312 research outputs found

    Reciprocal relativity of noninertial frames and the quaplectic group

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    Newtonian mechanics has the concept of an absolute inertial rest frame. Special relativity eliminates the absolute rest frame but continues to require the absolute inertial frame. General relativity solves this for gravity by requiring particles to have locally inertial frames on a curved position-time manifold. The problem of the absolute inertial frame for other forces remains. We look again at the transformations of frames on an extended phase space with position, time, energy and momentum degrees of freedom. Under nonrelativistic assumptions, there is an invariant symplectic metric and a line element dt^2. Under special relativistic assumptions the symplectic metric continues to be invariant but the line elements are now -dt^2+dq^2/c^2 and dp^2-de^2/c^2. Max Born conjectured that the line element should be generalized to the pseudo- orthogonal metric -dt^2+dq^2/c^2+ (1/b^2)(dp^2-de^2/c^2). The group leaving these two metrics invariant is the pseudo-unitary group of transformations between noninertial frames. We show that these transformations eliminate the need for an absolute inertial frame by making forces relative and bounded by b and so embodies a relativity that is 'reciprocal' in the sense of Born. The inhomogeneous version of this group is naturally the semidirect product of the pseudo-unitary group with the nonabelian Heisenberg group. This is the quaplectic group. The Heisenberg group itself is the semidirect product of two translation groups. This provides the noncommutative properties of position and momentum and also time and energy that are required for the quantum mechanics that results from considering the unitary representations of the quaplectic group.Comment: Substantial revision, Publicon LaTe

    Carnegie Plaza

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    Building Sustained Partnerships

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    Die neue Wasserrahmenrichtlinie spiegelt einen internationalen Trend zu neuen Ansätzen des Ressourcenmanagements wider. Dabei kann unter anderem auf Erfahrungen aus den USA zurückgegriffen werden. Flusseinzugsgebietsbezogene Initiativen haben dort zu verstärkten Umweltschutzmaßnahmen, institutionellen Veränderungen und auch wirtschaftlichen Erfolgen geführt. Vor allem haben sie die Problemlösungskapazität und damit die tatsächlichen Umset­zungschancen gesteigert. Erfolgsfaktoren für erfolgreiche Managementansätze sind die Beteiligung auch von Regierungsorganisationen und entsprechende Personalkapazitäten, flexible Organisationsstrukturen zur Bewältigung der Transaktionskosten, eine solide Informations- und Planungsbasis sowie natürlich entsprechender Problemlösungsdruck

    Development of a Dynamic Investment Strategy under Alternative Inflation Cycle Scenarios

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    Inflation and inflation cycles have been a major underlying reason for the financial successes and failures of real estate investors in recent history. These cycles have complex impacts on cash flow variables and thus on real estate returns and investment values. This study presents a decision framework and operational model to project investment returns for alternative inflation cycle scenarios and demonstrates their application for developing a dynamic real estate investment strategy. Such a strategy provides for portfolio revisions during different stages of the inflation cycle and assumes that investors seek to maximize expected "real" rates of return and hence owner's wealth. A probabilistic discounted cash flow model is designed and used to inflation-adjust each cash flow variable affected. Mathematical relationships are developed for specifying unique cash flow variable linkages and sensitivities, with lead and lag periods consistent with empirical evidence of timing of inflation impacts. Finally strategic implications for acquisition and disposition policy are discussed.

    Towards Integrated Environmental Management: A Reconnaissance of State Statutes

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    15 p. ; 28 cmhttps://scholar.law.colorado.edu/books_reports_studies/1060/thumbnail.jp

    Viscoelastic Properties of Crystals

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    We examine the question of whether fluids and crystals are differentiated on the basis of their zero frequency shear moduli or their limiting zero frequency shear viscosity. We show that while fluids, in contrast with crystals, do have a zero value for their shear modulus, in contradiction to a widespread presumption, a crystal does not have an infinite or exceedingly large value for its limiting zero frequency shear viscosity. In fact, while the limiting shear viscosity of a crystal is much larger than that of the liquid from which it is formed, its viscosity is much less than that of the corresponding glass that may form assuming the liquid is a good enough glass former.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    A Modality-Specific Feedforward Component of Choice-Related Activity in MT

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    The activity of individual sensory neurons can be predictive of an animal\u27s choices. These decision signals arise from network properties dependent on feedforward and feedback inputs; however, the relative contributions of these inputs are poorly understood. We determined the role of feedforward pathways to decision signals in MT by recording neuronal activity while monkeys performed motion and depth tasks. During each session, we reversibly inactivated V2 and V3, which provide feedforward input to MT that conveys more information about depth than motion. We thus monitored the choice-related activity of the same neuron both before and during V2/V3 inactivation. During inactivation, MT neurons became less predictive of decisions for the depth task but not the motion task, indicating that a feedforward pathway that gives rise to tuning preferences also contributes to decision signals. We show that our data are consistent with V2/V3 input conferring structured noise correlations onto the MT population

