16 research outputs found

    Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Design Complexity for Patient-Specific Bone Graft

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    With the rise of modern computer-aided technologies, their use in various different fields is becoming more and more apparent, but more profoundly in the field of medicine. The use of such technology enables the design of complex anatomical structures, often found in different areas of medicine. Maxillofacial and oral fields are becoming more and more popular with the use of such technologies, all leaning toward designing and fabrication of patient-specific implants from a biocompatible material. The level of complexity in personal graft design depends on criteria that describe the bone graft\u27s various properties. This research applies multi-criteria decision aiding in selection of patient-specific bone graft optimal design.Twelve different patient-specific bone-grafts designs have been evaluated by four decision makers who expressed their preferences with direct weighting and revised Simos procedure. Well known VIKOR method was used for multi-criteria decision aiding and the final results verified that the fully curved shape graft design is the least complex while the complex shape is the most demanding from the graft design perspective

    Exergy life cycle assessment of Ni-based catalyst synthesis processes

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    Within the life cycle assessment, exergy analysis is one of the specific approaches to evaluate impacts on the environment through the quality of energy which is degraded during the production process [1]. Exergy can be described as a measure of resources depletion and it can be used to evaluate the process efficiency. Comparative assessment of product and processes through life cycle assessment is often used to identify the differences and environmental hotspots. This research applies exergy life cycle assessment to compare different Ni-based catalysts synthesis processes. In previous research [2,3] the authors compared novel Ni-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst synthesis processes with other ones from environmental and performance point of view. Idea of this research is to calculate the impacts on the environment by the total exergy consumption of Ni-based catalyst processes and to compare these results with the results from previous research. Compared with other Ni-based catalyst synthesis processes, the assessment results confirm the previous findings that the novel NiPd/Al2O3 catalyst synthesis process has the smallest environmental impact. Furthermore, exergy life cycle assessment provided insight into impacts on the non-renewable and renewable resources

    Exergy life cycle assesment of Ni-based catalyst synthesis processes

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    Within the life cycle assessment, exergy analysis is one of the specific approaches to evaluate impacts on the environment through the quality of energy which is degraded during the production process [1]. Exergy can be described as a measure of resources depletion and it can be used to evaluate the process efficiency. Comparative assessment of product and processes through life cycle assessment is often used to identify the differences and environmental hotspots. This research applies exergy life cycle assessment to compare different Ni-based catalysts synthesis processes. In previous research [2,3] the authors compared novel Ni-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst synthesis processes with other ones from environmental and performance point of view. Idea of this research is to calculate the impacts on the environment by the total exergy consumption of Ni-based catalyst processes and to compare these results with the results from previous research. Compared with other Ni-based catalyst synthesis processes, the assessment results confirm the previous findings that the novel Ni-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst synthesis process has the smallest environmental impact. Furthermore, exergy life cycle assessment provided insight into impacts on the non-renewable and renewable resources

    Application of multi-criteria assessment in evaluation of motor vehicles\u27 environmental performances

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    Briga o zaštiti okoliša je bitan element i obveza u suvremenoj automobilskoj industriji. U ovom je radu predstavljen prikaz vrednovanja ekoloških performansi motornih vozila primjenom alata višekriterijskog ocjenjivanja. Prvi dio rada opisuje višekriterijski problem i izbor kriterija za vrednovanje ekoloških performansi motornih vozila. U drugom dijelu rada je opisana primjena višekriterijskog ocjenjivanja primjenom dva pristupa – VK Softvera i metode kompromisnog programiranja (CP), a dobiveni rezultati su uspoređeni i raspravljeni.Concern for environment is an important element and obligation in contemporary automobile manufacturing. This paper presents an approach to assess environmental performances of motor vehicles by the application of multi-criteria assessment tools. Within the first part of the paper the multi-criteria problem is presented, with special emphasis on selection of criteria for assessment of passenger vehicles\u27 environmental performances. The second part of the paper describes the application of a multi-criteria assessment according to two approaches – VK Software and Compromise Programming (CP) method. The obtained results are compared and discussed

    Development of system for intelligent multicriteriaassessment ofenvironmental loading with life cycle assessment of products andprocesses

