346 research outputs found

    Composición química y cinética de producción de gas in vitro de la cascarilla de soya

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    La ovinocultura se desarrolla bajo sistemas de producción diversos, que definen enfoques que consideran la parte económica, social y el medio ambiente. La parte social involucra la cadena productiva, considera factores tanto personales, como de exigencias de la sociedad en la que se encuentra inmerso el productor. Sin embargo existen diferentes tipologías en las que se encuentran los productores como pueden ser el tipo de organización y sus objetivos; en la parte económica interviene la capacidad de producción, el recurso genético, infraestructura con la que se apoya esta actividad, disponibilidad de materia prima y el acceso al mercado; en cuanto al medio ambiente, se refiere en el que se desenvuelven, físico, climatológico y la orientación del producto a través de la comercialización que hace hincapié en el desarrollo de la producción de nuestro país con destino al mercado y al consumo inmediato (Garrido, 2010).La degradabilidad in vitro de la cascarilla de soya, mostro un comportamiento gradual ascendente de la hora 0 a la hora 48 manteniendo una producción de gas constante, se determinó que la degradabilidad de la materia seca de este subproducto fue de 75% y un pH in vitro de 6.71 que se considera óptimo para el desarrollo microbiano ruminal. Este subproducto puede ser utilizado en la alimentación de ovinos y puede mostrar ventajas como fuente de fibra de alta calidad

    Rapid modification of the insect elicitor N-linolenoyl-glutamate via a lipoxygenase-mediated mechanism on Nicotiana attenuata leaves

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Some plants distinguish mechanical wounding from herbivore attack by recognizing specific constituents of larval oral secretions (OS) which are introduced into plant wounds during feeding. Fatty acid-amino acid conjugates (FACs) are major constituents of <it>Manduca sexta </it>OS and strong elicitors of herbivore-induced defense responses in <it>Nicotiana attenuata </it>plants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The metabolism of one of the major FACs in <it>M. sexta </it>OS, <it>N</it>-linolenoyl-glutamic acid (18:3-Glu), was analyzed on <it>N. attenuata </it>wounded leaf surfaces. Between 50 to 70% of the 18:3-Glu in the OS or of synthetic 18:3-Glu were metabolized within 30 seconds of application to leaf wounds. This heat-labile process did not result in free α-linolenic acid (18:3) and glutamate but in the biogenesis of metabolites both more and less polar than 18:3-Glu. Identification of the major modified forms of this FAC showed that they corresponded to 13-hydroxy-18:3-Glu, 13-hydroperoxy-18:3-Glu and 13-oxo-13:2-Glu. The formation of these metabolites occurred on the wounded leaf surface and it was dependent on lipoxygenase (LOX) activity; plants silenced in the expression of <it>NaLOX2 </it>and <it>NaLOX3 </it>genes showed more than 50% reduced rates of 18:3-Glu conversion and accumulated smaller amounts of the oxygenated derivatives compared to wild-type plants. Similar to 18:3-Glu, 13-oxo-13:2-Glu activated the enhanced accumulation of jasmonic acid (JA) in <it>N. attenuata </it>leaves whereas 13-hydroxy-18:3-Glu did not. Moreover, compared to 18:3-Glu elicitation, 13-oxo-13:2-Glu induced the differential emission of two monoterpene volatiles (β-pinene and an unidentified monoterpene) in ir<it>lox2 </it>plants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The metabolism of one of the major elicitors of herbivore-specific responses in <it>N. attenuata </it>plants, 18:3-Glu, results in the formation of oxidized forms of this FAC by a LOX-dependent mechanism. One of these derivatives, 13-oxo-13:2-Glu, is an active elicitor of JA biosynthesis and differential monoterpene emission.</p

    Improving the Performance of SDM-EON Through Demand Prioritization: A Comprehensive Analysis

