721 research outputs found

    Comments on the Review of the “Small Business Act for Europe”. A Hungarian viewpoint.

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    In this article we make comments on the EU Commissions Review on “Small Business Act for Europe” which was published in February 2011 and which is the official viewpoint of the EU concerning the progress made in the implementation of SBA on European and national levels. As we have already emphasized in previous articles, for historical reasons SMEs of the new Member States had to start from a backward position, among others that is why we need a differential and more sophisticated approach for the SME policy. From the point of view of the needs of Hungarian SMEs we comment on the Commission’s Review on“Small Business Act for Europe”.

    Possible ways for improving the competitiveness of SMEs. A Central-European approach.

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    An SME is able to cope with the global challenge if it runs reliable, balanced and high-standard operation in its business. There are different possible management methods for increasing the competitiveness of SMEs. In the last few years competitiveness of SMEs isalso analyzed on state level. It is very important to create a good business environment for this group of firms. In the time of crisis the outstanding role of SMEs in GDP creation is emphasized all over Europe and overseas.A network of researchers was found five years ago for the better understanding of SMEs problems and for carrying out research in this field.This network .evaluated the current situation and made a declaration recently for the future Hungarian government.globalisation, competitiveness factors, family business speciality.SMEs, Small Business Act, networking, research, SME policy

    Developing an intricate social brain: functional and structural correlates of socioemotional skills and their association with mental well-being

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    Socioemotional skills encompass a large set of abilities, which develop from early on and continue to being fine-tuned until late adulthood. The mastery of socioemotional abilities is associated with better social bonds and general psychological well-being in everyday life. Furthermore, it may also play an important role during challenging life circumstances. The fundamentals of mentalizing, the ability of perspective-taking, are acquired in early childhood laying the foundation for the development of more complex social skills across life. The ability to infer mental states aids interpersonal relations and is commonly considered beneficial. However, overly high, or low levels of mentalizing might lead to disturbances in social interactions or elevated stress. The neurobiological foundation for mentalizing has been well studied in adults, however evidence in developmental groups is still lagging behind, despite considerable advances in pediatric neuroimaging over recent years. The main aim of this thesis was to summarize existing knowledge and generate new evidence on the development of the neural correlates for mentalizing. Furthermore, links between the neural correlates of socioemotional processing (i.e., mentalizing or emotion regulation) and psychosocial functioning are investigated. To achieve these goals, we first conducted a meta-analysis synthesizing theory of mind-related neural findings in children and adolescents comparing them to adult findings. Furthermore, we developed and validated a novel cartoon story-based theory of mind functional magnetic resonance imaging task feasible for young children. Finally, the onset of Covid-19 was recognized as a possibly impactful adverse global experience, allowing for the investigation of socioemotional and psychological well-being during challenging life circumstances. Neural correlates of mentalizing and emotion regulation skills were investigated in relation to mental health outcomes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Within this thesis I first present meta-analytic evidence for an early development of the mentalizing network. Large correspondence of child, adolescent, and adult neural findings exist (as reflected by activation in temporoparietal junction, precuneus and middle medial prefrontal cortex across all age groups) but continuous change is observed across age, including more extensive activation pattern with increased age. Secondly, we developed a novel cognitive and affective theory of mind cartoon task (CAToon), which was evaluated behaviorally as well as through fMRI in children and adults. Our findings warrant future use of the task in developmental neuroimaging studies of mentalizing. Third, during stressful life circumstances, here associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, variations in adults’ and children’s mental health are observed. And finally, brain structure (i.e., emotion regulatory areas) and function (i.e., neural activation elicited during mentalizing) measured prior to the pandemic was linked to variables of psychosocial functioning in children and adults (e.g., fears about contamination or caregiving burden, anxiety, or depression). In summary, my thesis I provides novel neuroimaging evidence that describes the development of socioemotional skills across childhood and adulthood and present selected examples of the association of socioemotional processes with mental well-being. In the future, neurodevelopmental studies assessing socioemotional skills and psychosocial functioning could profit from longitudinal approaches and the inclusion of a combination of neurophysiological and behavioral measures from an early age

    Description of additive manufacturing and literature review ----- It's title in English: Az additív termelés leírása és irodalomfeldolgozás

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    Abstract: Additive manufacturing (AM) technology holds several opportunities for production companies and supply chains delivering physical goods to their customers. Instead of discussing the technical details of this engineering challenge, this working paper focuses on the business potentials of the technology by briefly describing AM, and reviewing the relevant literature dealing with AM and supply chain management at the same time. ----- Absztrakt: Az additív termelési (AM) technológia számos lehetőséget tartogat termelő vállalatok és ellátási láncok számára, amelyek fizikai termékeket állítanak elő végső fogyasztóik számára. A technológia mérnöki kihívásainak technikai részletezése helyett ez a műhelytanulmány a technológia üzleti lehetőségeire összpontosít, röviden körülítva az AM-et, és áttekintve az AM-hez kapcsolódó ellátási lánc menedzsment irodalmat

    Additive manufacturing in supply chain management ----- It's title in English: Az additív termelés az ellátási lánc menedzsmentben

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    Abstract: The business opportunities of additive manufacturing (AM) technology can be reflected in its supply chain management relevancy. This working paper focuses on the link between the challenges on engineering side and how to translate the potential benefits of the technology to supply chain dilemmas. ----- Absztrakt: Az additív termelési (AM) technológia üzleti lehetőségei leginkább az ellátási lánc menedzsment tükröződhetnek. Ez a műhelytanulmány arra a kapcsolatra összpontosít, amely a technológia mérnöki korlátait köti össze azzal, hogy miként lehet a technológia üzleti lehetőségeit ellátási lánc dilemmákra átfordítani

    Az integrált ellátás koncepcionális keretrendszere és az integráció lehetőségei az alapellátásban

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    Absztrakt Mára már több ország egészségügyi kormányzata felismerte, hogy a krónikus betegségek kezelése, komplex rehabilitációs és prevenciós ellátások biztosítása újfajta szemléletet igényel. A tanulmány célja bemutatni, hogy az egészségügyi szektorban fellelhető és azon kívüli szolgáltatások integrációjára milyen módon van lehetőség; az alapellátás esetében a szolgáltatások integrációja hogyan valósul meg; valamint a szervezetek különböző szintű integrációja hogyan alakítja át az ellátások szervezését. A téma bemutatása érdekében a szerzők áttekintik a legújabb nemzetközi szakirodalmat, valamint a 2014. szeptember 1–2-án Barcelonában megrendezésre került V. Európai Alapellátási Fórum tapasztalatait. Az integrált ellátás átfogó szemlélete, illetve a helyi közösségek igényeihez való alkalmazkodás ösztönzőleg hat az új szervezeti, szolgáltatási formák kialakítására az alapellátásban. Az integrált szolgáltatási formák alkalmasak a betegek és a közösség igényeihez jobban alkalmazkodó, széles körű ellátások biztosítására, de minden esetben kiemelten fontos a céloknak megfelelő integrációdimenziók megválasztása. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(22), 881–887