39 research outputs found

    Zero Textbook Cost Syllabus for ENV 3009/BIO 4009 (Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development)

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    Conservation biology is an interdisciplinary topic that explores how we can protect and maintain natural areas. Due to the resources we take and impacts we have on natural environments, this field is directly related to restoration ecology (restoring natural areas) and sustainable development/natural resource management. We will explore the basis for these related fields from an ecological, social, legal, and cultural perspective, as all conservation and management projects take place in the larger human landscape. We will consider how we measure biodiversity, why it matters, why is it is threatened, and how we can manage (protect, restore, maintain, use) it in a sustainable manner (and what that means)

    Calidad de vida oral en adolescentes de tres municipios de Nuevo León, México y su relación con ICON y CPO´S

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    En el presente trabajo se relacionó la percepción de la calidad de vida oral de padres e hijos junto con la necesidad de tratamiento de ortodoncia. Objetivos: Analizar la apariencia estética y su relación con la calidad de vida oral, a través de los indicadores de ICON COHIP y CPO’s. Materiales y Métodos: se examinaron 411 adolescentes de Santa Catarina, Montemorelos y Apodaca, del estado de Nuevo León a través de la encuesta de COHIP, ICON, CPO´s. Resultados: Se encontró que la percepción de la calidad de vida oral de los adolescentes es buena, el 40% de los adolescentes estudiados requieren tratamiento de ortodoncia según el índice ICON. El promedio CPO´s encontrado fue de 4.6, la percepción de la calidad de vida oral de los padres es baja. Conclusiones. Se encontró una relación directa del índice de CPO´s y el ICON. Además se encontró que cuando los padres tienen una buena percepción de la calidad de vida oral COHIP de los niños, afecta de manera directa positivamente. Se encontró que a menor edad, menor necesidad de necesidad atención ortodóntica. En la autoevaluación de la necesidad de tratamiento de Ortodoncia, los adolescentes consideraban no tener problemas estéticos, solo el 7% percibió algún problema estético

    Midwives' experiences of encountering immigrant women during labour and birth who do not master the host country's language. A lifeworld hermeneutic study

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    Background - Immigrant women are in a vulnerable position during labour and birth due to language barriers. Communication with women who do not master the host country's language is difficult for midwives, but there are few studies about midwives' experiences. Aim - To explore Norwegian midwives' experiences of encountering immigrant women during labour and birth who do not master the native language. Method - A hermeneutic lifeworld approach. Interviews with eight midwives working at specialist clinics and hospital maternity wards in Norway. Results - The findings were interpreted based on four concepts in the theory “Birth territory: A theory for midwifery practice” by Fahy and Parrat presented in five themes: language barriers can cause disharmony and prevent participation, language barriers can lead to midwifery domination and poorer care, midwives strive for harmony and to be a guardian, medicalisd birth due to language barriers, and disharmony can lead to crossing boundaries. The main interpretation shows that it is midwifery domination and disintegrative power that are prominent. However, the midwives strived to use their integrative power and be guardians, but in doing so they encountered challenges. Conclusion - Midwives need strategies for better communication with immigrant women involving the women and for avoiding a medicalised birth. To be able to meet immigrant women's needs and to establish a good relationship with them, challenges in maternity care need to be addressed. There are needs of care that focus on cultural aspects, leadership teams that support midwives, and both theoretical and organisational care models that support immigrant women

    Jordmødres erfaringer i møte med innvandrerkvinner i fødsel som ikke behersker det norske språk.

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    Hensikt: Å utforske norske jordmødres erfaringer i møte med innvandrerkvinner i fødsel som ikke behersker det norske språk. Metode: Kvalitativ metode med åtte individuelle intervju. I dette studiet ble det brukt en hermeneutisk tilnærming og data ble analysert etter livsverden hermeneutikk. Funn: Funnene presenteres gjennom fem temaer: språkbarrierer kan gi disharmoni og hindre deltakelse, språkbarrierer kan føre til jordmordominans og dårligere omsorg, jordmødrene streber etter harmoni og å være verge, medikalisert fødsel på grunn av språkbarrierer og disharmoni kan føre til grenseoverskridelse. Hovedtolkningen er basert på underbegrepene fra teorien «Birth territory: A theory for midwifery practice» av Fahy og Parrat (2006): integrerende makt, ikke-integrerende makt, jordmorformynderskap og jordmordominans. Hovedtolkningen fra studiet viser at i møte med innvandrerkvinner i fødsel som ikke behersker norsk, er det ikke-integrerende makt og jordmordominans som er fremtredende. Dersom jordmor ønsker å være en vokter og anvende integrerende makt, er endringer nødvendig i praksis slik at jordmødre kan styrke innvandrerkvinnene til å kunne ta makten tilbake i føderommet. Konklusjon: For at jordmødre skal kunne møte innvandrerkvinner som ikke behersker språket og deres behov under fødsel er det mange utfordringer i omsorgen som må løses. Dagens praksis etterlater jordmødre med psykiske belastninger som fører til at jordmødre krysser egne og innvandrerkvinners grenser. Jordmødrene behøver strategier for å kunne forbedre kommunikasjon som involverer kvinnen og som unngår en medikalisert fødsel. Kvinnen må være bedre forberedt og i større grad bli støttet for å kunne anvende sin makt under fødsel.Nøkkelord: Jordmor, fødsel, innvandrerkvinner, erfaringer, fødselsomsorg, hermeneutikk

    Optimización de un proceso de recocido : una aproximación desde la estadística y la ciencia de materiales a un caso de aplicación en la manufactura de envases de vidrio

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    RESUMEN: El recocido es uno de los procesos más importantes en la manufactura del vidrio ya que proporciona la relajación de la red vítrea de SiO2 y por ende define importantes propiedades mecánicas requeridas para hacer a este material útil. Sin embargo, dicho proceso también es costoso debido a las grandes cantidades de energía y tiempo involucradas para llevarlo a cabo, razón por la cual hay al interior de la industria del vidrio un paradigma concerniente a los posibles problemas involucrados con el cambio de variables para mejorar el proceso a nivel técnico sin afectar la calidad del vidrio. En este orden de ideas, disminuciones progresivas de temperatura y tiempo fueron llevadas a cabo al interior de un archa de recocido real pretendiendo así medir, analizar y comparar los valores de esfuerzo obtenidos con el proceso actual contra los valores obtenidos con los procesos propuestos. Todo lo anterior siguiendo las normas ASTM C336-71 y ASTM C148-14, así como haciendo uso de herramientas estadísticas tales como: Diseño de Experimentos (DOE) y Análisis de Varianza (ANOVA). Como resultados fueron obtenidos cambios estadísticamente no significativos entre los valores de esfuerzo obtenidos para la mayoría de las disminuciones efectuadas, lo cual permite pensar en dichas disminuciones como una opción para los altos costos de la industria del vidrio.ABSTRACT: Annealing is one of the most important processes to manufacture glass since it provides relaxation to the SiO2 vitreous network and therefore it determines important mechanical properties required for doing this material useful. However, this process is also expensive due to there are involved high quantities of energy and time to carry it out, and for these reasons there is into the glass industry a paradigm regarding possible issues involved with the changing of variables to improve the process at the technical level without affecting the glass quality. In this order of ideas, progressive decreases of both, temperature and time were performed into an actual lehr, aiming to measure, to analyze and to compare the values of stress obtained from the actual and the proposed processes, all of this using the ASTM C336- 71 and the ASTM C148-14 standards, as well as using statistical tools such as: Design of Experiments (DOE) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). As results were obtained nonsignificant statistical changes between the values of stress obtained for the majority of decreases performed, which allows to think about these decreases as an option for the high glass industry costs

    Taller de empleo de sistemas de recuperación de código libre en el entorno laboral

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    proyecto de innovación docente que trata de incorporar a los contenidos de la asignatura "Búsqueda y Recuperación de Información" del Grado en Información y Documentación no solo los conceptos esenciales relativos a la Recuperación de Información, sino el contacto y conocimiento de los principales programas y Sistemas de Recuperación de Información de código libre empleados habitualmente en organismos y empresas de todos los sectores

    Patients receiving a high burden of antibiotics in the community in Spain: a cross-sectional study.

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    Some patients in the community receive a high burden of antibiotics. We aimed at describing the characteristics of these patients, antibiotics used, and conditions for which they received antibiotics. We carried out a cross-sectional study. Setting: Thirty Health Primary Care Areas from 12 regions in Spain, covering 5,960,191 inhabitants. Patients having at least 30 packages of antibacterials for systemic use dispensed in 2017 were considered. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of antibiotic use, conditions for which antibiotics were prescribed, clinical characteristics of patients, comorbidities, concomitant treatments, and microbiological isolates. Patient's average age was 70 years; 52% were men; 60% smokers/ex-smokers; 54% obese. Overall, 93% of patients had, at least, one chronic condition, and four comorbidities on average. Most common comorbidities were cardiovascular and/or hypertension (67%), respiratory diseases (62%), neurological/mental conditions (32%), diabetes (23%), and urological diseases (21%); 29% were immunosuppressed, 10% were dead at the time of data collection. Patients received three antibiotic treatments per year, mainly fluoroquinolones (28%), macrolides (21%), penicillins (19%), or cephalosporins (12%). Most frequently treated conditions were lower respiratory tract (infections or prophylaxis) (48%), urinary (27%), and skin/soft tissue infections (11%). Thirty-five percent have been guided by a microbiological diagnosis, being Pseudomonas aeruginosa (30%) and Escherichia coli (16%) the most frequent isolates. In conclusion, high antibiotic consumers in the community were basically elder, with multimorbidity and polymedication. They frequently received broad-spectrum antibiotics for long periods of time. The approach to infections in high consumers should be differentiated from healthy patients receiving antibiotics occasionally

    Socially tolerant lions (Panthera leo) solve a novel cooperative problem

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    Cooperative interactions vary in complexity. The emotional reactivity hypothesis posits that cooperative complexity is constrained by social intolerance. Relaxed social constraints should thereby increase cooperative flexibility and have been proposed as a key step in cognitive evolution. Lions (Panthera leo) are an ideal candidate for investigating cooperative complexity and tolerance. Lions regularly cooperate and their egalitarian social structure predicts high social tolerance. I used a food-sharing task and cooperative problem-solving task to investigate tolerance and cooperation in lions. The majority of pairs (N = 5/7 dyads) solved the cooperative task, repeated success in consecutive trials, and demonstrated cooperative complexity at the levels of similarity and synchrony. Surprisingly, lions showed no evidence of coordination. If coordination occurred, then after gaining experience and when no longer naïve to the need for a partner, lions should increase the proportion of time spent together and preferentially attended to the task in the presence of a partner. However, naïve and experienced pairs did not differ (Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test: both present at apparatus: S4 = − 4.5, N = 5, p = 0.50 |both touching the rope: S4 = − 3.5, N = 5, p = 0.43| simultaneous action: S4 = 2.5, N = 5, p = 0.63). As predicted, lions displayed high tolerance and cooperative success was positively correlated with tolerance (Spearman’s correlation test: ρ = 0.83, N = 7, p = 0.02*). To date, this is the first experimental test of and support for cooperative problem solving in lions

    Lion population dynamics: do nomadic males matter?

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