6 research outputs found

    Possibilities of cooperation of the Primary School of Miloš Šolle in Kouřim and of the regional institutions in the field of educational potential of local cultural heritage

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    Práce se zabývá navrženými možnostmi spolupráce mezi regionálními institucemi a Základní školou Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, okres Kolín při využití vzdělávacího potenciálu místního kulturního dědictví. Teoretická část se nejprve věnuje přehledu regionální literatury o Kouřimi a použité pedagogické literatury. Následují stručné dějiny osídlení Kouřimi od nejstarších dob až po rozkvět a následný úpadek královského města Kouřim s důrazem na jeho dominanty, které zdobí město dodnes. První část diplomové práce uzavírá kapitola Pedagogická východiska, která prezentuje pět stěžejních témat pro tvorbu historických vycházek. Praktická část diplomové práce představuje tři konkrétní vycházky, které se uskutečnily na podzim 2010 ve spolupráci Základní školy Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, okres Kolín a Regionálního muzea v Kolíně, respektive jeho poboček sídlících v Kouřimi. Příslušné kapitoly se věnují přípravě, realizaci, hodnocení uskutečněných vycházek a jejich potenciálu k dalšímu využití nejenom Základní školou Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, okres Kolín, ale i dalšími základními školami z blízkého i vzdáleného okolí.This work deals with suggested possibilities of cooperation between regional institutions and Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District in utilization of educational potential of local cultural heritage. Theoretical part firstly goes in an overview of regional literature about Kouřim and used pedagogical literature. Then follows brief history of settlement in Kouřim from origins through its prime as royal town up to its decline with emphasis on its dominants, which decorate the town until now. First part of the work is closed by chapter Pedagogical outlets, which presents five major topics for creation of historical walks. Practical part of the master's thesis presents three concrete walks, which took place in the autumn of 2010 in cooperation with Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District and Regional museum of Kolín, respectively with regional office in Kouřim. Corresponding chapters concern preparation, realization and valuation of assessed walks and their potential for further utilization not only for Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District, but also by other elementary schools from nearby and faraway as well. .Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Clash of civilisations and its international-political context and impacts: Case study Africa

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    The aim of the theses is to identify long-term consequences of the clash of African and European cultures and its current political, economic and social consequences on the contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. In the methodological part the terms of socio-cultural complex, socio-cultural structure, clash of civilizations and culture gap are explained, followed by the basic characteristics of African culture and a brief outline of the local history with a special emphasis put on the historical influences of Europe. The application part is divided into three sections according to the areas in which the effects of culture gap are analysed - namely political, economic and social spheres. Each area is further divided into four parts that using specific examples describe consequences of the clash of European and African cultures in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa

    The Role of Soft Power in the Foreign and Security Policies of France

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    The theoretical part is based on the work of Joseph S. Nye and his concept of soft power. The following section deals with evaluation of the position of soft power in foreign and security policy of France. The case study is based on analysis of the situation leading towards the military operation Iraqi Freedom. Emphasis is put on the position of France, which was at that time held by President Jacques Chirac and Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin

    Possibilities of cooperation of the Primary School of Miloš Šolle in Kouřim and of the regional institutions in the field of educational potential of local cultural heritage

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    This work deals with suggested possibilities of cooperation between regional institutions and Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District in utilization of educational potential of local cultural heritage. Theoretical part firstly goes in an overview of regional literature about Kouřim and used pedagogical literature. Then follows brief history of settlement in Kouřim from origins through its prime as royal town up to its decline with emphasis on its dominants, which decorate the town until now. First part of the work is closed by chapter Pedagogical outlets, which presents five major topics for creation of historical walks. Practical part of the master's thesis presents three concrete walks, which took place in the autumn of 2010 in cooperation with Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District and Regional museum of Kolín, respectively with regional office in Kouřim. Corresponding chapters concern preparation, realization and valuation of assessed walks and their potential for further utilization not only for Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District, but also by other elementary schools from nearby and faraway as well.

    The Role of Soft Power in the Foreign and Security Policies of France

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    V teoretické části práce je na základě prací Josepha S. Nye vysvětlen koncept soft power. Následující část se zabývá hodnocením jeho pozice v zahraniční a bezpečnostní politice Francie. Případová studie je založena na analýze situace vedoucí k vojenské operaci Irácká svoboda. Důraz je kladen především na pozici Francie, kterou jasně zastávali prezident Jacques Chirac a ministr zahraničních věcí Dominique de Villepin.The theoretical part is based on the work of Joseph S. Nye and his concept of soft power. The following section deals with evaluation of the position of soft power in foreign and security policy of France. The case study is based on analysis of the situation leading towards the military operation Iraqi Freedom. Emphasis is put on the position of France, which was at that time held by President Jacques Chirac and Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin

    Possibilities of cooperation of the Primary School of Miloš Šolle in Kouřim and of the regional institutions in the field of educational potential of local cultural heritage

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    This work deals with suggested possibilities of cooperation between regional institutions and Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District in utilization of educational potential of local cultural heritage. Theoretical part firstly goes in an overview of regional literature about Kouřim and used pedagogical literature. Then follows brief history of settlement in Kouřim from origins through its prime as royal town up to its decline with emphasis on its dominants, which decorate the town until now. First part of the work is closed by chapter Pedagogical outlets, which presents five major topics for creation of historical walks. Practical part of the master's thesis presents three concrete walks, which took place in the autumn of 2010 in cooperation with Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District and Regional museum of Kolín, respectively with regional office in Kouřim. Corresponding chapters concern preparation, realization and valuation of assessed walks and their potential for further utilization not only for Elementary School Miloše Šolleho Kouřim, Kolín District, but also by other elementary schools from nearby and faraway as well.