41 research outputs found

    The optical and near-infrared properties of nearby groups of galaxies

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    We present a study of the optical (BRI) and near-infrared (JHK) luminosity fuctions (LFs) of the GEMS sample of 60 nearby groups of galaxies between 0<z<0.04, with our optical CCD photometry and near-IR photometry from the 2MASS survey. The LFs in all filters show a depletion of galaxies of intermediate luminosity, two magnitudes fainter than L*, within 0.3 R{500} from the centres of X-ray faint groups. This feature is not as pronounced in X-ray bright gropus, and vanishes when LFs are found out to R{500}, even in the X-ray dim groups. We argue that this feature arises due to the enhanced merging of intermediate-mass galaxies in the dynamically sluggish environment of low velocity-dispersion groups, indicating that merging is important in galaxy evolution even at z~0.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of the ESO workshop "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe", Santiago, Dec 5-9, 2005. Eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov, & J. Borissova (Springer Verlag); 5 page

    Testing of the dwarf galaxy content and the evolutionary status of nearby groups of galaxies

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    We carried out visual and parametric searches for dwarf galaxies in five loose groups of galaxies. Follow-up spectroscopy with the HET has shown a 50% success rate of morphological selection. The evolutionary status of the studied groups differs: while the NGC 6962 group has a partially relaxed core, surrounded by an infall region, the NGC 5005/5033 group and the IC 65 group, which consist only of late-type galaxies, are probably still assembling.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Astronomische Nachrichten (proceedings of Symposium 6 of the JENAM 2008, Vienna

    The Post Readymade Photographed Object

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    The Venus of Willendorf, a limestone figurine unearthed in 1908, has been considered one of the first found objects of our civilization. The Venus falls into the category “objects we find” and we consider as art, rather than in the category “found objects,” or “objets trouvés” in French, which has been associated with appropriating objects one finds and presenting them as readymade art. I argue in this article that in photography, especially on the eve of so-called post photography, the above terms converge and objects photographed can belong to both of the above categories. This is because their interpretation is heavily dependent on historical, ontological, and semantic information fueled by what I call “the dynamics of subject-object-viewer encounter.” The above dynamics constitute a discursive area which, following Chan, Luttingen, Gaskel-Thatcher, and Danto, addresses object materiality, utility, and function in society—viewers’ notions on object phenomenology and human visual perception. To test these arguments, I examine the properties of my portfolio “A World of Immaterial Objects, 2013–2019.” In doing so, I provide explicit details on my work processes, that is, how the transition of objects to photographs is realized and why. I then discuss the product of that process—the post readymade photographed object—and how its new immaterial version affects the dynamics of subject, object, and viewer encounter. Re-installing my hypotheses on the relationship between “objects we find,” “found objects,” and “objects photographed,” I re-join Chan and Luttingen and their notions on readymades, residual materialism, art, and thingness to draw comparisons to my notion of the post readymade photographed object. I foresee, after Gaskel and Thatcher, that post readymade photographed objects, in their immaterial versions as enchanted relics of our culture, will have a role to play in the writing of the history of our civilization

    Cognitive Perspective of Communicative Behavior in Gender Aspect

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    The article is devoted to the description of the specifics of communicative behavior of Kazakhstani women-politicians The gender aspect influences on presentation of a language image of society at all language levels and on the base of communicative material. Parametric model for description the specifics of gender communicative behavior proves the factual presence the gender differences in modern political discourse. Explicit and implicit language means as gender markers serve for description the aspects of political communicative behavior. Quantitative results of this comparative analysis from the position of gender differentiation demonstrate the intensification of gender asymmetry of Kazakhstani women-politicians, and this fact can be explained by the peculiarity of interview as a genre of political discourse.Данная статья посвящена изучению специфики коммуникативного поведения женщин-политиков Казахстана. Гендерный аспект оказывает влияние на презентацию языкового имиджа социума на всех языковых уровнях, а также на коммуникативном материале. Параметрическая модель описания специфики гендерного коммуникативного поведения доказывает факт присутствия существенных гендерных различий в современном политическом дискурсе. Эксплицитные и имплицитные способы и средства языкового выражения в качестве гендерных маркеров служат материалом для описания аспектов коммуникативного поведения политика. Полученные количественные данные сравнительного анализа с позиции гендерной дифференциации позволяют утверждать, что интенсифицикация гендерной ассиметрии женщин-политиков Казахстана имеет национальную специфику