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    This paper studies the impact of demand-prioritization on Space-Division Multiplexing Elastic Optical Networks (SDM-EON). For this purpose, we solve the static Routing, Modulation Level, Spatial Mode, and Spectrum Assignment (RMLSSA) problem using 34 different explainable demand-prioritization strategies. Although previous works have applied heuristics or meta-heuristics to perform demand-prioritization, they have not focused on identifying the best prioritization strategies, their inner operation, and the implications behind their good performance by thorough profiling and impact analysis. We focus on a comprehensive analysis identifying the best explainable strategies to sort network demands in SDM-EON, considering the physical-layer impairments found in optical communications. Also, we show that simply using the common shortest path routing might lead to higher resource requirements. Extensive simulation results show that up to 8.33% capacity savings can be achieved on average by balanced routing, up to a 16.69% capacity savings can be achieved using the best performing demand-prioritization strategy compared to the worst-performing ones, the most used demand-prioritization strategy in the literature (serving demands with higher bandwidth requirements first) is not the best-performing one but the one sorting based on the path lengths, and using double-criteria strategies to break ties is key for a good performance. These results are relevant showing that a good combination of routing and demand-prioritization heuristics impact significantly on network performance. Additionally, they increase the understanding about the inner workings of good heuristics, a valuable knowledge when network settings forbid using more computationally complex approaches

    Impact of Amplification and Regeneration Schemes on the Blocking Performance and Energy Consumption of Wide-Area Elastic Optical Networks

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    This paper studies the physical layer’s impact on the blocking probability and energy consumption of wide-area dynamic elastic optical networks (EONs). For this purpose, we consider five network configurations, each named with a network configuration identifier (NCI) from 1 to 5, for which the Routing, Modulation Level, and Spectrum Assignment (RMLSA) problem is solved. NCI 1–4 are transparent configurations based on all-EDFA, hybrid Raman/EDFA amplifiers (with different Raman gain ratio ΓR ), all-DFRA, and alternating span configuration (EDFA and DFRA). NCI 5 is a translucent configuration based on all-EDFA and 3R regenerators. We model the physical layer for every network configuration to determine the maximum achievable reach of optical signals. Employing simulation, we calculate the blocking probability and the energy consumption of the different network configurations. In terms of blocking, our results show that NCI 2 and 3 offer the lowest blocking probability, with at least 1 and 3 orders of magnitude of difference with respect to NCI 1 and 5 at high and low traffic loads, respectively. In terms of energy consumption, the best performing alternatives are the ones with the worst blocking (NCI 1), while NCI 3 exhibits the highest energy consumption with NCI 2ΓR=0.75 following closely. This situation highlights a clear trade-off between blocking performance and energy cost that must be considered when designing a dynamic EON. Thus, we identify NCI 2 using ΓR=0.25 as a promising alternative to reduce the blocking probability significantly in wide-area dynamic EONs without a prohibitive increase in energy consumption

    BER-Adaptive RMLSA Algorithm for Wide-Area Flexible Optical Networks

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    Wide-area optical networks face significant transmission challenges due to the relentless growth of bandwidth demands experienced nowadays. Network operators must consider the relationship between modulation format and maximum reach for each connection request due to the accumulation of physical layer impairments in optical fiber links, to guarantee a minimum quality of service (QoS) and quality of transmission (QoT) to all connection requests. In this work, we present a BER-adaptive solution to solve the routing, modulation format, and spectrum assignment (RMLSA) problem for wide-area elastic optical networks. Our main goal is to maximize successful connection requests in wide-area networks while choosing modulation formats with the highest efficiency possible. Consequently, our technique uses an adaptive bit-error-rate (BER) threshold to achieve communication with the best QoT in the most efficient manner, using the strictest BER value and the modulation format with the smallest bandwidth possible. Additionally, the proposed algorithm relies on 3R regeneration devices to enable long-distances communications if transparent communication cannot be achieved. We assessed our method through simulations for various network conditions, such as the number of regenerators per node, traffic load per user, and BER threshold values. In a scenario without regenerators, the BER-Adaptive algorithm performs similarly to the most relaxed fixed BER threshold studied in blocking probability. However, it ensures a higher QoT to most of the connection requests. The proposed algorithm thrives with the use of regenerators, showing the best performance among the studied solutions, enabling long-distance communications with a high QoT and low blocking probability

