18 research outputs found

    Identification of Xiphinema index in an Austrian vineyard

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    Adenosine A2A receptor ligand recognition and signaling is blocked by A2B receptors

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    The adenosine receptor (AR) subtypes A2A and A2B are rhodopsin-like Gs protein-coupled receptors whose expression is highly regulated under pathological, e.g. hypoxic, ischemic and inflammatory conditions. Both receptors play important roles in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, are blocked by caffeine, and have now become major drug targets in immuno-oncology. By Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) and proximity ligation assays (PLA) we demonstrated A2A-A2BAR heteromeric complex formation. Moreover we observed a dramatically altered pharmacology of the A2AAR when co-expressed with the A2BAR (A2B ≥ A2A) in recombinant as well as in native cells. In the presence of A2BARs, A2A-selective ligands lost high affinity binding to A2AARs and displayed strongly reduced potency in cAMP accumulation and dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) assays. These results have major implications for the use of A2AAR ligands as drugs as they will fail to modulate the receptor in an A2A-A2B heteromer context. Accordingly, A2A-A2BAR heteromers represent novel pharmacological targets

    Heteroreceptor complexes formed by dopamine D1, histamine H3 and N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors as targets to prevent neuronal death in Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder causing progressive memory loss and cognitive dysfunction. Anti-AD strategies targeting cell receptors consider them as isolated units. However, many cell surface receptors cooperate and physically contact each other forming complexes having different biochemical properties than individual receptors. We here report the discovery of dopamine D , histamine H , and N-methylD-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor heteromers in heterologous systems and in rodent brain cortex. Heteromers were detected by coimmunoprecipitation and in situ proximity ligation assays (PLA) in the rat cortex where H receptor agonists, via negative cross-talk, and H receptor antagonists, via cross-antagonism, decreased D receptor agonist signaling determined by ERK1/2 or Akt phosphorylation and counteracted D receptormediated excitotoxic cell death. Both D and H receptor antagonists also counteracted NMDA toxicity suggesting a complex interaction between NMDA receptors and D -H receptor heteromer function. Likely due to heteromerization, H receptors act as allosteric regulator for D and NMDA receptors. By bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), we demonstrated that D or H receptors form heteromers with NR1A/NR2B NMDA receptor subunits. D -H -NMDA receptor complexes were confirmed by BRET combined with fluorescence complementation. The endogenous expression of complexes in mouse cortex was determined by PLA and similar expression was observed in wild-type and APP/PS1 mice. Consistent with allosteric receptor-receptor interactions within the complex, H receptor antagonists reduced NMDA or D receptor-mediated excitotoxic cell death in cortical organotypic cultures. Moreover, H receptor antagonists reverted the toxicity induced by ß -amyloid peptide. Thus, histamine H receptors in D -H -NMDA heteroreceptor complexes arise as promising targets to prevent neurodegeneration

    Understanding the role of adenosine A2AR heteroreceptor complexes in neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation

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    Adenosine is a nucleoside mainly formed by degradation of ATP, located intracellularly or extracellularly, and acts as a neuromodulator. It operates as a volume transmission signal through diffusion and flow in the extracellular space to modulate the activity of both glial cells and neurons. The effects of adenosine are mediated via four adenosine receptor subtypes: A1R, A2AR, A2BR, A3R. The A2AR has a wide-spread distribution but it is especially enriched in the ventral and dorsal striatum where it is mainly located in the striato-pallidal GABA neurons at a synaptic and extrasynaptic location. A number of A2AR heteroreceptor complexes exist in the striatum. The existence of A2AR-D2R heteroreceptor complexes with antagonistic A2AR-D2R interactions in the striato-pallidal GABA neurons is well-known with A2AR activation inhibiting Gi/o mediated signaling of D2Rs. A2AR-mGluR5 heteroreceptor complexes were also found in with synergistic receptor-receptor interactions enhancing the inhibition of the D2R protomer signaling. They are located mainly in extrasynaptic regions of the striato-pallidal GABA neurons. Results recently demonstrated the existence of brain A2AR-A2BR heteroreceptor complexes, in which A2BR protomer constitutively inhibited the function of the A2AR protomer. These adenosine A2AR heteroreceptor complexes may modulate alpha-synuclein aggregation and toxicity through postulated bidirectional direct interactions leading to marked increases in A2AR signaling both in nerve cells and microglia. It is of high interest that formation of A2AR-A2ABR heteroreceptor complexes provides a brake on A2AR recognition and signaling opening up a novel strategy for treatment of A2AR mediated neurodegeneration. KEYWORDS: G protein-coupled receptor; Parkinson's diseases; adenosine A2A receptor; adenosine receptor; heteroreceptor complexes; neurodegeneration; neuroinflammation; oligomerizatio