its official start of operations on October 1, 2018, but improvements to the instrument and recommissioning runs were conducted until July 2019. Results: The measured overall optical throughput of ESPRESSO at 550 nm and a seeing of 0.65″ exceeds the 10% mark under nominal astroclimatic conditions. We demonstrate an RV precision of better than 25 cm s-1 during a single night and 50 cm s-1 over several months. These values being limited by photon noise and stellar jitter shows that the performance is compatible with an instrumental precision of 10 cm s-1. No difference has been measured across the UTs, neither in throughput nor RV precision. Conclusions: The combination of the large collecting telescope area with the efficiency and the exquisite spectral fidelity of ESPRESSO opens a new parameter space in RV measurements, the study of planetary atmospheres, fundamental constants, stellar characterization, and many other fields. Based on GTOs collected at the European Southern Observatory under ESO program(s) 1102.C-0744, 1102.C-0958 and 1104.C-0350 by the ESPRESSO Consortium

    O que é família para você? Opinião de crianças sobre o conceito de família

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    Las diferentes configuraciones familiares son parte de la sociedad contemporánea y resultan en cambios en las concepciones de familias existentes en la sociedad, incluso para los niños. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las concepciones sociales sobre la familia, según el relato verbal de los niños. Participaron 108 niños, con edades entre 5 y 12 años (M = 8,58, dp = 1,54), residentes en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Se les realizó la pregunta: '¿Qué es para ti una familia?'. Las respuestas fueron almacenadas en formato de texto y audio para realizar un análisis léxico, con el uso del software IRaMuTeQ, y un análisis de contenido, según la propuesta de Bardin. Los resultados indican que los niños siguen asociando el concepto de familia con las configuraciones tradicionales. Se observó, sin embargo, que los niños ya reconocen la familia desde el punto de vista del afecto y de las funciones asociadas al cuidado y a la protección.The different family settings are part of contemporary society and result in changes in the conceptions of existing families, including for children. This study aimed to analyze the conceptions of families according to the children's verbal report. A total of 108 children aged 5 to 12 years (M = 8.58, sd = 1.54), living in the city of Rio de Janeiro, participated in this study. The following question was asked to each of them: 'What does family mean to you?'. The answers were stored in text and audio format in order to perform lexical analysis, using the IRaMuTeQ software, and content analysis, according to Bardin's proposal. The results indicated that the focus of the children remains in families of traditional configurations. It was observed, however, that from early years, children recognize families from the point of view of affection and functions associated with care and protection.As diferentes configurações familiares são parte da sociedade contemporànea e resultam em mudanças nas concepções de famílias existentes na sociedade, inclusive para as crianças. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as concepções de famílias segundo o relato verbal de crianças. Participaram dessa amostra 108 crianças, com idades entre cinco e 12 anos (M= 8,58; DP= 1,54), residentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Foi realizada a seguinte pergunta a cada uma delas: 'O que é uma família para você?'. As respostas foram armazenadas em formato de texto e áudio a fim de serem realizadas uma análise lexical com o uso do software IRaMuTeQ e uma análise de conteúdo, segundo proposta de Bardin. Os resultados indicaram que não houve por parte das crianças uma total inclusão de novos modelos familiares. Observou-se, no entanto, que as famílias já são reconhecidas pelas crianças do ponto de vista do afeto e de funções associadas ao cuidado e proteção.