    Model-free Rheo-AFM probes the viscoelasticity of tunable DNA soft colloids

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    Atomic force microscopy rheological measurements (Rheo‐AFM) of the linear viscoelastic properties of single, charged colloids having a star‐like architecture with a hard core and an extended, deformable double‐stranded DNA (dsDNA) corona dispersed in aqueous saline solutions are reported. This is achieved by analyzing indentation and relaxation experiments performed on individual colloidal particles by means of a novel model‐free Fourier transform method that allows a direct evaluation of the frequency‐dependent linear viscoelastic moduli of the system under investigation. The method provides results that are consistent with those obtained via a conventional fitting procedure of the force‐relaxation curves based on a modified Maxwell model. The outcomes show a pronounced softening of the dsDNA colloids, which is described by an exponential decay of both the Young's and the storage modulus as a function of the salt concentration within the dispersing medium. The strong softening is related to a critical reduction of the size of the dsDNA corona, down to ≈70% of its size in a salt‐free solution. This can be correlated to significant topological changes of the dense star‐like polyelectrolyte forming the corona, which are induced by variations in the density profile of the counterions. Similarly, a significant reduction of the stiffness is obtained by increasing the length of the dsDNA chains, which we attribute to a reduction of the DNA density in the outer region of the corona

    Estimating the contribution of stimulant injection to HIV and HCV epidemics among people who inject drugs and implications for harm reduction:A modeling analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Stimulants, such as amphetamines and cocaine, are widely injected among people who inject drugs (PWID). Systematic reviews indicate stimulant injection is associated with HIV and HCV among PWID. Using these associations, we estimated the contribution of stimulant injection to HIV and HCV transmission among PWID. METHODS: We modeled HIV and HCV transmission among PWID, incorporating excess injecting and sexual risk among PWID who inject stimulants. We simulated three illustrative settings with different stimulants injected, prevalence of stimulant injecting, and HIV/HCV epidemiology. We estimated one-year population attributable fractions of stimulant injection on new HIV and HCV infections, and impact of scaling up needle-syringe programs (NSP). RESULTS: In low prevalence settings of stimulant injection (St. Petersburg-like, where 13% inject amphetamine), 9% (2.5-97.5% interval [95%I]: 6-15%) and 7% (95%I 4-11%) of incident HIV and HCV cases, respectively, could be associated with stimulant injection in the next year. With moderate stimulant injection (Montreal-like, where 34% inject cocaine), 29% (95%I: 19–37%) and 19% (95%I: 16-21%) of incident HIV and HCV cases, respectively, could be associated with stimulant injection. In high-burden settings like Bangkok where 65% inject methamphetamine, 23% (95%I:10–34%) and 20% (95%I: 9-27%) of incident HIV and HCV cases could be due to stimulant injection. High-coverage NSP (60%) among PWID who inject stimulants could reduce HIV (by 22-65%) and HCV incidence (by 7-11%) in a decade. DISCUSSION: Stimulant injection contributes substantially to HIV and HCV among PWID. NSP scale-up and development of novel interventions among PWID who inject stimulants are warranted

    The impact and cost-effectiveness of combined HIV prevention scenarios among transgender women sex-workers in Lima, Peru: A mathematical modelling study

