15 research outputs found

    Membrane-anchored calpains – hidden regulators of growth and development beyond plants?

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    Calpains are modulatory proteases that modify diverse cellular substrates and play essential roles in eukaryots. The best studied are animal cytosolic calpains. Here, we focus on enigmatic membrane-anchored calpains, their structural and functional features as well as phylogenetic distribution. Based on domain composition, we identified four types of membrane-anchored calpains. Type 1 and 2 show broad phylogenetic distribution among unicellular protists and streptophytes suggesting their ancient evolutionary origin. Type 3 and 4 diversified early and are present in brown algae and oomycetes. The plant DEK1 protein is the only representative of membrane-anchored calpains that has been functionally studied. Here, we present up to date knowledge about its structural features, putative regulation, posttranslational modifications, and biological role. Finally, we discuss potential model organisms and available tools for functional studies of membrane-anchored calpains with yet unknown biological role. Mechanistic understanding of membrane-anchored calpains may provide important insights into fundamental principles of cell polarization, cell fate control, and morphogenesis beyond plants

    Gajenje slatkovodnih riba u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi: potrebe za istraživanjem i razvojem

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    Gajenje slatkovodinih riba ima veoma važnu ulogu za stabilizaciju biodiversiteta, resursa podzemnih voda, klime regiona kao i za snabdevenost hranom u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Velika konkurencija cena ribe na međunarodnom tržištu i promene u navikama ishrane ljudi pojačavaju pritisak na mala i srednja preduzeća u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi koja se bave gajenjem ribe i mogu da ugroze predeo oko uzgojnih jezera. Da bi povećali vrednost svih karika u lancu proizvodnje slatkovodnih riba, naučnici i proizvođači su identifikovali uobičajene i potencijalne izazove. Da bi se procenile potrebe sektora akvakulture u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi, sprovedeni su polu strukturirani intervjui sa proizvođačima i prerađivačima ribe i udruženjima u Poljskoj i Češkoj, u okviru projekta SIAD i FP7 EU projekta TRAFOON. Takođe su održane radionice sa istraživačima u sektoru akvakulture duž svake karike lanca proizvodnje riba u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Različite interesne strane su identifikovale nekoliko izazova koji ometaju razvoj slatkovodne akvakulture u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi. Razvoj akvakulture zahteva postojanje harmonizovanog regulativnog/pravnog okvira. Razmena znanja bi imala pozitivan uticaj na razvoj uniformnih standarda za održivost, i pomogla bi stvaranju pravnih procedura za izdavanje dozvola i licenci. Potrebno je izvršiti ekonomsku procenu usluga koje ekosistem ribnjaka pruža. Poboljšana tehnoligija koja je povoljna po životnu sredinu i sistemi za upravljanje kvalitetom u proizvodnji i preradi su neophodni da bi se obezbedila ustaljenija ponuda proizvoda od ribe viskog kvaliteta. Potrošači treba da budu bolje informisani o funkciji koju slatkovodna akvakultura i njeni proizvodi imaju za životnu sredinu. Da bi došlo do održivog razvoja sektora akvakulture i da bi se izgradilo poverenje javnosti, veoma je važno podstaći društvene inovacije koje su primenljive na pojedinačni sektor ili pojedinačnu teritoriju. Da bi došlo do održivog razvoja sektora slatkovodne akvakulture potrebno je razviti strategije makro regionalnog razvoja koje su prilagođene određenim tržištima, uslovima životne sredine, ponašanju potrošača, kulturi i tradiciji i koje nude potencijal za razvoj izvan granica jedne zemlje. Razvoj i adaptacija ključnih tehnologija potrebni su da bi se stabilizovala konkurentna i održiva proizvodnja i prerada ribe u čijoj su proizvodnji resursi efikasno iskorišćeni

    Expression of Genes for Si Uptake, Accumulation, and Correlation of Si with Other Elements in Ionome of Maize Kernel

