85 research outputs found

    Coq meets CλaSH: proposing a hardware design synthesis flow that combines proof assistants with functional hardware description languages

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    Over the last few decades, electronic circuits have more and more become a part of our lives, and their area of application expands continuously. As a result, these circuits are getting more and more complex through these areas of application. They are synthesized from hardware designs, which describe their functional and timing behavior at a higher level of abstraction. Since safety-critical systems such as cars rely on these designs, it is essential to address the increasing complexity as it directly impacts the design’s correctness. This dissertation investigates the increasing complexity of hardware designs by proposing and evaluating a hardware design synthesis flow that automatically propagates verification results from a formal specification to an implementation. A model at the Electronic System Level (ESL) is automatically extracted from a specification at the Formal Specification Level (FSL), and this model is synthesized into an implementation at the Register-Transfer Level (RTL). This automatic propagation contrasts with the established hardware design flow, which relies on manual realizations at the ESL and RTL levels. Due to the missing propagation of verification results, these manual realizations rely on the required test benches’ quality. Consequently, similar verifi- cation tasks are repeated at different levels. The proposed synthesis flow combines the proof assistant Coq with the functional hardware description language CλaSH to achieve the automatic propagation of verification results. This combination avoids test bench generation for the model and the implementation. Furthermore, the proposed flow allows the investigation of problems in the model or the implementation already at the FSL level, e.g., arithmetic overflows for finite integer types. The established hardware design flow models infinite integer types at the FSL level, which do not realize an overflow behavior. To specify finite integer types at the FSL level, dependent types are used. Based on these types, a generalizable overflow detection scheme is presented to detect arbitrary arithmetic overflows. The scheme’s impact on the final implementation’s performance and consumed space is evaluated by comparing implementations that realize operations using this scheme with those that do not. To investigate the general implementation’s performance synthesized by the pro- posed flow, a 32-bit MIPS processor is formally specified and verified. Its final implementation is compared with a functional equivalent processor synthesized by a state- of-the-art hardware acceleration framework. This comparison shows the proposed synthesis flows’ potential and opens the door for further research on synthesizing hardware implementations that satisfy correctness properties and take performance Over the last few decades, electronic circuits have more and more become a part of our lives, and their area of application expands continuously. As a result, these circuits are getting more and more complex through these areas of application. They are synthesized from hardware designs, which describe their functional and timing behavior at a higher level of abstraction. Since safety-critical systems such as cars rely on these designs, it is essential to address the increasing complexity as it directly impacts the design’s correctness. This dissertation investigates the increasing complexity of hardware designs by proposing and evaluating a hardware design synthesis flow that automatically propa- gates verification results from a formal specification to an implementation. A model at the Electronic System Level (ESL) is automatically extracted from a specification at the Formal Specification Level (FSL), and this model is synthesized into an implemen- tation at the Register-Transfer Level (RTL). This automatic propagation contrasts with the established hardware design flow, which relies on manual realizations at the ESL and RTL levels. Due to the missing propagation of verification results, these manual realizations rely on the required test benches’ quality. Consequently, similar verifi- cation tasks are repeated at different levels. The proposed synthesis flow combines the proof assistant Coq with the functional hardware description language CλaSH to achieve the automatic propagation of verification results. This combination avoids test bench generation for the model and the implementation. Furthermore, the proposed flow allows the investigation of problems in the model or the implementation already at the FSL level, e.g., arithmetic overflows for finite integer types. The established hardware design flow models infinite integer types at the FSL level, which do not realize an overflow behavior. To specify finite integer types at the FSL level, dependent types are used. Based on these types, a generalizable overflow detection scheme is presented to detect arbitrary arithmetic overflows. The scheme’s impact on the final implementation’s performance and consumed space is evaluated by comparing implementations that realize operations using this scheme with those that do not. To investigate the general implementation’s performance synthesized by the pro- posed flow, a 32-bit MIPS processor is formally specified and verified. Its final imple- mentation is compared with a functional equivalent processor synthesized by a state- of-the-art hardware acceleration framework. This comparison shows the proposed synthesis flows’ potential and opens the door for further research on synthesizing hardware implementations that satisfy correctness properties and take performance under consideration

