7 research outputs found

    Temporal variables and personal factors in glare sensation

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    Previous laboratory experiments have provided evidence of an effect of time of day on glare sensation. During the tests, temporal variables and personal factors were also measured to analyse their influence on levels of visual discomfort as the day progresses. The results revealed statistically significant and practically relevant tendencies towards greater tolerance to source luminance from artificial lighting at all times of day for earlier chronotypes and for participants not having ingested caffeine. No conclusive evidence was found for the effect of fatigue, sky condition and prior light exposure on glare sensation throughout the day. These findings suggest that temporal variables and personal factors should be measured in conjunction with visual discomfort levels to explore the causes of the wide individual differences commonly associated with the subjective evaluation of glare sensation

    Diurnal variations of hormonal secretion, alertness and cognition in extreme chronotypes under different lighting conditions.

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    Circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior are modulated by external factors such as light or temperature. We studied whether self-selected office lighting during the habitual waking period had a different impact on alertness, cognitive performance and hormonal secretion in extreme morning and evening chronotypes (N = 32), whose preferred bed- and wake-up times differed by several hours. The self-selected lighting condition was compared with constant bright light and a control condition in dim light. Saliva samples for hormonal analyses, subjective ratings of alertness, wellbeing, visual comfort and cognitive performance were regularly collected. Between the self-selected and the bright, but not the dim lighting condition, the onset of melatonin secretion in the evening (as marker for circadian phase) was significantly different for both chronotypes. Morning chronotypes reported a faster increase in sleepiness during the day than evening chronotypes, which was associated with higher cortisol secretion. Wellbeing, mood and performance in more difficult cognitive tasks were better in bright and self-selected lighting than in dim light for both chronotypes, whereas visual comfort was best in the self-selected lighting. To conclude, self-selection of lighting at work might positively influence biological and cognitive functions, and allow for inter-individual differences

    Effects of realistic office daylighting and electric lighting conditions on visual comfort, alertness and mood

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    Lighting conditions in workplaces contribute to a variety of factors related to work satisfaction, productivity and well-being. We tested whether different photometric variables also influence visual perception and the comfort of the lighting, as well as subjective non-visual variables such as mood, alertness and well-being. Twenty-five young subjects spent two afternoons either under electric light or daylighting conditions (without view from the window). Subjects overall preferred the daylighting for visual acceptance and glare. Changes of photometric variables modulated changes in visual light perception, alertness and mood in the course of the afternoon. Finally, we found several associations of visual and non-visual functions, indicating a potential relationship of visual comfort with other circadian and wake-dependent functions in humans, which consequently could impact office lighting scenarios in the future

    Personal lighting conditions to obtain more evidence in light effect studies

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    Research demonstrated a large variety regarding effects of light (e.g. health, performance, or comfort effects). Since human health is related to each individual separately, the lighting conditions around these individuals should be analysed individually as well. This paper provides, based on a literature study, an overview identifying the currently used methodologies for measuring lighting conditions in light effect studies. 22 eligible articles were analysed and this resulted in two overview tables regarding the light measurement methodologies. In 70% of the papers, no measurement details were reported. In addition, light measurements were often averaged over time (in 84% of the papers) or location level (in 32% of the papers) whereas it is recommended to use continuous personal lighting conditions when light effects are being investigated. Conclusions drawn in light effect studies based on personal lighting conditions may be more trusting and valuable to be used as input for an effect-driven lighting control system