6 research outputs found

    Isolation and phenotypic characterization of soybean (Glycine max L.) microsymbionts in continental Croatia

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    Simbioznom fiksacijom dušika leguminoze mogu zadovoljiti veliki dio svojih potreba za dušikom na učinkovit i ekološki prihvatljiv način. Rizobije su skupine bakterija tla sa jedinstvenom sposobnošću tvorbe kvržica na korijenu leguminoza u kojima pomoću enzima nitrogenaze konvertiraju inertan atmosferski dušik u biljkama pristupačan amonijačni oblik. Pretpostavlja se da su u tlima kontinentalne Hrvatske prisutni autohtoni sojevi rizobija koji noduliraju soju te da se sojevi međusobno razlikuju po fenotipskim i genotipskim svojstvima. U cilju odabira najkvalitetnijih sojeva rizobija sakupljeni su uzorci tla iz tri područja kontinentalne Hrvatske u kojem postoji dugogodišnja tradicija uzgoja soje. Fenotipska karakterizacija uključila je utvrđivanje rasta na različitim temperaturama, pH vrijednostima i rast na različitim koncentracijama soli, biokemijsku karakterizaciju, ispitivanje otpornosti na antibiotike. Fenotipska karakterizacija pokazala je značajnu otpornost na stresne uvjete okoliša, posebno otpornost na niski pH što je izuzetno važno jer Hrvatska ima jako puno kiselih tala. Kao najbolji sojevi pokazali su se sojevi SR1, SR2 te SR3 zbog čega bi ih bilo korisno uključiti u daljnji program selekcije.Symbiotic nitrogen fixation enables legumes to supply most of their needs for nitrogen in efficient and ecological manner. Rhizobia are group of prokaryotic organisms with the unique ability to form symbiotic relationships at the root of leguminosis in which they inert atmospheric nitrogen in plants is converted by nitrogenase enzymes. It is assumed that native rhizobial populations are also present in the soils of continental Croatia and that the strains differ from each other in phenotypic and genotypic properties. In order to select the best rhizobia strains, soil samples were collected from three areas of continental Croatia where there is a long tradition of soybean cultivation. Phenotypic characterization included the determination of growth at different temperatures, pH values and growth at different salt concentrations, biochemical characterization, antibiotic resistance testing. Phenotypic characterization has shown significant resistance to environmental stress conditions, particularly resistance to low pH, which is extremely important because Croatia has a lot of acid soils. Strains SR1, SR2 and SR3 have proven to be the best strains, therefore it would be useful to include them in a further selection programme

    Bioaccumulation of chemical elements at post-industrial freshwater sites varies predictably between habitats, elements and taxa: A power law approach

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    Elevated environmental levels of elements originating from anthropogenic activities threaten natural communities and public health, as these elements can persist and bioaccumulate in the environment. However, their environmental risks and bioaccumulation patterns are often habitat-, species- and element-specific. We studied the bioaccumulation patterns of 11 elements in seven freshwater taxa in post-mining habitats in the Czech Republic, ranging from less polluted mining ponds to highly polluted fly ash lagoons. We found nonlinear, power-law relationships between the environmental and tissue concentrations of the elements, which may explain differences in bioaccumulation factors (BAF) reported in the literature. Tissue concentrations were driven by the environmental concentrations in non-essential elements (Al, As, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb and V), but this dependence was limited in essential elements (Cu, Mn, Se and Zn). Tissue concentrations of most elements were also more closely related to substrate than to water concentrations. Bioaccumulation was habitat specific in eight elements: stronger in mining ponds for Al and Pb, and stronger in fly ash lagoons for As, Cu, Mn, Pb, Se, V and Zn, although the differences were often minor. Bioaccumulation of some elements further increased in mineral-rich localities. Proximity to substrate, rather than trophic level, drove increased bioaccumulation levels across taxa. This highlights the importance of substrate as a pollutant reservoir in standing freshwaters and suggests that benthic taxa, such as molluscs (e.g., Physella) and other macroinvertebrates (e.g., Nepa), constitute good bioindicators. Despite the higher environmental risks in fly ash lagoons than in mining ponds, the observed ability of freshwater biota to sustain pollution supports the conservation potential of post-industrial sites. The power law approach used here to quantify and disentangle the effects of various bioaccumulation drivers may be helpful in additional contexts, increasing our ability to predict the effects of other contaminants and environmental hazards on biota.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Significance and application of plant growth promoting actinobacteria in sustainable agriculture

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    Aktinobakterije predstavljaju jednu od najvećih skupina prokariotskih mikroorganizama unutar domene Eubacteria. Njihova specifičnost ogleda se u tome što dijele karakteristike i bakterija i gljiva, a ujedno pokazuju djelotvoran učinak na produktivnost poljoprivrednih usjeva. S obzirom da je prekomjerna upotreba mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji rezultirala negativnim posljedicama za cjelokupni okoliš, javila se potreba za pronalaskom alternativnih strategija, a rješenje se ogleda u održivoj poljoprivredi. Održiva poljoprivredna proizvodnja osigurava visoke prinose i hranu proizvedenu na ekološki prihvatljiv način pri čemu određeni mikroorganizmi mogu imati značajnu ulogu u održavanju stabilnosti i produktivnosti agroekosustava. Među njima je sve veća pažnja usmjerena na PGP aktinobakterije (engl. Plant Growth Promoting Actinobacteria), obzirom da posjeduju sposobnost promicanja biljnog rasta te sudjeluju u biološkoj kontroli biljnih patogena, a to se ostvaruje pomoću njihovih direktnih i indirektnih mehanizama. Primjena PGP aktinobakterija može smanjiti ili potpuno zamijeniti upotrebu mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida, stoga predstavljaju veliki potencijal za razvoj održive poljoprivrede.Actinobacteria represent one of the largest groups of prokaryotic microorganisms within the Eubacteria domain. Their specificity is reflected in the fact that they share the characteristics of both bacteria and fungi, and at the same time show a beneficial effect on agricultural crop productivity. Considering that the excessive use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural production has resulted in negative consequences for the overall environment, there is a need to find alternative strategies, and the solution lies in sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agricultural production provides high yields and food produced in an environmentally friendly way where certain microorganisms can play a significant role in maintaining the stability and productivity of agroecosystems. Among them, there is a prime focus on PGP actinobacteria (Plant Growth Promoting Actinobacteria), since they have the ability to promote plant growth and participate in the biological control of plant pathogens, and this is accomplished through their direct and indirect mechanisms. The application of PGP actinobacteria can reduce or completely replace the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, therefore they represent a great potential for the development of sustainable agriculture

