44 research outputs found

    Foreign economic supranational and national interests : structure and priorities

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    The author analyzes the framework of concepts and categories of foreign economic national and supranational interests’ system, its structure and subject matter. The conclusion is given on the globalized transformation of the system of national economic interests as follows: the genesis is determined by the transition from the national foreign economic interest’s prioritization to the quantitative certainty of supranational foreign economic interest. The author establishes that national foreign economic interests act as subjects of the balance for supranational interest, and international legislation (international treaties, agreements, memorandums, acts, protocols, decisions, orders, recommendations, etc.) serve as international balance regulators.peer-reviewe

    Effect of aquatic plants upon planktonic and periphytic organisms: a microcosm-based approach

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    Aquatic plants have a major influence upon other aquatic organisms, by altering both water chemistry and spatial structure of the habitat in shallow water bodies. Some of them, such as Stratiotes aloides L., may suppress algal growth. But how aquatic plants would ultimately influence the heterotrophic community and the aquatic ecosystem as a whole is far from clear. Our microcosm-based study demonstrated that even a modest density of S. aloides caused a decline in phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration and periphytic algae abundance, including cyanobacteria, whereas diatoms appeared to be immune to the plant influence. Photosynthetic rate remained unaltered despite decreased chlorophyll concentration. While bacterial counts remained largely unchanged, more bacteria were observed forming microcolonies as well as associating with particulate organic matter. Numbers of periphytic heterotrophic organisms did not differ significantly between the planted and plant-free control microcosms. Zooplankton diversity increased and cladocerans assumed a more prominent position within the microcosms with macrophytes. We assume that the presence of plant’s leads to increased importance of bacteria and protists in the functioning of the food webs. Therefore, decreasing of algal abundance does not involve reducing the number of heterotrophic planktonic and periphytic organisms

    Grammar and interpretation

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    An important objective of this paper is to present grammar in an interpretative perspective. The authors demonstrate the usefulness of a cognitive approach by showing mechanisms of interaction between conceptual and linguistic units that underlie the semantics of lexicalized plural forms in English and GermanyesBelgorod State Universit

    Infuence of processing conditions of polymethyl methacrylate on the optical and mechanical propeties of products

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    Study of the mechanical and optical properties of PMMA, including the addition of recycled materials, have been conducted. the possibility of using recycled materials in the manufacture of products made of PMMA was shown. Found that the optical properties deteriorate with the introduction of secondary PMMA over 10%

    Morphological and Genetic Variability of the Mass Whitefish Forms in Lake Onega

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    In Lake Onega, the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus has been shown to occur as a variety of forms. Medium- and sparsely-ranked whitefish are most abundant. Analysis of available data indicates that whitefish populations from Karelia’s large lakes display the maximum values of various genetic variability indices. This fact seems to be due to the history of the colonization of the lake by the discrete evolutionary whitefish lineages from various Late Quaternary habitats followed by their hybridization. A great variety of Onega whitefish haplotypes is probably related to the genetic heterogeneity of the whitefish who until recently had occurred as five ecological forms ranking as subspecies. The median network obtained suggests that many of the populations studied have become less abundant. The well-defined “star-like” network structure is characteristic of populations that passed through a narrow “bottleneck” in the near past and then expanded rapidly, as indicated by the abundance of rare haplotype varieties. It seems that the retreat of the Scandinavian glacier was not a momentary event but took a long time during which the populations formed were subjected to demographic transformations

    Analysis of capacity of picocell with dominating video streaming traffic

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    This paper focuses on the research of centralized wireless networks where main load is formed with on-line video streaming services. In case of congestion channel resources are not enough for satisfying all the users requirements. This brings to degradation of video playback (appearance of rebufferings, forced transcoding to lower bit rate etc). Congestion has probabilistic nature, since it depends not only on number of users but also on there location relatively to a base station and chosen bit rates of videos. For considered networks we propose a model and two techniques of congestion probability estimation. Basing on these estimations network capacity is analyzed


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    Rickets is a classic metabolic bone disease of humans and animals. In dogs and cats the disease is quite rare. However, the ability to distinguish it from other similar symptoms is an important task for any veterinarian. The pathology of rickets is based on a violation in the phosphorus-calcium metabolism, associated with a violation of the metabolism of vitamin D. Most often there is a food form of rickets, caused by a lack of dietary vitamin D. However, both in cats and dogs there are genetic forms of the disease, in which the body is not able to synthesize certain proteins that take part in any of the stages of metabolism of this vitamin. Most often food form of suffer puppies until 6 months and kittens in age about 4 months. Any breed predisposition in cats is not revealed. In dogs rickets is exposed to fast-growing breeds such as gazehounds (greyhounds, Russian wolfhound), Shetland Sheepdog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Dogo Argentino, Pomeranian dog described in the literature more often than other breeds. Rickets are diagnosed by x-ray analysis, blood tests for the concentration of vitamin D and animal history data. Treatment of food rickets is the appointment of a corrective diet. Animals with genetic rickets are prescribed calcitriol for life

    The sentences of change in German

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    yesPossibility of identification of sentences of change in natural languages in connection with researches in the field of logic of change is discussed in this articl

    The sentences of change in German

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    Possibility of identification of sentences of change in natural languages in connection with researches in the field of logic of change is discussed in this articleye