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    Background HIV incidence remains high among transgender women in Lima, Peru, most of whom report sex work. On the basis of a stakeholder analysis and health system capacity assessment, we designed a mathematical model to guide HIV programmatic planning among transgender women sex workers (TWSW) in Lima. Methods Using a deterministic compartmental model, we modelled HIV transmission among TWSW, their stable partners, and their clients to estimate the impact and cost-effectiveness of combinations of interventions compared with the standard of care on reducing HIV incidence over a 10-year period. We simulated HIV transmission accounting for differences in sexual positioning in anal intercourse and condom use by partner type and fitted the model to HIV surveillance data using Latin hypercube sampling. The interventions we considered were 15% relative increase in condom use with clients and 10% relative increase with stable partners; increase in antiretroviral treatment (ART) coverage at CD4 count lower than 500 cells per mm3 and greater than or equal to 500 cells per mm3; and 15% pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) coverage using generic and branded formulations. We considered a basic scenario accounting for current limitations in the Peruvian HIV services and an enhanced scenario assuming achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets and general improvements in HIV services. The 50 best fits according to log-likelihood were used to give the minimum and maximum values of intervention effect for each combination. We used disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) to measure the negative health outcomes associated with HIV infection that could be averted through the interventions investigated and calculated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios to compare their cost-effectiveness. Findings Under the basic scenario, combining the four interventions of increasing condom use with clients and stable partners, extending ART to people with CD4 count greater than or equal to 500 cells per mm3, and 15% PrEP coverage with generic drugs would avert 47% (range 27–51) of new infections in TWSW, their clients, and their stable partners over 10 years, with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of US509perDALYaverted.Undertheenhancedscenario,thisstrategywouldavert61509 per DALY averted. Under the enhanced scenario, this strategy would avert 61% (44–64) of new infections among this population with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of 1003 per DALY averted. Under both scenarios, implementation of this strategy approaches or surpasses the 50% incidence reduction goal and would represent a cost-effective use of country resources if generic PrEP drugs are used. The total cost of implementing this strategy under the enhanced scenario would be approximately $1·2 million per year over 10 years, corresponding to 10% of the current Global Fund's yearly contribution in Peru. Interpretation Investments in HIV services among TWSW in Lima would be cost-effective, even under stringent cost-effectiveness criteria when accounting for setting-specific resource constraints. Notable improvements in HIV testing rates, innovative interventions to increase condom use, and reduced PrEP costs will be key to achieving the 50% incidence reduction goal. Modelling studies incorporating stakeholders' perspectives and health system assessments can bring added value to HIV policy making

    Acoustically Levitated Whispering-Gallery Mode Microlasers

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    Acoustic levitation has become a crucial technique for contactless manipulation in several fields, particularly in biological applications. However, its application in the photonics field remains largely unexplored. In this study, we implement an affordable and innovative phased-array levitator that enables stable trapping in the air of micrometer dye-doped droplets, thereby enabling the creation of microlasers. For the first time, this paper presents a detailed performance of the levitated microlaser cavity, supported by theoretical analysis concerning the hybrid technology based on the combination of whispering-gallery modes and acoustic fields. The pressure field distribution inside the acoustic cavity is numerically solved and qualitatively matched with the schlieren deflectometry technique. The optical lasing features of the levitated microlasers are highly comparable with those devices based On-a-Chip registering maximum Q-factors of ~ 105, and minimum lasing thresholds ~ 150 nJ cm−2. The emission comb is explained as a sum of multiple individual-supported whispering-gallery modes. The use of novel touchless micrometric lasers, produced with an acoustic levitator brings new technological opportunities based on photonic-acoustic technological platforms

    Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans to Support Climate-Resilient Development in the Eastern African Highlands

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    Smallholder farmers in the Eastern African Highlands depend on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods. Climate adaptation and sustainable development goals must be targeted in an integrated way to better match farmers’ realities and address local priorities and vulnerabilities in these areas. To support climate-resilient development in the Eastern African Highlands, 224 local stakeholders were engaged in the development of community-based climate change adaptation action plans for the Jimma Highlands in Ethiopia, Taita Hills in Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Participatory methods, high-resolution climate projections and the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP’s) guidelines were used in the design of these climate action plans with specific objectives to: 1) engage stakeholders to increase understanding of climate change impacts, adaptation options and their potential trade-offs, 2) build their capacities to design climate change adaptation projects, 3) empower stakeholders to identify existing vulnerabilities and enhance climate resilience and 4) strengthen networks to facilitate information access and sharing. Increased risk of water stress and reduction of agricultural productivity were the most frequently identified climate-change-induced problems in the three areas. The developed action plans target the underlying causes of these problems and describe sector-specific responses, activities, critical barriers and opportunities and support the National Adaptation Programmes of Action.Peer reviewe