112 research outputs found

    Establishing low-energy sequential decomposition pathways of leucine enkephalin and its N- and C-terminus fragments using multiple-resonance CID in quadrupolar ion guide

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    The simultaneous resonant low-energy excitation of leucine enkephalin and its fragment ions was demonstrated in a collision cell of the multipole-quadrupole time-of-flight instrument. Using low-amplitude multiple-resonance excitation CID, we were able to show the exclusive sequential fragmentation of N- and C-terminus fragments all the way to the final fragments—immonium ions of phenylalanine or tyrosine. In this CID mode the single-channel dissociation of each new generation of fragments followed the lowest energy decomposition pathways observable on the time scale of our experiment. Up to six generations of sequential dissociation were carried out in multiple-resonance CID experiments. The direct qualitative comparison of fragmentation of axial-acceleration versus resonant (radial) CID was performed in the same instrument. In both activation methods, fragmentation patterns suggested complex decomposition mechanisms attributable to dynamic competition between sequential and parallel dissociation channels

    Influence of surface modification of nitinol with silicon using plasma-immersion ion implantation on the alloy corrosion resistance in artificial physiological solutions

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    Cyclic voltammetry and potentiostatic polarization have been applied to study electrochemical behavior and to determine corrosion resistance of nitinol, which surface was modified with silicon using plasma-immersion ion implantation, in 0.9% NaCl solution and in artificial blood plasma. It was found out that continuous, and also homogeneous in composition, thin Si-containing layers are resistant to corrosion damage at high positive potentials in artificial physiological solutions due to formation of stable passive films. Breakdown potential Eb of Si-modified NiTi depends on the character of silicon and Ni distribution at the alloy surface, Eb values amounted to 0.9–1.5 V (Ag/AgCl/KCl sat.) for the alloy samples with continuous Si-containing surface layers and with decreased Ni surface concentration

    Structural phase states in nickel-titanium surface layers doped with silicon by plasma immersion ion implantation

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    The paper reports on a study of NiTi-based alloys used for manufacturing self-expanding intravascular stents to elucidate how the technological modes of plasma immersion ion implantation with silicon influence the chemical an

    Plasma immersion ion implantation for surface treatment of complex branched structures

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    The paper presents experimental results demonstrating the capabilities of plasma immersion ion implantation of silicon (Si) for surface treatment of complex branched structures such are self-expanding intravascular nickel-titanium (NiTi) stents. Using NiTi stents of diameter 4 and 8 mm, it is shown that plasma immersion ion implantation can provide rather homogeneous doping of their outer and inner surfaces with Si atoms. Also presented are research data on the processes that determine the thickness, composition, and structure of surface layers subjected to this type of treatment

    Magnetic studies and scanning electron microscopy — X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses of road sediments, soils and vehicle-derived emissions

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    27 Pag., 2 Tabl., 6 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/0039-3169/Human health and environmental problems related to particulate matter emission from vehicles has become a topic of research interest in recent years. These airborne particles can not only be directly inhaled, but are also present as suspended and deposited particles on paved areas and roadside soils. Here we report on magnetic studies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and chemical analyses of vehicle-derived particles collected from both primary sources and as deposited particles on roads and soils. Preliminary results, recently published by the authors, have revealed that the magnetic signal of such particles is controlled by a magnetite-like phase with magnetic grain size ranging between 0.1 µm and 5 µm. An enrichment of some trace elements: Ba, Cr, Cu, Zn and Pb was also found. In this study we focus on SEM and EDS complementary studies of magnetic extracts. SEM observations showed small individual particles or spherulites, small aggregates in the form of chains or clusters, large aggregates of spherules, flake-like bodies, fibre-like particles, sheet-like particles, irregular debris and large particle agglomerates, i.e. a wide variety of shapes. Grain size distribution is also in agreement with magnetic grain size estimations. Additionally the following elements: C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, V, Ba, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb were detected by EDS analysis.The authors would like to thank the CONICET, UNCPBA and UNMdP. Financial support was also received from a PICT-2005 of the ANPCYT, project No. 38050 and by the CICYT project MEDEROCAR (CGL2008-0831).Peer reviewe

    Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals a Novel Association Between MYBPC3 Gene Polymorphism, Endurance Athlete Status, Aerobic Capacity and Steroid Metabolism.

