226 research outputs found

    A térinformatikus teknőc. A térinformatika alapjainak oktatása Logo programnyelv segítségével

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    Egyre többen, egyre több célra használják eszközként a térinformatikát. A kapcsolódó szakismeretek oktatása során fennáll a veszélye annak, hogy a diákok egy-egy célszoftver alkalmazását megtanulják, de a program által elvégzett alapműveletek lényegét nem értik. Célszerű ezért az alapismeretek oktatását különválasztani a GIS-rendszerek bemutatásától, használatától. Az alapfunkciók modellezéséhez több lehetőség áll rendelkezésünkre, a legrugalmasabb eszköz valamely programnyelv. Egyszerűsége, átláthatósága miatt talán a Logo a legalkalmasabb erre a feladatra

    Creativity and Psychological Safety: A proposed model on the links between psychological safety, ambiguity tolerance, playfulness and creativity

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    Creativity has been of research interest for centuries and its relationship with other constructs has been established; however, these links mostly study creativity with a single other construct. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between psychological safety, tolerance of ambiguity, playfulness and creativity; they have been individually linked together but no complex model encompassing them all is known to the author. The study tested a proposed model that links the four concepts together. Data was collected from 90 participants in two adult education schools in Sweden. The constructs were measured by Swedish translations of the Team Psychological Safety Scale, the Multiple Stimulus Types Ambiguity Tolerance Scale-II (MSTAT-II), the Short Measure of Adult Playfulness Scale (SMAP) and the Work Climate Questionnaire. The link between psychological safety and creativity and between ambiguity tolerance and playfulness were the strongest. Psychological safety significantly contributed to creativity even when playfulness and ambiguity tolerance were controlled for. The discussion includes the role of psychological safety in understanding creativity, possible limitations and suggestions for future research directions. Keywords: organizational creativity, play, adult playfulness, ambiguity tolerance, psychological safety, theoretical mode

    A térinformatikus teknőc. A térinformatika alapjainak oktatása Logo programnyelv segítségével

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    Vista del edificio sede de la Secretaría Nacional de Acción Social y Protección Infantil, SENDAS. Este edificio estaba ubicado sobre la carrera séptima (7) con calle 6A. En 1962, mediante la Ley 37 de dicho año, se convirtió en sede de las Residencias Femeninas, uso que tuvo durante cerca de treinta años. Luego, el edificio estuvo abandonado por un tiempo. Hacia el 2009, pasó a ser ocupado por la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales de Colombia, DIAN, uso que conserva actualmente (2017). La Secretaría Nacional de Acción Social y Protección Infantil, SENDAS, fue creada por medio del Decreto No. 2675 del 9 septiembre de 1954, bajo la presidencia de Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1900-1975), quien ocupó la presidencia entre 1953 y 1957. Se trataba de una institución descentralizada, que buscaba garantizar el bienestar social de población vulnerable, en especial campesinos, obreros, mujeres, niños y ancianos. Para tal fin, se adelantaron programas de alimentación, nutrición, alfabetización, salud, vestido, educación, trabajo, vivienda, recreación y descanso, entre otros. Buscaba tener impacto, en especial, en población rural. Paralela a la Secretaría, funcionó la Compañía de Seguros Generales Sendas S.A, que implementó un novedoso programa de seguro campesino

    Equity or minimum standards in humanitarian aid: a conflict of principles.

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    A térinformatikus teknőc : a térinformatika alapjainak oktatása Logo programnyelv segítségével

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    Egyre többen, egyre több célra használják eszközként a térinformatikát. A kapcsolódó szakismeretek oktatása során fennáll a veszélye annak, hogy a diákok egy-egy célszoftver alkalmazását megtanulják, de a program által elvégzett alapműveletek lényegét nem értik. Célszerű ezért az alapismeretek oktatását különválasztani a GIS-rendszerek bemutatásától, használatától. Az alapfunkciók modellezéséhez több lehetőség áll rendelkezésünkre, a legrugalmasabb eszköz valamely programnyelv. Egyszerűsége, átláthatósága miatt talán a Logo a legalkalmasabb erre a feladatra

    Health policy formulation in complex political emergencies and post-conflict countries: a literature review

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    This literature review was requested by the WHO/EHA to examine current knowledge about health policy formulation in postconflict countries and complex political emergencies. According to the literature reviewed, health policy formulation in post-conflict countries and complex political emergencies has been successful in providing useful direction to health service providers, and channelling donor resources in a more effective manner. Based on this success, there may be scope to expand health policy formulation and implementation in both post-conflict countries and complex political emergencies to address the fragmented, and often sub-effective provision of health services found in these countries

    Allocating Scarce Resources Strategically - An Evaluation and Discussion of the Global Fund's Pattern of Disbursements

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    BACKGROUND: The Global Fund is under pressure to improve its rationing of financial support. This study describes the GF's pattern of disbursements in relation to total health expenditure (THE), government health expenditure (GHE), income status and the burden of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. It also examines the potential for recipient countries to increase domestic public financing for health. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of 104 countries that received Global Fund disbursements in 2009. It analyses data on Global Fund disbursements; health financing indicators; government revenue and expenditure; and burden of disease. FINDINGS: Global Fund disbursements made up 0.37% of THE across all 104 countries; but with considerable country variation ranging from 0.002% to 53.4%. Global Fund disbursements to government amounted to 0.47% of GHE across the 104 countries, but again with considerable variation (in three countries more than half of GHE was based on Global Fund support). Although the Global Fund provides progressively more funding for lower income countries on average, there is much variation at the country such that here was no correlation between per capita GF disbursements and per capita THE, nor between per capita GF disbursement to government and per capita GHE. There was only a slight positive correlation between per capita GF disbursement and burden of disease. Several countries with a high degree of 'financial dependency' upon the Fund have the potential to increase levels of domestic financing for health. DISCUSSION: The Global Fund can improve its targeting of resources so that it better matches the pattern of global need. To do this it needs to: a) reduce the extent to which funds are allocated on a demand-driven basis; and b) align its funding model to broader health systems financing and patterns of health expenditure beyond the three diseases