4,716 research outputs found

    Electron-drift driven ion-acoustic mode in a dusty plasma with collisional effects

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    Instabilities of ion-acoustic waves in a dusty plasma with electron-drift, collisional, and dust charge fluctuations effects, have been investigated. The regimes are clearly marked out where the theory is applicable. The critical electron-drift velocity required to drive the instability is predicted. It is also shown that electron thermal conductivity and charged grains concentration enhance the growth of the ion-acoustic mode whereas ion-viscosity, ion-thermal conductivity, and dust charge fluctuations have a stabilizing effect.Comment: 7 pages, 3 PS-LaTeX figures (to be published in Physics of Plasmas

    Graph Neural Networks for Computational Chemistry

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    Graph Neural Networks are behind many pharmacological breakthroughs due to their innate ability to learn structural properties of molecules and accelerate high-throughput screening for favorable characteristics that could serve as a treatment or cure to a disease. Much of the world’s natural data, such as social networks and molecules, can be represented in the form of graphs. However, advancements in graph-based problems like chemistry have been lacking because graphs are a form of non-Euclidean data, and encoding them into a format that is compatible with deep learning is considerably more challenging. This thesis seeks to understand and benchmark the techniques used to preserve the structure and properties of a graph in the encoded form. Specifically, characteristics of a graph that are distinct in the graph form should be distinct in the encoded form. Preserving both the expressiveness and the distinctness of the encoded graph is a challenging task that has received a lot of attention in geometric deep learning. This work evaluates and compares various graph neural network methods on a large public dataset to quantify the expressive power of more detailed graph neural networks that consider dihedrals and bond information, for example. It becomes evident that simply constructing homogeneous graphs of nodes and edges is insufficient

    Estimate of CP Violation for the LBNE Project and $\delta_{CP}

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    Measurements of CP violation (CPV) and the basic δCP\delta_{CP} parameter are the goals of the LBNE Project, which is being planned. Using the expected energy and baseline parameters for the LBNE Project, CPV and the dependence of CPV on δCP\delta_{CP} are estimated, to help in the planning of this project.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Ion-acoustic solitons in warm magnetoplasmas with super-thermal electrons

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    In this work, the phenomenon of formation of localised electrostatic waves (ESW) or soliton is considered in a warm magnetoplasma with the possibility of non-thermal electron distribution. The parameter regime considered here is relevant in case of magnetospheric plasmas. We show that deviation from a usual relaxed Maxwellian distribution of the electron population has a significant bearing in the allowed parameter regime, where these ESWs can be found. We further consider the presence of more than one electron temperature, which is inspired by recent space-based observations[key-2].Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Capability approach theory and the dignity of nonhuman animals: establishing a new ethical paradigm in animal law

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    A ideia de que os animais não foram feitos para sofrer temuma longa tradição na história da humanidade, porém, a ideia deque eles têm direitos, é uma abordagem nova e controvertida frenteaos interesses das pessoas. Entre os pressupostos contemporâneos,destaca-se a versão proposta por Marta Nussbaum da CapabilityApproach, consiste numa abordagem normativa mais amplaem termos de justiça mínima extensiva a todos os seres vivos. Ainterpretação do conceito propõe uma melhor compreensão debase teórica mais favorável à proteção animal em países comoBrasil. A perspectiva sugere uma clara alternativa frente asvisões contratualistas e utilitaristas tradicionais. Desta forma,influenciado por princípios de autonomia, igualdade e respeitoaos seres humanos, Nussbaum nos dá um amplo espectro teóricoque nos estimula às discussões sobre a necessidade de remodelar oconhecimento atual sobre a dignidade animal no Brasil

    Discrete element modeling of masonry structures: Validation and application

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    The failure mechanism and maximum collapse load of masonry structures may change significantly under static and dynamic excitations depending on their internal arrangement and material properties. Hence, it is important to understand correctly the nonlinear behavior of masonry structures in order to adequately assess their safety and propose efficient strengthening measures, especially for historical constructions. The discrete element method (DEM) can play an important role in these studies. This paper discusses possible collapse mechanisms and provides a set of parametric analyses by considering the influence of material properties and cross section morphologies on the out of plane strength of masonry walls. Detailed modeling of masonry structures may affect their mechanical strength and displacement capacity. In particular, the structural behavior of stacked and rubble masonry walls, portal frames, simple combinations of masonry piers and arches, and a real structure is discussed using DEM. It is further demonstrated that this structural analysis tool allows obtaining excellent results in the description of the nonlinear behavior of masonry structures

    A Study on the Thermal Behaviours of Eri, Muga and Pat Fibres

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    Pemeliharaan Ikan Patin Siam (Pangasius Hypopthalmus) dengan Sistem Resirkulasi pada Wadah dengan Bentuk yang Berbeda

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    This research was conducted from May to June 2017 for 45 days in HatcheryTIU (Technical Implementation Unit) of Marine and Fisheries Faculty, University ofRiau. The aims of this study were to determine the growth and survival rate of Siamesecatfish which were reared on different shape of the tanks. The tanks were made oftarpaulin plastic material with 30 L of water volume capacity. Stocking density ofexperimental fishes were 30 fishes/tank. The method of the study was an experimentalmethod with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were: P1 = circle shape, P2 =Square-shape, P3 = Octagonal shape, P4 = Triangular shape, and P5 = Rectangularshaped. The result of this study can be concluded that different shape of tanks have nosignificant effect on growth and survival rate performance of the Siamese catfish fries.The growth performance of round, square, octagonal, triangle and rectangular shape oftanks respectively has given an absolute weight growth of 5.93 g; 6.00 g; 6.18 g; 5.72 gand 5.77 g, then an absolute length growth were 4.88 cm; 4.93 cm; 4.91 cm; 4.76 cm and4.85 cm, a daily growth rate 4.24%, 4.32%, 4.27%, 4.21% and 4.24, the food efficiency92.67%, 92.63% , 94.31%, 92.42% and 91.23% and the survival rate 100%, 97.8%,100%, 98.9% and 100% respectively. The result of water quality measurement which isstill in the optimal range for rearing the Siamese catfish where the temperature was 28-30° C, 5-6 of pH, 5-6 mg/L of DO, 0,03-0,05 mg / L of Ammonia, 0,17-0,20 mg / L ofNitrite, and Nitrate was 0.80-0.98 mg / L