    O que é família para você? Opinião de crianças sobre o conceito de família

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    The different family settings are part of contemporary society and result in changes in the conceptions of existing families, including for children. This study aimed to analyze the conceptions of families according to the children’s verbal report. A total of 108 children aged 5 to 12 years (M = 8.58, sd = 1.54), living in the city of Rio de Janeiro, participated in this study. The following question was asked to each of them: “What does family mean to you?”. The answers were stored in text and audio format in order to perform lexical analysis, using the IRaMuTeQ software, and content analysis, according to Bardin’s proposal. The results indicated that the focus of the children remains in families of traditional configurations. It was observed, however, that from early years, children recognize families from the point of view of affection and functions associated with care and protection.Las diferentes configuraciones familiares son parte de la sociedad contemporánea y resultan en cambios en las concepciones de familias existentes en la sociedad, incluso para los niños. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las concepciones sociales sobre la familia, según el relato verbal de los niños. Participaron 108 niños, con edades entre 5 y 12 años (M = 8,58, dp = 1,54), residentes en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Se les realizó la pregunta: “¿Qué es para ti una familia?”. Las respuestas fueron almacenadas en formato de texto y audio para realizar un análisis léxico, con el uso del software IRaMuTeQ, y un análisis de contenido, según la propuesta de Bardin. Los resultados indican que los niños siguen asociando el concepto de familia con las configuraciones tradicionales. Se observó, sin embargo, que los niños ya reconocen la familia desde el punto de vista del afecto y de las funciones asociadas al cuidado y a la protección.As diferentes configurações familiares são parte da sociedade contemporânea e resultam em mudanças nas concepções de famílias existentes na sociedade, inclusive para as crianças. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as concepções de famílias segundo o relato verbal de crianças. Participaram dessa amostra 108 crianças, com idades entre cinco e 12 anos (M= 8,58; DP= 1,54), residentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Foi realizada a seguinte pergunta a cada uma delas: “O que é uma família para você?”. As respostas foram armazenadas em formato de texto e áudio a fim de serem realizadas uma análise lexical com o uso do software IRaMuTeQ e uma análise de conteúdo, segundo proposta de Bardin. Os resultados indicaram que não houve por parte das crianças uma total inclusão de novos modelos familiares. Observou-se, no entanto, que as famílias já são reconhecidas pelas crianças do ponto de vista do afeto e de funções associadas ao cuidado e proteção

    Stai fermo un girone. Un gioco per scoprire Dante e il suo mondo

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    “Stai fermo un girone” (skip a turn in hell) is a game based on the “Game of the Goose”, a traditional children’s board game. It is dedicated to Inferno by Dante Alighieri, and to all humanities research focused on the Middle Ages. To advance along the board, and to win the game, one must not only have a certain familiarity with cantos, characters, and themes of Dante’s Inferno, but must also be able to tackle different modes of enquiry for the texts used in university studies. In so doing, one can unlock a door through which to view Dante’s work, set against the backdrop of the Middle Ages, with its history, ideas, culture, questions raised, and answers given. This board game will help stimulate and further the understanding of secondary school students encountering Dante’s verses for the first time. It’s also a fun way for aficionados to relive and revisit a beloved writing. Thanks to its three levels of difficulty, the game is suitable for persons of all skill levels, from novices to veterans. The print-cut-play format makes it easy for everyone to build their own set of cards, markers and board, and to immerse themselves in the world of Dante and his Inferno.Published“Stai fermo un girone” è un gioco concepito sul modello del tradizionale “gioco dell’oca”, dedicato all’Inferno di Dante Alighieri e alle discipline della ricerca umanistica coinvolte nello studio del Medioevo. Per avanzare e vincere non occorrono soltanto conoscenze sui canti, i personaggi e i temi infernali, ma ci si dovrà anche confrontare con diversi metodi di indagine applicati ai testi negli studi universitari: questa, anzi, sarà la porta d’accesso per guardare all’opera dantesca sullo sfondo dell’intero Medioevo, con la sua storia, le sue idee, la sua cultura, i problemi che si è posto e le risposte che ha provato a dare. Il gioco potrà servire a stimolare e consolidare l’apprendimento in studenti delle superiori che incontrino per la prima volta i versi danteschi, o essere occasione per tutti gli appassionati per rivivere e ricordare – in maniera più disimpegnata – letture del passato. Grazie ai suoi tre livelli di difficoltà, infatti, si adatta a tutti i giocatori, dai principianti agli esperti. Il formato stampabile e ritagliabile permette a ciascuno di costruirsi il suo set di carte, segnalini e tavola da gioco e di immergersi nell’Inferno e nel mondo di Dante