33 research outputs found

    Molecular characterization of Slc26a3 and Slc26a6 anion transporters in guinea pig pancreatic duct

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    Sa što većim razvojem prometa razvila se potreba za detaljnom analizom putnika u javnom gradskom prijevozu. Svrha detaljne analize, odnosno prebrojavanja putnika je radi poboljšanja kvalitete usluge. Brojanje putnika predstavlja polazni uvjet za analizu sadašnjeg stanja, te daljnji razvoj u budućnosti. Brojanje putnika izvodi se ručno i automatski. Sa što veći razvojem tehnike razvili su se mnogi uređaji koji pospješuju automatski način brojanja. Sama svrha automatskog brojanja putnika očituje se u točnosti informacije, te služi za poboljšanje kvalitete usluge javnog gradskog prijevoza. Brojanje putnika je najvažniji čimbenik za daljnju razvijenost mreže linija javnog prijevoza. U radu se još opisuju tehnologije automatskog brojanja putnika, uređaji, njihova primjena, te daljni razvoj u budućnosti.With the increase in traffic, the need for a detalied analysis of public transport passenger has developed. The purpose of detailed analysis, that is, of counting passenger, is to improve the quality of service. Passenger counting is a starting point for analyzing the current situation and further development in the future. Passenger counting is performed manually and automatically. With the greater advancement of the techique, many devices have been developed that faciilitate automatic counting. The purpose of automatic passenger counting is to be reflected in the accuacy of information and to improve the quality of public transport services. Numbering of passenger is the most importanat facor for the further development of the public transport network. This paper also describes the technologies of automatic passenger counting, devices, their application, and futher development in the future

    Homozygous knockout of the piezo1 gene in the zebrafish is not associated with anemia

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    We have now examined the erythroid phenotype in this zebrafish strain carrying a ZFN genomic knockout of piezo1. Genotyping was performed as previously described. In contrast to the anemic phenotype observed in zebrafish subjected to morpholino knockdown of piezo, the genomic ZFN knockout of piezo1 did not segregate either with anemia in the 3-dpf embryo or with dysmorphic erythrocyte morphology in the adult fish

    Multiple clinical forms of dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis arise from mutations in PIEZO1

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    Autosomal dominant dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis (DHSt) usually presents as a compensated hemolytic anemia with macrocytosis and abnormally shaped red blood cells (RBCs). DHSt is part of a pleiotropic syndrome that may also exhibit pseudohyperkalemia and perinatal edema. We identified PIEZO1 as the disease gene for pleiotropic DHSt in a large kindred by exome sequencing analysis within the previously mapped 16q23-q24 interval. In 26 affected individuals among 7 multigenerational DHSt families with the pleiotropic syndrome, 11 heterozygous PIEZO1 missense mutations cosegregated with disease. PIEZO1 is expressed in the plasma membranes of RBCs and its messenger RNA, and protein levels increase during in vitro erythroid differentiation of CD341 cells. PIEZO1 is also expressed in liver and bone marrow during human and mouse development. We suggest for the first time a correlation between a PIEZO1 mutation and perinatal edema. DHSt patient red cells with the R2456H mutation exhibit increased ion-channel activity. Functional studies of PIEZO1 mutant R2488Q expressed in Xenopus oocytes demonstrated changes in ion-channel activity consistent with the altered cation content of DHSt patient red cells. Our findings provide direct evidence that R2456H and R2488Q mutations in PIEZO1 alter mechanosensitive channel regulation, leading to increased cation transport in erythroid cells