319 research outputs found
Final Results from phase II of the Mainz Neutrino Mass Search in Tritium Decay
The paper reports on the improved Mainz experiment on tritum
spectroscopy which yields a 10 times' higher signal to background ratio than
before. The main experimental effects and systematic uncertainties have been
investigated in side experiments and possible error sources have been
eliminated. Extensive data taking took place in the years 1997 to 2001. A
residual analysis of the data sets yields for the square of the electron
antineutrino mass the final result of eV/c. We derive an upper limit of
eV/c at 95% confidence level for the mass itself.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures submitted to EPJ
Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term circulation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy
The gas circulation loop LOOPINO has been set up and commissioned at Tritium
Laboratory Karlsruhe (TLK) to perform Raman measurements of circulating tritium
mixtures under conditions similar to the inner loop system of the neutrino-mass
experiment KATRIN, which is currently under construction. A custom-made
interface is used to connect the tritium containing measurement cell, located
inside a glove box, with the Raman setup standing on the outside. A tritium
sample (purity > 95%, 20 kPa total pressure) was circulated in LOOPINO for more
than three weeks with a total throughput of 770 g of tritium. Compositional
changes in the sample and the formation of tritiated and deuterated methanes
CT_(4-n)X_n (X=H,D; n=0,1) were observed. Both effects are caused by hydrogen
isotope exchange reactions and gas-wall interactions, due to tritium {\beta}
decay. A precision of 0.1% was achieved for the monitoring of the T_2
Q_1-branch, which fulfills the requirements for the KATRIN experiment and
demonstrates the feasibility of high-precision Raman measurements with tritium
inside a glove box
A combined analysis of short-baseline neutrino experiments in the (3+1) and (3+2) sterile neutrino oscillation hypotheses
We investigate adding two sterile neutrinos to resolve the apparent tension
existing between short-baseline neutrino oscillation results and
CPT-conserving, four-neutrino oscillation models. For both (3+1) and (3+2)
models, the level of statistical compatibility between the combined dataset
from the null short-baseline experiments Bugey, CHOOZ, CCFR84, CDHS, KARMEN,
and NOMAD, on the one hand; and the LSND dataset, on the other, is computed. A
combined analysis of all seven short-baseline experiments, including LSND, is
also performed, to obtain the favored regions in neutrino mass and mixing
parameter space for both models. Finally, four statistical tests to compare the
(3+1) and the (3+2) hypotheses are discussed. All tests show that (3+2) models
fit the existing short-baseline data significantly better than (3+1) models.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures. Added NOMAD data to the analysis, one
statistical test, and two figures. References and text added. Version
submitted to PR
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Assessment of cleaning to control lead dust in homes of children with moderate lead poisoning: treatment of lead-exposed children trial
In this article we describe the assessment and control of lead dust exposure in the Treatment of Lead-exposed Children (TLC) Trial, a clinical trial of the effects of oral chelation on developmental end points in urban children with moderately elevated blood lead levels. To reduce potential lead exposure from settled dust or deteriorated paint during the drug treatment phase of the trial, the homes of 765 (98%) of the randomized children (both active and placebo drug treatment groups) were professionally cleaned. Lead dust measurements were made in a sample of 213 homes before and after cleaning. Geometric mean dust lead loadings before cleaning were 43, 29, 308, and 707 micro g/ft2 in the kitchen floor, playroom floor, playroom windowsill, and playroom window well samples respectively. Following cleaning, floor dust lead loadings were reduced on average 32% for paired floor samples (p < 0.0001), 66% for windowsills (p < 0.0001), and 93% for window wells (p < 0.0001). Cleaning was most effective for 146 homes with precleaning dust lead levels above the recommended clearance levels, with average reductions of 44%, 74%, and 93% for floors (p < 0.0001), windowsills (p < 0.0001), and window wells (p < 0.0001), respectively. Despite these substantial reductions in dust lead loadings, a single professional cleaning did not reduce the lead loadings of all dust samples to levels below current federal standards for lead in residential dust. Attainment of dust levels below current standards will require more intensive cleaning and lead hazard reduction strategies
Characterization of the KATRIN cryogenic pumping section
The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment aims to determine the effective anti-electron neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c by using the kinematics of tritium -decay. It is crucial to have a high signal rate which is achieved by a windowless gaseous tritium source producing 10 -electrons per second. These are guided adiabatically to the spectrometer section where their energy is analyzed. In order to maintain a low background rate below 0.01 cps, one essential criteria is to permanently reduce the flow of neutral tritium molecules between the source and the spectrometer section by at least 14 orders of magnitude. A differential pumping section downstream from the source reduces the tritium flow by seven orders of magnitude, while at least another factor of 10 is achieved by the cryogenic pumping section where tritium molecules are adsorbed on an approximately 3 K cold argon frost layer. In this paper, the results of the cryogenic pumping section commissioning measurements using deuterium are discussed. The cryogenic pumping section surpasses the requirement for the flow reduction of 10 by more than one order of magnitude. These results verify the predictions of previously published simulations
