488 research outputs found

    A singular variant of the Falconer distance problem

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    In this paper we study the following variant of the Falconer distance problem. Let EE be a compact subset of Rd\mathbb{R}^d, d1d \ge 1, and define (E)={xy2+xz2:x,y,zE,yz}. \Box(E)=\left\{\sqrt{{|x-y|}^2+{|x-z|}^2}: x,y,z \in E,\, y\neq z \right\}. We shall prove using a variety of methods that if the Hausdorff dimension of EE is greater than d2+14\frac{d}{2}+\frac{1}{4}, then the Lebesgue measure of (E)\Box(E) is positive. This problem can be viewed as a singular variant of the classical Falconer distance problem because considering the diagonal (x,x)(x,x) in the definition of (E)\Box(E) poses interesting complications stemming from the fact that the set {(x,x):xE}R2d\{(x,x): x \in E\}\subseteq \mathbb{R}^{2d} is much smaller than the sets for which the Falconer type results are typically established. We also prove a finite field variant of the Euclidean results for (E)\Box(E) and indicate both the similarities and the differences between the two settings.Comment: 22 page

    Analysis of Worcester\u27s Youth Employment Sector

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    Overall, the employment rate for Worcester youth has improved since 2000; yet mirroring the nation, Worcester continues to have a smaller share of youth 16-24 employed. This situation is intensified for youth of color and young people facing barriers such as homelessness, exiting foster care, juvenile justice involvement, and limited English proficiency. Mass, Inc. estimates that in Worcester there are 3400 disconnected youth—756 are between 16-19 and 2644 are between 20-24. From the youth employment program inventory, we learned that the city’s programs offer many opportunities for “first job” experiences; has some exemplary programs that integrate youth development and workforce development; and is rich in non-profit and government partners to support youth employment. Through the Job1 initiative, the city is attempting to leverage the WIOA framework to increase the region’s collaborative efforts for youth employment and readiness, especially as it relates to private sector engagement. We also learned that there are some significant gaps in the youth employment sector. For example, private sector involvement is limited; pathways to an appropriate postsecondary education track is not clear after youth complete their “first job” experience; there are limited training, credentialing, and apprenticeship opportunities for disconnected youth that lead to living wage career options; systems to monitor and evaluate local labor market trends, programmatic efforts and youth’s individual progress are largely missing; questions were raised about whether youth see summer employment as ‘real jobs’ and whether they are authentic work experiences; and while the city is rich in partners, there are some key actors who are not currently at the Worcester Youth Jobs Task Force table (e.g. several WIOA funded partners, Quinsigamond Community College, and private sector actors). Taken together, this analysis on the local youth workforce, labor market, and current programs offer a robust foundation on which to build new strategies to increase the employment prospects of our city’s 1 With support from Clark University’s Mosakowski Institute

    The normative aspects of the brazilian public debt

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the normative acts about the public debt, especially the Public Responsibility Law that was issued to institute a surveillance tool over the results, as well as to discipline public planning and expenditure, providing tools to penalize public managers. We aimed to interpret the current legislations about governmental budget and analyzing both regulations. We pointed that Brazil ended 2015 with a debt comprising 66.23% of its GDP. Thus, it requires attention of public managers, once there are legal limits for public indebtedness for Municipalities and States, but not for the Federal Government. The methodology known as indirect documentation was applied for theoretical fundamentation – bibliographic research (documental and bibliography research). For the general review were used secondary data available in books, specialized websites and laws and regulations.In Romania, the indebtedness level represented 39.6% of the GDP in 2014, in Brazil 57.19%. The Treaty of Maastricht in 1992, stipulated the limit of 60% of the GDP for the Euro Zone countries. Nevertheless the debt represented 91.9% of the GDP, especially due to Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and France. The Brazilian fiscal responsibility law has been developed from the experience of the tax laws of the United States and New Zealand . It is a reinterpretation of the applicable rules the Brazilian public debt compared with the limits set for the countries of the eurozone

    Mapping impacts of open innovation practices in a firm competitiveness

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    This manuscript aims to understand how it is possible to improve the competitiveness of a company using open innovation practices and presents evidences that open innovation can be practice, especially regarding technologies adoption and actions involving partnerships and collaboration. The paper concludes, base in a case study of a ICT firm, that even with a partial degree of openness and an intermediate level of maturity, open innovation put into practice have contributed to technological development and increase company competitiveness in its activity sector. It also pointed out challenges in execution capacity, internal process improvements and partnership relations, but mainly challenge is breaking cultural barriers in open innovation implementation. Finally, a set of recommendations were proposed to expand actions based on open innovation management, upgrade innovation maturity level and increase competitive potential of the companies

    Além do que se Vê...”: Análise do Conceito Weberiano de Vocação à Luz da Dinâmica do Empreendedorismo Religioso

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como a dimensão religiosa da vida influencia a ação de empreendedores do ramo de artigos religiosos, dando-se destaque ao quanto este agir é tratado como uma vocação (orientação/sugestão divina). Para a coleta de dados, foram realizadas entrevistas com trinta empreendedores de artigos religiosos de cinco denominações (catolicismo, protestantismo, espiritismo, umbanda e candomblé) das principais cidades do Triângulo Mineiro (Uberlândia, Uberaba, Araguari e Ituiutaba). Os resultados obtidos a partir da técnica de análise de discurso mostram a existência de elementos não-racionais no processo de tomada de decisão para a abertura e na gestão destes empreendimentos: (1) concepção do empreendimento como desígnio divino; (2) orientação divina para a gestão do empreendimento; (3) comércio como meio de realização espiritual; (4) interferência de conflitos mundanos e espirituais no negócio, dentre eles a sobrevivência e lucro legítimo


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    É fato comumente aceito nos estudos sobre religião que as categorias do sagrado e do profano se constituem como elementos centrais na compreensão acerca das modalidades de existência do homem no mundo (TEIXEIRA, 2010; BERGER, 2004; ELIADE, 2002, 2008). Ao lançarmos nossos olhos para a área de estudos organizacionais, percebemos que tais conceitos, no entanto, são parcamente trabalhados pelos autores. É objetivo deste ensaio teórico, portanto, compreender algumas das possibilidades de interlocução entre os conceitos de sagrado e profano, especialmente no que tange as suas dimensões espacial e temporal, no universo das organizações e à luz das importantes contribuições de Eliade (2002, 2008).http://dx.doi.org/10.21714/pretexto.v17i2.261

    O "Sagrado Instituído" e os "Deuses Sonhados": Organização Missionária e Outras Metáforas Organizacionais

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    Nesta pesquisa, nós analisamos as imagens organizacionais presentes no imaginário de 25 proprietários-gestores de organizações que produzem e/ ou comercializam artigos religiosos de religiões institucionalizadas: católica, espírita, evangélica, umbanda. Essas organizações estão localizadas em quatro cidades da região do Triângulo Mineiro. Para a coleta e a análise dos dados foram utilizadas a técnica de entrevista estruturada e o método de análise de conteú- do. A pesquisa está fundamentada em ontologia e epistemologia interpretativistas. A abordagem teórica é orientada por estudos da sociologia e da história das religiões e estudos sobre metáforas. Nos resultados, nós analisamos a metáfora da organização missionária como um conglomerado de imagens da organização e exploramos as relações entre pensamento, linguagem e as formas de ação do sagrado (Deus) sobre o profano (a organização e a gestão da organização