799 research outputs found

    The role of selenium and iodine in controlling some egg minerals

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    Il ruolo del selenio e dello iodio nel controllo di alcuni minerali nell’uovo. Una prova è stata condotta su sette gruppi di galline ovaiole, alimentate con un mangime di controllo (C) o contenente: olio di lino (L), olio di pesce (F), olio ricco di DHA derivante dalla micro-alga Schizochytrium sp in presenza o meno (A) di 5ppm di ioduro di potassio (AI) o di selenito di sodio (ASe) oppure di entrambi i sali (AISe). I contenuti di selenio e di zinco e di altri minerali sono stati valutati nei tuorli delle uova. A fine prova la concentrazione di selenio era aumentata in modo significativo (P<0,001), mentre quella dello zinco si era ridotta (P<0,05) nei tuorli dei gruppi ASe e AISe. I valori di Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Cd e Pb non differirono tra i tuorli dei vari gruppi, a parte il cadmio, la cui concentrazione si era ridotta nel gruppo AISe, attestando una influenza di iodio e selenio sulla deposizione di questo metallo

    A Study of the Pyrolysis Products of Kraft Lignin

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    In order to valorize lignin wastes to produce useful aromatic compounds, the thermal degradation pyrolysis of Kraft lignin in the absence of catalysts has been investigated at 350, 450, and 550 \ub0C. The high content of sulfur in the fresh sample led to the formation of S\u2010containing compounds in products whose evolution in the gas phase was monitored through GC\u2010MS analysis. Py-rolytic gas is rich in CH4, CO, CO2, and H2S with the presence of other sulfur compounds in smaller amounts (i.e., CH3SH, CH3\u2010S\u2010CH3, SO2, COS, and CS2). Biochar morphology and elemental composition have been investigated by means of SEM and EDX. The carbon content reaches ~90% after pyrolysis at 550 \ub0C, while the oxygen content showed a decreasing trend with increasing tempera-ture. From GC\u2010MS analysis, bio\u2010oil resulted rich in alkyl\u2010alkoxy phenols, together with (alkyl)dihy-droxy benzenes and minor amounts of hydrocarbons and sulfur compounds. NaOH/H2O and EtOH/H2O extraction were performed with the aim of extracting phenolic\u2010like compounds. Sodium hydroxide solution allowed a better but still incomplete extraction of phenolic compounds, leaving a bio\u2010oil richer in sulfur

    Conversion of Lignin to Chemical Intermediates:a Study of Pyrolysis of Kraft Lignin

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    Experiments of pyrolysis of commercial Kraft lignin have been realized in the 250-550 °C range. Product analyses have been performed by FTIR, GC-MS, EDX analyses. The main goal of the work is to optimize the experiments in terms of liquid yield, reduction of oxygen content in the resulting biochar, and removal of sulfur, found mainly in the gas phase. It has been concluded that the amount of the starting lignin charged in the reactor must be limited to be fully positioned in the heating chamber also during high temperature treatment. Sulfur may be partially removed in the gas phase as H2S and CH3SH mainly, by a pre-treatment at 250 °C. The maximum amount of liquid product, mainly constituted by methoxy- and alkyl-methoxy-phenols, and the maximum solid deoxygenation are both obtained at 550 °C

    Immunotherapy for Cervical Cancer: Are We Ready for Prime Time?

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    The prognosis of invasive cervical cancer (CC) remains poor, with a treatment approach that has remained the same for several decades. Lately, a better understanding of the interactions between the disease and the host immune system has allowed researchers to focus on the employment of immune therapy in various clinical settings. The most advanced strategy is immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) with numerous phase II and III trials recently concluded with very encouraging results, assessing single agent therapy, combinations with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Apart from ICIs, several other compounds have gained the spotlight. Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) due to their highly selective tumoricidal effect and manageable adverse effect profile have received the FDA’s Breakthrough Therapy designation in 2019. The antibody drug conjugate (ADC) Tisotumab-Vedotin has shown activity in metastatic CC relapsed after at least one line of chemotherapy, with a phase III trial currently actively enrolling patients. Moreover, the deeper understanding of the ever-changing immune landscape of CC carcinogenesis has resulted in the development of active therapeutic vaccines. This review highlights the different immunotherapeutic strategies being explored reflects on what role immunotherapy might have in therapeutic algorithms of CC and addresses the role of predictive biomarkers

    Association between non-O blood group and spontaneous abortion in women with inherited thrombophilia

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    Abstract Background Spontaneous abortion is reported to be one of the most frequent pregnancy complications reaching a prevalence up to 15%. The association between congenital thrombophilia and pregnancy loss has been debated in several studies with conflicting results. We aimed to retrospectively evaluate the prevalence of inherited thrombophilia (i.e antithrombin, protein S and C deficiencies, factor V Leiden and prothrombin variant) in a group of women with a personal history of miscarriage. The prevalence non-O blood group, considered the most common thrombophilic condition, was concomitantly considered. Materials and methods A group of n. 566 women with a personal history of spontaneous abortion recruited among caregivers of patients admitted to the Medical Department of our University Hospital between December 2011 and December 2019 were enrolled. Women under 18 yrs, those with a personal history of venous and/or arterial thrombosis and with an acquired thrombophilic condition were excluded. An equally number of healthy women without a personal history of pregnancy loss acted as controls. The Odds Ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated as an estimate of pregnancy loss developing. Results Out of n. 566 enrolled women, n. 127 (22.4%) had an inherited thrombophilic condition. The prevalence of congenital thrombophilia was significantly higher in women with miscarriage than controls (OR 2.12; CI 95% 1.51–2.92). Non-O blood type was observed in n. 325 (57.4%) women. The prevalence of non-O blood group was significantly higher in women with pregnancy loss (p 0.01) and the association of thrombophilia and non-O blood type further increased the risk of pregnancy loss (OR 3.28; CI 95% 2.01–5.36). Conclusions Both inherited thrombophilia and non-O blood type should be considered risk factors for pregnancy loss. The knowledge of this information may help the clinician to better manage women with pregnancy loss. Further studies are required to confirm our findings. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding sources: None
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