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    The mineral composition of cells, tissues, and organs is decisive for the functioning of the organisms, and is at the same time an indicator for understanding of physiological processes. We measured the composition of the ionome in the different tissues of maize kernels by element microanalysis, with special emphasis on silicon (Si). We therefore also measured the expression levels of the Si transporter genes ZmLsi1, ZmLsi2 and ZmLsi6, responsible for Si uptake and accumulation. Two weeks after pollination ZmLsi1 and ZmLsi6 genes were expressed, and expression continued until the final developmental stage of the kernels, while ZmLsi2 was not expressed. These results suggest that exclusively ZmLsi1 and ZmLsi6 are responsible for Si transport in various stages of kernel development. Expression level of ZmLsi genes was consistent with Si accumulation within kernel tissues. Silicon was mainly accumulated in pericarp and embryo proper and the lowest Si content was detected in soft endosperm and the scutellum. Correlation linkages between the distribution of Si and some other elements (macroelements Mg, P, S, N, P, and Ca and microelements Cl, Zn, and Fe) were found. The relation of Si with Mg was detected in all kernel tissues. The Si linkage with other elements was rather specific and found only in certain kernel tissues of maize. These relations may have effect on nutrient uptake and accumulation

    Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Two Cucumber Cultivars with Different Sensitivity to Cucumber Mosaic Virus Infection

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    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), with extremely broad host range including both monocots and dicots around the world, belongs to most important viral crop threats. Either natural or genetically constructed sources of resistance are being intensively investigated; for this purpose, exhaustive knowledge of molecular virus-host interaction during compatible and incompatible infection is required. New technologies and computer-based “omics” on various levels contribute markedly to this topic. In this work, two cucumber cultivars with different response to CMV challenge were tested, i.e., sensitive cv. Vanda and resistant cv. Heliana. The transcriptomes were prepared from both cultivars at 18 days after CMV or mock inoculation. Subsequently, four independent comparative analyses of obtained data were performed, viz. mock- and CMV-inoculated samples within each cultivar, samples from mock-inoculated cultivars to each other and samples from virus-inoculated cultivars to each other. A detailed picture of CMV-influenced genes, as well as constitutive differences in cultivar-specific gene expression was obtained. The compatible CMV infection of cv. Vanda caused downregulation of genes involved in photosynthesis, and induction of genes connected with protein production and modification, as well as components of signaling pathways. CMV challenge caused practically no change in the transcription profile of the cv. Heliana. The main differences between constitutive transcription activity of the two cultivars relied in the expression of genes responsible for methylation, phosphorylation, cell wall organization and carbohydrate metabolism (prevailing in cv. Heliana), or chromosome condensation and glucan biosynthesis (prevailing in cv. Vanda). Involvement of several genes in the resistant cucumber phenotype was predicted; this can be after biological confirmation potentially applied in breeding programs for virus-resistant crops

    Do Antimonite and Silicon Share the Same Root Uptake Pathway by Lsi1 in <i>Sorghum bicolor</i> L. Moench?

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    A study was conducted to further develop our understanding of antimony (Sb) uptake in plants. Unlike other metal(loid)s, such as silicon (Si), the mechanisms of Sb uptake are not well understood. However, SbIII is thought to enter the cell via aquaglyceroporins. We investigated if the channel protein Lsi1, which aids in Si uptake, also plays a role in Sb uptake. Seedlings of WT sorghum, with normal silicon accumulation, and its mutant (sblsi1), with low silicon accumulation, were grown in Hoagland solution for 22 days in the growth chamber under controlled conditions. Control, Sb (10 mg Sb L−1), Si (1mM) and Sb + Si (10 mg Sb L−1 + 1 mM Si) were the treatments. After 22 days, root and shoot biomass, the concentration of elements in root and shoot tissues, lipid peroxidation and ascorbate levels, and relative expression of Lsi1 were determined. When mutant plants were exposed to Sb, they showed almost no toxicity symptoms compared to WT plants, indicating that Sb was not toxic to mutant plants. On the other hand, WT plants had decreased root and shoot biomass, increased MDA content and increased Sb uptake compared to mutant plants. In the presence of Sb, we also found that SbLsi1 was downregulated in the roots of WT plants. The results of this experiment support the role of Lsi1 in Sb uptake in sorghum plants

