20 research outputs found

    Which ecosystems provide which services? A meta-analysis of nine selected ecosystem services assessments

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    For ecosystem measurement frameworks to be accepted, operationalised and implemented by diverse international communities, clear and agreeable concepts and classifications are essential. This paper analyses and develops two foundational typology challenges within ecosystem measurement: the classification of ecosystems and the classification of their services. Our aim is to determine if there is sufficient consensus to ascertain “Which ecosystems provide which services?” for standardised ecosystem accounting. This paper first compares classifications used in nine selected ecosystem assessments as input studies that make value statements about multiple ecosystems providing multiple ecosystem services. Given that these nine studies do not use identical concepts, classifications and terminologies, we develop “supersets” that can accommodate the diversity of classifications used in these input studies. Each input study is then corresponded to these new supersets. On the basis of this analysis, substantial consensus was found that some ecosystems are more likely to provide certain services than others are. However, for several ecosystem types, there was little or no consensus on which services they provide. Linkages for which there is consensus can serve as a checklist for future ecosystem services assessments. Both the framework of the supersets and the correspondence and visual methods developed will be useful for integrating information at different scales (for example, linkages from local, ecosystem-specific and ecosystem services-specific studies). This paper also provides guidance to future ecosystem services assessments to use, test and extend the current classifications of ecosystems and ecosystem services


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    A critical review of ecosystem accounting and services frameworks

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    Ecological economists currently face an important opportunity to influence national policies and global awareness regarding ecosystems. Ecosystem services (ES) frameworks, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the System of Environmental Economic Accounting Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EEA) will influence how national measurement systems integrate the value of ecosystems and their services into national planning and monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Decision-makers are, however, faced with an embarrassment of riches. There is a multitude of ES frameworks, but no formal and integrative evaluation of the entire set exists. We review the IPBES, the SEEA EEA and 14 other ES frameworks using criteria designed to address operational and convergence considerations for national ecosystem accounting. While the frameworks reviewed incorporate many strengths, none fulfils all the criteria of a comprehensive national ecosystem accounting framework. We conclude with suggestions for conceptual, measurement and process developments to broaden the appeal, utility and acceptance of future frameworks. Considering these suggestions could substantially contribute to the development of ecosystem accounting frameworks that foster a constructive dialogue amongst the many disciplines, national contexts and viewpoints involved in understanding, measuring and making decisions about ecosystems

    Marches du travail, activite economique et croissance et mobilite de la population dans les RMR du Canada

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    Le rapport traite de l'emploi, du chomage, du travail, des gains, de la structure industrielle, de la concentration et de la diversite des industries, du capital humain et de la croissance de la population attribuables a l'immigration et la mobilite dans les regions metropolitaines de recensement (RMR) de 1981 a 2001. En 2001, les taux d'emploi et de chomage des residents des RMR etaient semblables a ceux de 1981 malgre les changements dans la structure de l'economie urbaine et plus particulierement le declin de l'importance des manufactures, et la hausse d'emploi dans le secteur des industries des services. Les effectifs du marche du travail dans les plus grandes regions urbaines du Canada ont enormement varie en 2001, bien que depuis 1981 la difference entre les RMR est en decroissance, que ce soit au niveau des marches du travail faibles ou forts. De 1981 a 2001, les immigrants, les salaries economiquement faibles et les jeunes travailleurs ont perdu du terrain dans le marche du travail. Au cours de cette meme periode, les gains des femmes se sont accrus au niveau de l'emploi et des revenus comparativement aux hommes. En 2001, la concentration des titulaires de diplomes universitaires se retrouvait dans les RMR. De 1996 a 2001, les immigrants recents ont contribue substantiellement a la croissance de l'ensemble du capital humain dans certaines RMR. Au cours de cette meme periode, plusieurs petites RMR ont perdu les personnes ayant un niveau d'etudes eleve et les jeunes au profit des grandes RMR. Ce rapport a utilise les donnees des Recensements du Canada de 1981, 1991 et 2001 ainsi que celles de l'Enquete sur la population de 1987 a 2003.Employment and unemployment, Labour, Labour mobility, turnover and work absences

    Science and Innovation Surveys Section Chief

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    Progress in natural capital accounting for ecosystems

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    Reversing the ongoing degradation of the planet's ecosystems requires timely and detailed monitoring of ecosystem change and uses. Yet, the System of National Accounts (SNA), first developed in response to the economic crisis of the 1930s and used by statistical offices worldwide to record economic activity (for example, production, consumption, and asset accumulation), does not make explicit either inputs from the environment to the economy or the cost of environmental degradation (1, 2). Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (EEA), part of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), has been developed to monitor and report on ecosystem change and use, using the same accounting approach, concepts, and classifications as the SNA (3). The EEA is part of the statistical community's response to move SNA measurement “beyond gross domestic product (GDP).” With the first generation of ecosystem accounts now published in 24 countries, and with a push to finalize a United Nations (UN) statistical standard for ecosystem accounting by 2021, we highlight key advances, challenges, and opportunities.Peer reviewe

    DNAJB1-PRKACA in HEK293T cells induces LINC00473 overexpression that depends on PKA signaling.

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    Fibrolamellar carcinoma (FLC) is a primary liver cancer that most commonly arises in adolescents and young adults in a background of normal liver tissue and has a poor prognosis due to lack of effective chemotherapeutic agents. The DNAJB1-PRKACA gene fusion (DP) has been reported in the majority of FLC tumors; however, its oncogenic mechanisms remain unclear. Given the paucity of cellular models, in particular FLC tumor cell lines, we hypothesized that engineering the DP fusion gene in HEK293T cells would provide insight into the cellular effects of the fusion gene. We used CRISPR/Cas9 to engineer HEK293T clones expressing DP fusion gene (HEK-DP) and performed transcriptomic, proteomic, and mitochondrial studies to characterize this cellular model. Proteomic analysis of DP interacting partners identified mitochondrial proteins as well as proteins in other subcellular compartments. HEK-DP cells demonstrated significantly elevated mitochondrial fission, which suggests a role for DP in altering mitochondrial dynamics. Transcriptomic analysis of HEK-DP cells revealed a significant increase in LINC00473 expression, similar to what has been observed in primary FLC samples. LINC00473 overexpression was reversible with siRNA targeting of PRKACA as well as pharmacologic targeting of PKA and Hsp40 in HEK-DP cells. Therefore, our model suggests that LINC00473 is a candidate marker for DP activity