28 research outputs found

    Del teatro clásico a los videojuegos educativos

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    En los últimos años, el éxito de los videojuegos ha hecho que algunos investigadores hayan abogado por su uso en los entornos educativos. De hecho, no son pocos los estudios que han demostrado que los videojuegos educativos pueden mejorar el rendimiento académico, ofrecer entornos más propensos para la adquisición de conocimiento, o incluso, aumentar la motivación de los alumnos por las materias que se les enseñan. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de estos estudios se han centrado en las disciplinas que se conocen por las siglas en inglés STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas). Comparativamente, los estudios orientados al uso de videojuegos educativos en el área de las humanidades son muchos menos. Y si hablamos de disciplinas artísticas, su uso ha sido prácticamente nulo. Por otro lado, hemos podido constatar (tanto por diversos informes, como personalmente en los escenarios) que tanto en España como en la mayoría de los países occidentales, los jóvenes tienen cada vez menos interés por el teatro, especialmente por el clásico. Diferentes organismos coinciden en que las políticas orientadas a volver a conseguir el interés de los jóvenes deben incluir dos sectores: el educativo, y el audiovisual. El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido la exploración de los videojuegos educativos como herramientas motivadoras hacia el teatro clásico (especialmente en los más jóvenes). Para ello, la principal aportación que se ha formulado ha sido el desarrollo de una metodología que facilita la creación de videojuegos educativos a partir de obras de teatro clásicas. Esta metodología se ha basado en las técnicas de actuación propuestas por el actor y dramaturgo ruso Konstantin Stanislavski. También se ha creado, a modo de prueba de concepto, un videojuego basado en La Dama Boba de Lope de Vega utilizando la herramienta eAdventure. Este videojuego se ha probado en un caso de estudio con 754 estudiantes de ocho colegios e institutos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Este experimento ha demostrado la eficiencia de los videojuegos educativos en el ámbito del teatro, y ha servido como punto de partida para la última contribución de esta tesis. Un estudio de como el género, la edad y, especialmente, los hábitos y preferencias de juego de los estudiantes afectan a la eficiencia de estos videojuegos educativo

    Amplifying applied game development and uptake

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    The established (digital) leisure game industry is historically one dominated by large international hardware vendors (e.g. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo), major publishers and supported by a complex network of development studios, distributors and retailers. New modes of digital distribution and development practice are challenging this business model and the leisure games industry landscape is one experiencing rapid change. The established (digital) leisure games industry, at least anecdotally, appears reluctant to participate actively in the applied games sector (Stewart et al., 2013). There are a number of potential explanations as to why this may indeed be the case including ; A concentration on large-scale consolidation of their (proprietary) platforms, content, entertainment brand and credibility which arguably could be weakened by association with the conflicting notion of purposefulness (in applied games) in market niches without clear business models or quantifiable returns on investment. In contrast, the applied games industry exhibits the characteristics of an emerging, immature industry namely: weak interconnectedness, limited knowledge exchange, an absence of harmonising standards, limited specialisations, limited division of labour and arguably insufficient evidence of the products efficacies (Stewart et al., 2013; Garcia Sanchez, 2013) and could, arguably, be characterised as a dysfunctional market. To test these assertions the Realising an Applied Gaming Ecosystem (RAGE) project will develop a number of self contained gaming assets to be actively employed in the creation of a number of applied games to be implemented and evaluated as regional pilots across a variety of European educational, training and vocational contexts. RAGE is a European Commission Horizon 2020 project with twenty (pan European) partners from industry, research and education with the aim of developing, transforming and enriching advanced technologies from the leisure games industry into self-contained gaming assets (i.e. solutions showing economic value potential) that could support a variety of stakeholders including teachers, students, and, significantly, game studios interested in developing applied games. RAGE will provide these assets together with a large quantity of high-quality knowledge resources through a self-sustainable Ecosystem, a social space that connects research, the gaming industries, intermediaries, education providers, policy makers and end-users in order to stimulate the development and application of applied games in educational, training and vocational contexts. The authors identify barriers (real and perceived) and opportunities facing stakeholders in engaging, exploring new emergent business models ,developing, establishing and sustaining an applied gaming eco system in Europe

    Computer Entertainment Technologies for the Visually Impaired: An Overview

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    Over the last years, works related to accessible technologies have increased both in number and in quality. This work presents a series of articles which explore different trends in the field of accessible video games for the blind or visually impaired. Reviewed articles are distributed in four categories covering the following subjects: (1) video game design and architecture, (2) video game adaptations, (3) accessible games as learning tools or treatments and (4) navigation and interaction in virtual environments. Current trends in accessible game design are also analysed, and data is presented regarding keyword use and thematic evolution over time. As a conclusion, a relative stagnation in the field of human-computer interaction for the blind is detected. However, as the video game industry is becoming increasingly interested in accessibility, new research opportunities are starting to appear

    Virtual Reality for Teacher Training : An Experiential Approach to Classroom Conflict Management

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    This chapter discusses the use of virtual reality (VR) in the training of preservice secondary education teachers in Spain as an integral part of their learning process. The authors propose some premises from which to design a training program to improve preservice teachers' communicative competence and their ability to manage conflict impacting the classroom climate. First, it explains the experiential and experimental potential of a virtual learning environment (VLE), its ability to create personalized virtual worlds, as well as the possibility to generate insightful instant feedback and feedforward. Finally, an example of a prototype scenario designed on this conceptual basis is provided. Furthermore, the chapter presents an overview of an educational proposal to implement this experiential immersive opportunity for preservice teachers to interact and manage disruptive situations in a safe and reliable environment conducive to the development of key communicative competences and strategies to turn conflict into a learning opportunity

    The video game as an information literacy tool for university students

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    Video games are useful learning tools in different fields. This work seeks to evaluate, through a self-developed video game, their usefulness as a learning tool for the information literacy of undergraduate students. The videogame “The last exam” was developed after the analysis of 1,639 user queries registered over 2 years at the Complutense University Library, and aims to answer queries common to other university libraries. To evaluate its impact, a single-group pilot experiment was carried out with 14 undergraduate students using a pre-test/post-test validated by experts. The results show significant improvements in the students’ information skills, as well as positive evaluations of the exercise. We conclude that the incorporation of video games as a complement to the content of library training programs can be beneficial, especially as an introduction or for reinforcement or evaluation

    Aplicaciones de la tecnología H5P en el Campus Virtual de la UCM para generar contenidos interactivos en los espacios virtuales (H5PCVUCM)

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    La memoria del proyecto de Innovación Docente "Aplicaciones de la tecnología H5P en el Campus Virtual de la UCM para generar contenidos interactivos en los espacios virtuales (H5PCVUCM)" describe los objetivos planteados y conseguidos para el proyecto, la metodología empleada y las actividades desarrolladas. Se enumeran todos los artefactos generados en el proyecto relativos a los recursos h5p dentro del campus virtual: tutoriales, vídeos y contenido .h5p reutilizable

    Sensibilización y formación en la accesibilidad e inclusión de las personas con discapacidad visual al proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje. SENSIVISUAL-UCM

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    El objetivo general de este proyecto viene definido por la necesidad de inclusión de las personas con discapacidad visual, parcial o absoluta, en el mundo académico, así como la de favorecer su incorporación al mundo laboral con unas condiciones formalizadas y estables. A través de las acciones realizadas en este proyecto de innovación y mejora de la calidad docente se podrá mejorar la accesibilidad en los diferentes Grados de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ayudando en la generación de material didáctico y composición de grupos de trabajo que fomenten el trabajo colaborativo permitiendo el re-fuerzo académico