    Silicification of Root Tissues

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    Silicon (Si) is not considered an essential element, however, its tissue concentration can exceed that of many essential elements in several evolutionary distant plant species. Roots take up Si using Si transporters and then translocate it to aboveground organs. In some plant species, root tissues are also places where a high accumulation of Si can be found. Three basic modes of Si deposition in roots have been identified so far: (1) impregnation of endodermal cell walls (e.g., in cereals, such as Triticum (wheat)); (2) formation of Si-aggregates associated with endodermal cell walls (in the Andropogoneae family, which includes Sorghum and Saccharum (sugarcane)); (3) formation of Si aggregates in &ldquo;stegmata&rdquo; cells, which form a sheath around sclerenchyma fibers e.g., in some palm species (Phoenix (date palm)). In addition to these three major and most studied modes of Si deposition in roots, there are also less-known locations, such as deposits in xylem cells and intercellular deposits. In our research, the ontogenesis of individual root cells that accumulate Si is discussed. The documented and expected roles of Si deposition in the root is outlined mostly as a reaction of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses

    The nuclear GUCT domain-containing DEAD-box RNA helicases govern gametophytic and sporophytic development in Physcomitrium patens

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    Key message In Physcomitrium patens, PpRH1/PpRH2 are GUCT-domain-containing DEAD-BOX RNA helicases localize to the nucleus. They are implicated in cell and tissue development in all stages of the moss life cycle. Abstract The DEAD-box-containing RNA helicase family encompasses a large and functionally important group of enzymes involved in cellular processes committed to the metabolism of RNA, including its transcription, processing, transport, trans lation and decay. Studies indicate this protein family has implied roles in plant vegetative and reproductive developmental processes as well as response to environmental stresses such has cold and high salinity. We focus here on a small conserved sub-group of GUCT domain-containing RNA helicase in the moss Physcomitrium patens. Phylogenetic analysis shows that RNA helicases containing the GUCT domain form a distinct conserved clade across the green lineage. In this clade, the P. patens genome possesses two closely related paralogues RNA helicases predicted to be nuclear, PpRH1 and PpRH2. Using in-locus gene fuorescent tagging we show that PpRH1 is localized to the nucleus in protonema. Analysis of PpRH1 and PpRH2 deletions, individually and together, indicates their potential roles in protonema, gametophore and sporophyte cellular and tissue development in P. patens. Additionally, the ultrastructural analysis of phyllid chloroplasts in Δrh2 and Δrh1/2 shows distinct starch granule accumulation under standard growth conditions associated with changes in photosyn thetic activity parameters. We could not detect efects of either temperature or stress on protonema growth or PpRH1 and PpRH2 expression. Together, these results suggest that nuclear GUCT-containing RNA helicases play a role primarily in developmental processes directly or indirectly linked to photosynthesis activity in the moss P. patens

    The effect of silicon on the antioxidant system of tomato seedlings exposed to individual and combined nitrogen and water deficit

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    Exploring sustainable strategies for improving crop water and nitrogen use efficiency is essential. Silicon (Si) has been reported as a beneficial metalloid for plants since it alleviates several abiotic stresses (including drought) by triggering the plants´ antioxidant system. However, its role in mitigating the negative impact of nitrogen (N) deficit alone or when combined with water (W) deficit is not well studied. This study applied 0 or 2 mM of Na₂SiO to 3-week-old tomato cv. Micro-Tom seedlings that were grown under the following conditions: control (CTR; 100%N+100% Field Capacity), N deficit (N; 50% N + 100% Field Capacity), water deficit (W; 100% N + 50% Field Capacity) or combined stress (N+W; 50% N + 50% Field Capacity. The Si effect on tomato plant growth depended on the type of stress. Si could only alleviate stress caused by N+W deficit resulting in a higher root dry weight (by 28%), total dry weight (by 23%) and root length (by 37%). Alongside this, there was an increase in the antioxidant (AOX) system activity with the root activity of the studied AOX enzymes APX and CAT being enhanced by 48% and by 263%, respectively. Si application also enhanced AOX enzyme activity when tomato plants were subjected to individual deficits but to a lesser extent. In conclusion, Si-treated tomato plants could efficiently modulate their AOX networks in a situation of combined N and water limitation, thus mitigating some of the adverse effects of this combined stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio