103 research outputs found

    Preliminary technical and economic analysis of a hyperloop line: case study from Italy

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    The future of mobility and transportation infrastructures has been heavily questioned during the last years. Today we are looking at how the mobility of people and goods will evolve in the coming years. With reference to this topic, Hyperloop has been at the core of the debate. Scientists and engineers believe that this technology is a great opportunity for the modern society. Nonetheless, it still presents several unsolved issues. The purpose of this work is to propose a methodology to perform technical and economic pre- feasibility studies related to the hyperloop system, with specific focus on transport demand analysis, transport sizing of the infrastructure and cost analysis of CAPEX - CAPital EXpenditure and OPEX - OPerating EXpense. For the evaluation of the potential demand, the paper refers to the Multinomial Logit model, calibrated through SP – Stated Preferences surveys. Once the Logit model has been calibrated, it is possible to envisage different scenarios, such as maximum transport demand or maximum revenue, which will be used for the subsequent design of the transport system. As far as the sizing is concerned, some technical parameters of the project are required, such as: length of the route, maximum speed, and acceleration. The combination of the scenarios defined through the calibration of the Logit model and the project parameters, allows to define several scenarios representing the potential performances of the analyzed system. Given the possible performances of the transport service, an analysis of costs and potential revenues that determines the most efficient solution can be carried out. In addition, parametric values per km can be used to define CAPEX and OPEX. The methodology illustrated above, has been applied to a case study in Italy of the Rome-Milan OD (Origin – Destination), as it is one of the national routes with the highest volume of traffic and the largest number of modal choices


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    O presente trabalho objetiva Compreender a experiência vivida por ex-coordenadores de cursos de graduação em diferentes instituições de ensino superior no Brasil. Buscando descobrir as perspectivas dos respondentes sobre tal questionamento, um estudo fenomenológico foi desenvolvido. Para este trabalho, sete gestores de cursos foram investigados. Tais gestores são docentes formados em várias áreas do conhecimento e que se tornaram coordenadores de algum curso de graduação. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas. A análise dos dados visou em descrever e interpretar com base nos relatos adquiridos como ocorreu a aprendizagem desses investigados ao longo de sua trajetória em suas instituições. Ou seja, quais conteúdos e formas de aprendizagem gerencial foram adquiridas por eles durante suas trajetórias gerencias, quais desafios e superações foram presentes no dia a dia do trabalho gerencial. Como resultados pode-se verificar que a aprendizagem gerencial é dinâmica e que envolve diferentes fatores, sejam eles formais ou informais e que os gerentes aprendem diariamente no exercício de suas gestões. Com essa pesquisa espera-se contribuir e fortalecer o cenário de estudos sobre a aprendizagem gerencial em Instituições de Ensino Superior no Brasil e construir um arcabouço de conhecimentos para que docentes tenham acesso ao se tornarem gestores de um curso de graduação


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    Este artigo pretende lançar uma discução referente ao desafio de ser docente no ensino superior em pleno século XXI, contemplando questões das ciências sociais enquanto conhecimento a ser construído mediante a prática profissional num viés que contempla o avanço na perspectiva de superar a orientação dogmática do saber epistemológico para uma teoria criativa que contemple o homem no centro do conhecimento. Para a constução desse artigo, presupõe-se que o docente é um agente influenciador em vários aspectos do contexto universitário, e portanto, entender suas percepções é um ponto chave para entender pressupostos da gestão universitária. O objetivo do presente estudo, de natureza qualitativa, é investigar a percepção de docentes sobre os principais desafios dessa carreira na atualidade. Para tanto, empregou-se a técnica de entrevistas narrativas com 10 docentes. Os principais desafios que emergiram foram: o esforço para manter o aluno atento em sala de aula; os ensinamentos em sala de aula em relação à realidade concreta; o conflito entre a pluralidade de conhecimentos e o conhecimento especializado; a dicotomia entre a prática profissional e a titulação acadêmica e o próprio entendimento da essência da docência como profissional, além ainda, de ser possível denotar uma preocupação, dentre os professores que atuam em universidades privadas, com a sustentabilidade financeira dessas instituições na atual conjuntura econômica

    Marketing Social e Extensão Universitária: As Ações da Uri Cerro Largo o Contexto Social

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    A Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI) completa, no ano de 2017, seus 25 anos no município de Cerro Largo, tendo como missão institucional, a formação de profissionais baseados na ética e no comprometimento com a comunidade. Sob essa orientação da missão da universidade, a disciplina de Fundamentos de Marketing do curso de Administração, na qual são desenvolvidos conceitos de Marketing Social dá sustentação para algumas ações que tentam responder aos movimentos da sociedade, que passam a exigir um novo papel das organizações, que extrapolam a geração de lucros e empregos, e que fazem surgir as discussões sobre Marketing e Responsabilidade Social das Organizações. Assim surgem novas expectativas sobre as atuações organizacionais e universitárias, sob o mote da noção de Responsabilidade Social Universitária. Em discussão análoga, uma das funções das universidades passa a ser considerada terreno fértil para as ações que perfazem um elo entre essas instituições e a sociedade, e portanto, a relação da extensão universitária, como reflexo da relação universidade e sociedade. Com esse posicionamento epistemológico se constrói o estudo com o objetivo de apresentar um relato de experiência dessa atuação de extensão universitária e responsabilidade social executadas por discentes, docentes e técnicos-administrativos desta instituição. Tais ações são conduzidas pelos pressupostos teóricos da Extensão Universitária, da Responsabilidade Social e Responsabilidade Social Universitária, com vistas à construção de um processo educativo para a intervenção no desenvolvimento de Cerro Largo e região adjacente.

    A highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus type 1 (PRRSV-1) strongly modulates cellular innate and adaptive immune subsets upon experimental infection

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    Highly pathogenic (HP) PRRSV isolates have been discovered within both PRRSV-1 and PRRSV-2 genotypes and investigated in recent years especially for their ability to cause extremely severe disease in conventional pig herds. The exacerbation of general and respiratory clinical signs has been attributed not only to an efficient replication (virulence) but also to the ability to dysregulate viral recognition and induce mechanisms of immune evasion or immune enhancement of humoral and cellular anti-viral responses differently from non-HP PRRSV isolates in terms of intensity and temporal onset. Thus, the understanding of the immunopathogenesis of HP PRRSV is a major concern for the study of virus biology and development of efficacious vaccines. The present study aims at addressing the modulation of relevant immune cell subsets by flow cytometry in the blood of 4- week-old pigs experimentally infected with the recently discovered PR40/2014 HP PRRSV-1.1 strain phenotypically characterized in Canelli et al. (2017) compared to pigs infected with a non-HP PRRSV isolate (PR11/ 2014) and uninfected controls. PR40 infected animals showed an early and marked reduction of pro-inflammatory CD172α+ CD14+CD16+ and CD14+CD163+ monocytes and TCRγδ+CD8α+/CD8α- lymphocytes when pigs were most infected, possibly due to a recruitment sustaining an acute inflammatory response in target tissues. The prolonged increased CD3+CD16+ NKT cell levels may sustain peripheral inflammation and/ or the anti-viral response. The late reduction (potential depletion) of γ/δ T lymphocytes and CD3+CD4+CD8α- naïve Th lymphocytes paralleled with the delayed increase of CD3+CD4+CD8α+ memory and CD3+CD4- CD8α/β+cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In addition, PR40 infection showed an early depletion of activated CD4+CD25+ T lymphocytes and Tregs together with an intense and lasting depletion of CD21+ B lymphocytes. Overall, these features demonstrate that the more severe clinical signs observed upon infection with the HP PR40 strain are sustained by remarkable changes in the peripheral blood distribution of immune cells and provide further insights into the immune regulation/immunopathogenesis induced by PRRSV-1 subtype 1 European isolates

    Immunophenotypical characterization of canine mesenchymal stem cells from perivisceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue by a species-specific panel of antibodies

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    Immunophenotypical characterization of mesenchymal stem cells is fundamental for the design and execution of sound experimental and clinical studies. The scarce availability of species-specific antibodies for canine antigens has hampered the immunophenotypical characterization of canine mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). The aim of this study was to select a panel of species-specific direct antibodies readily useful for canine mesenchymal stem cells characterization. They were isolated from perivisceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue samples collected during regular surgeries from 8 dogs. Single color flow cytometric analysis of mesenchymal stem cells (P3) deriving from subcutaneous and perivisceral adipose tissue with a panel of 7 direct anti-canine antibodies revealed two largely homogenous cell populations with a similar pattern: CD29+, CD44+, CD73+, CD90+, CD34−, CD45− and MHC-II− with no statistically significant differences among them. Antibody reactivity was demonstrated on canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The similarities are reinforced by their in vitro cell morphology, trilineage differentiation ability and RT-PCR analysis (CD90+, CD73+, CD105+, CD44+, CD13+, CD29+, Oct-4+ gene and CD31− and CD45− expression). Our results report for the first time a comparison between the immunophenotypic profile of canine MSC deriving from perivisceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue. The substantial equivalence between the two populations has practical implication on clinical applications, giving the opportunity to choose the source depending on the patient needs. The results contribute to routine characterization of MSC populations grown in vitro, a mandatory process for the definition of solid and reproducible laboratory and therapeutic procedures

    Hot air stream reduces cytotoxicity of light-cured calcium hydroxide based cements

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    The light-cured calcium hydroxide based cements have incomplete polymerization and unconverted monomers can cause pulp cell damage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a warm and hot air stream on the cytotoxicity of light-cured calcium hydroxide based cements. The materials Dycal (conventional cement), Biocal, Hidrox-Cal, and Ultra-Blend Plus (light-cured calcium hydroxide cements) were submitted to cytotoxicity analysis after polymerization, without vs. with previous heat treatment with a warm (37°C) and a hot (60°C) air stream. Following polymerization, cements were maintained in culture medium for 24 hours and 7 days, and subjected to the MTT test. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by post-hoc Student-Newman-Keuls (<0.05). The results indicated significant differences between the materials according to their composition, i.e., light-cured cements treated with a jet of warm air showed similar cytotoxicity levels to those observed for conventional cement, suggesting that they may be considered alternatives in cases requiring pulp-capping treatment. Application of a hot air stream reduced cytotoxicity of materials tested
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