First observation of tritium adsorption on graphene
In this work, we report on the first-ever studies of graphene exposed to
tritium gas in a controlled environment. The single layer graphene on
/Si substrate was exposed to 400 mbar of for a
total time of ~55 h. The resistivity of the graphene sample was measured
in-situ during tritium exposure using the Van der Pauw method. After the
exposure, the samples were scanned with a confocal Raman microscope to study
the effect of tritium on the graphene structure as well as the homogeneity of
spectral modifications. We found that the sheet resistance increases by three
orders of magnitude during the exposure. By Raman microscopy, we demonstrate
that the graphene film can withstand the bombardment from the beta-decay of
tritium, and primary and secondary ions. Additionally, the Raman spectra after
tritium exposure are comparable with previously observed results in
hydrogen-loading experiments carried out by other groups. By thermal annealing
we could demonstrate, using Raman spectral analysis, that the structural
changes were partially reversible. Considering all observations, we conclude
that the graphene film was at least partially tritiated during the tritium
exposure.Comment: Submitted to Nanoscale Advances (RSC), 14 pages, 4 figure
Humanized Foxp2 accelerates learning by enhancing transitions from declarative to procedural performance
The acquisition of language and speech is uniquely human, but how genetic changes might have adapted the nervous system to this capacity is not well understood. Two human-specific amino acid substitutions in the transcription factor forkhead box P2 (FOXP2) are outstanding mechanistic candidates, as they could have been positively selected during human evolution and as FOXP2 is the sole gene to date firmly linked to speech and language development. When these two substitutions are introduced into the endogenous Foxp2 gene of mice (Foxp2[superscript hum]), cortico-basal ganglia circuits are specifically affected. Here we demonstrate marked effects of this humanization of Foxp2 on learning and striatal neuroplasticity. Foxp2[superscript hum/hum] mice learn stimulusâresponse associations faster than their WT littermates in situations in which declarative (i.e., place-based) and procedural (i.e., response-based) forms of learning could compete during transitions toward proceduralization of action sequences. Striatal districts known to be differently related to these two modes of learning are affected differently in the Foxp2[superscript hum/hum] mice, as judged by measures of dopamine levels, gene expression patterns, and synaptic plasticity, including an NMDA receptor-dependent form of long-term depression. These findings raise the possibility that the humanized Foxp2 phenotype reflects a different tuning of corticostriatal systems involved in declarative and procedural learning, a capacity potentially contributing to adapting the human brain for speech and language acquisition.Nancy Lurie Marks Family FoundationSimons Foundation (Autism Research Initiative Grant 137593)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 MH060379)Wellcome Trust (London, England) (Grant 075491/Z/04)Wellcome Trust (London, England) (Grant 080971)Fondation pour la recherche medicaleMax Planck Society for the Advancement of Scienc
The KATRIN Pre-Spectrometer at reduced Filter Energy
The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment, KATRIN, will determine the mass of
the electron neutrino with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV (90% C.L.) via a measurement
of the beta-spectrum of gaseous tritium near its endpoint of E_0 =18.57 keV. An
ultra-low background of about b = 10 mHz is among the requirements to reach
this sensitivity. In the KATRIN main beam-line two spectrometers of MAC-E
filter type are used in a tandem configuration. This setup, however, produces a
Penning trap which could lead to increased background. We have performed test
measurements showing that the filter energy of the pre-spectrometer can be
reduced by several keV in order to diminish this trap. These measurements were
analyzed with the help of a complex computer simulation, modeling multiple
electron reflections both from the detector and the photoelectric electron
source used in our test setup.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure
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Improved Upper Limit on the Neutrino Mass from a Direct Kinematic Method by KATRIN.
We report on the neutrino mass measurement result from the first four-week science run of the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment KATRIN in spring 2019. Beta-decay electrons from a high-purity gaseous molecular tritium source are energy analyzed by a high-resolution MAC-E filter. A fit of the integrated electron spectrum over a narrow interval around the kinematic end point at 18.57 keV gives an effective neutrino mass square value of (-1.0_{-1.1}^{+0.9})ââeV^{2}. From this, we derive an upper limit of 1.1 eV (90% confidence level) on the absolute mass scale of neutrinos. This value coincides with the KATRIN sensitivity. It improves upon previous mass limits from kinematic measurements by almost a factor of 2 and provides model-independent input to cosmological studies of structure formation
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