    Basal Cell Carcinoma of the eyelid

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    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Klinik und den Behandlungsergebnissen von Basaliomen der Lidregion an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Augenkranke der Universität Würzburg in den Jahren 1993 bis 2003. Hintergrund und Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, alle Patienten der Poliklinik für Augenkranke der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, die in den Jahren 1993 bis 2003 mit der Verdachtsdiagnose Basaliom untersucht wurden, zu erfassen und Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich Diagnose, Symptomatik, Therapie, Operationstechnik, Lokalisation, Geschlecht, Größe, etc. aufzuzeigen. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit den Angaben der aktuellen Literatur verglichen.This is a retrospective study of basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid at the Klinik und Poliklinik für Augenkranke of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, dealing with diagnosis, symptomatics, therapy, operationtechnique, localization, sex, size, etc. The results were discussed with the actual literature

    Populationspharmakokinetik von Venlafaxin

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    1. Zusammenfassung 1.1 Hintergrund und Ziele Venlafaxin ist ein häufig verwendetes Antidepressivum mit zwei Wirkweisen. Es hemmt sowohl die Serotonin- als auch die Noradrenalin-Wiederaufnahme. Über die Populationspharmakokinetik dieses Arzneimittels bei der Behandlung depressiver Störungen liegen jedoch nur begrenzte Informationen vor. Um eine effektivere Anwendung zu erreichen, sind zusätzliche Informationen über die Pharmakokinetik dieses Antidepressivums wichtig, um dessen Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren. 1.2 Methoden Wir analysierten retrospektiv 353 Plasmakonzentrationen aus der routinemäßigen Arzneimittelüberwachung (therapeutisches drug monitoring, TDM) von 160 psychiatrischen Patienten (100 Frauen, 60 Männer), die mit der Retardform von Venlafaxin wegen schwerer Depression behandelt wurden. Die Daten wurden mit dem Computerprogramm NONMEM analysiert. Für die Berechnung wurde ein Ein-Kompartiment-Modell mit Absorption erster Ordnung verwendet. 1.3 Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen Das Ein-Kompartiment-Modell mit Absorption erster Ordnung beschrieb die gemessenen Konzentrationen ausreichend gut. Die Absorptions- und Eliminationshalbwertszeiten betrugen 18,2 h bzw. 3,1 h und die Zeit bis zur Peak-Konzentration betrug 9,6 h. Die scheinbare Venlafaxin-Clearance (CL) nahm mit zunehmendem Alter schwach, aber signifikant ab: CL = 46,6 * (1-0,0095 * (50 Jahre)) L / h. Alle anderen Kovariaten, einschließlich der Komedikation, hatten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Pharmakokinetik von Venlafaxin. 2 1.4 Schlussfolgerung Die Analyse zeigt, dass das Alter eines Patienten ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Bestimmung der einzelnen Venlafaxin-Dosisregime sein kann. Eine Bestätigung dieser Hypothese aus prospektiven klinischen Studien, die Pharmakokinetik und therapeutische Wirkungen miteinander verbinden, ist jedoch erforderlich. In der eingeschlossenen Patientenpopulation war die Komedikation keine wichtige Kovariate in Bezug auf die Clearance von Venlafaxin. Es gab auch keine Auswirkungen auf eine Beeinträchtigung der Leber- oder Nierenfunktion.2. Summary 2.1 Purpose Venlafaxine is a frequently used antidepressant with a dual mode of action; it inhibits both serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. There is, however, only limited information available about the population pharmacokinetics of this drug in the treatment of depressive disorders. To achieve more effective use, additional information about the pharmacokinetics of this antidepressant would be important to enable identification of the factors that influence its role in individualized drug therapy. 2.2 Methods We retrospectively analyzed 353 plasma concentrations from the pharmacokinetic therapeutic drug monitoring of 160 psychiatric patients (100 females, 60 males) treated with extended-release venlafaxine for major depression. The data were analyzed using the computer program NONMEM. A one-compartment absorption model was utilized for venlafaxine. 2.3 Results The one-compartment model with first-order absorption adequately described the measured concentrations. The absorption and elimination half-lives were 18.2 h and 3.1 h, respectively, and the time to peak concentration was 9.6 h. There was a weak but significant decrease in the apparent venlafaxine clearance with increasing age: CL=46.6*(1-0.0095*(age-50)) L/h. All other covariates, including comedication, had no significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of venlafaxine. 2.4 Conclusions The analysis indicates that a patient’s age may be an important factor in the determination of individual venlafaxine dose regimens; however, confirmation of this hypothesis from prospective, clinical trials linking pharmacokinetics and therapeutic effects is required. In the included patient population, comedication was not an important covariate concerning the clearance of venlafaxine. Also there was no impact of hepatic or renal impairment