    Bulgarians in Morocco – Cultural Heritage and Sociocultural Interaction

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    The article focuses on migration and cultural heritage. It presents the processes of transmission and use of Bulgarian cultural heritage abroad. The study outlines the sociocultural interaction between the Bulgarian community in Morocco and the host society. The Bulgarian migrant community established in Morocco’s Kingdom mainly during the 1960s–1980s consisted mostly of professionals: hydro- and civil engineers, geologists, teachers, and architects. Their well-done work contributed to the excellent image of Bulgaria, and the Bulgarians in the receiving country are also present nowadays. At the same time, cases of Bulgarian immigration in Morocco due to mixed marriages could be observed. Although the Bulgarian community in this Maghreb country is not numerous (around 350–400 people), it is visible with a rich cultural calendar that includes sociocultural initiatives in the interaction with the host society. The Bulgarian migrants in Morocco do not have a formal organization. Meanwhile their community is proactive and consolidated around the Bulgarian Embassy. The Bulgarian school in various formats has been operating since 1986. A folk dance group was established in 2018. The paper attempts to answer why knowledge of Bulgarian traditions, folklore, history, and preservation of the Bulgarian language and cultural identity are important for the Bulgarian community in Morocco


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    Purpose. The article focuses on the study of film titles that we consider an integral part of cinema text from the point of view of its special sign nature. A film title gives the key to the subject matter of the film story line. The translator faces a number of challenges as it is essential to capture the semantic multidimensionality of the original title in order to transmit accurately the same vision, sense and tonality embodied in the original title. Methodology. The study is done in the light of the synergetic approach to film translation that emphasizes the dominant role of the image-sense and its influences on translation solutions. The polysemiotic nature of a film text should be taken into account while dealing with film title translations. Results. The image-sense is an integral unity that can be cognized only in the context of the whole as the essence of semiosis, unity of individual and general, creating an authentic image in a viewer’s mind. Image-sense is characterized by unpredictability and ambiguity that can be eliminated due to video image and the interaction of some semiotic systems in creating an integral entity. The research materials are film dialogues of Korean and American feature films

    Pelaksanaan Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Awak Kapal pada PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Semarang

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    Penelitian dari pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum bagi awak kapal pada PT.Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Semarang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum bagi awak kapal serta mengetahui dan menganalisis hambatan-hambatan apa saja yang muncul serta upaya apa yang dilakukan PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Semarang dalam menanggulangi hambatan pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja atau anak buah kapal. Hasil penelitian ini adalah jika dilihat dari segi perjanjian kerja laut maka tidak mencerminkan kepastian hukum yang pasti. Segi hak waktu kerja, istirahat, dan cuti, PT.Pelni Semarang telah dapat melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Pasal 79 ayat (2) UU Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Segi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, PT.Pelni telah sesuai dengan ketentuan dari UU No.1 Tahun 1970 tentang keselamatan kapal dan telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Pelaksanaan tentang Kecelakaan Pelaut. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum ini kurangnya kesadaran hukum para pekerja di kapal atau anak buah kapal (ABK), dan Serikat pekerja (SP) dikuasai oleh Perusahaan dan sikap pemerintah pusat yang pasif dalam merespon permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan transportasi laut. Sehingga kesimpulan penulisan ini yaitu dari segi perjanjian kerja laut tidak mencerminkan kepastian hukum yang pasti, hak waktu kerja, istirahat dan cuti, serta segi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum