1,014 research outputs found

    Integrability of the Minimal Strain Equations for the Lapse and Shift in 3+1 Numerical Relativity

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    Brady, Creighton and Thorne have argued that, in numerical relativity simulations of the inspiral of binary black holes, if one uses lapse and shift functions satisfying the ``minimal strain equations'' (MSE), then the coordinates might be kept co-rotating, the metric components would then evolve on the very slow inspiral timescale, and the computational demands would thus be far smaller than for more conventional slicing choices. In this paper, we derive simple, testable criteria for the MSE to be strongly elliptic, thereby guaranteeing the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the Dirichlet boundary value problem. We show that these criteria are satisfied in a test-bed metric for inspiraling binaries, and we argue that they should be satisfied quite generally for inspiraling binaries. If the local existence and uniqueness that we have proved holds globally, then, for appropriate boundary values, the solution of the MSE exhibited by Brady et. al. (which tracks the inspiral and keeps the metric evolving slowly) will be the unique solution and thus should be reproduced by (sufficiently accurate and stable) numerical integrations.Comment: 6 pages; RevTeX; submitted to Phys. Rev. D15. Technical issue of the uniqueness of the solution to the Dirichlet problem clarified. New subsection on the nature of the boundary dat

    How coupled slow oscillations, spindles and ripples coordinate neuronal processing and communication during human sleep

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    Learning and plasticity rely on fine-tuned regulation of neuronal circuits during offline periods. An unresolved puzzle is how the sleeping brain, in the absence of external stimulation or conscious effort, coordinates neuronal firing rates (FRs) and communication within and across circuits to support synaptic and systems consolidation. Using intracranial electroencephalography combined with multiunit activity recordings from the human hippocampus and surrounding medial temporal lobe (MTL) areas, we show that, governed by slow oscillation (SO) up-states, sleep spindles set a timeframe for ripples to occur. This sequential coupling leads to a stepwise increase in (1) neuronal FRs, (2) short-latency cross-correlations among local neuronal assemblies and (3) cross-regional MTL interactions. Triggered by SOs and spindles, ripples thus establish optimal conditions for spike-timing-dependent plasticity and systems consolidation. These results unveil how the sequential coupling of specific sleep rhythms orchestrates neuronal processing and communication during human sleep

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Corporate Strategy: Brazilian Cases Studies

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    The chapter presented the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability concepts and frameworks developed in order to integrate them into management (norms, certifications, indicators, standards, reports and indexes). Then it presents 3 case studies of successful companies that are benchmarking references in CSR - Sustainability strategies and practices and how they achieved their results. The first one is Natura, from cosmetic sector, recognized for its pioneering role in socio-environmental activities and investments in product innovation, in particular the Ekos’ line that extracts raw materials from Amazon rainforest, while preserves it. The other two belong to agrobusiness sector. One is Native, brand of the Balbo Organization (1946), a traditional family for the sugar and ethanol sector. It had changed its operational processes and launched the Native brand for organic sugar. Today is a reference for the organic market, operating in 70 countries, being the world’s largest producer of organic sugar and alcohol. The other one is BSBIOS, a vertical company of agroenergy. Founded in 2005, today is the largest national producer of biodiesel to national and international market. They all attend to sustainability model, but it is embedded in different ways into their corporate strategy

    Body Composition Profiling in the UK Biobank Imaging Study

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    Objective To investigate the value of imaging-based multivariable body composition profiling by describing its association with coronary heart disease (CHD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and metabolic health on individual and population levels. Methods The first 6,021 participants scanned by UK Biobank were included. Body composition profiles (BCPs) were calculated including abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), thigh muscle volume, liver fat, and muscle fat infiltration (MFI), determined using magnetic resonance imaging. Associations between BCP and metabolic status were investigated using matching procedures and multivariable statistical modelling. Results Matched control analysis showed higher VAT and MFI was associated with CHD and T2D (p<0.001). Higher liver fat was associated with T2D (p<0.001) and lower liver fat with CHD (p<0.05), matching on VAT. Multivariable modelling showed lower VAT and MFI was associated with metabolic health (p<0.001), liver fat was non-significant. Associations remained significant adjusting for sex, age, BMI, alcohol, smoking, and physical activity. Conclusions Body composition profiling enabled an intuitive visualization of body composition and showed the complexity of associations between fat distribution and metabolic status, stressing the importance of a multivariable approach. Different diseases were linked to different BCPs, which could not be described by a single fat compartment alone