    The Utility of Harvest Recoveries of Marked Individuals to Assess Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Survival

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    Management of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) populations requires the periodic assessment of life history metrics such as survival rate. This information is frequently obtained during short-term capture and marking efforts (e.g., over the course of three years) that result in hundreds of marked bears remaining in the population after active marking is finished. Using 10 additional years of harvest recovery subsequent to a period of active marking, we provide updated estimates of annual survival for polar bears in the Baffin Bay population of Greenland and Canada. Our analysis suggests a decline in survival of polar bears since the period of active marking that ended in 1997; some of the decline in survival can likely be attributed to a decline in springtime ice concentration over the continental shelf of Baffin Island. The variance around the survival estimates is comparatively high because of the declining number of marks available; therefore, results must be interpreted with caution. The variance of the estimates of survival increased most substantially in the sixth year post-marking. When survival estimates calculated with recovery-only and recapture-recovery data sets from the period of active marking were compared, survival rates were indistinguishable. However, for the period when fewer marks were available, survival estimates were lower using the recovery-only data set, which indicates that part of the decline we detected for 2003 – 09 may be due to using only harvest recovery data. Nevertheless, the decline in the estimates of survival is consistent with population projections derived from harvest numbers and earlier vital rates, as well as with an observed decline in the extent of sea ice habitat.La gestion des populations d’ours polaires (Ursus maritimus) nécessite l’évaluation périodique des mesures du cycle biologique, tel que le taux de survie. Cette information est souvent obtenue dans le cadre des efforts de capture et de marquage à court terme (par exemple, sur une période de trois ans) qui se traduisent par le marquage d’une centaine d’ours au sein de la population une fois les travaux terminés. En nous appuyant sur dix années supplémentaires de données de récoltes de reprises suivant une période de marquage actif, nous aboutissons à des estimations actualisées de la survie annuelle des ours polaires faisant partie de la population de la baie de Baffin du Groenland et du Canada. Notre analyse suggère qu’il y a eu un déclin sur le plan de la survie des ours polaires depuis la période de marquage actif qui a pris fin en 1997. Une partie de ce déclin en matière de survie peut être attribuable à la diminution de la concentration de glace printanière sur le plateau continental de l’île de Baffin. La variance entourant les estimations de survie est comparativement élevée en raison du nombre à la baisse de marquages disponibles. Il y a donc lieu de faire preuve de prudence dans l’interprétation des résultats. La variance des estimations de survie augmentait considérablement au cours de la sixième année suivant le marquage. Lorsque nous avons comparé les estimations de survie avec les ensembles de données de reprise seulement et celles de recapture et de reprise pour la période de marquage actif, les taux de survie étaient indistinguables. Cependant, pour la période pendant laquelle un moins grand nombre de marquages était disponible, les estimations de survie étaient moins élevées lorsque nous nous sommes appuyés sur l’ensemble des données de reprise seulement, ce qui indique qu’une partie du déclin que nous avons constaté pour les années 2003 à 2009 pourrait être attribuable au fait que nous n’avons utilisé que les données des récoltes de reprises. Néanmoins, le déclin en matière d’estimations de survie est conforme aux projections de population dérivées des résultats des récoltes et des indices vitaux antérieurs, ainsi qu’à la diminution qui a été observée sur le plan de l’étendue de l’habitat de la glace de mer

    Real Estate Valuation: The Effect of Market and Property Cycles

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    Traditional real estate valuation models stabilize cash flow variables in a single- or multi-year pro forma, assume efficient markets, and impute property return/risk expectations into a current overall market capitalization rate to determine value. This traditional valuation framework is biased toward trend analysis and often assumes constant annual changes in rents and expenses and constant terminal value capitalization rates over a seven-to-ten-year projection period. Economic cycles are not explicitly addressed by the valuation framework or models. This study uses a cycle valuation model to evaluate linkages between real estate supply and demand cycles, equilibrium price cycles, inflation cycles, rent rate catch-up cycles, and property life cycles; translates their effects on cash flow variables; and demonstrates their significant impact on asset value. The cycle model results are then compared to those produced from traditional borrower and lender "trend driven" valuation models. The study results suggest that appraisers should develop cash flow models that explicitly incorporate cycle impacts in order to produce realistic present value estimates and valuation conclusions. Further, the market research process must be redefined and reorganized to produce information and data for use in cycle models.
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