53 research outputs found

    Nietzsche en perspectiva

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    En este texto se reúne un conjunto de ensayos recientes e inéditos casi todos, de reconocidos estudiosos de la obra de Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), que fueron presentados con motivo de la celebración del primer centenario de la muerte de este gran filósofo alemán durante el Encuentro Internacional: Nietzche en perspectiva. / Contenido. Preliminares; Capítulo 1 - A manera de introducción: el amor por el saber en Nietzsche; Capítulo 2 - Subjetividad y ontología de la fuerza; Capítulo 3 - Cuerpo y superación de la metafísica; Capítulo 4 - Arte; Capítulo 5 - Estilo; Capítulo 6 - Resonancias; Anexos

    S2k guidelines on the management of paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV).

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    BACKGROUND Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP), also called paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome (PAMS), is a rare autoimmune disease with mucocutaneous and multi-organ involvement. PNP/PAMS is typically associated with lymphoproliferative or haematological malignancies, and less frequently with solid malignancies. The mortality rate of PNP/PAMS is elevated owing to the increased risk of severe infections and disease-associated complications, such as bronchiolitis obliterans. OBJECTIVES These guidelines summarize evidence-based and expert-based recommendations (S2k level) for the clinical characterization, diagnosis and management of PNP/PAMS. They have been initiated by the Task Force Autoimmune Blistering Diseases of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology with the contribution of physicians from all relevant disciplines. The degree of consent among all task force members was included. RESULTS Chronic severe mucositis and polymorphic skin lesions are clue clinical characteristics of PNP/PAMS. A complete assessment of the patient with suspected PNP/PAMS, requiring histopathological study and immunopathological investigations, including direct and indirect immunofluorescence, ELISA and, where available, immunoblotting/immunoprecipitation, is recommended to achieve a diagnosis of PNP/PAMS. Detection of anti-envoplakin antibodies and/or circulating antibodies binding to the rat bladder epithelium at indirect immunofluorescence is the most specific tool for the diagnosis of PNP/PAMS in a patient with compatible clinical and anamnestic features. Treatment of PNP/PAMS is highly challenging. Systemic steroids up to 1.5 mg/kg/day are recommended as first-line option. Rituximab is also recommended in patients with PNP/PAMS secondary to lymphoproliferative conditions but might also be considered in cases of PNP/PAMS associated with solid tumours. A multidisciplinary approach involving pneumologists, ophthalmologists and onco-haematologists is recommended for optimal management of the patients. CONCLUSIONS These are the first European guidelines for the diagnosis and management of PNP/PAMS. Diagnostic criteria and therapeutic recommendations will require further validation by prospective studies

    Virtualidad, arquitectura, filosofía

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    En este texto se contrastan una definición representacionalista de la virtualidad, según la cual este concepto "representa" los efectos de la comunicación y la tecnología informacional sobre nuestra manera de conocer y construir el mundo, con un concepto alternativo según el cual la virtualidad describe un componente constitutivo de la experiencia, y como tal seresiste a toda reducción a procesos ñsicos, así como a la cuantificación y la formalización. Se hace la sugerencia de pensar la virtualidad basándose en la noción nietzscheana deperspectivismo, que equivale a la suposición de que la experiencia contiene una dimensión virtual, y con ello se cuestiona todo un rango de categorizaciones filosóficas y depresupuestos arquitectónicos, el principal de ellos la noción cartesiana de espacio. Emerge así un nuevo concepto de espacialidad virtual que se trata de articular en términosnietzscheanos y también bergsonianos

    Politiques du Secret

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    « Bien que le soleil brillât et que le ciel fût d’un bleu dur, tout semblait décoloré, hormis les affiches collées partout. De tous les carrefours importants, le visage à la moustache noire vous fixait du regard. Il y en avait un sur le mur d’en face. BIG BROTHER VOUS REGARDE, répétait la légende, tandis que le regard des yeux noirs pénétrait les yeux de Winston. » (Orwell 1950 : 12)Dans la société dystopique que dépeint 1984, les citoyens savent qu’ils sont étroitement observés et contrôlés..

    L'evasione dell'evasione della realtà:

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    The paper evaluates the combination between a politics of fear and terror, and an ethics of paradox and farce, in the workings of Italian democracy and international relations. On the background of two major geopolitical events, the attacks of September 11, 2001, and the financial havoc produced by the Great Recession, the author argues that terror and farce feed on each other to produce not only a diversion, or evasion, from the real challenges of the moment, but more perversely, an “evasion of the evasion of reality,” which prevents citizens from recognizing the mechanism of dissimulation, thus disabling any meaningful resistance to it. In the paper, the author reconstructs the place of fear and terror in Thomas Hobbes and Carl Schmitt, and shows how the ethics of paradox and farce excludes any authentic confrontation with the other, whether we conceive of it as the foreigner, the immigrant, or the refugee

    Filsafat dalam masa teror : dialog dengan Jurgen Habermas dan Jacques Derrida

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    Buku ini terdiri dari dua bagian. Bagian I membahas tentang fundamentalisme dan teror, sebuah dialog dengan Jurgen Habermas dan merekonstruksi terorisme. Pada bagian II dibahas tentang otoimunitas : bunuh diri nyata dan simbolis, dan mendekonstruksi terorisme