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    The genetic predisposition to elite athletic performance has been a controversial subject due to the underpowered studies and the small effect size of identified genetic variants. The aims of this study were to investigate the association of common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with endurance athlete status in a large cohort of elite European athletes using GWAS approach, followed by replication studies in Russian and Japanese elite athletes and functional validation using metabolomics analysis. The association of 476,728 SNPs of Illumina DrugCore Gene chip and endurance athlete status was investigated in 796 European international-level athletes (645 males, 151 females) by comparing allelic frequencies between athletes specialized in sports with high ( = 662) and low/moderate ( = 134) aerobic component. Replication of results was performed by comparing the frequencies of the most significant SNPs between 242 and 168 elite Russian high and low/moderate aerobic athletes, respectively, and between 60 elite Japanese endurance athletes and 406 controls. A meta-analysis has identified rs1052373 (GG homozygotes) in Myosin Binding Protein (; implicated in cardiac hypertrophic myopathy) gene to be associated with endurance athlete status ( = 1.43 × 10, odd ratio 2.2). Homozygotes carriers of rs1052373 G allele in Russian athletes had significantly greater VO than carriers of the AA + AG ( = 0.005). Subsequent metabolomics analysis revealed several amino acids and lipids associated with rs1052373 G allele (1.82 × 10) including the testosterone precursor androstenediol (3beta,17beta) disulfate. This is the first report of genome-wide significant SNP and related metabolites associated with elite athlete status. Further investigations of the functional relevance of the identified SNPs and metabolites in relation to enhanced athletic performance are warranted

    A Genome-Wide Association Study of Sprint Performance in Elite Youth Football Players

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    Pickering, C, Suraci, B, Semenova, EA, Boulygina, EA, Kostryukova, ES, Kulemin, NA, Borisov, OV, Khabibova, SA, Larin, AK, Pavlenko, AV, Lyubaeva, EV, Popov, DV, Lysenko, EA, Vepkhvadze, TF, Lednev, EM, Leońska-Duniec, A, Pająk, B, Chycki, J, Moska, W, Lulińska-Kuklik, E, Dornowski, M, Maszczyk, A, Bradley, B, Kana-ah, A, Cięszczyk, P, Generozov, EV, and Ahmetov, II. A genome-wide association study of sprint performance in elite youth football players. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2019-Sprint speed is an important component of football performance, with teams often placing a high value on sprint and acceleration ability. The aim of this study was to undertake the first genome-wide association study to identify genetic variants associated with sprint test performance in elite youth football players and to further validate the obtained results in additional studies. Using micro-array data (600 K-1.14 M single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]) of 1,206 subjects, we identified 12 SNPs with suggestive significance after passing replication criteria. The polymorphism rs55743914 located in the PTPRK gene was found as the most significant for 5-m sprint test (p = 7.7 × 10). Seven of the discovered SNPs were also associated with sprint test performance in a cohort of 126 Polish women, and 4 were associated with power athlete status in a cohort of 399 elite Russian athletes. Six SNPs were associated with muscle fiber type in a cohort of 96 Russian subjects. We also examined genotype distributions and possible associations for 16 SNPs previously linked with sprint performance. Four SNPs (AGT rs699, HSD17B14 rs7247312, IGF2 rs680, and IL6 rs1800795) were associated with sprint test performance in this cohort. In addition, the G alleles of 2 SNPs in ADRB2 (rs1042713 & rs1042714) were significantly over-represented in these players compared with British and European controls. These results suggest that there is a genetic influence on sprint test performance in footballers, and identifies some of the genetic variants that help explain this influence