    Significance and application of plant growth promoting actinobacteria in sustainable agriculture

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    Aktinobakterije predstavljaju jednu od najvećih skupina prokariotskih mikroorganizama unutar domene Eubacteria. Njihova specifičnost ogleda se u tome što dijele karakteristike i bakterija i gljiva, a ujedno pokazuju djelotvoran učinak na produktivnost poljoprivrednih usjeva. S obzirom da je prekomjerna upotreba mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji rezultirala negativnim posljedicama za cjelokupni okoliš, javila se potreba za pronalaskom alternativnih strategija, a rješenje se ogleda u održivoj poljoprivredi. Održiva poljoprivredna proizvodnja osigurava visoke prinose i hranu proizvedenu na ekološki prihvatljiv način pri čemu određeni mikroorganizmi mogu imati značajnu ulogu u održavanju stabilnosti i produktivnosti agroekosustava. Među njima je sve veća pažnja usmjerena na PGP aktinobakterije (engl. Plant Growth Promoting Actinobacteria), obzirom da posjeduju sposobnost promicanja biljnog rasta te sudjeluju u biološkoj kontroli biljnih patogena, a to se ostvaruje pomoću njihovih direktnih i indirektnih mehanizama. Primjena PGP aktinobakterija može smanjiti ili potpuno zamijeniti upotrebu mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida, stoga predstavljaju veliki potencijal za razvoj održive poljoprivrede.Actinobacteria represent one of the largest groups of prokaryotic microorganisms within the Eubacteria domain. Their specificity is reflected in the fact that they share the characteristics of both bacteria and fungi, and at the same time show a beneficial effect on agricultural crop productivity. Considering that the excessive use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural production has resulted in negative consequences for the overall environment, there is a need to find alternative strategies, and the solution lies in sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agricultural production provides high yields and food produced in an environmentally friendly way where certain microorganisms can play a significant role in maintaining the stability and productivity of agroecosystems. Among them, there is a prime focus on PGP actinobacteria (Plant Growth Promoting Actinobacteria), since they have the ability to promote plant growth and participate in the biological control of plant pathogens, and this is accomplished through their direct and indirect mechanisms. The application of PGP actinobacteria can reduce or completely replace the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, therefore they represent a great potential for the development of sustainable agriculture

    Isolation and phenotypic characterization of soybean (Glycine max L.) microsymbionts in continental Croatia

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    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation enables legumes to supply most of their needs for nitrogen in efficient and ecological manner. Rhizobia are group of prokaryotic organisms with the unique ability to form symbiotic relationships at the root of leguminosis in which they inert atmospheric nitrogen in plants is converted by nitrogenase enzymes. It is assumed that native rhizobial populations are also present in the soils of continental Croatia and that the strains differ from each other in phenotypic and genotypic properties. In order to select the best rhizobia strains, soil samples were collected from three areas of continental Croatia where there is a long tradition of soybean cultivation. Phenotypic characterization included the determination of growth at different temperatures, pH values and growth at different salt concentrations, biochemical characterization, antibiotic resistance testing. Phenotypic characterization has shown significant resistance to environmental stress conditions, particularly resistance to low pH, which is extremely important because Croatia has a lot of acid soils. Strains SR1, SR2 and SR3 have proven to be the best strains, therefore it would be useful to include them in a further selection programme

    Izolacija i fenotipska karakterizacija mikrosimbionata soje (Glycine max L.) u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj

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    Simbioznom fiksacijom dušika leguminoze mogu zadovoljiti veliki dio svojih potreba za dušikom na učinkovit i ekološki prihvatljiv način. Rizobije su skupine bakterija tla sa jedinstvenom sposobnošću tvorbe kvržica na korijenu leguminoza u kojima pomoću enzima nitrogenaze konvertiraju inertan atmosferski dušik u biljkama pristupačan amonijačni oblik. Pretpostavlja se da su u tlima kontinentalne Hrvatske prisutni autohtoni sojevi rizobija koji noduliraju soju te da se sojevi međusobno razlikuju po fenotipskim i genotipskim svojstvima. U cilju odabira najkvalitetnijih sojeva rizobija sakupljeni su uzorci tla iz tri područja kontinentalne Hrvatske u kojem postoji dugogodišnja tradicija uzgoja soje. Fenotipska karakterizacija uključila je utvrđivanje rasta na različitim temperaturama, pH vrijednostima i rast na različitim koncentracijama soli, biokemijsku karakterizaciju, ispitivanje otpornosti na antibiotike. Fenotipska karakterizacija pokazala je značajnu otpornost na stresne uvjete okoliša, posebno otpornost na niski pH što je izuzetno važno jer Hrvatska ima jako puno kiselih tala. Kao najbolji sojevi pokazali su se sojevi SR1, SR2 te SR3 zbog čega bi ih bilo korisno uključiti u daljnji program selekcije