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    Realizovana istraživanja disertacije mogu se podeliti na tri osnovne celine. Prva celina predstavlja teorijski deo disertacije, u okviru kog su postavljene osnovne podloge za razvoj sistema za inteligentnu višekriterijumsku analizu kod ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa proizvoda i procesa. Drugu celinu predstavlja razvoj modela i programskog sistema za inteligentnu višekriterijumsku analizu. U okviru treće celine prikazani su rezultati primene razvijenog modela i programskog rešenja na primerima ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa i procene opterećenja životne sredine.Dissertation reserch has been carried out in three main sections. The first section presents the theoretical part of the dissertation, where the base for the development of intelligent multicriteria analysis within life cycle assessment of the products and processes is set up. The second part presents the development of model and software system for intelligent multicriteria analysis. Within the third section the results of applying the developed model and software solution are presented on the case studies of life cycle analysis and assessment of environmental burdens


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    Environment is important and inevitable element that has direct impact on life quality. Furthermore, environmental protection represents prerequisite for healthy and sustainable way of life. Environmental quality can be represented through specific indicators that can be identified, measured, analyzed, and assessed with adequate methods for assessment of environmental quality. Problem of insight in total environmental quality, caused by different, mutually incomparable, indicators of environmental load and difficult expression of overall environment quality, can be solved with multicriterial assessment. This paper presents appliance of multicriterial methods for analysis of indicators that represent environmental quality for several sites

    Decision making framework for decreasing the redundancy of air quality monitoring stations in Vojvodina Province (Serbia)

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    Stanice za praćenje kvalitete zraka se koriste za brzo i pouzdano vrednovanje kvalitete zraka. Bez obzira što su stanice skupe, vrlo često njihov broj na određenom teritoriju prelazi optimalni broj stanica što rezultira njihovim viškom, povećanim troškovima, preklapanjem podataka itd. Da bi omogućili analizu kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih kriterija, autori predlažu pristup temeljen na dobro poznatom alatu za donošenje odluka pod nazivom Analitički hijerarhijski proces (AHP). U prvom koraku definiranja okvira za donošenje odluka o smanjenju suvišnih stanica na lokalnoj i regionalnoj razini u pokrajini Vojvodini, tri eksperta su identificirala ključne indikatore za ocjenjivanje karakteristika stanica. Petnaest indikatora je izabrano i podijeljeno u tri grupe (ciljevi životne sredine, ciljevi lokacije/tehnički; socijalno/ekonomski ciljevi). Prema predloženoj metodologiji eksperti su vrednovali dvije stanice u općini Kikinda. Stanica KIMA je imala bolje ukupne karakteristike, zbog čega je odgovornima predloženo da premjeste mjernu opremu iz KISA stanice u KIMA stanicu te tako smanje troškove održavanja i operacijske troškove.Air quality monitoring stations are used for quick and reliable assessment of air quality. Although the stations are expensive, very often their number on certain territory exceeds optimal number of stations leading to their redundancy, increased costs, overlapping of data etc. To enable analysis of quantitative and qualitative criteria, authors propose an approach based on well-known decision support tool called analytic hierarchy process (AHP). As the first step in defining the decision framework for decreasing redundancy of stations locally and regionally in Vojvodina Province, three experts were asked to identify key performance indicators for assessing the performance of the stations. Fifteen indicators were selected and divided into three groups (Environmental objectives; Location/Technical objectives; and Social/Economic objectives). Experts evaluated performance of two stations in Municipality of Kikinda. Station KIMA showed better overall performance, so it is suggested to responsible authorities to relocate monitors from KISA station to KIMA station and thus decrease maintenance and operation costs

    Multi-criteria analysis of synthesis methods for ni-based catalysts

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    Catalysts based on the Ni/Al2O3 system are used in a variety of catalytic processes. Catalysts are commonly synthesized through thermochemical routes (impregnation, precipitation, coprecipitation and others). The authors prepared a Ni-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst supported by a ceramic foam, using a novel method, whereby the foam was impregnated with aerosol. This paper evaluates the synthesis methods for the experimentally obtained Ni-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst in comparison with other Ni-based catalysts, using three multi-criteria analysis methods (SAW, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE II). The synthesis methods for Ni-based catalysts were compared with respect to the following parameters: preparation method, addition of the precipitation agent during preparation, forming and mixing precursors, filtration, drying procedure, calcination, reduction, and the presence of NiAl2O4. The final results indicate that the synthesis method for the Ni-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst is the best ranked in comparison with the others