    Sambandet mellan sportslig framgång och ekonomisk ställning för fotbollsklubbar i Allsvenskan

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    Bakgrund-Fotboll har gått från att vara en hobby till en professionell kommersialiserad industri därekonomi spelar en allt viktigare roll. En fotbollsklubb arbetar med flera dimensioner avframgång. Först och främst den sportsliga framgången som kan vara fotbollsklubbars tabellplacering eller antal titlar. Sedan finns ekonomisk framgång, till exempel vilkenekonomisk ställning fotbollsklubbar har. Det är rimligt att dessa dimensioner av framgång bör hänga ihop eftersom ekonomin sätter ramen för vilka spelare/tränare som fotbollsklubbar kanrekrytera, medan den sportsliga framgången bör generera ett högre kommersiellt intresse. Syfte-Utforska om det finns ett samband mellan sportslig framgång, i form av tabellplacering, och utvalda nyckeltal. Teori-Teorikapitlet inleds med generell teori angående nettoomsättningen, eget kapital ochkassaflödet som mått på framgång. Detta följs upp med ett avsnitt om sports management. Sedan förklaras Allsvenskans regelverk med bolagsform och regleringen av röstmajoritet. Därefter beskrivs tidigare forskning med hjälp av tidigare studier som undersökt sambandet mellan sportslig och ekonomisk framgång. Teorikapitlet avslutas sedan med hypoteser. Metod-En kvantitativ studie genomfördes där data från Allsvenskans fotbollsklubbars årsredovisningar använts för att göra korrelations- och regressionsanalyser i SPSS Statistics. Annan sekundärdata har inhämtats från vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur och webbsidor. Slutsats-Slutsatserna som studien kommer fram till är: Det finns ett samband mellan en allsvensk fotbollsklubbs tabellplacering och nettoomsättning. Det finns ett samband mellan en allsvensk fotbollsklubbs tabellplacering och eget kapital. Det finns inget samband mellan en allsvensk fotbollsklubbs tabellplacering och kassaflöde. Nyckelbegrepp: Sportslig framgång, Ekonomisk framgång, Nettoomsättning, Kassaflöde,Eget kapital, Sports management, Allsvenskan, Fotboll.Background-Football has gone from being a hobby to a professional commercialized industry where economics play an increasingly important role. A football club works with several dimensions of success. First and foremost the sporting success which could be football clubs table position or number of titles. Then there is financial success, such as the financial position of footballclubs. It is reasonable that these dimensions of success should interlink as the economy sets the framework for which players/coaches the football clubs can recruit, while sporting success should generate a higher commercial interest. Purpose-Explore whether there is a connection between sporting success, in the form of table position, and selected key performance indicators. Theory-The theory chapter begins with general theory regarding net sales, equity and cash flow as a measure of success. This is followed up with a section about sports management. Then the rules of Allsvenskan are explained by the corporate form and the voting majority regulation. Thereafter, the earlier research is described using previous studies that examined the link between sporting and economic success. The theory chapter is then concluded with hypotheses. Method-A quantitative study was conducted using data from the annual reports of football clubs participating in Allsvenskan to make correlation and regression analysis in SPSS Statistics. Other secondary data have been obtained from scientific articles, literature and web pages. Conclusions-The conclusions from this study are: There is a connection between the table position and the net sales for a football club participating in Allsvenskan. There is a connection between the table position and the equity for a football club participating in Allsvenskan. There is no connection between the table position and the cash flow for a football club participating in Allsvenskan. Key words: Sports success, Economic success, Net sales, Cash flow, Equity, Sports management, Allsvenskan, Football

    Danmarks skovtyper

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    To live and manage life as a professional football player

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevelsen av att leva och hantera livet som professionell fotbollsspelare. Det vill säga att studien fokuserade på deltagarnas upplevelser om hur de var att spela fotboll på en professionell nivå och hur de upplevde krav, barriärer, resurser och copingstrategier som påverkade dem både inom fotbollen och i det vardagliga livet utanför deras fotbollskarriär. I studien deltog det nio intervjupersoner där samtliga var män mellan åldrarna 20–32 år (M=26,0, SD=3,20), dessa deltagare befann sig i optimeringsfasen (Wylleman, 2019). Studien har använt sig av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som har haft sin grund i två modeller, den holistiska karriärsutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) samt Stambulova (2003) karriärövergångsmodellen.             I studiens resultat framkommer det att de krav fotbollsspelarna upplever mest är finansiella krav, där de upplever att de inte kan leva på fotbollen och de behöver ett jobb vid sidan av fotbollen. Den största barriären deltagarna upplevde var främst sociala barriärer eftersom fotbollen tar upp mycket av deras tid, så att deras sociala liv blir lidande. Socialt stöd från vänner,familj, tränare och partner var de största resurserna för deltagarna, de upplevde att stödet från deras närmaste hjälpte dem mycket i deras karriär inom fotbollen samt utanför. De copingstrategier som deltagarna använde sig främst var de sociala copingstrategierna som att gå och prata med någon professionell eller med familj,vänner, tränare eller partner. The purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of living and managing life as a professional football player. That will say the studies focus is on the participants` experiences of what it is to play football on a professional level and how they experience the demands, barriers, resources and coping strategies that affect them, both in football and in everyday life outside their football career. In the study nine interviewees participated and they were all men between the ages 20-32 years (M= 26.0, SD= 3.20), these participants were in the mastery phase (Wylleman, 2019). The study used a semi-structured interview guide that has been based on two models, the holistic career development model (Wylleman, 2019) and Stambulova (2003) Career transition model.                                 The results of the study show that the demand that football players experience the most are financial demands, where they feel that they can not live on football and need a job alongside. The biggest barrier the participants experienced was mainly social barriers because football takes up a lot of their time, so their social life suffers. Social support from friends, family, coaches and partners was the participants biggest resource, they felt that the support from their loved ones helped them a lot in their careers in football and outside. The coping strategies that the participants used mainly were the social coping strategies such as going to talk to someone professional or with family, friends, coaches or partners.

    To live and manage life as a professional football player

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevelsen av att leva och hantera livet som professionell fotbollsspelare. Det vill säga att studien fokuserade på deltagarnas upplevelser om hur de var att spela fotboll på en professionell nivå och hur de upplevde krav, barriärer, resurser och copingstrategier som påverkade dem både inom fotbollen och i det vardagliga livet utanför deras fotbollskarriär. I studien deltog det nio intervjupersoner där samtliga var män mellan åldrarna 20–32 år (M=26,0, SD=3,20), dessa deltagare befann sig i optimeringsfasen (Wylleman, 2019). Studien har använt sig av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som har haft sin grund i två modeller, den holistiska karriärsutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) samt Stambulova (2003) karriärövergångsmodellen.             I studiens resultat framkommer det att de krav fotbollsspelarna upplever mest är finansiella krav, där de upplever att de inte kan leva på fotbollen och de behöver ett jobb vid sidan av fotbollen. Den största barriären deltagarna upplevde var främst sociala barriärer eftersom fotbollen tar upp mycket av deras tid, så att deras sociala liv blir lidande. Socialt stöd från vänner,familj, tränare och partner var de största resurserna för deltagarna, de upplevde att stödet från deras närmaste hjälpte dem mycket i deras karriär inom fotbollen samt utanför. De copingstrategier som deltagarna använde sig främst var de sociala copingstrategierna som att gå och prata med någon professionell eller med familj,vänner, tränare eller partner. The purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of living and managing life as a professional football player. That will say the studies focus is on the participants` experiences of what it is to play football on a professional level and how they experience the demands, barriers, resources and coping strategies that affect them, both in football and in everyday life outside their football career. In the study nine interviewees participated and they were all men between the ages 20-32 years (M= 26.0, SD= 3.20), these participants were in the mastery phase (Wylleman, 2019). The study used a semi-structured interview guide that has been based on two models, the holistic career development model (Wylleman, 2019) and Stambulova (2003) Career transition model.                                 The results of the study show that the demand that football players experience the most are financial demands, where they feel that they can not live on football and need a job alongside. The biggest barrier the participants experienced was mainly social barriers because football takes up a lot of their time, so their social life suffers. Social support from friends, family, coaches and partners was the participants biggest resource, they felt that the support from their loved ones helped them a lot in their careers in football and outside. The coping strategies that the participants used mainly were the social coping strategies such as going to talk to someone professional or with family, friends, coaches or partners.

    Méthodes de dépose des ancrages radiculaires

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    NICE-BU Médecine Odontologie (060882102) / SudocNICE-Antenne de St Jean d'Angely (060882105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF