511 research outputs found

    Sola - priloznost ali (novo) tveganje za mlada dekleta v prevzgojnih ustanovah

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    In this paper, the authors deal with the education of girls in a Croatian correctional institution as a risk factor for social exclusion based on the data obtained via semi-structured interviews with experts and the girls and via the documentation analysis method. In this regard, the paper deals with two perspectives, i.e. the girls’ and experts’, in the context of risks related to schooling, intertwining these risks through the past, present and future, according to the stories of the research participants. The authors compare the perspectives given and explore the questions related to possibilities of the education of girls in correctional institutions. (DIPF/Orig.

    Redes de infra-comercio, estrategias de promoción social y discursos judiciales. magallanes, 1899.

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    A partir del estudio microhistórico de un caso judicial correspondiente al hurto ejecutado por el inmigrante croata Juan Spanich en Punta Arenas durante el año de 1899, se pretende significar y valorizar aquellos aspectos que permiten contribuir a la reconstrucción y problematización de una sociedad migratoria, y con ello presentar un vacío que existe en relación a las temáticas judiciales en la historiografía actual en cuanto a los estudios migratorios

    Las cargas probatorias dinámicas

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    The "dynamic loads", special rules concerning the burden of the proof required under Anide 493 of the Labor Code, seeks to facilitare the proof by the claimant worker in the process of labor protection. This paper examines this new institution and presents some questions that arise from the standpoint of employer-defendant's due process rights. These issues relate to whether there is lightening of the evidence process or burden of proof inversion, what is the scope of "sufficient evidence" that requires the legislator and the need to warn the defendant of the lightening of the evidence.Las "cargas dinámicas", norma especial sobre la carga de la prueba contemplada en el artículo 493 del Código del Trabajo, buscan facilitar la prueba del trabajador denunciante en el procedimiento de tutela laboral. En este trabajo se analiza esta novedosa institución y se presentan algunas interrogantes que surgen de la misma, desde la perspectiva del derecho al debido proceso del empleador-denunciado. Dichas problemáticas se refieren a si existe aligeramiento probatorio o inversión de la carga de la prueba, cuál es el alcance de los "indicios suficientes" que exige el legislador y la necesidad de advertir al denunciado del aligeramiento probatorio

    Social networks and connectivity among the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic foragers of the Balkans and Italy

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    Major environmental perturbations over the last glacial period, with considerable changes in sea levels, have significantly affected the spatial organization of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic huntergatherer communities between the Balkans and Italy. For this reason, these regions are an ideal case for studying how different environmental factors could affect connectivity among human groups and rates of innovation. Italy and the Balkans are also key transitory regions for various dispersal events in the evolutionary history of the European continent that brought different hominin taxa into Europe from the areas of Africa and South-western Asia. Yet, compared to various well-researched regional hot-spots in central and western Europe, the picture of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic adaptations remains coarse-grained in particular in the Balkans as a result of a historical research bias followed by unsettled recent history preventing the application of new research methodologies. In this paper, we aim to highlight particular examples of connectivity across large tracks of land during the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic and to point out the potential that social network thinking has in the study of the Balkans and Italy

    Chilenos en Alemania y alemanes en Chile. Viaje y Nación en el siglo XIX

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    Por lo general, la literatura de viajes se tilda como una fuente no del todo confiable en el campo historiográfico por la posible subjetividad y excesiva imaginación que contendrían sus relatos, no teniendo mayor atractivo para el lector que el conjunto de descripciones de lugares geográficos, anécdotas y aspectos de la vida cotidiana de los países visitados por el viajero que ha querido plasmar en un papel. Sin embargo, se ha dejado de lado uno de los verdaderos valores de los relatos de viajes, es decir el testimonio que éstos reflejarían del pensamiento y mentalidad del viajero que los escribe, y por ende de su identidad nacional como miembro de un país y colectividad determinada, por sobre su cualidad informativa y descriptiva..

