144 research outputs found

    Experimental study of the collision 11Be + 64Zn around the Coulomb barrier

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    In this paper details of the experimental procedure and data analysis of the collision of 11Be +64Zn around the Coulomb barrier are described and discussed in the framework of different theoretical approaches. In a previous work, the elastic scattering angular distribution of the collisions 9 ,10Be +64Zn as well as the angular distribution for the quasielastic scattering and transfer/breakup cross sections for the 11Be +64Zn reaction were briefly reported. The suppression of the quasielastic angular distribution in the Coulomb-nuclear interference angular region observed in the collision of the 11Be halo nucleus with respect to the other two beryllium isotopes was interpreted as being caused by a long-range absorption owing to the long decay length of the 11Be wave function. In this paper, new continuum-discretized coupled-channel calculations of the 11Be +64Zn reaction are reported in the attempt to interpret the effect of coupling with the breakup channels on the measured cross sections. The calculations show that the observed suppression of the Coulomb-nuclear interference peak is caused by a combined effect of Coulomb and nuclear couplings to the breakup channels.INFN y Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) FPA2009-07653 FPA2009-07387 FPA2010-17142Comisión Europea 50606

    Scattering of 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the coulomb barrier

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    5th International Conference FUSION11In order to study the dynamics of 11Li and 9Li beams in a strong electric field at energies around the Coulomb barrier, we measured at the ISACII-TRIUMF Facility the angular distribution of elastic and inelastic scattering of 11Li+208Pb at 24.2 and 29.7 MeV and 9Li+208Pb at 24, 29.5 and 33 MeV laboratory energies. We present here the first determination of the angular distribution of the cross section of 9Li+208Pb. The results are compared with theoretical calculations using the double-folding São Paulo Potential (SPP) for the real part and a for the imaginary part a Woods-Saxon potential. A good overall agreement is obtainedConsejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2009-07387Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2009-08848Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2010-22131-C02-01Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2009-0765

    Simultaneous analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction 11 Li + 208 Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier

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    We present a detailed analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction of Li11 on Pb208 at incident laboratory energies of 24.3 and 29.8 MeV, measured at the radioactive ion beam facility of TRIUMF, in Vancouver, Canada. A large yield of Li9 fragments was detected by four charged particle telescopes in a wide angular range. The experimental angular and energy distributions of these Li9 fragments have been compared to coupled-reaction-channel and continuum-discretized coupled-channel calculations. The large production of Li9 fragments at small angles can be explained by considering a direct breakup mechanism, while at medium-large angles a competition between direct breakup and neutron transfer to the continuum of the Pb208 target was observed.Proyecto Nacional (España) PA2009-08848 PA2009-07387 PA2010-22131-C02-01 FPA2009-07653 FPA2012-32443Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (España) CSD2007-0004

    11Li structural information from inclusive break-up measurements

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    IWM-EC 2014 – International Workshop on Multi facets of EoS and ClusteringStructure information of 11Li halo nucleus has been obtained from the inclusive break-up measurements of the 11Li+208Pb reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier (Elab = 24.3 and 29.8 MeV). The effective break-up energy and the slope of B(E1) distribution close to the threshold have been extracted from the experimental dat

    Scattering of light halo nuclei on heavy target at energies around the coulomb barrier

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    INPC 2013 – International Nuclear Physics ConferenceWe report here on experiments performed at TRIUMF to study the scattering of the light halo nuclei 11Li on lead at energies below and around the Coulomb barrier. The the elastic and break-up differential cross section are interpreted in the framework of Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channel calculations. The departure from Rutherford scattering at energies below the barrier is well beyond the behavior of normal nucleiConsejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2009-07387Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2012-32443Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2009-08848Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2009-07653Consejo Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología FPA2010-22131-C02-0

    Reaction of the halo nucleus be on heavy targets at energies around the coulomb barrier

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    Presented at the XXXIII Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland, September 1–7, 2013.-- et al.New data for the reaction 11Be on 197Au at E lab = 31:9 MeV are presented. The angular distributions of the inelastically scattered 11Be and the 10Be fragments coming from the 11Be dissociation have been extracted and compared with semiclassical and coupled-channels calculations in an angular range θlab = 13deg;-46deg; for the detected Be fragment.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the projects FPA2009-07387, FPA2009-07653, FPA2009-08848, FPA2012-32443 and Consolider CPAN CSD2007-00042; the Helmholtz Association (HGT) through the Nuclear Astrophysics Virtual Institute (VH-VI-417); ATI Sistemas; a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada grant. TRIUMF receives federal funding via a contribution agreement through the National Research Council of Canada.Peer Reviewe

    Shape study of the N = Z nucleus Kr-72 via beta decay

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    10 pags.; 11 figs.; 2 tabs.; PACS number(s): 23.40.Hc, 29.30.Kv, 27.50.+e, 21.10.Pc; Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0The beta decay of the N = Z nucleus Kr-72 has been studied with the total absorption spectroscopy technique at ISOLDE (CERN). A total B(GT) = 0.79(4)g(A)(2)/4 pi has been found up to an excitation energy of 2.7 MeV. The B(GT) distribution obtained is compared with predictions from state-of-the-art theoretical calculations to learn about the ground state deformation of Kr-72. Although a dominant oblate deformation is suggested by direct comparison with quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA) calculations, beyond-mean-field and shell-model calculations favor a large oblate-prolate mixing in the ground state. Published by the American Physical SocietyJ.A.B. acknowledges the predoctoral grant BES-2008-009412 associated with the research project FPA2007-62170 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain). This work has ´ been partly supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) through projects FPA2012- 32443, FPA2011-24553, FPA2011-29854-C04-01, FPA2013- 41267-P, FPA2014-52823-C2-1-P and FIS2011-23565, by STFC-UK (Grant No. ST/F012012/1) and by the European Union by means of the European Commission within its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) via ENSAR (Contract No. 262010)Peer Reviewe

    Scattering of light halo nuclei on heavy target at energies around the Coulomb barrier

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0.-- et al. and the E1104 S1202 collaborations at TRIUMF.-- Trabajo presentado a la: "25th International Nuclear Physics Conference" (INPC), celebrada en Firenze (Italia) del 2 al 7 de junio de 2013.We report here on experiments performed at TRIUMF to study the scattering of the light halo nuclei 11Li on lead at energies below and around the Coulomb barrier. The the elastic and break-up differential cross section are interpreted in the framework of Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channel calculations. The departure from Rutherford scattering at energies below the barrier is well beyond the behavior of normal nuclei.This work was supported by the Spanish CICYT under the project numbers FPA2009-07387, FPA2012-32443, FPA2009-08848, FPA2009-07653, and FPA2010-22131-C02-01 and by the Consolider Ingenio 2010 Program CPAN (CSD2007- 00042).Peer Reviewe

    Three-body correlations in Borromean halo nuclei

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    Three-body correlations in the dissociation of two-neutron halo nuclei are explored using a technique based on intensity interferometry and Dalitz plots. This provides for the combined treatment of both the n-n and core-n interactions in the exit channel. As an example, the breakup of 14Be into 12Be+n+n by Pb and C targets has been analysed and the halo n-n separation extracted. A finite delay between the emission of the neutrons in the reaction on the C target was observed and is attributed to 13Be resonances populated in sequential breakup.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR