231 research outputs found

    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in thin films at reflecting substrates as a means to study nanoscale structure and dynamics at soft-matter interfaces

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    Structure and dynamics at soft-matter interfaces play an important role in nature and technical applications. Optical single-molecule investigations are non-invasive and capable to reveal heterogeneities at the nanoscale. In this work we develop an autocorrelation function (ACF) approach to retrieve tracer diffusion parameters obtained from fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) experiments in thin liquid films at reflecting substrates. This approach then is used to investigate structure and dynamics in 100 nm thick 8CB liquid crystal films on silicon wafers with five different oxide thicknesses. We find a different extension of the structural reorientation of 8CB at the solid-liquid interface for thin and for thick oxide. For the thin oxides, the perylenediimide tracer diffusion dynamics in general agrees with the hydrodynamic modeling using no-slip boundary conditions with only a small deviation close to the substrate, while a considerably stronger decrease of the interfacial tracer diffusion is found for the thick oxides.Comment: 8 figure

    Investigations of heterogeneous diffusion based on the probability density of scaled squared displacements observed from single molecules in ultra-thin liquid films

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    Diffusion processes in ultra-thin liquid films observed by video microscopy reveal a complex behavior. In contrast to homogeneous diffusion, dynamic and static heterogeneities are induced by layer transitions and compartments with differing diffusion coefficients, respectively. The objective of this research is the detection and distinction of such heterogeneities as well as an analysis of the underlying processes. Hence, a new method is proposed establishing a probability density of scaled squared displacements. This probability density allows for a simple and well-defined calculation of time-dependent diffusion coefficients and its fluctuations. Furthermore, by simulating a heterogeneous diffusion process these results are verified and compared to mean square displacement calculations. By means of the simulated probability density data, their dependency on the parameters is illustrated and further implications are pointed out

    Photoinduced relaxation processes in self-assembled nanostructures: multiporphyrin complexes and composites "CdSе/ZnS quantum dot-porphyrin"

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    Here, we discuss self-assembled multicomponent organic/inorganic nanostructures. Self-assembled multiporphyrin triads were formed via non-covalent interactions of meso-phenyl bridged ZnOEP chemical dimer, (ZnOEP)₂Ph, with dipyridyl substituted tetrapyrrole extra-ligand. In tetrads, the dimer (ZnOEP)₂Ph is covalently linked via 5-mesoposition to additional electron acceptors (quinone Q, pyromellitimide Pim). Using steady-state, time-resolved fluorescent and pump-probe results, main relaxation pathways have been elucidated: competing energy migration and photoinduced electron transfer (PET) in normal triads within ≤1.4 ps; very fast (within ~ 700 fs) PET in porphyrin triads containing pentafluorinated porphyrin remaining still efficient at 77-120 K; a bridge-dimer mediated long-range (r_DA=18-24 Å) superexchange PET "extra-ligand→Q or Pim" in tetrads. Self-assembly of nanostructures from semiconductor CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QD) and tetra-meso-pyridyl- substituted porphyrins is also based on extra-ligation interactions and results in a strong quenching of QD photoluminescence (PL). At the same molar ratios x =[H₂P(m-Pyr)₄]/[QD], the quenching is more effective for small QDs than for larger ones. From experimental Stern-Volmer PL quenching plots I₀/I(x) and the quantum mechanical calculations for the electron wave functions it follows that the specificity of the exciton non-radiative decay in "QD-porphyrin" nanocomposites is due to the manifestation of inductive and mesomeric effects leading to the charge tunnelling through ZnS barrier in quantum confinement conditions

    Self-organization principles in the formation of multiporphyrin complexes and “semiconductor quantum dot-porphyrin” nanoassemblies

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    In this paper, we review several aspects of molecular recognition (based on non-covalent binding interactions) occurring between meso-pyridyl substituted tetrapyrrole extra-ligands and chemical dimers of tetrapyrrolic macrocycles containing central Zn ions and spacers of various nature and flexibility. Experimental results obtained by us earlier are analyzed using a novel approach (based on steady-state absorption/fluorescence measurements) for the evaluation of complexation constants KC for the formation of porphyrin triads. It was found that KC values [KC ~ (0.5 – 70) × 10⁶ M⁻¹] show noticeable dependence on the structural parameters of the interacting subunits as well as on the solvent nature. The same self-assembly approach has been used to attach meso-pyridyl substituted porphyrins to the surface of semiconductor CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QD). It was comparatively found that in contrast to self-assembled porphyrin triads, the formation of “QD-porphyrin” nanoassemblies takes place in competition with surface stabilizing tri-n-octyl phosphine oxide (TOPO) ligand molecules and attached porphyrin molecules. It manifests in a temporal dynamics of QD photoluminescence caused by ligand exchange, TOPO layer reorganization, QD surface reconstruction, solvent properties. It was shown that the sensitivity of QD surface morphology to attached organic ligands (e.g. porphyrins) provides an opportunity to control the dynamics and pathways of the exciton relaxation in “QD-dye” nanoassemblies by changing the structure and electronic properties of these ligands

    Dynamics of photoinduced electron transfer in multiporphyrin nanoassemblies

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    In self-assembled nanoscale porphyrin triads based on Zn-octaethylporphyrin chemical dimer (donor, D) and dipyridyl substituted porphyrin free base (acceptor, A), fluorescence quenching of D (down to 1.7-10 ps) and A (by ~1.3-1.6 times) subunits is strongly dependent on the solvent polarity (toluene-acetone mixtures) and temperature (77-350 K). The obtained experimental findings are analyzed using the reduced density matrix formalism in the frame of Haken-Strobl-Reineker approach taking into account the energy transfer, charge separation, and the dephasing of coherence between the excited electronic states of the triad

    Investigations of solid liquid interfaces in ultra-thin liquid films via single particle tracking of silica particles

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    Single particle tracking with a wide field microscope is used to study the solid liquid interface between the viscous liquid tetrakis(2 ethylhexoxy)-silane and a silicon dioxide surface. Silicon dioxide nanoparticles (5 nm diameter) marked with the fluorescent dye rhodamine 6G are used as probes. The distributions of diffusion coefficients, obtained by mean squared displacements, reveal heterogeneities with at least two underlying diffusion components. Measurements on films with varying film thicknesses show that the slower component is independent of the film thickness, while the faster one increases with the film thickness. Additionally, we could show that the diffusion behavior of the particles cannot be sufficiently described by only two diffusion coefficients