    The Legal Status Of Limited Liability Company in Republic of Austria

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    Company Law of Austria makes a distinction between partnerships and corporations. The latter are mainly characterized by their status as legal entity which also entails the limited liability of their members for company debts. The limited liability company is the most common type of corporation in Austria.In the article GmbH’s legal status is presented according to Austrian legislation. Short characteristic of management (executive body), supervisory board (supervisory body) and general meeting (supreme body) is described. Special attention is given to derivative action of minority shareholders and to the authorities of the court in corporate relations. The author also draws a conclusion that Austrian legislation (concerning LLC),is rather strict because of: 1) nominal capital for foundation of a company is 35 000 euro (while global trend is minimization of minimal nominal capital); 2) statute of limitation for indirect action is only 1 year and is counted from the date of resolution adopting; 3) notarial form of transfer deed; 4) demand of shareholders approval of share’s transfer (depending on the articles of association); 5) demand of shareholders approval of share’s division (depending on the articles of association)

    Quantum Group Representations and Baxter Equation

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    In this paper we propose algebraic universal procedure for deriving "fusion rules" and Baxter equation for any integrable model with Uq(sl^2)U_q(\widehat{sl}_2) symmetry of Quantum Inverse Scattering Method. Universal Baxter Q- operator is got from the certain infinite dimensional representation called q-oscillator one of the Universal R- matrix for Uq(sl^2)U_q(\widehat{sl}_2) affine algebra (first proposed by V. Bazhanov, S.Lukyanov and A.Zamolodchikov for quantum KdV case). We also examine the algebraic properties of Q-operator.Comment: 14 pages, Latex file, corrected references and acknowledgment

    Locating mesolithic hunter-gatherer camps in the Carpathian Basin

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    The Mesolithic in Eastern Europe was the last time that hunter-gatherer economies thrived there before the spread of agriculture in the second half of the seventh millennium BC. But the period, and the interactions between foragers and the first farmers, are poorly understood in the Carpathian Basin and surrounding areas because few sites are known, and even fewer have been excavated and published. How did site location differ between Mesolithic and Early Neolithic settlers? And where should we look for rare Mesolithic sites? Proximity analysis is seldom used for predictive modeling for hunter-gatherer sites at large scales, but in this paper, we argue that it can serve as an important starting point for prospection for rare and poorly understood sites. This study uses proximity analysis to provide quantitative landscape associations of known Mesolithic and Early Neolithic sites in the Carpathian Basin to show how Mesolithic people chose attributes of the landscape for camps, and how they differed from the farmers who later settled. We use elevation and slope, rivers, wetlands prior to the twentieth century, and the distribution of lithic raw materials foragers and farmers used for toolmaking to identify key proxies for preferred locations. We then build predictive models for the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in the Pannonian region to highlight parts of the landscape that have relatively higher probabilities of having Mesolithic sites still undiscovered and contrast them with the settlement patterns of the first farmers in the area. We find that large parts of Pannonia conform to landforms preferred by Mesolithic foragers, but these areas have not been subject to investigation

    Body metamorphosis and animality: Volatile bodies and boulder artworks from Lepenski Vir

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    This article discusses the notion of body metamorphosis as a theory of phenomenal change by examining carved representational and ‘aniconic’ boulders from Lepenski Vir and other Meso-Neolithic sites in the Danube Gorges. The voluminous size of the boulders at Lepenski Vir, the way in which they occupy the three-dimensional space within buildings and around hearths, and the carvings over their surfaces suggest that they were understood as volatile bodies, undergoing continuous metamorphoses. The relationship between the seasonal recurrence of the Danube’s migratory fish and these boulders is explored through the notion of animality. These boulders indicate prescribed stages of life-cycle metamorphosis that affected inextricably-linked realms of human and animal worlds. Prescribed stages of social embodiment at Lepenski Vir are discerned by looking at the archaeological context of representational boulders that sometimes directly commemorate particular deceased individuals. The possibility that boulder artworks acted as sacred heirlooms of particular buildings is connected to the social efficacy they might have acquired

    The Lepenski Vir conundrum: Reinterpretation of the Mesolithic and Neolithic sequences in the Danube Gorges

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    This paper employs new evidence—including new AMS dates—to support a reinterpretation of the stratigraphic and architectural phasing of Lepenski Vir, and links this new evidence with the Mesolithic–Neolithic transition in the region by critiquing dominant models