2,110 research outputs found

    Anisotropic KPZ growth in 2+1 dimensions: fluctuations and covariance structure

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    In [arXiv:0804.3035] we studied an interacting particle system which can be also interpreted as a stochastic growth model. This model belongs to the anisotropic KPZ class in 2+1 dimensions. In this paper we present the results that are relevant from the perspective of stochastic growth models, in particular: (a) the surface fluctuations are asymptotically Gaussian on a sqrt(ln(t)) scale and (b) the correlation structure of the surface is asymptotically given by the massless field.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    A CLT for Plancherel representations of the infinite-dimensional unitary group

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    We study asymptotics of traces of (noncommutative) monomials formed by images of certain elements of the universal enveloping algebra of the infinite-dimensional unitary group in its Plancherel representations. We prove that they converge to (commutative) moments of a Gaussian process that can be viewed as a collection of simply yet nontrivially correlated two-dimensional Gaussian Free Fields. The limiting process has previously arisen via the global scaling limit of spectra for submatrices of Wigner Hermitian random matrices. This note is an announcement, proofs will appear elsewhere.Comment: 12 page

    Non-intersecting squared Bessel paths: critical time and double scaling limit

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    We consider the double scaling limit for a model of nn non-intersecting squared Bessel processes in the confluent case: all paths start at time t=0t=0 at the same positive value x=ax=a, remain positive, and are conditioned to end at time t=1t=1 at x=0x=0. After appropriate rescaling, the paths fill a region in the txtx--plane as nn\to \infty that intersects the hard edge at x=0x=0 at a critical time t=tt=t^{*}. In a previous paper (arXiv:0712.1333), the scaling limits for the positions of the paths at time ttt\neq t^{*} were shown to be the usual scaling limits from random matrix theory. Here, we describe the limit as nn\to \infty of the correlation kernel at critical time tt^{*} and in the double scaling regime. We derive an integral representation for the limit kernel which bears some connections with the Pearcey kernel. The analysis is based on the study of a 3×33\times 3 matrix valued Riemann-Hilbert problem by the Deift-Zhou steepest descent method. The main ingredient is the construction of a local parametrix at the origin, out of the solutions of a particular third-order linear differential equation, and its matching with a global parametrix.Comment: 53 pages, 15 figure

    Statistics of layered zigzags: a two-dimensional generalization of TASEP

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    A novel discrete growth model in 2+1 dimensions is presented in three equivalent formulations: i) directed motion of zigzags on a cylinder, ii) interacting interlaced TASEP layers, and iii) growing heap over 2D substrate with a restricted minimal local height gradient. We demonstrate that the coarse-grained behavior of this model is described by the two-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. The coefficients of different terms in this hydrodynamic equation can be derived from the steady state flow-density curve, the so called `fundamental' diagram. A conjecture concerning the analytical form of this flow-density curve is presented and is verified numerically.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On a conjecture of Widom

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    We prove a conjecture of H.Widom stated in [W] (math/0108008) about the reality of eigenvalues of certain infinite matrices arising in asymptotic analysis of large Toeplitz determinants. As a byproduct we obtain a new proof of A.Okounkov's formula for the (determinantal) correlation functions of the Schur measures on partitions.Comment: 9 page

    Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space

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    We prove that any oblivious algorithm using space SS to find the median of a list of nn integers from {1,...,2n}\{1,...,2n\} requires time Ω(nloglogSn)\Omega(n \log\log_S n). This bound also applies to the problem of determining whether the median is odd or even. It is nearly optimal since Chan, following Munro and Raman, has shown that there is a (randomized) selection algorithm using only ss registers, each of which can store an input value or O(logn)O(\log n)-bit counter, that makes only O(loglogsn)O(\log\log_s n) passes over the input. The bound also implies a size lower bound for read-once branching programs computing the low order bit of the median and implies the analog of PNPcoNPP \ne NP \cap coNP for length o(nloglogn)o(n \log\log n) oblivious branching programs

    A Measure of Space for Computing over the Reals

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    We propose a new complexity measure of space for the BSS model of computation. We define LOGSPACE\_W and PSPACE\_W complexity classes over the reals. We prove that LOGSPACE\_W is included in NC^2\_R and in P\_W, i.e. is small enough for being relevant. We prove that the Real Circuit Decision Problem is P\_R-complete under LOGSPACE\_W reductions, i.e. that LOGSPACE\_W is large enough for containing natural algorithms. We also prove that PSPACE\_W is included in PAR\_R

    On Conceptually Simple Algorithms for Variants of Online Bipartite Matching

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    We present a series of results regarding conceptually simple algorithms for bipartite matching in various online and related models. We first consider a deterministic adversarial model. The best approximation ratio possible for a one-pass deterministic online algorithm is 1/21/2, which is achieved by any greedy algorithm. D\"urr et al. recently presented a 22-pass algorithm called Category-Advice that achieves approximation ratio 3/53/5. We extend their algorithm to multiple passes. We prove the exact approximation ratio for the kk-pass Category-Advice algorithm for all k1k \ge 1, and show that the approximation ratio converges to the inverse of the golden ratio 2/(1+5)0.6182/(1+\sqrt{5}) \approx 0.618 as kk goes to infinity. The convergence is extremely fast --- the 55-pass Category-Advice algorithm is already within 0.01%0.01\% of the inverse of the golden ratio. We then consider a natural greedy algorithm in the online stochastic IID model---MinDegree. This algorithm is an online version of a well-known and extensively studied offline algorithm MinGreedy. We show that MinDegree cannot achieve an approximation ratio better than 11/e1-1/e, which is guaranteed by any consistent greedy algorithm in the known IID model. Finally, following the work in Besser and Poloczek, we depart from an adversarial or stochastic ordering and investigate a natural randomized algorithm (MinRanking) in the priority model. Although the priority model allows the algorithm to choose the input ordering in a general but well defined way, this natural algorithm cannot obtain the approximation of the Ranking algorithm in the ROM model

    From interacting particle systems to random matrices

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    In this contribution we consider stochastic growth models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class in 1+1 dimension. We discuss the large time distribution and processes and their dependence on the class on initial condition. This means that the scaling exponents do not uniquely determine the large time surface statistics, but one has to further divide into subclasses. Some of the fluctuation laws were first discovered in random matrix models. Moreover, the limit process for curved limit shape turned out to show up in a dynamical version of hermitian random matrices, but this analogy does not extend to the case of symmetric matrices. Therefore the connections between growth models and random matrices is only partial.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; Contribution to StatPhys24 special issue; minor corrections in scaling of section 2.

    Slow decorrelations in KPZ growth

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    For stochastic growth models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) class in 1+1 dimensions, fluctuations grow as t^{1/3} during time t and the correlation length at a fixed time scales as t^{2/3}. In this note we discuss the scale of time correlations. For a representant of the KPZ class, the polynuclear growth model, we show that the space-time is non-trivially fibred, having slow directions with decorrelation exponent equal to 1 instead of the usual 2/3. These directions are the characteristic curves of the PDE associated to the surface's slope. As a consequence, previously proven results for space-like paths will hold in the whole space-time except along the slow curves.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX; Minor language revision