249 research outputs found

    Antun Mihanović and his contribution to Slavonic-Sanskrit comparative studies

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    U radu se analizira slabo poznati članak Antuna Mihanovića Zusammenstellung von 200 Laut- und Sinnvervandten Wörtern des Sanskrites und Slawischen iz 1823. godine, pri čemu se Mihanović prikazuje jednim od utemeljitelja poredbene slavistike. Mihanovićev članak sastoji se od dvaju dijelova. U prvom, uvodnom dijelu Mihanović donosi iscrpan popis svojih vrela i objašnjava svoje ciljeve. On kani dokazati da »slavenski jezik« pripada istoj jezičnoj porodici zajedno sa sanskrtom, ne manje nego što joj pripadaju grčki, latinski i njemački jezik. Drugi dio članka obuhvaća popis od točno dvjesto natuknica s rije­čima iz sanskrta i sličnozvučnih riječi slavenskih jezika. Iako se Mihanović povodi za površnom sličnošću riječi i njihovih značenja — jer pravila o zvučnim korelacijama indoeuropskih jezika tada nisu bila poznata — on pokušava uspostaviti osnovne zvučne korelacije između sanskrta i slavenskih jezika. Unatoč mnogim po­grješkama, naknadna istraživanja pokazuju da je gotovo polovica (98 riječi) Mihanovićevih korelacija izrađena od dobro utvrđeno srodnih lekse­ma, što je izuzetan uspjeh za Mihanovićevo vrijeme. Iako je svoj članak napisao pod utjecajem strujanja njemačkoga romantizma, ideološka usmjerenost ne zasjenjuje značenje članka kao izuzetnoga priloga komparativnomu lingvističkomu istraživanju Mihanovićeva vremena.This paper analyses in detail a little-known article by Antun Mihanović highlighting his role as one of the pioneers of Slavonic comparative studies. Although the article was written under the influence of the German romantic nationalism, the ideological pointedness should not overshadow its significance as a remarkable, for the time, piece of comparative linguistic research

    Mechanical Stability and Fibrinolytic Resistance of Clots Containing Fibrin, DNA, and Histones

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    Neutrophil extracellular traps are networks of DNA and associated proteins produced by nucleosome release from activated neutrophils in response to infection stimuli and have recently been identified as key mediators between innate immunity, inflammation, and hemostasis. The interaction of DNA and histones with a number of hemostatic factors has been shown to promote clotting and is associated with increased thrombosis, but little is known about the effects of DNA and histones on the regulation of fibrin stability and fibrinolysis. Here we demonstrate that the addition of histone-DNA complexes to fibrin results in thicker fibers (increase in median diameter from 84 to 123 nm according to scanning electron microscopy data) accompanied by improved stability and rigidity (the critical shear stress causing loss of fibrin viscosity increases from 150 to 376 Pa whereas the storage modulus of the gel increases from 62 to 82 pascals according to oscillation rheometric data). The effects of DNA and histones alone are subtle and suggest that histones affect clot structure whereas DNA changes the way clots are lysed. The combination of histones + DNA significantly prolongs clot lysis. Isothermal titration and confocal microscopy studies suggest that histones and DNA bind large fibrin degradation products with 191 and 136 nm dissociation constants, respectively, interactions that inhibit clot lysis. Heparin, which is known to interfere with the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps, appears to prolong lysis time at a concentration favoring ternary histone-DNA-heparin complex formation, and DNase effectively promotes clot lysis in combination with tissue plasminogen activator

    Genetic and Pharmacological Modifications of Thrombin Formation in Apolipoprotein E-deficient Mice Determine Atherosclerosis Severity and Atherothrombosis Onset in a Neutrophil-Dependent Manner

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    Background: Variations in the blood coagulation activity, determined genetically or by medication, may alter atherosclerotic plaque progression, by influencing pleiotropic effects of coagulation proteases. Published experimental studies have yielded contradictory findings on the role of hypercoagulability in atherogenesis. We therefore sought to address this matter by extensively investigating the in vivo significance of genetic alterations and pharmacologic inhibition of thrombin formation for the onset and progression of atherosclerosis, and plaque phenotype determination. Methodology/principal findings: We generated transgenic atherosclerosis-prone mice with diminished coagulant or hypercoagulable phenotype and employed two distinct models of atherosclerosis. Gene-targeted 50% reduction in prothrombin (FII/WT:ApoE/)(FII^{−/WT}:ApoE^{−/−}) was remarkably effective in limiting disease compared to control ApoE/ApoE^{−/−} mice, associated with significant qualitative benefits, including diminished leukocyte infiltration, altered collagen and vascular smooth muscle cell content. Genetically-imposed hypercoagulability in TMPro/Pro:ApoE/TM^{Pro/Pro}:ApoE^{−/−} mice resulted in severe atherosclerosis, plaque vulnerability and spontaneous atherothrombosis. Hypercoagulability was associated with a pronounced neutrophilia, neutrophil hyper-reactivity, markedly increased oxidative stress, neutrophil intraplaque infiltration and apoptosis. Administration of either the synthetic specific thrombin inhibitor Dabigatran etexilate, or recombinant activated protein C (APC), counteracted the pro-inflammatory and pro-atherogenic phenotype of pro-thrombotic TMPro/Pro:ApoE/TM^{Pro/Pro}:ApoE^{−/−} mice. Conclusions/significance: We provide new evidence highlighting the importance of neutrophils in the coagulation-inflammation interplay during atherogenesis. Our findings reveal that thrombin-mediated proteolysis is an unexpectedly powerful determinant of atherosclerosis in multiple distinct settings. These studies suggest that selective anticoagulants employed to prevent thrombotic events may also be remarkably effective in clinically impeding the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease

    Activated plasma coagulation β-Factor XII-induced vasoconstriction in rats

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    By inducing BK (bradykinin)-stimulated adrenomedullary catecholamine release, bolus injection of the β-fragment of activated plasma coagulation Factor XII (β-FXIIa) transiently elevates BP (blood pressure) and HR (heart rate) of anaesthetized, vagotomized, ganglion-blocked, captopril-treated bioassay rats. We hypothesized that intravenous infusion of β-FXIIa into intact untreated rats would elicit a qualitatively similar vasoconstrictor response. BN (Brown Norway) rats received for 60 min either: (i) saline (control; n=10); (ii) β-FXIIa (85 ng/min per kg of body weight; n=9); or (iii) β-FXIIa after 2ADX (bilateral adrenalectomy; n=9). LV (left ventricular) volume and aortic BP were recorded before (30 min baseline), during (60 min) and after (30 min recovery) the infusion. TPR (total peripheral resistance) was derived from MAP (mean arterial pressure), SV (stroke volume) and HR. Saline had no haemodynamic effects. β-FXIIa infusion increased its plasma concentration 3-fold in both groups. In adrenally intact rats, β-FXIIa infusion increased MAP by 6% (5±2 mmHg) and TPR by 45% (0.50±0.12 mmHg/ml per min), despite falls in SV (−38±8 μl) and HR [−18±5 b.p.m. (beats/min)] (all P<0.05). In 2ADX rats, β-FXIIa had no HR effect, but decreased SV (−89±9 μl) and MAP (−4±1 mmHg), and increased TPR by 66% (0.59±0.15 mmHg/ml per min) (all P<0.05). After infusion, adrenally intact rats exhibited persistent vasoconstriction (MAP, 10±1 mmHg; TPR, 0.55±0.07 mmHg/ml per min; both P<0.05), whereas in 2ADX rats, MAP remained 5±1 mmHg below baseline (P<0.05) and TPR returned to baseline. End-study arterial adrenaline (epinephrine) concentrations in the three groups were 1.9±0.6, 9.8±4.1 and 0.6±0.2 nmol/l respectively. Thus, in neurally intact lightly anaesthetized untreated rats, β-FXIIa infusion induces both adrenal catecholamine-mediated and adrenally independent increases in peripheral resistance

    Statins but Not Aspirin Reduce Thrombotic Risk Assessed by Thrombin Generation in Diabetic Patients without Cardiovascular Events: The RATIONAL Trial

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    The systematic use of aspirin and statins in patients with diabetes and no previous cardiovascular events is controversial. We sought to assess the effects of aspirin and statins on the thrombotic risk assessed by thrombin generation (TG) among patients with type II diabetes mellitus and no previous cardiovascular events.Prospective, randomized, open, blinded to events evaluation, controlled, 2×2 factorial clinical trial including 30 patients randomly allocated to aspirin 100 mg/d, atorvastatin 40 mg/d, both or none. Outcome measurements included changes in TG levels after treatment (8 to 10 weeks), assessed by a calibrated automated thrombogram. At baseline all groups had similar clinical and biochemical profiles, including TG levels. There was no interaction between aspirin and atorvastatin. Atorvastatin significantly reduced TG measured as peak TG with saline (85.09±55.34 nmol vs 153.26±75.55 nmol for atorvastatin and control groups, respectively; p = 0.018). On the other hand, aspirin had no effect on TG (121.51±81.83 nmol vs 116.85±67.66 nmol, for aspirin and control groups, respectively; p = 0.716). The effects of treatments on measurements of TG using other agonists were consistent.While waiting for data from ongoing large clinical randomized trials to definitively outline the role of aspirin in primary prevention, our study shows that among diabetic patients without previous vascular events, statins but not aspirin reduce thrombotic risk assessed by TG.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00793754

    Quantifying the Evolution of Vascular Barrier Disruption in Advanced Atherosclerosis with Semipermeant Nanoparticle Contrast Agents

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    Acute atherothrombotic occlusion in heart attack and stroke implies disruption of the vascular endothelial barrier that exposes a highly procoagulant intimal milieu. However, the evolution, severity, and pathophysiological consequences of vascular barrier damage in atherosclerotic plaque remain unknown, in part because quantifiable methods and experimental models are lacking for its in vivo assessment.To develop quantitative nondestructive methodologies and models for detecting vascular barrier disruption in advanced plaques.Sustained hypercholesterolemia in New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits for >7-14 months engendered endothelial barrier disruption that was evident from massive and rapid passive penetration and intimal trapping of perfluorocarbon-core nanoparticles (PFC-NP: ∼250 nm diameter) after in vivo circulation for as little as 1 hour. Only older plaques (>7 mo), but not younger plaques (<3 mo) demonstrated the marked enhancement of endothelial permeability to these particles. Electron microscopy revealed a complex of subintimal spongiform channels associated with endothelial apoptosis, superficial erosions, and surface-penetrating cholesterol crystals. Fluorine ((19)F) magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/MRS) enabled absolute quantification (in nanoMolar) of the passive permeation of PFC-NP into the disrupted vascular lesions by sensing the unique spectral signatures from the fluorine core of plaque-bound PFC-NP.The application of semipermeant nanoparticles reveals the presence of profound barrier disruption in later stage plaques and focuses attention on the disrupted endothelium as a potential contributor to plaque vulnerability. The response to sustained high cholesterol levels yields a progressive deterioration of the vascular barrier that can be quantified with fluorine MRI/MRS of passively permeable nanostructures. The possibility of plaque classification based on the metric of endothelial permeability to nanoparticles is suggested