    Second best toll and capacity optimisation in network: solution algorithm and policy implications

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    This paper looks at the first and second-best jointly optimal toll and road capacity investment problems from both policy and technical oriented perspectives. On the technical side, the paper investigates the applicability of the constraint cutting algorithm for solving the second-best problem under elastic demand which is formulated as a bilevel programming problem. The approach is shown to perform well despite several problems encountered by our previous work in Shepherd and Sumalee (2004). The paper then applies the algorithm to a small sized network to investigate the policy implications of the first and second-best cases. This policy analysis demonstrates that the joint first best structure is to invest in the most direct routes while reducing capacities elsewhere. Whilst unrealistic this acts as a useful benchmark. The results also show that certain second best policies can achieve a high proportion of the first best benefits while in general generating a revenue surplus. We also show that unless costs of capacity are known to be low then second best tolls will be affected and so should be analysed in conjunction with investments in the network

    Characterisation of the bacterial and fungal communities associated with different lesion sizes of Dark Spot Syndrome occurring in the Coral Stephanocoenia intersepta

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    The number and prevalence of coral diseases/syndromes are increasing worldwide. Dark Spot Syndrome (DSS) afflicts numerous coral species and is widespread throughout the Caribbean, yet there are no known causal agents. In this study we aimed to characterise the microbial communities (bacteria and fungi) associated with DSS lesions affecting the coral Stephanocoenia intersepta using nonculture molecular techniques. Bacterial diversity of healthy tissues (H), those in advance of the lesion interface (apparently healthy AH), and three sizes of disease lesions (small, medium, and large) varied significantly (ANOSIM R = 0.052 p,0.001), apart from the medium and large lesions, which were similar in their community profile. Four bacteria fitted into the pattern expected from potential pathogens; namely absent from H, increasing in abundance within AH, and dominant in the lesions themselves. These included ribotypes related to Corynebacterium (KC190237), Acinetobacter (KC190251), Parvularculaceae (KC19027), and Oscillatoria (KC190271). Furthermore, two Vibrio species, a genus including many proposed coral pathogens, dominated the disease lesion and were absent from H and AH tissues, making them candidates as potential pathogens for DSS. In contrast, other members of bacteria from the same genus, such as V. harveyii were present throughout all sample types, supporting previous studies where potential coral pathogens exist in healthy tissues. Fungal diversity varied significantly as well, however the main difference between diseased and healthy tissues was the dominance of one ribotype, closely related to the plant pathogen, Rhytisma acerinum, a known causal agent of tar spot on tree leaves. As the corals’ symbiotic algae have been shown to turn to a darker pigmented state in DSS (giving rise to the syndromes name), the two most likely pathogens are R. acerinum and the bacterium Oscillatoria, which has been identified as the causal agent of the colouration in Black Band Disease, another widespread coral disease

    Ecological traits affect the sensitivity of bees to land-use pressures in European agricultural landscapes

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    1. Bees are a functionally important and economically valuable group, but are threatened byland-use conversion and intensification. Such pressures are not expected to affect all species identically; rather, they are likely to be mediated by the species’ ecological traits. 2. Understanding which types of species are most vulnerable under which land uses is an important step towards effective conservation planning.3. We collated occurrence and abundance data for 257 bee species at 1584 European sites from surveys reported in 30 published papers (70 056 records) and combined them with species-level ecological trait data. We used mixed-effects models to assess the importance of land use (land-use class, agricultural use-intensity and a remotely-sensed measure of vegetation),traits and trait 9 land-use interactions, in explaining species occurrence and abundance.4. Species’ sensitivity to land use was most strongly influenced by flight season duration and foraging range, but also by niche breadth, reproductive strategy and phenology, with effects that differed among cropland, pastoral and urban habitats.5. Synthesis and applications. Rather than targeting particular species or settings, conservation action s may be more effective if focused on mitigating situations where species’ traits strongly and negatively interact with land-use pressures. We find evidence that low-intensity agriculture can maintain relatively diverse bee communities; in more intensive settings, added floral resources may be beneficial, but will require careful placement with respect to foraging ranges of smaller bee species. Protection of semi-natural habitats is essential, however; in particular, conversion to urban environments could have severe effects on bee diversity and pollination services. Our results highlight the importance of exploring how ecological traits mediate species responses to human impacts, but further research is needed to enhance the predictive ability of such analyses